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Rolling articles are updated as events unfold. The Rolling menu allows quick access.
Slavery is Optional, But ...
The legal system is run by those who would control us.
Martin Geddes believes that there are always ways around the legal minefield for those in the know.
Is he right?
I don't know, but nothing would surprise me any more.
So in this article I will document his journey of discovery, as he releases new videos, latest first - so new readers should start at the end and work backwards. This way, once you have taken in the earlier pieces, you won't have to keep scrolling down to the end to find the latest
This article on my site is most readily accessed under the Latest - Rolling submenu.
Martin gives us the best of both worlds - each link leads to a video plus a written commentary.
Grand Jury Closing Episodes
Dr Fuellmich's Covid Grand Jury has now closed its presentations of the evidence.
This is a Grand Jury.
The purpose is not to return a verdict of guilty or innocent, but to put the prima facie evidence before a jury, whose task is then to determine whether or not indictments should be raised for the prosecution of the accused.
Who is on the jury? We are.
Let us take our responsibility seriously:
- to judge the case on the basis of the evidence presented
- to bear in mind that there is no evidence presented in defence of the accused because this is not a trial
- to answer the question - does the evidence warrant the holding of trials to prosecute the accused?
- to ensure that justice is both done and seen to be
Ukraine - an Unconventional Viewpoint
It is our policy on this site to encourage everyone to think for themselves - but if one is perpetually immersed in a sea of one-sided commentary, that becomes very difficult.
So today, at the risk of being accused of being traitor to our beloved country (not true at all) I present an alternative view of the current situation from LaRouchePAC, founded in memory of American senator Lyndon LaRouche who viewed the UK influence on American affairs as something akin to clandestine subversive post-colonial control in the interests of the City of London and others (I simplify for brevity).
That doesn't mean that I accept or reject this viewpoint - it means that I consider it a sensible contribution to our understanding of current events, and one that is worthy of our attention.
Mr Putin's opening remarks bear scrutiny:
... -
(14 minutes)
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(14 minutes)
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(35 minutes)
Grand Jury - The Covid Court of Public Opinion
This is the Grand Jury proceeding to decide on the need for indictments against the alleged perpetrators of the Covid-19 scam.
"The allegation is that the world’s governments have come under the controlling influence of corrupt and criminal power structures. They colluded to stage a pandemic that they had been planning for years. To this end they deliberately created mass panic through false statements of fact and a socially engineered psychological operation whose messages they conveyed through the corporate media"
"The purpose of this mass panic was to persuade the population to agree to the so-called “vaccinations" which have in the meantime be proven to be neither effective, nor safe, but extremely dangerous, even lethal"
Coordinated by the Corona Investigative Committee, this is scheduled to begin today, 5th February 2022, and to hear evidence