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Greater Reset!
Long Ago, On a Planet Far Far Away ...
... Oh Wait! - this tale does seem remarkably familiar, uncomfortably familiar, far too familiar for my liking.
And much more complex and long-standing than we might naïvely suppose.
And whilst I hesitate to say that it is accurate in all details, or even that it is totally authentic, it certainly sets up a lot of detail that has puzzled me, and seems in my judgement to be well within the bounds of plausibility.
Yes, it's quite long, but encompasses a wealth of historical information right up to the present day. Recommended viewing - but as always, make of it what you will!
(92 minutes)
Another Thoughtful Update from North Carolina
No, not another breathless report on the iniquities of FEMA or the exposure of hidden tunnels now filled with water and other debris, but an uplifting soliloquy on the meaning and practicality of the spirit that once animated America, from Britain's very own Martin Geddes.
By sharing his journey of practical spiritual discovery amid the current turmoil, he continues to bless us all.
Will BRICS Supersede the UN?
Another article by Interest of Justice discusses the way in which the realignment of global countries currently under way may impact on the United Nations.
That it will inevitably create a big impact seems uncontroversial - the mindset of BRICS is of independent nations voluntarily cooperating in their mutual interests, whereas the mindset of the UN/WHO seems to be to centralise all power into the institution, regardless of democratic imperatives.
Indeed, the UN has a formal agreement with the oligarchs of the WEF, effectively making it the political arm of the WEF.
What's not for a democrat to like?
Costa Rica Orders Hearing on Alleged WHO Violation of Nuremberg Codes
"In a very significant development, the Vice President & Health Minister of Costa Rica has authorized an administrative hearing to address long standing disputes between the World Health Organization (WHO), the State, and Interest of Justice, a non profit international civil society organization. This hearing comes after WHO's internal oversight body referred multiple claims of serious misconduct & Nuremberg Code violations to 'national authorities' "
So will little Costa Rica be the first national authority to set global legal precedent and find that the WHO has a case to answer?
Fulford Report - Monday 14 Oct 2024
In summary, the various hotspots remain active, although hard news remains elusive.
Ukraine is still crumbling, Israel is still trying to ignite WW3, the UK government is still making "news", but with AI and CGI rampant seemingly everywhere, one suspects that at least some of these players are already gone.
Lots of stuff is supposed to be happening "soon" but "soon" seems to be as elusive as ever. However, "patience is a virtue".
Still, it does seem that with the US hurricanes / "weather warfare" out of the way and FEMA exposed, the next big thing will be (as we are talking about the US) pedophilia as perhaps pushed by P Diddy and G Epstein. When/where paedophilia will come (if at all) is unknown, but perhaps the "special relationship" may turn out to have unexpected connotations.
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Hurricanes, FEMA, and the Pfizer Papers
"Update on Hurricane Milton, and Helene devastation from Strategic Response Specialists; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on FEMA Fallout, and Duke Energy and Dam Failure in NC; Dr. Naomi Wolf exposes the climate of corruption in her new book, ‘The Pfizer Papers.’"
There's a great deal in this episode, but the last section (from the 52 minute mark) on Naomi Wolf's new book "The Pfizer Papers" is eye-opening, especially for the UK public.
Hurricane issues: from start
Jaxen Report: from 19m 30s
Naomi Wolf: from 52m
(1hr 58mins)
Freedom is Just Another Word for "Nothing Left to Lose"
This may become a historical "document for our times" - it reflects experiences akin to riding an emotional roller-coaster, which for some lucky ones covered just a few recent years; for others, many more years, years of apparent hopelessness in a seemingly futile quest for the means to overturn the governments of "mental occupation" ("govern"=control, "ment"=mind).
When everyone is distracted by the football, the rugby, the juggling of the needs of family against the needs of one or several jobs, the allure of the get-rich-quick schemes, TV, social media (and worse), "pop" concerts and innumerable events of all kinds...
When everyone is fed the continuous propaganda of the hidden hands that manipulate the politicians of the world, by the media that report only what those manipulators want us to believe, and suppress the truths that they don't want us even to suspect
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View from the Russian Government
To complement various reports on geopolitical matters, Sergei Lavrov's speech to the UN General Assembly in New York is worth some attention.
(23 minutes)
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The State of the UK (and the Western World)
With world events shifting at breakneck speed, it's quite a task to try to assemble a reasonable view of what the future may offer us. So ZeroHedge is sticking its neck out by attempting this feat, and, in my view, a reasonable fist they make of it. I don't suppose they have it all correct - but hey, it's undeniably complicated and they manage to pull a convincing narrative together.
Read the full article, but by way of scene setting, watch the (inevitable) video:
(16 minutes)
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"The State of Israel May Not Exist by ... "
The Fulford Weekly Report is a must-read this week - if you don't have a subscription, you may wish to reconsider...
Apparently the reports reaching us from Israel in the aftermath of the recent attack by Iranian missiles do not adequately present the destruction wrought - "Israel is under new leadership... "
Ben also has much of interest to say about the floods in North Carolina following the hurricane attack.
Catholic readers may need to prepare themselves for what Ben has to report about the Vatican and its prospects.
And, as always, much more besides that is probably closer to the truth than most reports in the mainstream, or even on alternative media.
Read if you dare. (Modest subscription
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If Heavy Metal may be Holding You Back ...
Tooth fillings, Quaxxines, chemtrails, and who knows what other features of modern life may all be adding to our load of heavy metals.
The result? ASD, Autism, ADHD, Alzheimer's, and that may be just for starters.
And if you want help from the NHS, how can they when they cannot bring themselves to challenge the orthodoxies that hold that these conditions are simply inexplicable?
Those who do challenge the orthodox view of helplessness do find that there are solutions if we are prepared to look for them and to try them. So if you have been struggling to get sense out of the usual suspect authorities - pin back your ears and listen carefully...
(50 minutes)
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SMRs for Ever?
A dollop of long overdue logic from Nick Hubble of Fortune and Freedom to blow the clouds of obfuscation away from our "green" but flaky energy future.
What are the practicable solutions for our seemingly intractable national electricity supply problems?
Well, local electricity generation, obviously.
Take it out of the hands of national government and free ourselves of their ridiculous dogma, their oft-demonstrated ability to screw up large scale infrastructure projects, and their total disconnection from real-world engineering reality.
(NB We neither support nor approve nor suggest any investment advice from anybody)
Fulford Report- Monday 30 Sep 2024
In common with other sources Ben describes a scenario of escalating and ever more obvious attempts to wrest back control of humanity through ever more improvisations designed to instil fear in the population - but the population in large measure is no longer having it.
(Clif High is of the same viewpoint)
More to the point, nor are significant elements of the various secret services and societies around the world. So will their fall-back position be to create war, civil, global, or anywhere in between?
Modest subscription required for full access.
Stand by for a bumpy ride in October.
And November for all I know 😎.
Bring Back the Trial of the Pyx!
Some of the old customs and traditions are definitely the best!
But somehow, some of them have been debased by... well, I don't know, perhaps as much or more as our Pound Sterling.
One pound sterling (originally one troy pound of sterling silver) is now worth almost as much as two thirds of a bar of chocolate.
Yet the cheapest 1oz silver bullion coin available from the Royal Mint this morning costs just a few pence more than £28. Given that there are ten troy oz in one troy pound, the original pound of sterling silver should be enough for around 420 bars of chocolate.
The "Trial of the Pyx" may be old-fashioned, but in my book it's high time it was updated and reinstated for modern circumstances...
(NB this site does not endorse any financial information which may be incidentally provided via linked articles)
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Addresses the UN General Assembly
In a wide-ranging address to the delegates at the UN, the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivers a block-buster speech majoring on the unsupportable situation in Gaza, but also touching on many other issues both in the Middle East and other hotspots, and has pertinent remarks to make about the fake moralities that have been and continue to undermine the institution of the family around the world.
The ceremonies at the recent Olympic Games were granted special mention.
A great deal here on which the world should both agree and promptly act. If the UN ducks this one, it's days must surely be numbered.
A Tale of Post-War Britain
What to make of this magnum opus?
As a review of "Why Britain has Stagnated" it is timely, but as an article for wide circulation it (severely!) lacks an "Executive Summary" that might enable one to determine whether or not one wants to read such an enormous document (it probably ought to be a book - perhaps it may be in due course).
It is however on the plus side very thorough, and if, as one must, one allows the authors some leeway in their beliefs as to the presumed efficacy of left- and/or right-leaning politics, it makes for some very pertinent reading.
My simplistic take-away is that it is a worthy (and apparently independent) contribution to our national debate.
What it doesn't quite explicitly state is that progress in major infrastructure projects is highly dependent upon the motivations (actual, not necessarily formally stated) of
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Fulford Report - Monday 23 Sep 2024
With matters seemingly coming to a head all around the world, today's report is useful confirmation of progress toward that which many hope for - an end to the wars deaths and destructions that serve no Godly purpose.
And speaking of Godly purpose, it seems that the Vatican itself may be facing bankruptcy... with consequences no man may foresee, since this is without precedent in these modern times (although as I recall Trump is an expert on bankruptcy).
Recommended reading. (Modest subscription required for full access)
Elvis (and Others) Live!
Ole "Light on Conspiracies" Dammegard is one of those people who take their time to get into their presentations - it's a trait that causes me hesitation in featuring their work, because I am conscious that my readership doesn't often have the time or inclination to sit through long videos.
Nevertheless having watched this through, my hesitation has evaporated (despite the several "hiccups" in the recording). If you can find the time to view it, I think you will find that he knocks it out of the park.
Of course, by the very nature of his work, we don't readily find material corroboration for his assertions from independent sources, and yes, it's perfectly theoretically possible that he has made the whole thing up, so we must all make up our own minds on that score.
So here is Ole Dammegard bringing Michael Jaco - and the world - up to date on a great deal from HIV to Elvis via Olof Palme and others.
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#TOGETHER 3rd Anniversary Event
The theme is of course the defence of "free speech" - the freedom to speak, including the freedom to be tasteless and possibly offensive, since offence can be taken even when not deliberately offered.
The UK law lords used to have a robust interpretation of this, expecting adult citizens to tolerate mere offence in the broader interest of open discussion of robustly held beliefs. Today any number of easily offended parties with the ready ear of Parliament seem to want to hamstring our right to free speech in growing numbers of frankly implausible ways - much like our Parliament in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum tried any number of implausible manoeuvres to keep the Kingdom under EU control whilst pretending to leave.
The result is a the tendency to shift the burden of responsibility for policing "offensive" speech onto the social media platforms, along with the introduction of deliberately and disgracefully ill-defined concepts along the lines of "legal but <fill in your favourite
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Life of Brian Meets Riccardo Bosi
Martin Geddes reminds me of Riccardo Bosi's design for his political party AustraliaOne - the first political party whose primary aim is NOT to take power! Sounds like something from Monty Python? Close, very close! But quite wrong.
(3 minutes)
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So how does the People's Front of Judea differ from AustraliaOne as specified by Riccardo?
The point being highlighted by Martin Geddes is that the PFJ is absolutely no different in attitude and methodology from
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