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  • New Zealand's Answer to the Colonial Government


    What to do when government overreach is in your face?

    The New Zealand Parliament was treated to the perfect (and I believe legally sound if not entirely in accord with colonial parliamentary tradition) answer. 

    (26 minutes)


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  • Neil Stirs the Pot


    Thirteen minutes is not enough to rip all the idiocies of our times, but Neil does his best.

    (13 minutes)


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  • Why "Sustainable Development Goals"?


    The UN with its Agendas, Goals, and innumerable NGO hangers-on is a mystery to most normal people, who need to spend their time doing normal things like working for a living, putting food on the table, and putting the world to rights down the Dog and Duck.

    As such normal people have neither the time nor inclination to wade through the vast library of UN verbiage to try to disentangle the real concepts from the flummery and the truths from the global-speak where all words tend to follow Humpty Dumpty's dictum

    Happily or unhappily, there are those who would try to educate us in the true meaning of the UN and its Sustainable Development Goals, so if you have a lifetime to spare and are desirous of wasting it in pursuit of very unliterary learning about the meaning of life, global-speak, and overweening power-grabbery,

  • Why Matt Gaetz?


    We have featured the work of Scott Ritter on these pages because (in my opinion, which matters only on this site!) he is one of the most experienced military / geopolitical commentators that our world has been blessed with.

    So his opinion piece on Trump's nomination of Matt Gaetz to the post of Attorney General (not well received by many) matters to me.

    It may well matter to all of us in due course as the implications become evident.

    And it matters to Scott.


  • Upward Migration?


    "In 2019, for the fourth election in a row, we were led to believe that immigration would — in light of Brexit — not only be controlled but reduced.

    In 2010, 2015, and 2017 we were promised net migration in the tens, not hundreds, of thousands.

    We were conned. The latest figures for the year ending June 2023 have revealed net migration of 672,000"

    If anybody ever doubted that governments of all stripes lied to us, deliberately lied, and never had any intention whatever of reducing the inflow of migrants to our once green and pleasant land (pre the currently useless solar farms and wind-turbines shortly to be enriched by uncountable miles of pylons) then it's beyond time to engage brain and recognise the truth

  • The Law of the Spirit, and the Rules of the Legislation


    Martin Geddes, writing from Florida, muses on the contradictions inherent when considering matters of the spirit from the viewpoint of legislation, and matters of legislation from the viewpoint of the spirit (I'm steering clear here of the word "law", since many hold that "law" is not the same as "legislation", but is akin to "God's law" or "natural law" - that's a rabbit hole that I'll leave as an exercise for you dear reader, once you have read and digested the rest of this article 😎).

    I have argued in these pages that legislation is simply an artificial intelligence, created by imperfect humans and therefore itself doomed to imperfection. The wonders of life and the universe are far beyond man's current knowledge, therefore we cannot legislate for all possible circumstances - the task will for ever lie beyond our capabilities.

    "Knowledge" is knowing this, "wisdom" is to

  • And the Latest on the Rubbery Clots ...


    John O'Looney (Funeral Director, Milton Keynes) was/is one of the loudest voices asking why nobody is interested in people dying from with strange rubbery clots in their circulatory system. Reportedly, mainly "vaccinated" people.

    Now it appears that unvaccinated people may also be having a similar problem. Although the route of infection isn't clear to me presently, it does seem that there are other causes beside or subsequent to the original intervention.

    "I see patients having blood clots on routine blood thinners a lot, as well as unvaccinated turbo cancer patients with self assembly nanotechnology in their blood"

    I share this article not to alarm, but to inform, especially about some apparently quite simple countermeasures that are reported to inhibit this clotting, whilst being commonly used to support good health

  • Scott Ritter Updates us on the Latest Israel & Ukraine Conflicts


    Some interesting factors emerge, but these conflicts are still progressing much as Scott has been forecasting for a while.

    Israel is covered first, followed by Ukraine at around 52 minutes 20 seconds - and find out what Scott thinks that the North Korean troops are doing in Ukraine. Followed by more remarks on "the Donald's" proposed appointments to his team...

    (2 hours)


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  • The Trump Team Assembles


    "The Donald" is "hitting the ground running" and naming names to build his presidential team.

    Are the omens propitious?

    Scott Ritter discusses...


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  • C of E in the Cross-Hairs


    The Church of England, originally instituted by Henry VIII when he fell out with the Pope over an inability to sire heirs with his various wives (not to mention the lure of confiscation of vast wealth from the religious institutions of the day), is now threatened with disestablishment, ie: the dissolution of the links between Church and State.

    Do 500 years of tradition count for nothing?

    Is the established Church not an anachronism in our modern age of anything goes, especially in view of the current state of the C of E?

    Has the link not served us well in the past, but will it not inevitably become an impediment to our progress in the future?

    I am of the view that this is de facto a constitutional change, and must have the explicit approval of the people before it can be instituted - a private members' bill is not an appropriate vehicle for such drastic change. Our monarch is sworn in at a religious ceremony

  • The Juggernaut Rolls on Regardless


    Bev Turner provides a round-up of the current state of play in the ongoing war of minds between those who would centralise control over the minutiae of our lives at the global level, and those of us who believe that one-size-fits-all at that level means the death of  individual inspiration and aspiration.

    Make of it what you will...

    (14 minutes)


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  • Interest of Health and Justice


    Loath though I am to feature yet more refutations of the troublesome WHO's feverish "pandemic preparedness" obsessions, Sons of Liberty have produced a useful summary (yes, it is a summary, even though it seems interminable).

    "... this... agreement is a business deal... "

    (51 minutes)


    So if you want to know (a great deal!) more about these goings-on, it's useful place to start.

    Elsewhere, Interest of Justice update us on the progress at their "Nuremberg hearing" in Costa Rica against

  • Welby Resigns over Child Abuse Scandal


    It's not the crime that gets you, it's the cover-up.

    Somehow I suspect that this is the tip of the iceberg - expect more as the Biblical Revelation gets into full swing, and not just among the Anglican religious community.

    The Telegraph reports.

    (For the avoidance of doubt, I have no known connection to Keith Makin, whose review led to this event)


  • How Do We Know When a Politician is Lying to Us?


    It's an old joke, and of course the answer is:

    "when we see his lips move"

    Of course it's not as simple as that...

    ... or is it?

    II have to confess that on all the major issues of our day, it seems that both the politicians and the "free" press (mainstream) have consistently "been mistaken" and determinedly continue to "be mistaken".

    It's your view that counts.


  • Fulford Report - Monday 11 Nov 2024


    If you think that the Trump triumph in the United States will have far-reaching effects, then Ben agrees with you, and explains the primary effects that may be about to kick in.

    If you think that it's all over bar the shouting, then you may not have factored in just how much "shouting" is coming our way. Indeed, it's simply unquantifiable at this stage, given that the changes that are in train are potentially so vast, and perhaps to many actually unimaginable.

    "May you live in interesting times".

    Read his report here. (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • NATO - Defender or Executioner?


    On this Armistice Day, should we now all remember those who died as a result of covert NATO action within our own communities?

    Presumably this could be why so many NATO countries adopted the same "flawed" responses to the "pandemic".

    (There is a short video but it's more or less incomprehensible to my eyes and ears)

    "Dutch Health Minister Fleur Agema has revealed that the “military operation” [Covid pandemic]wasled by NATO and the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV)" writes

  • The Robert Koch Institute Crumbles


    When history comes to be written, will it show amnesty for those who innocently deployed the Covid scam? 

    More to the point, will it record that those who deliberately deployed the scam were also granted amnesty?

    "The presentation took place in the second largest room of the German Bundestag, which is actually intended for committees of inquiry. Recorded 2 November 2024 in Berlin, English subtitles provided by the speaker"

    (31 minutes)


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  • In Our Face?


    Journalistic impartiality compels me to report this particular piece without comment.

    I'm sorry, but you must supply your own.


  • Viva Argentina!


    Javier Milei addresses the United Nations, although I'm not sure when.

    Amazing speech!

    After his somewhat ambiguous speech at the WEF I was doubtful about him, but this is unambiguous.

    Watch on X.


  • Keep Your Friends Close, Your Enemies Closer


    Whether we regard Mr Putin as a friend or as an enemy, we would be well advised to understand the man's thinking - he is rather influential, for better or for worse.

    So we feature today his address to the Valdai International Discussion Club:

    "There comes, in a way, the moment of truth. The former world arrangement is irreversibly passing away, actually it has already passed away, and a serious, irreconcilable struggle is unfolding for the development of a new world order..."

    "... this is not even a fight for power or geopolitical influence. It is a clash of the very principles that will underlie the relations of countries and peoples at the next historical stage"

    Quite so - are we to have an NWO overseen by the likes of Klaus Schwab and his self-important gaggle of western oligarchs?

    Or something else?

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