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  • Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford et al


    "Grooming Gang" territories, to mention three not at random.

    These are murky waters wherein the judicial authorities intersected with local and national politicians, police, and indeed the press, evidently to suppress the criminal tragedies that took place over many years.

    Consequently, informed and considered discussion about these matters is difficult to find, and prone to degenerate into political point-scoring which isn't productive.

    So I welcome this interview between Peter Whittle and Simon Danczuk, a former Labour MP for Rochdale, who gamely answers Peter's questions as best he could - nobody comes out of this topic totally smelling of roses, but it is the sort of discussion that actually does advance our understanding of what took place, how and why, and what might now be best done about it.

    You may or may not agree with everything said, but they do bring out some highly pertinent

  • The New Inquisition


    The Roman Catholic Church is infamous for its past activities that led to much suffering and death for those honest enough to make up their own minds about its doctrines and to live their lives accordingly. That isn't to suggest that other denominations were always blameless!

    Rather than using such diverse opinions as learning opportunities for both parties, the Church sought to stamp them out in manner calculated to scare possible adherents to shut up and conform at least outwardly to Catholic dogma.

    But was the Church ever about saving the faithful, or was it set up by the Roman Emperor of the time to corral those unruly Christians under the reliable leadership of his own bishops? Which motivation aligns with the Inquisition?

    One may at least ask similar questions of the social media giants of today - were they set up to promote unfettered legal freedom of speech for the masses, or were they created by the CIA so that governments worldwide could

  • Words Matter, or Word Matters


    Words matter:

    "In the beginning was the word..." 

    Well, that was in the beginning, before the politicians involved themselves.

    Now, in their desperation to confuse us all into compliance with their never-ending absurdities, they have refined and redefined and counter-defined words to such an extent that even when we have the meaning explained to us, we cannot follow the logic (because it isn't logical) or we continue to misunderstand the meaning (because it's neither constant nor consistent).

    I have read this attempt to explain the latest ineluctable word game (don't panic, it's a German word) a couple of times and am still none the wiser. 

    Do you have better

  • Zuckerberg Speaks


    Well, it's true, "Meta"-phorically speaking... (groan)... Mark has made what seems like a 180o screeching hand-brake turn on "fact-checking" - a turn not lost on the erstwhile "fact-checkers", who have (reportedly) "fact-checked" his statement...

    As I have chosen to exist on the Net largely outside the Zuckerverse I don't feel qualified to comment of this turn of events, but happily, I know of a man who does.

    (Strange though, I don't remember the blue-eyed curly-redhead look previously... )


  • What to Make of the Musk Maniac?


    Elon Musk, a fabulously rich entrepreneur, who supposedly made his money creating new and very popular services such as PayPal, innovations such as Tesla self-driving autonomous vehicles, and who is also a defence contractor (well, a man must make his living where he can), boasts a close relationship with "the Donald" (and did I mention "X"?), is now seemingly entertaining himself by adopting a new role: the scourge of malfunctioning governments!

    A tweet or two from Musk and the snowflakes in said malfunctioning governments clutch their pearls, grab for their smelling salts, and between hyper-ventilations write all kinds of opinion pieces declaring that he must be controlled, preferably silenced, lest he inflame their easily-deceived moronic voters into believing that changes may be desirable at the next elections! And (Shock! Horror!) he isn't even a politician, so what on earth does he think he's doing?!

    He's setting an excellent example to the rest of us - he's doing his own thinking, coming to

  • History is Bunk?


    This little video suffers from some rather intrusive "background" music, but also asks a lot of pertinent questions that should stop us and make us all think a bit more about the "knowledge" that we take for granted.


    (37 minutes)


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  • Germany - Basket-Case of Europe?


    Elon Musk - Truth Warrior or Misguided Nerd?

    And why would German readers care to be protected from his opinions?

    Well, I guess they wouldn't - like most they would be quite capable of ignoring opinions with which they disagree - but it seems that there are those who would protect the normal German reader from Elon's opinions, particularly if these would-be protectors also happen to be in power office, or closely aligned with those in office, and may feel threatened by the AfD.

    Perhaps it's a measure of how shaky they believe their tenures in office to be... but in a democratic society, those voted out would of course be happy to be so discarded provided it was done democratically, would they not?

    Which raises an

  • Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics


    We are discussing America here, but that is neither to accept nor deny that the UK's Office of National Statistical is beyond reproach.

    The Biden administration is rather a special case, since America never does things by halves, so if they are good they can be very good, but equally if they are bad they can be very bad indeed. Churchill is said to have opined that America always does the right thing in the end, but only after they have exhausted all possible alternatives...

    Still, outright gerrymandering of the figures to make the economy look rosy does seem to be a step too far.

    "Estimates by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia indicate that the employment changes from March through June 2024 were significantly different" - read lower - "in 27 states compared with preliminary state estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Current Employment Statistics (CES)"


  • Fulford Report - Monday 16 December 2024


    A block buster report this week from Ben, naming big names and sharing big goings-on, including (but by no means limited to) his view on the developments in Syria.

    These are indeed momentous times. (Modest subscription required for full access)

    Don't miss.

  • Downtrodden Down Under No More - Free Speech and Licence Restored for Doctor Bay!


    Five years ago the world caught the Covid bug, and none more severely than the medical regulators and politicians. 

    From whom they caught it isn't too difficult to guess, once we realise that money may be exceedingly good at transmitting such bugs from hand to hand, but I digress.

    Regulators world-wide somehow got carried away by the Covid peril, discarding all previously well-considered science in favour of drama, censorship, and punishment of the disagreeable few who dared to speak truth to both power and the public.

    The wheels of justice grind slow but in the right hands they grind well, and one such disagreeable doctor who had his licence withdrawn for daring to speak out has had his day in court, and emerged triumphant, with a scathing judgement against his medical board.

  • Move Along, Nothing to See Here


    This is a video from around a week ago, but as far as I know it raised far more questions than answers have yet been available...

    (18 minutes)


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  • "An Embarrassment of Riches"


    Dr Steven M. Greer is no stranger to the UFO topic, and has a long history of amassing evidence and testimony from many witnesses over many years - and of probing the US Government to uncover what they do or do not know about the topic.

    In short, he has established a pretty firm reputation as one of the more reliable figures in the field, and has recently opened up his "Disclosure Project" intelligence archive to the public (registration required).

    This "Unacknowledged - Full Documentary" is a film made to bring this subject matter out to the public, to provide an overview of what is known and what remains unknown.

    (103 minutes)


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  • Trump Lays it Out - Freedom Means Free Speech


    (7 minutes)

    Trump on a roll - the world has been put on notice.


  • Down the Biblical Rabbit Hole with Billy Carson


    (Readers are advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole 1, before continuing)

    Yes, OK, this article is primed to upset just about everybody, but the key here is to separate two distinct issues:

    (a) your faith in your understanding of the Jesus of the Bible - which when all is said and done does portray a pretty decent kind of fellow who was humble, knowledgeable, powerful, generous, logical, and saintly to die for others; all in all a good model to emulate, and

    (b) our understanding of history that suggests that somewhere along the way, the name and indeed the whole story line somehow evolved from a merger of two quite different concepts of the nature of "God". In some ways the "old" and the "new" testaments may be thought to separate these two concepts, but

  • GB News Leaves Neil Oliver?


    Regular readers will be familiar with Neil Oliver and his cogent rhetoric - he is utterly authentic, always on point, and never wastes a word. He presents a model of perfection to strive for, no matter how inexperienced a budding journalist may be.

    We lament the pause in / passing of his relationship with GB News, but we are confident that Neil will now be free to move on to ever greater heights of journalism. More power to his elbow seems to be pre-ordained and inevitable (although I'm guessing that he may see things slightly differently!).

    We salute him.

    (22 minutes)


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  • Southport Censored?


    Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons, has reportedly forbidden questions in Parliament about the not so recent "terror" event in Southport while criminal proceedings are ongoing.

    (Some may differ as to whether the descriptor "terror" may or may not be appropriate, but search engines don't seem to disagree) 

    But free speech in Parliament is not subject to the same rules as free speech outside Parliament - MPs are generally unrestrained. Indeed, according to

  • To Understand Our Modern World ...


    ... we must understand propaganda - which essentially is the art of making people and populations wholeheartedly believe something that is absolutely not true, and indeed not in their interests.

    It is said that Hitler used propaganda extensively on the German people before and during the second world war, but in truth all wars depend upon propaganda, because fighting wars is not in our normal interests.

    It might be thought that all governments ("govern"=control, "ment"=mind) habitually use propaganda to maintain their power over their populations - true or not, certainly the temptation may be hard to resist!

    So here is a useful primer, courtesy of Citizens for Free Speech, which attempts to teach us how we might recognise propaganda in the first

  • Only For Inhabitants of the Asylum for the Terminally Sane


    Ole Dammegard reviews the state of our world as allegedly run by our democratic institutions of government - yet perhaps in reality by those pesky TLAs and their corrupted or deceived associates in all walks of life.

    Who is to sort the truth from the onslaught of mis/dis/mal/duff/fake-information that assails us from all quarters - and has so done for far longer than any of us might care to contemplate?

    Even the sainted Julian Assange for Heaven's sake - is nobody above suspicion of complicity, or perhaps merely of galactic-scale misrepresentation?

    I think we could all usefully take heed to pick up a few tips and tricks from Ole the expert, who has made the study of fake news into a personal crusade of many years standing... and who still shares much of his insight to the world for free.

    Buckle up

  • Elvis (and Others) Live!


    Ole "Light on Conspiracies" Dammegard is one of those people who take their time to get into their presentations - it's a trait that causes me hesitation in featuring their work, because I am conscious that my readership doesn't often have the time or inclination to sit through long videos. 

    Nevertheless having watched this through, my hesitation has evaporated (despite the several "hiccups" in the recording). If you can find the time to view it, I think you will find that he knocks it out of the park.

    Of course, by the very nature of his work, we don't readily find material corroboration for his assertions from independent sources, and yes, it's perfectly theoretically possible that he has made the whole thing up, so we must all make up our own minds on that score.

    So here is Ole Dammegard bringing Michael Jaco - and the world - up to date on a great deal from HIV to Elvis via Olof Palme and others.


  • Whilst We Were Sleeping ... WW3 was Requested - and Denied - for Now


    Scott Ritter brings us up to date.

    UK PM Starmer wanted NATO to target Russian targets on Russian Territory.

    "Russia will attack the United States"

    We were within a whisker of a WW3 nuclear exchange.

    According to Scott Ritter.

    (37 minutes)


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