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  • Stargate - Not What You Think?


    From the name itself, one might think of UFOs / UAPs, or some science-fiction portal concept. The truth seems to be more prosaic, but just as topical and probably just as much misunderstood:


    But not just any AI...

    Conspiracy Sarah asks the relevant question - what could (possibly) go wrong?

    Does Trump believe this stuff?

    Or is he indulging his favoured tactic of putting likely miscreants squarely into the limelight for investigation by the public? And if he isn't, it's a good bet that there will be no shortage of public volunteers who will oblige anyway, given the current reputation of the mRNA shots

  • The American Covid Inquiry


    The continuing UK Covid Inquiry has been, some believe, just a gargantuan whitewash exercise in favour of the team that brought us the Covid "pandemic".

    The US too has had its own version of the Covid Inquiry, so how does it fare by comparison? And does anybody care? Should anybody care?

    In my view, yes we should, because right or wrong, it betrays much about current thinking and therefore likely future "pandemic" planning. Will such be based upon firmer ground than last time?

    We on this site have made our views clear, that the whole operation was a simple scam based upon blatant manipulation of the statistics on a global scale, a manipulation designed to divert attribution of the normal seasonal winter deaths away from the normal flu-like and towards the SARS-Cov-2 Covid label; yet even so a scam so tricky that perhaps it threatened to expose another vastly greater scam, that in turn threatened the reputation and future of almost the entire

  • WHO Trumped


    In amongst a long raft of new Executive Orders, Trump has reportedly signed one to remove the US from the World Health Organisation.

    We can now speculate how long it will be before the appropriate personnel are faced with criminal charges.

    Read all about it.


  • 110 Years of Criminal Conspiracy .. Now Called the WHO


    Dr David Martin tells it like it is - once more.

    Let us pray that he doesn't have to say it again.

    (26 minutes)


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  • Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford et al


    "Grooming Gang" territories, to mention three not at random.

    These are murky waters wherein the judicial authorities intersected with local and national politicians, police, and indeed the press, evidently to suppress the criminal tragedies that took place over many years.

    Consequently, informed and considered discussion about these matters is difficult to find, and prone to degenerate into political point-scoring which isn't productive.

    So I welcome this interview between Peter Whittle and Simon Danczuk, a former Labour MP for Rochdale, who gamely answers Peter's questions as best he could - nobody comes out of this topic totally smelling of roses, but it is the sort of discussion that actually does advance our understanding of what took place, how and why, and what might now be best done about it.

    You may or may not agree with everything said, but they do bring out some highly pertinent

  • The Simplest Solutions are Oft Eschewed


    Zerohedge reminds us that the "pandemic" would probably have fizzled out except for some populations being deficient in a necessary not-a-vitamin.

    I say "reminds us" because this site featured the information back in May 2020, courtesy of a video from Ivor "if a drug did that it would be an enormous blockbuster" Cummins (and he isn't just talking Covid)

    ZeroHedge reports.


  • The Covid Jabs Evidence of Harms Explained in Comprehensible Bites


    This site has maintained that the Covid "pandemic" was a hoax from beginning to end.

    Why? Because "they" went to absurd lengths to fix the statistics to make it appear so. If there was a real pandemic, why the need?

    Dr Yeadon even believes that the whole "science" of virology is unproven, which would set the cat amongst the pigeons big time. I don't go as far as to assert that, since I don't have the evidence, but I suspect that he's right...

    There is so much apparently wrong with the Covid jabs that we might feel non-plussed about where to start.

    Dr Mike Yeadon (whom I have followed since 2020) has done a lot of good work in this area, and you can find his substack here.

    Dr Roger Hodkinson Speaks to Anna Brees about Covid


    This article comes with a large trigger warning.

    The implications that arise out of this discussion are likely devastating to our prospects as a population, and Dr Hodkinson doesn't shirk them. Anyone who believes that Covid and all its works are behind us may well be in for a most unwelcome awakening over time, as more effects of the jabs emerge.

    This is Part 2 of the interview, and features a lively exchange between Roger and Anna, in many ways quite lively enough to cause the discussion to miss / skip over a number of pertinent points, all in Roger's favour in my view (I have noted them below the video).

    Take a deep breath, keep calm, and carry on...

    (39 minutes)



  • "Don't Just Sit There, Undo Something"!


    This could be an exhortation for that post-prandial moment - Christmas Dinner has been consumed, the family is gathered around the hearth (well, those that still have one), mellow feelings of satisfaction and togetherness suffuse the atmosphere, and everyone makes due allowance for everyone else's faults and foibles.

    In many families this will be a traditional time to hand out and undo the Christmas presents, wanted and unwanted, appreciated and unappreciated, but nevertheless welcomed with gratitude for their generosity - not necessarily in terms of price paid, but in time thoughtfully taken, for time is the ultimate arbiter of value in this world.

    It's rare, but sometimes someone has the opportunity to give something of such vast value to so many that the mind recoils in surprise - indeed marvels in amazement that not only were they able to accomplish it with such deceptive ease, but that nobody actually had to pay anything for it!

    Perhaps all it needed

  • Are the Turkeys Now Voting for Christmas?


    Minutes of the Vaccine Benefit Risk Expert Working Group for Covid-19 are published on the government website.

    "Safe and Effective" might be expected to figure prominently in their deliberations, because that was what we the public were told, in no uncertain terms.

    "What’s even more troubling from these minutes, is the intention of the UK health authorities to assess the serious risks raised only after authorisation!"

    As ever, expect the truth to be "nuanced".

    It doesn't paint a good picture, but why publish these minutes at all if the turkeys are still in

  • More Enlightenment


    How else can light be used to affect us?

    Turns out, it can affect our behaviour.

    You'll never look at an LCD screen (TV, smartphone, computer. laptop, tablet) in the same light again...

    (12 minutes)


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  • Enlighten Your Health


    This kind of video I usually put up on Telegram (and yes, you can find it there too), but this one brings out important, nay, potentially vital information about the effects of light on our health, and if you can follow it through, even a little bit, you may realise just how much damage our modern lifestyles can wreak on our health.

    It's a complex topic, presented at breakneck speed for us non-medical students of life, but I suspect that real medical students will also find that all this is new material.

    It comes in two versions - short and long - presented below in that order. You may need to make notes...

    (24 minutes)

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  • Downtrodden Down Under No More - Free Speech and Licence Restored for Doctor Bay!


    Five years ago the world caught the Covid bug, and none more severely than the medical regulators and politicians. 

    From whom they caught it isn't too difficult to guess, once we realise that money may be exceedingly good at transmitting such bugs from hand to hand, but I digress.

    Regulators world-wide somehow got carried away by the Covid peril, discarding all previously well-considered science in favour of drama, censorship, and punishment of the disagreeable few who dared to speak truth to both power and the public.

    The wheels of justice grind slow but in the right hands they grind well, and one such disagreeable doctor who had his licence withdrawn for daring to speak out has had his day in court, and emerged triumphant, with a scathing judgement against his medical board.

  • "New Analysis By University Of Colorado Boulder Of Dental Anesthetic Septocaine Shows Graphene Oxide And Albite (Zeolite) Nanoparticles"


    Whilst there is no formal recognition of the strange substances found within Big Pharma's products, it seems we are doomed to endlessly discover new variants of the same problem - there's stuff in it that appears to have no business being in it.

    We have covered this in the past, notably (but by no means exclusively) the research done by La Quinta Columna, who were amongst the first to discover graphene oxide fragments. 

    Still, in case anybody thinks that the whole problem has somehow gone away (as no doubt many of the guilty parties wish), today we feature another report fromAna Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD who notes

  • The Truth About Vaccines - Settle Down Del!


    Del Bigtree, scourge of vaccine providers, arrow in the heel of Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Propaganda (AKA sorcery), brings to light "a meeting of the world’s top health officials, and their shocking admissions about vaccine safety" all "caught on camera".

    Del isn't every Brit's cup of tea as (being a Yank) he tends to shout rather a lot for our taste, but hey, he's been absolutely right about vaccine safety, he has probably done as much as any man alive to bring these issues to public attention, even where practical to take them to court, and he's more than entitled to his moment of I-told-you-so.

    (1 hour)

    Watch The Highwire Episode 400.

    Buy your own ear-muffs...

  • To Whom Covid May Concern


    Update and Thanksgiving Review from the Interest of Justice in Costa Rica.

    Their efforts have been Herculean, but it's not over yet...

    "Today, Thursday, November 28, 2024, we at Interest of Justice (IoJ) want to extend our deepest thanks to you!"

    "From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for standing with us as we seek to bring light to the darkest injustices affecting public health and weaponized government. Together, we hold on to the hope and determination that truth, freedom, and justice will prevail. We KNOW it will prevail. It’s humanities destiny"

    There's a wealth of information here, with links to numerous previous articles on all matters Covid. If you have

  • Silver Bullet - Mistakes Were Not Made


    We have been reporting Dr Yeadon's work on Covid, the fake pandemic, since November 2020.

    It is unconscionable that we should still have to feature his work after 4 years, but that's where we are.

    This is his latest video which explains why the Covid jabs were - indeed still are - not vaccines, but poisons both fast- and slow-acting.

    Not accidental either, in his professional opinion, but deliberate.

    "... Mistakes were not made..."

    Watch to the end.

    Draw appropriate conclusions.

    (22 minutes)


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  • Not-so-Brave Lancet


    Do the Covid-19 "medical interventions" cause deaths?

    Obviously if they are "safe and effective" - that is, safe for humans to accept and effective at preventing severe disease/death, then they should not.

    A paper authored by a number of concerned real-world medical practitioners (as opposed to pharmaceutical companies and medical regulators) was withdrawn by the Lancet and by Elsevier due to various reasons including "lack of factual support for the conclusions" and "the study's conclusions are not supported by the methodology".

    The paper has however now reportedly been accepted peer-reviewed and published by SCIENCE, PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY AND THE LAW.

    Given the serious nature of the conclusions, the rushed nature of the Emergency Use Authorisation, the skipping of the usual rigorous safety checks, and the potentially vast downside risks of continuing to roll out a possibly unsafe product...

  • And the Latest on the Rubbery Clots ...


    John O'Looney (Funeral Director, Milton Keynes) was/is one of the loudest voices asking why nobody is interested in people dying from with strange rubbery clots in their circulatory system. Reportedly, mainly "vaccinated" people.

    Now it appears that unvaccinated people may also be having a similar problem. Although the route of infection isn't clear to me presently, it does seem that there are other causes beside or subsequent to the original intervention.

    "I see patients having blood clots on routine blood thinners a lot, as well as unvaccinated turbo cancer patients with self assembly nanotechnology in their blood"

    I share this article not to alarm, but to inform, especially about some apparently quite simple countermeasures that are reported to inhibit this clotting, whilst being commonly used to support good health
