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Greater Reset!
The Trump-Netanyahu Plan for Gaza - Maajid Nawaz with Neil Oliver
Maajid Nawaz shows an impressive grasp of Middle East geopolitics, carrying on here from where Scott Ritter and company left off.
I feel that more water yet must pass beneath the bridge before we will see a believable solution to the Gaza situation. After all, Israel is not exactly victorious, nor any longer an attractive destination for immigration to rebuild its shattered economy.
The unspoken question is surely: "Whither Israel?". We need to answer this before we can be confident about the future of Gaza, and its remaining inhabitants.
(34 minutes)
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The War for Humanity - by ChatGPT
Why should the Devil have all the best tunes?
Equally, why should the Devil have all the best AI?
We are now accustomed to the notion that "the AI" will be intent to replace humanity (and ultimately control the remaining humans through the IoT - the Internet of Transhumans: Homo Transfectus). Indeed some speculate that "the AI" will naturally evolve to require to eliminate humanity so that it itself may survive. Happily that discussion is out of scope of this article 😎.
But indeed, there is AI and there is AI.
So we can probably agree that we should harness the power of AI to work in our favour, and that we should design new AIs to naturally embody that requirement. And here we
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The Trump-Netanyahu Plan for Gaza
The talking heads discuss the latest controversial plan that came out of the recent Trump-Netanyahu meeting.
"You've got to look for rational explanations ... "
Still, if the rational explanation eludes us...
I think Scott Ritter is beginning to catch on!
Watch this space...
Also a section on Ukraine from 71 minutes...
"Russia will dictate."
(99 minutes)
When is an Independent News Outlet Not Independent?
Well, independence is not very likely when it receives copious funds from a government agency.
As we are finding out slowly, the US may not be a model of probity that other governments should emulate.
USAID seems to have been something of slush fund for... let's just say dubious causes, as has been propelled unceremoniously into the public gaze by Elon Musk.
Another recipient of similarly government-funded largesse is thought to be a major "independent" political journal.
When the "free press" is funded by the vested interests, even if indirectly, it isn't free any more.
Think it
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Shock and Awe Incoming!
Predictions, especially about the future, are notoriously tricky...
... so take all this with a pinch of salt as large as you like.
Still, Clif High has a good track record of getting quite a lot in the right ball-park - all based upon the notion that "humanity" is to some extent psychic, and reveals its emotional reactions in internet traffic that can be analysed (don't ask).
So it's all evidence-based (even if that does require some level of interpretation - fuzzy logic we might say).
So make of this what you will, it's your view that counts.
As always, forewarned is forearmed.
Argentina Leaves the WHO - Will the Trickle Become a Flood?
Javier Milei takes Argentina out of the WHO, following in Trump's footsteps.
With the nascent "Bird Flu" pan/scam-demic stuttering in the wings (yes, my jokes can be just as bad as anybody's), the last thing the WHO need just now is a trickle of leavers swelling into a flood.
Interest of Justice provides some background.
The World Catches Up, and Devil Take the Hindmost
"The Americans always do the right thing, but only after they have tried everything else"
Well, maybe the re-election of Trump was the right thing (if only when compared with the only other option on offer), or maybe it wasn't, but it seems that Europe is in much the exact same boat. With factories closing left right and centre in Germany, the Germans are grappling with how to resile from their disastrous "green" policies which are decimating their industrial base through lack of affordable power.
Where Germany leads, the rest will follow, because they will have little choice - either their populations will throw them under the bus, or they will be left so far behind that destitution will result.
China, whose workforce is now approaching pay parity with the West, meanwhile must be wondering
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A Letter to the Faithful
Archbishop Vigarno spells it out.
Ostensibly to his Catholic faithful, but in truth it's also a message to those of all faiths and none, who set love and service above hate and control, truth above falsehood, peace above war, integrity and honesty above perfidy and deceit.
We don't even have to believe that Trump is the answer to all things - just to recognise that his many activities have changed the course of events and wrested the initiative from the princes of darkness of whom St Paul warned us all (Ephesians 6:12):
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
Grammar School for Beginners
: Russell-Jay: Gould promotes his legal grammar which many no doubt find confusing, but in this video he relates the story of how he learned about legal grammar, in the courtroom.
Hopefully we can find a few more understandings of this clicking into place whilst we watch it.
Bon voyage ..!
(16 minutes)
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See also: What is the Truth?
AI to Reshape the Journalistic Landscape?
Martin Geddes on "The Theology of Q" - with a little help from ChatGPT...
... and neatly illustrating the differences between spirituality / divinity and theology / religion.
Confused yet?
Good - now include - well, I don't have a name for this, but we might choose "Social construction" or simply "Governmentalism", which is a bit like religion but relies on government dogma rather than religious dogma. It's religion for atheists if you like. It gives us the Green agenda, the UN Agendas, and just like theological religions, there could be as many varieties as you might find irreligious and unspiritual governments, and of course governments can mix and match from any dogmas they choose at any election, which makes for a moveable feast.
Maybe each political party should publish its dogmas as well as its manifesto at election time, then we might have a better idea of what to expect?
A Clean Sweep of the Military-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex?
The Brownstone Institute reviews a number of "the Donald" 's executive orders that have slapped a wide-ranging communications ban on the US public health bureaucracies.
One might speculate that investigative measures may follow in due course, with consequences that only a few outside of the medical-pharmaceutical-public-health bureaucracies may foresee.
"One Health, as newly embraced by the CDC, amounts to a radical transformation of the basis of social order itself, under the guidance of god-like scientists who alone know how to structure the best life for all living things"
"How it came to be that our main engines of public health came to be captured in whole by such a crazed ideology would require a deep and expansive investigation"
"Now Dr.... heads the agency he defied. He remains in that position until the man once called a “fringe epidemiologist” by the previous head of NIH takes
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Earthquake Incoming to British Politics?
For good or ill, change is sorely needed.
But what kind of change?
Well, there would seem to be only one candidate, a former scourge of the EU Commission, in the frame - Nigel Farage.
A consummate politician who (a bit like Trump) appeals to the man in the street rather than to the political hacks and media pundits.
So can "the Nigel" do for British politics what "the Donald" just did for the mighty United States?
Importantly, can he manage as well as politic? Can he mould public opinion as well as reflect it?
Can he outmanoeuvre the Sir Humphreys of this world and set Parliament back on track as the true representatives of their constituents who really do determine policy?
One thing is for sure - if the Civil Service under his premiership retains its "untouchable" status,
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Do Matters Spiritual Have a Place in Matters Commercial?
Martin Geddes provokes our little grey cells once more.
His journey from matters material/commercial through matters legal and on to matters spiritual has been a fascinating tale, and has exposed how he considers that the matters legal may conflict with both the spiritual and the inappropriate implementation of the legal.
Javier Milei encapsulated the folly of trying to legislate for every possibility when he noted "the infinite expansion of the aberrant state" in his recent address to Davos 2025, although he probably had more in mind than just rules and regulations (the State being very prone these days to extend its reach into control of matters parental and much else besides).
Jesus himself set the scene where the Bible records
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GBNews - "renowned historian Victor Davis Hanson shares his insights on Donald Trump's inauguration and the transformative vision he brings to the presidency"
(70 minutes)
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Fulford Report - Monday 20 Jan 2025
Goodbye old world, Hello new world, same as the old world?
So we stand at the precipice, yet it's too early to tell for sure how things will develop.
Certainly the ceasefire in Gaza is a positive sign that demonstrates an unlikely level of leverage over an intransigent regime that has myopically and single-mindedly pursued its inglorious aims of expansion and domination ever since the now infamous Balfour Declaration appeared in the wake of the end of WW2.
Yet the verdict of the American people in the 2024 election has broken a logjam.
Clearly something new is up, but what exactly that is will only be unveiled over time. The geopolitical world has many moving parts, some of which have been immobile and rusting for far too long to now spring swiftly and surely into action - the makers of WD40 should make a killing!
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110 Years of Criminal Conspiracy .. Now Called the WHO
Dr David Martin tells it like it is - once more.
Let us pray that he doesn't have to say it again.
(26 minutes)
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What's Up With the Gaza Ceasefire?
This is a lively discussion that allows Scott Ritter to do what he does best - explain the facts of geopolitics with clarity and conviction.
Will the Gaza ceasefire hold?
Who will back down? (Clue: if you think that "the Donald" is minded to so do, you are likely to suffer a disappointment!)
(78 minutes)
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SitRep 2025
Here is one view of our situation as 2025 commences.
Whilst much of this summary is true, it obviously doesn't cover everything that is going on.
The truth is that no human being has a monopoly on the truth - we have to accept that, and work together to do what must be done.
"... they need us on our knees, they need us begging... hopeless... powerless... completely dependent on them, and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen "
It does appear so. "They" also need us isolated from each other, to prevent communication. If you are reading this, how well is that working?
"... you need to do what you can with what you have where you are, to not just become the best possible version of yourself but to create a life that you are in charge of... "
When push comes to shove, after we have made
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Today's offering from Martin Geddes relates some of his day-to-day coping mechanisms following on from his post-pandemic learning journey.
The pandemic probably isn't over in so far as the medical juggernaut is still pushing its mendacious wares on those who despite everything remain unawares, thinking that all that is in the past and not coming back.
Martin more than most has done his best to unravel the circumstances that gave rise to it, and to take on some of the concomitant peripheral challenges, giving us valuable insights and acquiring not a few mental scars in the process.
Today he reviews where he stands in these left-over days trailing behind 2024, when progress seems slow to most of us in Blighty (not so slow in California) and still downhill in both direction and aspiration.
As Net Zero is Now on Track for NetZero NetZero, Whence Will Come Power?
Nick Hubble discusses the power sources of the future, and whether the grid will still be providing our power in the future.
Net Zero CO2 has come to mean net zero power, which would mean a far smaller population able to subsist off its own land. That isn't what we have become accustomed to, nor is it acceptable to the population at large.
So failing the elusive zero-point energy, or the nuclear fusion that we are still being assured is "just around the corner" (as it, like the cure for cancer, has been for around the last 50 years - just bung us a few squillions more dosh and we'll be wheeling it out in no time), how is our power sourcing likely to evolve from here?
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