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Great Reset

  • Covid Round-Up


    This site has been reporting on Covid since for ever, to the point where we must surely have exhausted the historical facts, but the story has always become more complex as additional layers have been uncovered by independent investigators around the world.

    So, far from being a simple instance of a pandemic, it has become an information mine for conspiracy theorists everywhere. Well, if you suspect a conspiracy, you need an conspiracy theorist (or several hundred) to investigate!

    James Roguski reminds us of just how far from reality the original "simple pandemic" premise turned out to be.

    Read his full article here. It's a useful summary of the main points of what we now know.

    Watch the video from the article, or here below:

    (31 minutes)


  • The Time of Creative Destruction?


    As always, this is not financial advice - nor is it party-political - but as usual it does throw some interesting observations on the intersection of politics and economics.

    In fact I'm more than ever convinced that politics economics and psychology/psychopathy are just three sides of the same triangle. To learn any one or two without the other is simply to remain ignorant of the operation of the whole.

    So today the good folk at Fortune and Freedom bring us not one, but two articles for the reading of one. If we have been following the scurrilous end of the social media channels, we may have been puzzled (especially if we've have been following the in-my-view highly dubious "Trump coin" caravan). So this may be of interest. And they don't come any more political than "the Donald".

    Today we can see that we live in a time of the creative destruction of politics, economics, and psychopathy as currently practised... and perhaps much more, since these in

  • The WHO is Just Doing Its Job


    The WHO is an exceptionally remote body that is exceptionally well-funded, and through its constitution is more or less obliged to do the bidding of Big Pharma.

    How so?

    "The WHO is funded by countries and non-state entities"

    " ... most of the budget is derived from voluntary funding provided by countries and private or corporate donors"

    "Nearly all voluntary funding is ‘specified’... WHO must do the funders’ bidding"

    "In response to its funders, the WHO has shifted focus to areas where large Pharma profits can be accrued"

    So in effect, he who pays the piper calls the tune.


  • AI to Reshape the Journalistic Landscape?


    Martin Geddes on "The Theology of Q" - with a little help from ChatGPT...

    ...  and neatly illustrating the differences between spirituality / divinity and theology / religion.

    Confused yet?

    Good - now include - well, I don't have a name for this, but we might choose "Social construction" or simply "Governmentalism", which is a bit like religion but relies on government dogma rather than religious dogma. It's religion for atheists if you like. It gives us the Green agenda, the UN Agendas, and just like theological religions, there could be as many varieties as you might find irreligious and unspiritual governments, and of course governments can mix and match from any dogmas they choose at any election, which makes for a moveable feast.

    Maybe each political party should publish its dogmas as well as its manifesto at election time, then we might have a better idea of what to expect?


  • Another (Far Out) View of Our Incoming Future


    Clif High lays out his personal view of how the power to control the planet may evolve over the coming year(s).

    If we think that the old World Order is somehow going to continue, then we may need to reconsider.

    This isn't to suggest that his apocalyptic vision is necessarily incoming either very soon or at all, but it does represent another part of the spectrum of possibilities that we may need to contend with. I judge Clif to be a very experienced guy who has knowledge and abilities well beyond the common man (although he doesn't kindly take prisoners!) so his views are likely worth noting, even if we consider both them and his style of presentation to be politically incorrect.


  • Trump to Face Down Putin and BRICS?


    Has Trump overreached himself?

    Does picking a fight with President Putin bring peace in the Ukraine any closer?

    Does imposing tariffs on the BRICS solve the problem of the weakening US dollar?

    Set against Trump's history of coming back from the brink, these moves look odd. Nevertheless, he isn't negotiating with the opposition here, he is more likely setting the mood music for the guidance of US opinion.

    "Everything that Trump's doing is just completely contradictory"

    So, perhaps he is just making a lot of noise that the BRICS know amounts to very little... but maybe elements within the US do not.

    Or perhaps his primary target is China, whose current exports to the US are probably too large for them to lose on day one to tariffs, so they may need to reduce their prices temporarily whilst they seek alternative

  • Davos Uber Alles


    A timely reminder that Davos is still a thing, although whether "of beauty and a joy for ever" may be debatable. 

    What tedious extrusions of verbiage must we decode this year? Sadly the event may have been overshadowed by that other show unfolding over in Washington-no-longer-DC (?) that seems to be attracting much global media coverage. Whether the attracted levels of interest are due to the contrasting styles of the chief protagonists, or to the likely success of their respective endeavours, is a question that may be pondered. Time will tell.

    See the full timetable here, courtesy of Interest of Justice.

    Be sure to mark your calendar to make sure you don't miss your favourite items!


  • Who Are You?


    Are you a living breathing human being, with family, friends, acquaintances, aspirations, skills, qualifications, life history, health issues, and opinions that have all been hard-come-by?

    Or are you a 64-bit sequence of ones and zeroes on a computer database somewhere "in the cloud"?

    Would you prefer to deal with another flesh and blood human being, capable of recognising you for what you are, and your circumstances for what they are, or should you just quote your id number to an AI system that has somebody else's values and objectives (not necessarily known to you) built into its code?

    "The Open Society, the Gates Foundation, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, they are in direct control of the UK"

    The problems with government are actually many, but the primary problem is that they want to govern.


  • 110 Years of Criminal Conspiracy .. Now Called the WHO


    Dr David Martin tells it like it is - once more.

    Let us pray that he doesn't have to say it again.

    (26 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • A Concise History of the "Climate Change" Dogma


    Well, it's certainly an opportune time to review how we got here on a number of fronts, so here is a very useful summary of all the major features of these so far unproven assertions.

    "If you still buy into the man-made global warming narrative and are willing to surrender your sovereignty, not just for yourself, but for your family, your community, and your country, to a group of elitist globalists who fear you, then that's truly something"

    "If CO2 were responsible for trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere, we would see a direct, measurable correlation between CO2 concentrations and global temperatures. But we don’t"

    "The Earth is a self-regulating, closed system. When temperature increases, CO2 is released from oceans, permafrost, and soil, but it’s the temperature that initiates the release, not the other way around


  • Covid Control - Evidence of Global Military Management


    It appears that there is evidence that the Covid "pandemic" was staged as (or became) a secret unacknowledged military operation, at least in all NATO countries.

    So maybe we were secretly at war with somebody somewhere...  but it was judged expedient not to alert the public.

    From the unified response of the anglosphere countries that involved ditching the long-prepared pandemic response plans in favour of measures that had previously been almost universally discredited (lockdown of the fit and able, universal masking, anti-social distancing etc), it was reasonably obvious that something untoward was afoot, although it wasn't at all clear that this was a military operation. Nor is it clear to this day whether that military operation could be in any way justified.

    The Brownstone Institute reviews the

  • SitRep 2025


    Here is one view of our situation as 2025 commences.

    Whilst much of this summary is true, it obviously doesn't cover everything that is going on.

    The truth is that no human being has a monopoly on the truth - we have to accept that, and work together to do what must be done.

    "... they need us on our knees, they need us begging... hopeless... powerless... completely dependent on them, and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen "

    It does appear so. "They" also need us isolated from each other, to prevent communication. If you are reading this, how well is that working?

    "... you need to do what you can with what you have where you are, to not just become the best possible version of yourself but to create a life that you are in charge of... "

    When push comes to shove, after we have made

  • Who Would Have Thought It?


    Well, it turns out that British weather in British winters can be quite varied. Some years the thermometer hardly dips to zero, let alone below it, and other years the weather gods send us glacial temperatures for days, even weeks on end, amidst flat calm wind conditions such as have been prevalent this winter.

    And strange to say, the sun also is at its lowest ebb, the winter days are short and the nights long, and moonlight and starlight fire up no solar panels just as wind turbines hang listless for want of a gust. Naturally this comes as a surprise to many in government, who despite being told of these realities until the tellers are blue in the face (and not just from cold), they have had their attention fixed inexorably on the UN-WEF/IPCC models which perhaps have not actually modelled the variability of the British climate in particular, with sufficient precision.

    After Professor Ferguson's models (of Covid pandemic infamy) one is tempted to say that we are surprised at the level of blind faith

  • The Climate and Nature Bill


    Shortly to get its second reading in Parliament, this is another Bill to usurp the power of legislation to drive the Climate Change project, removing our essential freedoms, and forcing our obedience to WEF-UN inspired NGOs and assorted other busy-bodies who would compel our compliance "for our safety" - all whilst bypassing the need for further legislation. 

    Welcome to the New World Climate Emergency Dictatorship.

    It's yet another way to tell us that it's all totally democratic because we voted these numskulls into office, so now we must do as they say.

    The fact that whichever main party we voted for at summer 2024 General Election we were going to get a government dominated (by whatever means) by the UN-WEF global bureaucracy is neither here nor there - in practical terms we didn't get the choice.

    We had to have a referendum before we could leave the clammy embrace of the EU - I submit that the measures

  • Covert Weapons for Civil Wars


    As far as I know there is no suggestion that the these weapons were used in LA, but they do seem to be available should the authorities (or anyone else with access) decide that they might use them.

    Nor is there a suggestion that anybody has specific plans to use them on the civil population.

    Still, forewarned is forearmed...

    (18 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Fulford Report - Monday 13 January 2025 - War in LA?


    Of course the prime focus this week is on the fires in LA - the similarities with the fires in Maui at Lahaina being noted.

    The difference of course is that the victims in Maui were not from the affluent classes, so maybe the motivations were more complex...

    An informative article this week, as usual covering multiple topics.

    (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • Dr Roger Hodkinson Speaks to Anna Brees about Covid


    This article comes with a large trigger warning.

    The implications that arise out of this discussion are likely devastating to our prospects as a population, and Dr Hodkinson doesn't shirk them. Anyone who believes that Covid and all its works are behind us may well be in for a most unwelcome awakening over time, as more effects of the jabs emerge.

    This is Part 2 of the interview, and features a lively exchange between Roger and Anna, in many ways quite lively enough to cause the discussion to miss / skip over a number of pertinent points, all in Roger's favour in my view (I have noted them below the video).

    Take a deep breath, keep calm, and carry on...

    (39 minutes)



  • California Burns, Brownstone Reviews the March of the Technocrats


    The fires of Maui have come to California. Published pictures allegedly (one can never be sure these days) show extensive areas burned-out.

    There are reports that fires were set deliberately, starting up in several locations simultaneously.

    Bur fire hydrants are dry - the fires cannot be fought. Unlucky? Or deliberate?

    The similarities with Maui, whilst not exact, are clear, and no doubt as time passes we will see more clarity. One other thing is clear: in normal circumstances, a population burned out of house and home is effectively dispossessed and cannot fight back.

    The recent report from Maui illustrates the point. When authorities remain tight-lipped and inaction rules, we are forced to ask what is going on.


  • EU's Foundations Crumbling?


    The start of the new year has gone badly for the EU, but can anybody really maintain that this was unforeseen?

    The gas supplies from Russia to Germany and by extension to the EU via the Ukraine has been turned off. It doesn't matter whom you blame for this, what matters is that this has turned off the EU's ability to maintain its (ever declining) standard of living.

    Energy is the lifeblood of industry, and Germany's seemingly unstoppable post war industrialisation has suddenly - well, truly not so suddenly - ground to a deathly silence of shuttered factories and closed shops.

    To say that this could not have been foreseen is risible - the war in the Ukraine (with Germany's largest supplier of low-cost energy!) was not

  • Who Is Trump?


    So you think you know your Trump?

    Are you sure? 

    You may not be so certain after watching this...

    This is a very hard-headed video that will almost certainly challenge anybody's understanding of world events of the past century or so. If you are not prepared for such a challenge, feel free to skip this one.

    Bear in mind that many now believe that "everything we were told is a lie". You may or may not accept such a concept, but if you believe in the accepted version of history, the ending sequence of this video may not be for you.

    For myself, I am prepared to accept any proposition that is supported by evidence and logic - this attitude does not preclude changing my mind about history, but does mean that I file away a great deal in the "too difficult to know" box, for possible re-evaluation should more information come to light.
