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Great Reset

  • Fulford Report - Monday 22 July 2024


    As may be expected, Ben's report this week majors on the fall-out from the Trump non-assassination last week.

    Whilst things are clearly careening along a new and unexpected trajectory, it's not over until it's over.

    Modest subscription required.

    More than ever, discerning the truth from the reportage is an endeavour undertaken more in hope and faith than in confidence these days.


  • The Future According to Larry Fink?


    Whitney Webb runs through the Davos plan for their take-over of the world - including us.

    Everything and everyone will be tokenised, traded, and finally r*ped and pillaged,  including mother earth herself, for the benefit of the global elite for whom these systems are set up. Universal ids, CBDCs, and ESG monitoring systems will run the world by  permitting or denying purchases at point of sale.

    All will be tracked, monitored, and controlled through AI algorithms that will be "all-knowing and infallible" (even, and especially, when they are not - for how could a remote AI somewhere in the bowels of the web be challenged? Such systems don't have to work as advertised - they just have to be in control!).

    (15 minutes)


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  • Meet the New Boss - Same as the Old Boss?


    With a new Prime Minister and a new Parliament (inclusive - finally! - of Nigel Farage), what does the future hold for the UK?

    And how is the Net Zero programme relevant? And immigration?

    Nick Hubble reviews our prospects from a safe distance in Japan:

    (28 minutes)

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  • Julian Assange Freed - What Now?


    The dull presentation shouldn't detract from the information presented in this video.

    Promethean Action (formerly LaRouchePAC) have been following US politics for ever, and if they don't know what's going on then nobody does.

    These are murky waters, being directed mostly by various global secret services, including the Mossad and MI6 as well as the CIA (makes you wonder whether these are actually separate organisations!).

    Much food for thought here...

    (14 minutes)



  • A Timely Evisceration of Today's Governments


    Godfrey Bloom isn't everybody's cup of tea, but his logical analysis is spot on.

    We old fellows know exactly what he is talking about, but will the younger generations realise that the world they have been taught to respect is a mirage carefully designed to keep them docile?

    Pay close attention...

    (26 minutes - opens in new window)

  • Yesterday Ukraine, Tomorrow Georgia?


    Scott Ritter updates us on the latest geopolitics.

    (27 minutes)


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  • Fulford Report - 24 June 2024 - World War, or World Government?


    World geopolitics continues its slow march of doom toward the precipice, as each faction squares up for the final moves...

    Given that the East seems to have the most self-confident leadership and NATO / Europe is in disarray following adverse (for current leadership) election results, one supposes that heads are locked together in search for a "cunning plan"... but we await Russia's response to the latest attack by "cluster bombs" (allegedly supplied by the US) on the Crimean beach.

    And yes, humble Clacton gets a mention!

    Modest subscription required.


  • Three Million Excess Deaths in 47 Countries?


    A Dutch study has reviewed the aftermath of the Covid pharmaceutical interventions and concluded that the statistics of all-cause mortality from 2020 to 2022 for the 47 countries for which data was available are cause for concern.

    "Their study is one of the few to examine excess deaths on a global level - a recent and disturbing phenomenon that has virtually been ignored by governments and the mainstream media"

    "Also, it is one of the few to dare point to the massive elephant in the room: the experimental COVID-19 'vaccines' that were heralded as 'safe and effective' "

    "The results showed that the Pfizer trial had a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group. The Moderna trial had a 6% higher risk of serious adverse events among vaccine recipients"

    GESARA NESARA Federal Reserve QFS and All That


    I could just as well have entitled this article "Clif High Strikes Again", since I imagine that there are many good souls out there who may take issue with his analysis of the current global monetary situation and how it may be likely to develop.

    The fact is that everybody can be wrong, there have been and still are forces of deceit rampant everywhere, and making a 100% correct assessment of where we are and where we are going with monetary systems is especially treacherous territory.

    Everybody can be wrong, even Clif High!

    My own intuition is that if Clif is wrong, then nobody is right, but I can be wrong too...

    So here for the bending of the mind around intractable uncertainties, Clif High explains his thinking about where the global monetary systems have been, how we came to be where we now are, and what may develop in the proximate future.

  • Covid Revisited


    Former CDC director Robert Redfield seems to be the latest senior figure to break cover and admit that "mistakes were made".

    The spike protein is immunotoxic. You get infected, it’s immunotoxic. But when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein

    The Daily Sceptic reports.

    Well, up to  point. This story seems to me to be a form of "limited hangout" - admit to small mistakes and divert attention from the big issues.

    Well, if inadvertently destructive vaccines are the small issue, what on earth is the big one?

    The big issue must be big, really big. So lets apply a little elementary logic.

    " This is the Most Dangerous Situation SInce the Cuban Missile Crisis"


    Scott Ritter brings us up to date with the latest provocations - with Russian warships reported off the coast of Florida, and Ukraine hurling ever more western-supplied weapons into Russia...  perhaps we should pay attention.

    As always, ignore the lurid headline and hear what he actually says, which is bad enough.

    (21 minutes) 

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  • Geddes in Dewsbury


    Martin has been visiting again, this time in Dewsbury.

    What he found disturbed him.

    Is it simple "racism", or a more complex cultural clash?

    We must all be careful which words we sling about these days lest we are inadvertently deemed to offer offence - but surely offence has to be taken before it can be said to have been given? It's a bit like a contractual arrangement - where no meeting of minds occurs, there is neither contract nor offence...

    In times past the judiciary had a robust attitude to free speech - that free speech without the possibility of offence wasn't worth having - that certainly inculcated a certain necessary robustness in those who are perhaps too easily offended, and permitted them to respond in kind - ie: to stick up for themselves.

    Whether that was better than today's situation where offence may be deemed to be given even when not offered

  • Light to Dark 2 - Where Are the Fact Checkers?


    When Sir Keir is anointed PM shortly as many claim to expect, will things get better or worse?

    Well, the cost of energy is more of less the determinant of a nation's prosperity, so if it rises then all our costs wax and our real prosperity wanes, whilst if the cost of energy falls then our costs wane and our real prosperity waxes.

    Too easy?

    Well, never mind, we can trust our politicians to make it more complicated than that, and one of the ways they do this is to cherry-pick which costs they include and which they exclude, and then to apply fiendishly complex market (-fixing) mechanisms and stealth taxes that all somehow act to increase the price we pay.

    They have had many years of practice at this so it has now become an almost impossible task to extricate the robust reality from the exquisite intricacy of the calculations.

    "The Labour Party will create Great

  • Cameron, Blinken, Stoltenberg, Poke the Bear - Deliberate Escalation to Full-on War?


    "... citing the green-light given to Ukraine by British Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron to use long-range missiles provided by the U.K. to hit targets in Russia. Following a previously-unannounced meeting with President Zelensky on May 21, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken indicated that the U.S. may follow suit" -Tass

    But there again, Zelensky is president no more, having now exceeded his tenure without bothering to call elections...  What does that make him, and why are we continuing to back him?

    Why are we hell-bent on more fighting when Russia is clearly in command of the battlefield and equally clearly not at all cowed by empty threats?

    Harley Schlanger reports.


  • The World is Not Being Run by Human Beings


    Now there's a thought to conjure with!

    Yet another outlandish conspiracy theory?

    How outlandish do you need? If this isn't sufficiently outlandish for you, then maybe you should sit this one out...

    But it's not any old crackpot that is claiming this - it's La Quinta Columna (the Fifth Column), a notable group of scientific researchers who have made it their business to investigate "the jabs". I have to say that I find their research both painstaking and impressive, and we have featured their work previously (although not as often as I would like, as only a limited selection is presented in English).

    Today we are both in luck and in English, and although you might feel that
