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US Election

  • The Trump-Netanyahu Plan for Gaza


    The talking heads discuss the latest controversial plan that came out of the recent Trump-Netanyahu meeting.

    "You've got to look for rational explanations ... "

    Still, if the rational explanation eludes us... 

    I think Scott Ritter is beginning to catch on!

    Watch this space...

    Also a section on Ukraine from 71 minutes...

    "Russia will dictate."

    (99 minutes)


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  • A Letter to the Faithful


    Archbishop Vigarno spells it out.

    Ostensibly to his Catholic faithful, but in truth it's also a message to those of all faiths and none,  who set love and service above hate and control, truth above falsehood, peace above war, integrity and honesty above perfidy and deceit.

    We don't even have to believe that Trump is the answer to all things - just to recognise that his many activities have changed the course of events and wrested the initiative from the princes of darkness of whom St Paul warned us all (Ephesians 6:12):

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"

    Thoughts for our time.


  • Where Did the Money Go?


    (13 minutes)


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  • The Time of Creative Destruction?


    As always, this is not financial advice - nor is it party-political - but as usual it does throw some interesting observations on the intersection of politics and economics.

    In fact I'm more than ever convinced that politics economics and psychology/psychopathy are just three sides of the same triangle. To learn any one or two without the other is simply to remain ignorant of the operation of the whole.

    So today the good folk at Fortune and Freedom bring us not one, but two articles for the reading of one. If we have been following the scurrilous end of the social media channels, we may have been puzzled (especially if we've have been following the in-my-view highly dubious "Trump coin" caravan). So this may be of interest. And they don't come any more political than "the Donald".

    Today we can see that we live in a time of the creative destruction of politics, economics, and psychopathy as currently practised... and perhaps much more, since these in

  • The WHO is Just Doing Its Job


    The WHO is an exceptionally remote body that is exceptionally well-funded, and through its constitution is more or less obliged to do the bidding of Big Pharma.

    How so?

    "The WHO is funded by countries and non-state entities"

    " ... most of the budget is derived from voluntary funding provided by countries and private or corporate donors"

    "Nearly all voluntary funding is ‘specified’... WHO must do the funders’ bidding"

    "In response to its funders, the WHO has shifted focus to areas where large Pharma profits can be accrued"

    So in effect, he who pays the piper calls the tune.


  • AI to Reshape the Journalistic Landscape?


    Martin Geddes on "The Theology of Q" - with a little help from ChatGPT...

    ...  and neatly illustrating the differences between spirituality / divinity and theology / religion.

    Confused yet?

    Good - now include - well, I don't have a name for this, but we might choose "Social construction" or simply "Governmentalism", which is a bit like religion but relies on government dogma rather than religious dogma. It's religion for atheists if you like. It gives us the Green agenda, the UN Agendas, and just like theological religions, there could be as many varieties as you might find irreligious and unspiritual governments, and of course governments can mix and match from any dogmas they choose at any election, which makes for a moveable feast.

    Maybe each political party should publish its dogmas as well as its manifesto at election time, then we might have a better idea of what to expect?


  • What is the Truth?


    Following on from the earlier Brick in the Wall communication (which of course we all watched mulled and eventually fully understood), this video starts by reviewing the Trump "inauguration".

    "... they had to break that because there is no corporate and there is no spirit within the corporate..."

    "... unfortunately the general public is not aware of the joke... "

    Is nothing is as it appears?

    I suspect so. The style of delivery is demanding of his viewers, but if we want the truth we need to work at it, as it has been forever obscured beneath multiple layers of fiction.

    We are facing the deepest Challenge of the Assumptions! 

    Still, one can begin to piece together certain

  • The Shape of Things to Come


    "May you live in interesting times"

    Are the times interesting enough for you yet?

    If not, then perhaps you haven't been paying attention.

    Personally I would settle for a little less wind and rain and a bit more global warming, but what do I know?

    "Trump intends to use his presidential right to declare a state of emergency (!) thereby providing the conditions to fast-track the plans and put them into action"

    "We stand at the brink of what we call here the intelligent age, where artificial intelligence... will fundamentally transform economic systems, business models and personal lifestyles"

    "... Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research... has developed a prototype for

  • Fulford Report 27 Jan 2025 - Russia Russia Russia


    Given that much of what appears in the press can no longer be taken at face value, and every politician worthy of note (or not) seems to be working to a concealed agenda (or not), it's become more or less impossible to come to conclusions about what any one of them may be up to, let alone forecast how the whole may resolve to bring us our future.

    Especially given the breakneck speed at which the new Trump administration is breaking ground and breaking politicians such as presidents and prime ministers alike. It was hard enough to keep up before 20th January. 

    Let's just say that this is a time when we all need a certain amount of faith that the Universe has our best interests at heart.

    "Trust and verify" as used to be the motto of UN disarmament inspectors...

    This for what it may be worth is Ben's viewpoint that he feels able to release in public this week. Whether we agree with everything is up to us... 

  • The Infinite Expansion of the Aberrant State


    Javier Milei addresses Davos, 2025 style.

    And as if that wasn't enough, a free extra bonus appearance by the new Boss, Donald J. Trump at 27 minutes.

    (70 minutes)


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  • Trump to Face Down Putin and BRICS?


    Has Trump overreached himself?

    Does picking a fight with President Putin bring peace in the Ukraine any closer?

    Does imposing tariffs on the BRICS solve the problem of the weakening US dollar?

    Set against Trump's history of coming back from the brink, these moves look odd. Nevertheless, he isn't negotiating with the opposition here, he is more likely setting the mood music for the guidance of US opinion.

    "Everything that Trump's doing is just completely contradictory"

    So, perhaps he is just making a lot of noise that the BRICS know amounts to very little... but maybe elements within the US do not.

    Or perhaps his primary target is China, whose current exports to the US are probably too large for them to lose on day one to tariffs, so they may need to reduce their prices temporarily whilst they seek alternative

  • Trump!


    GBNews - "renowned historian Victor Davis Hanson shares his insights on Donald Trump's inauguration and the transformative vision he brings to the presidency"

    (70 minutes)


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  • Timely Comment from a Dedicated Follower of Q


    Once more Martin Geddes shares his thoughts, this time on today's event, what it may portend, and how he feels at the end of a number of years reacting to the unfolding events, and the understandings that they have spawned.

    That he has been brave enough and understanding enough to share much of that journey with us is in itself quite heroic - that he has left us with his work on the Q phenomenon and much else besides leaves us with a debt that we cannot repay, and that he had already forgiven.

    We can only try to live up to our own destinies with similar fortitude and generosity.

    Today is the Day.


  • Fulford Report - Monday 20 Jan 2025


    Goodbye old world, Hello new world, same as the old world?

    So we stand at the precipice, yet it's too early to tell for sure how things will develop.

    Certainly the ceasefire in Gaza is a positive sign that demonstrates an unlikely level of leverage over an intransigent regime that has myopically and single-mindedly pursued its inglorious aims of expansion and domination ever since the now infamous Balfour Declaration appeared in the wake of the end of WW2. 

    Yet the verdict of the American people in the 2024 election has broken a logjam.

    Clearly something new is up, but what exactly that is will only be unveiled over time. The geopolitical world has many moving parts, some of which have been immobile and rusting for far too long to now spring swiftly and surely into action - the makers of WD40 should make a killing!


  • Trump Pre-Inauguration Rally 2025


    According to Fox News...

    (59 minutes)


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    Now for the full 8 hrs ..! According to Brighteon:

    So put the kettle on, make a sandwich, and settle in...

    (8 hrs 43 mins)


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  • With God on Our Side, Who Will Stand Against Us?


    As a blast from the past, few come as stormy as David Icke.

    And few come as pointedly difficult to disagree with.

    Do watch for a cracking video clip, delivered without any sense of irony, that just has to be seen to be believed.

    A recommended commentary on the current state of the world. It's your viewpoint that counts.

    (41 minutes)



  • Fulford Report - Monday 13 January 2025 - War in LA?


    Of course the prime focus this week is on the fires in LA - the similarities with the fires in Maui at Lahaina being noted.

    The difference of course is that the victims in Maui were not from the affluent classes, so maybe the motivations were more complex...

    An informative article this week, as usual covering multiple topics.

    (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • The Republic Restored


    "We have not had a Republic since at least 1871.. "

    "We the people have been brainwashed, programmed, tricked... "

    "... NO! We are the government, 'We the People'... "

    " How do you have a Territory get a Statehood? Here's the checklist... "

    " They were able by November 2010 to get the Republic restored "

    "... he was on President Biden's clemency list... "  

    (57 minutes)



  • EU's Foundations Crumbling?


    The start of the new year has gone badly for the EU, but can anybody really maintain that this was unforeseen?

    The gas supplies from Russia to Germany and by extension to the EU via the Ukraine has been turned off. It doesn't matter whom you blame for this, what matters is that this has turned off the EU's ability to maintain its (ever declining) standard of living.

    Energy is the lifeblood of industry, and Germany's seemingly unstoppable post war industrialisation has suddenly - well, truly not so suddenly - ground to a deathly silence of shuttered factories and closed shops.

    To say that this could not have been foreseen is risible - the war in the Ukraine (with Germany's largest supplier of low-cost energy!) was not

  • A Useful Review of the Transition to Trump


    This is from the usually terminally tedious group now known as Promethean Action (you remember Prometheus of course?), who for some unaccountable reason now produce a video (or two!) that is not only useful, but tolerable for viewing by normal people.

    (There's also a pre-Christmas video that is useful viewing).

    And if you are wondering quite where Team Trump is going to take us, this is as good a place as any to start, as it highlights Britain, featuring as well Greenland and Canada, maybe also Panama and even Mexico... the crumbling EU... usw.

    (17 minutes)


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