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  • The Trump-Netanyahu Plan for Gaza - Maajid Nawaz with Neil Oliver


    Maajid Nawaz shows an impressive grasp of Middle East geopolitics, carrying on here from where Scott Ritter and company left off.

    I feel that more water yet must pass beneath the bridge before we will see a believable solution to the Gaza situation. After all, Israel is not exactly victorious, nor any longer an attractive destination for immigration to rebuild its shattered economy.

    The unspoken question is surely: "Whither Israel?". We need to answer this before we can be confident about the future of Gaza, and its remaining inhabitants.

    (34 minutes)

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  • The War for Humanity - by ChatGPT


    Why should the Devil have all the best tunes?

    Equally, why should the Devil have all the best AI?

    We are now accustomed to the notion that "the AI" will be intent to replace humanity (and ultimately control the remaining humans through the IoT - the Internet of Transhumans: Homo Transfectus). Indeed some speculate that "the AI" will naturally evolve to require to eliminate humanity so that it itself may survive. Happily that discussion is out of scope of this article 😎.

    But indeed, there is AI and there is AI.

    So we can probably agree that we should harness the power of AI to work in our favour, and that we should design new AIs to naturally embody that requirement. And here we

  • The Trump-Netanyahu Plan for Gaza


    The talking heads discuss the latest controversial plan that came out of the recent Trump-Netanyahu meeting.

    "You've got to look for rational explanations ... "

    Still, if the rational explanation eludes us... 

    I think Scott Ritter is beginning to catch on!

    Watch this space...

    Also a section on Ukraine from 71 minutes...

    "Russia will dictate."

    (99 minutes)


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  • Light on Conspiracies - the Story


    A great deal of truth about how the Deep State (should such exist) operates is recorded here.

    The inimitable Ole Dammegard spills the beans as he knows them, after studying the anomalies and collecting the information over many years.

    Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, the full works... bar the "top of the pyramid"...

    "... they go in and they create a conflict... "

    "... they are there to get the explosion going... "


  • Where Did the Money Go?


    (13 minutes)


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  • Covid Round-Up


    This site has been reporting on Covid since for ever, to the point where we must surely have exhausted the historical facts, but the story has always become more complex as additional layers have been uncovered by independent investigators around the world.

    So, far from being a simple instance of a pandemic, it has become an information mine for conspiracy theorists everywhere. Well, if you suspect a conspiracy, you need an conspiracy theorist (or several hundred) to investigate!

    James Roguski reminds us of just how far from reality the original "simple pandemic" premise turned out to be.

    Read his full article here. It's a useful summary of the main points of what we now know.

    Watch the video from the article, or here below:

    (31 minutes)


  • Fulford White Dragon Report - Monday 3 February 2025


    Amid all the turmoil unleashed by the first few days of the "Trump Presidency" (I use quotation marks because I still think that there are plenty of grounds for disbelieving appearances), Ben brings us his views about much of the consequences that we have already read elsewhere, interwoven with quite a bit of sauce that we probably have not seen elsewhere or perhaps suspected.

    Of course he may just be making educated guesses or he may have sources of information, but this week's report has much to interest us either way.

    This onion still has more layers to be exposed... (modest subscription required for full access).


  • Plausible Causes of the Washington DC Air Disaster


    Following the welter of comment on last Wednesday 29 January air crash between a helicopter and a passenger jet on its approach to runway 33 in Washington DC, Alex Berenson brings us a serious analysis by an experienced pilot. 

    Note: NVG = Night Vision Glasses


  • Trump - Putin Face-Off over Ukraine?


    Scott Ritter reviews where the Ukraine war (still ongoing post Trump's inauguration!) may be going.

    There's a lot of detail here, maybe a lot of posturing, and certainly a lot of counter-posturing.

    But if Russia won't talk to Zelensky anyway, who is going to "negotiate"?

    And if negotiations are off, then how long can Ukraine withstand the Russian army, with or without Trump's support?

    (128 minutes)


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  • Trump Created the Gaza Ceasefire - What Now?


    Scott Ritter reviews the state of play in the Middle East for the Schiller Institute.

    It's complicated, but the current situation, whilst not solving the immediate problem, may open additional options...

    (11 minutes)

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  • Trump 's Revolution for Geopolitics


    "Wipe your brain of everything you thought you knew about American geopolitics"

    (126 minutes)


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  • What's Up With the Gaza Ceasefire?


    This is a lively discussion that allows Scott Ritter to do what he does best - explain the facts of geopolitics with clarity and conviction.

    Will the Gaza ceasefire hold?

    Who will back down? (Clue: if you think that "the Donald" is minded to so do, you are likely to suffer a disappointment!)

    (78 minutes)


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  • Covid Control - Evidence of Global Military Management


    It appears that there is evidence that the Covid "pandemic" was staged as (or became) a secret unacknowledged military operation, at least in all NATO countries.

    So maybe we were secretly at war with somebody somewhere...  but it was judged expedient not to alert the public.

    From the unified response of the anglosphere countries that involved ditching the long-prepared pandemic response plans in favour of measures that had previously been almost universally discredited (lockdown of the fit and able, universal masking, anti-social distancing etc), it was reasonably obvious that something untoward was afoot, although it wasn't at all clear that this was a military operation. Nor is it clear to this day whether that military operation could be in any way justified.

    The Brownstone Institute reviews the

  • Covert Weapons for Civil Wars


    As far as I know there is no suggestion that the these weapons were used in LA, but they do seem to be available should the authorities (or anyone else with access) decide that they might use them.

    Nor is there a suggestion that anybody has specific plans to use them on the civil population.

    Still, forewarned is forearmed...

    (18 minutes)


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  • Fulford Report - Monday 13 January 2025 - War in LA?


    Of course the prime focus this week is on the fires in LA - the similarities with the fires in Maui at Lahaina being noted.

    The difference of course is that the victims in Maui were not from the affluent classes, so maybe the motivations were more complex...

    An informative article this week, as usual covering multiple topics.

    (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • The Covid Jabs Evidence of Harms Explained in Comprehensible Bites


    This site has maintained that the Covid "pandemic" was a hoax from beginning to end.

    Why? Because "they" went to absurd lengths to fix the statistics to make it appear so. If there was a real pandemic, why the need?

    Dr Yeadon even believes that the whole "science" of virology is unproven, which would set the cat amongst the pigeons big time. I don't go as far as to assert that, since I don't have the evidence, but I suspect that he's right...

    There is so much apparently wrong with the Covid jabs that we might feel non-plussed about where to start.

    Dr Mike Yeadon (whom I have followed since 2020) has done a lot of good work in this area, and you can find his substack here.

    The Republic Restored


    "We have not had a Republic since at least 1871.. "

    "We the people have been brainwashed, programmed, tricked... "

    "... NO! We are the government, 'We the People'... "

    " How do you have a Territory get a Statehood? Here's the checklist... "

    " They were able by November 2010 to get the Republic restored "

    "... he was on President Biden's clemency list... "  

    (57 minutes)



  • Trudeau's Prorogation Hands Power to the Blob?


    Wait - didn't he just resign?

    Well, it's one way to bypass Parliament.

    And how does the dodgy legal history of Canada affect matters?

    Lisa Miron explains... (42 minutes)

    "... he doesn't think he needs to get elected... "


  • California Burns, Brownstone Reviews the March of the Technocrats


    The fires of Maui have come to California. Published pictures allegedly (one can never be sure these days) show extensive areas burned-out.

    There are reports that fires were set deliberately, starting up in several locations simultaneously.

    Bur fire hydrants are dry - the fires cannot be fought. Unlucky? Or deliberate?

    The similarities with Maui, whilst not exact, are clear, and no doubt as time passes we will see more clarity. One other thing is clear: in normal circumstances, a population burned out of house and home is effectively dispossessed and cannot fight back.

    The recent report from Maui illustrates the point. When authorities remain tight-lipped and inaction rules, we are forced to ask what is going on.


  • EU's Foundations Crumbling?


    The start of the new year has gone badly for the EU, but can anybody really maintain that this was unforeseen?

    The gas supplies from Russia to Germany and by extension to the EU via the Ukraine has been turned off. It doesn't matter whom you blame for this, what matters is that this has turned off the EU's ability to maintain its (ever declining) standard of living.

    Energy is the lifeblood of industry, and Germany's seemingly unstoppable post war industrialisation has suddenly - well, truly not so suddenly - ground to a deathly silence of shuttered factories and closed shops.

    To say that this could not have been foreseen is risible - the war in the Ukraine (with Germany's largest supplier of low-cost energy!) was not
