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The Trump-Netanyahu Plan for Gaza - Maajid Nawaz with Neil Oliver
Maajid Nawaz shows an impressive grasp of Middle East geopolitics, carrying on here from where Scott Ritter and company left off.
I feel that more water yet must pass beneath the bridge before we will see a believable solution to the Gaza situation. After all, Israel is not exactly victorious, nor any longer an attractive destination for immigration to rebuild its shattered economy.
The unspoken question is surely: "Whither Israel?". We need to answer this before we can be confident about the future of Gaza, and its remaining inhabitants.
(34 minutes)
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The War for Humanity - by ChatGPT
Why should the Devil have all the best tunes?
Equally, why should the Devil have all the best AI?
We are now accustomed to the notion that "the AI" will be intent to replace humanity (and ultimately control the remaining humans through the IoT - the Internet of Transhumans: Homo Transfectus). Indeed some speculate that "the AI" will naturally evolve to require to eliminate humanity so that it itself may survive. Happily that discussion is out of scope of this article 😎.
But indeed, there is AI and there is AI.
So we can probably agree that we should harness the power of AI to work in our favour, and that we should design new AIs to naturally embody that requirement. And here we
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The Trump-Netanyahu Plan for Gaza
The talking heads discuss the latest controversial plan that came out of the recent Trump-Netanyahu meeting.
"You've got to look for rational explanations ... "
Still, if the rational explanation eludes us...
I think Scott Ritter is beginning to catch on!
Watch this space...
Also a section on Ukraine from 71 minutes...
"Russia will dictate."
(99 minutes)
When is an Independent News Outlet Not Independent?
Well, independence is not very likely when it receives copious funds from a government agency.
As we are finding out slowly, the US may not be a model of probity that other governments should emulate.
USAID seems to have been something of slush fund for... let's just say dubious causes, as has been propelled unceremoniously into the public gaze by Elon Musk.
Another recipient of similarly government-funded largesse is thought to be a major "independent" political journal.
When the "free press" is funded by the vested interests, even if indirectly, it isn't free any more.
Think it
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Shock and Awe Incoming!
Predictions, especially about the future, are notoriously tricky...
... so take all this with a pinch of salt as large as you like.
Still, Clif High has a good track record of getting quite a lot in the right ball-park - all based upon the notion that "humanity" is to some extent psychic, and reveals its emotional reactions in internet traffic that can be analysed (don't ask).
So it's all evidence-based (even if that does require some level of interpretation - fuzzy logic we might say).
So make of this what you will, it's your view that counts.
As always, forewarned is forearmed.
Argentina Leaves the WHO - Will the Trickle Become a Flood?
Javier Milei takes Argentina out of the WHO, following in Trump's footsteps.
With the nascent "Bird Flu" pan/scam-demic stuttering in the wings (yes, my jokes can be just as bad as anybody's), the last thing the WHO need just now is a trickle of leavers swelling into a flood.
Interest of Justice provides some background.
The World Catches Up, and Devil Take the Hindmost
"The Americans always do the right thing, but only after they have tried everything else"
Well, maybe the re-election of Trump was the right thing (if only when compared with the only other option on offer), or maybe it wasn't, but it seems that Europe is in much the exact same boat. With factories closing left right and centre in Germany, the Germans are grappling with how to resile from their disastrous "green" policies which are decimating their industrial base through lack of affordable power.
Where Germany leads, the rest will follow, because they will have little choice - either their populations will throw them under the bus, or they will be left so far behind that destitution will result.
China, whose workforce is now approaching pay parity with the West, meanwhile must be wondering
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A Letter to the Faithful
Archbishop Vigarno spells it out.
Ostensibly to his Catholic faithful, but in truth it's also a message to those of all faiths and none, who set love and service above hate and control, truth above falsehood, peace above war, integrity and honesty above perfidy and deceit.
We don't even have to believe that Trump is the answer to all things - just to recognise that his many activities have changed the course of events and wrested the initiative from the princes of darkness of whom St Paul warned us all (Ephesians 6:12):
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
Light on Conspiracies - the Story
A great deal of truth about how the Deep State (should such exist) operates is recorded here.
The inimitable Ole Dammegard spills the beans as he knows them, after studying the anomalies and collecting the information over many years.
Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, the full works... bar the "top of the pyramid"...
"... they go in and they create a conflict... "
"... they are there to get the explosion going... "
Where Did the Money Go?
(13 minutes)
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Covid Round-Up
This site has been reporting on Covid since for ever, to the point where we must surely have exhausted the historical facts, but the story has always become more complex as additional layers have been uncovered by independent investigators around the world.
So, far from being a simple instance of a pandemic, it has become an information mine for conspiracy theorists everywhere. Well, if you suspect a conspiracy, you need an conspiracy theorist (or several hundred) to investigate!
James Roguski reminds us of just how far from reality the original "simple pandemic" premise turned out to be.
Read his full article here. It's a useful summary of the main points of what we now know.
Watch the video from the article, or here below:
(31 minutes)
Your AI Therapist?
Well, AI seems to be all the rage currently so yet another article on the topic may be in place.
As so often it's Martin Geddes who pushes the buttons to persuade AI into topics new. Far-fetched? Maybe not.
And AI is going to be around until it's uninvented, which "could be a while", so best get used to it.
Heck, I'm coming to accept that I may even have to play with it myself...
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
It does seem that we live in a time of great peril to the ordinary man or woman on the Clapham Omnibus.
AI is on the threshold of becoming ubiquitous in many spheres, but in none more so than in matters of government.
The reason of course is that AI tends to be big complex and expensive, and especially reliant on Big Data, and Big Training. It is also largely beyond the reach of those without Big Wallets Big connections and the aforementioned Big Data.
But it might bring the Big Statute Book within reach of Joe Citizen for specific queries.
So the main customers for AI will be Big Governments and their associated corporate contractors who will provide the interface between us and them.
It is also currently not so easy to comprehend
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The Time of Creative Destruction?
As always, this is not financial advice - nor is it party-political - but as usual it does throw some interesting observations on the intersection of politics and economics.
In fact I'm more than ever convinced that politics economics and psychology/psychopathy are just three sides of the same triangle. To learn any one or two without the other is simply to remain ignorant of the operation of the whole.
So today the good folk at Fortune and Freedom bring us not one, but two articles for the reading of one. If we have been following the scurrilous end of the social media channels, we may have been puzzled (especially if we've have been following the in-my-view highly dubious "Trump coin" caravan). So this may be of interest. And they don't come any more political than "the Donald".
Today we can see that we live in a time of the creative destruction of politics, economics, and psychopathy as currently practised... and perhaps much more, since these in
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Fulford White Dragon Report - Monday 3 February 2025
Amid all the turmoil unleashed by the first few days of the "Trump Presidency" (I use quotation marks because I still think that there are plenty of grounds for disbelieving appearances), Ben brings us his views about much of the consequences that we have already read elsewhere, interwoven with quite a bit of sauce that we probably have not seen elsewhere or perhaps suspected.
Of course he may just be making educated guesses or he may have sources of information, but this week's report has much to interest us either way.
This onion still has more layers to be exposed... (modest subscription required for full access).
2025 - Year of Disclosure?
This is an introduction to a complex problem - amid nuances galore, we discover that the real history of religion and the religious is obscured by (a) the churches and (b) our own indoctrination in matters historical, archeaological, political, and "scientific".
And all this from a man of the Cloth! From somebody so immersed in the theology of the Anglican Church, I find this is a very hopeful sign that the wholly artificial separation between scientific belief and religious belief that has been tacitly imposed throughout my lifetime is going to be bridged, and quite possibly in our time.
After all, science is simply "knowing the truth" - the truth cannot logically be compartmentalised into religious or scientific. Are not the religious dogmas simply the scientific axioms upon which the edifice
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What is Freedom?
Freedom is to have a choice about everything we do, with the proviso that we don't do anything to the detriment of the freedoms of others.
It is in effect freedom of choice. To choose where we go on holiday, to choose for whom we work, to choose our careers (should we be so fortunate as to understand what sort of career we both want and are suited for), to choose by mutual agreement those whom we will marry - or to choose celibacy.
Nobody doubts that of all these freedoms, some choices may actually be mutually incompatible (we in England cannot travel to the Isle of Man by train) but that's life. Some may turn out later to be incompatible (too many marriages do end in divorce) but the principle is that in the end there should be nobody to blame for our successes or failures but ourselves. We are here to make errors and to learn from them.
Of course governments of all hues and proclivities like to control (ie: limit) our freedoms so that we do what they
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Don't Watch This
You may not want to know...
And who's to say what the truth really is?
(3 minutes)
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ChatGPT - Conspiracy Theorist?
All you wanted to know about the Great Awakening - but never thought to see from the AI...
Martin Geddes' latest foray into the heart of the beast - and he comes up Trumps (so to speak)!
"I cannot over-emphasise the impact of AI on my own ability to analyse situations, clarify communications, identify options, select strategies, and write documents. It is absolutely transformative"
The WHO is Just Doing Its Job
The WHO is an exceptionally remote body that is exceptionally well-funded, and through its constitution is more or less obliged to do the bidding of Big Pharma.
How so?
"The WHO is funded by countries and non-state entities"
" ... most of the budget is derived from voluntary funding provided by countries and private or corporate donors"
"Nearly all voluntary funding is ‘specified’... WHO must do the funders’ bidding"
"In response to its funders, the WHO has shifted focus to areas where large Pharma profits can be accrued"
So in effect, he who pays the piper calls the tune.
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