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  • When is an Inquiry Not an Inquiry?


    Well, obviously, when it's a whitewash.

    That's rather a blunt start to any article, but I feel that it sets the right tone.

    And it's not really even controversial - after all, everything about the Covid "pandemic" has been corrupted from the start, so why should the inquiry in the aftermath be any different?

    So specifically for those who can't tear their attention away from this sophisticated study into how the great and the good persist in manipulating a public inquiry to ensure that it produces the desired favourable results, HART bring us their commentary on "Module 4 Vaccines and therapeutics day 1 Tuesday 14th of January".


    The rest of us will no doubt find no shortage of more useful learnings to

  • A Tantalising Glimpse of the Impossible Possible


    Ex MP Andrew Bridgen tells it as he saw it firsthand.

    Can we make the impossible possible once more?

    Essential viewing.

    (92 minutes)


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  • The Simplest Solutions are Oft Eschewed


    Zerohedge reminds us that the "pandemic" would probably have fizzled out except for some populations being deficient in a necessary not-a-vitamin.

    I say "reminds us" because this site featured the information back in May 2020, courtesy of a video from Ivor "if a drug did that it would be an enormous blockbuster" Cummins (and he isn't just talking Covid)

    ZeroHedge reports.


  • A Concise History of the "Climate Change" Dogma


    Well, it's certainly an opportune time to review how we got here on a number of fronts, so here is a very useful summary of all the major features of these so far unproven assertions.

    "If you still buy into the man-made global warming narrative and are willing to surrender your sovereignty, not just for yourself, but for your family, your community, and your country, to a group of elitist globalists who fear you, then that's truly something"

    "If CO2 were responsible for trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere, we would see a direct, measurable correlation between CO2 concentrations and global temperatures. But we don’t"

    "The Earth is a self-regulating, closed system. When temperature increases, CO2 is released from oceans, permafrost, and soil, but it’s the temperature that initiates the release, not the other way around


  • Covid Control - Evidence of Global Military Management


    It appears that there is evidence that the Covid "pandemic" was staged as (or became) a secret unacknowledged military operation, at least in all NATO countries.

    So maybe we were secretly at war with somebody somewhere...  but it was judged expedient not to alert the public.

    From the unified response of the anglosphere countries that involved ditching the long-prepared pandemic response plans in favour of measures that had previously been almost universally discredited (lockdown of the fit and able, universal masking, anti-social distancing etc), it was reasonably obvious that something untoward was afoot, although it wasn't at all clear that this was a military operation. Nor is it clear to this day whether that military operation could be in any way justified.

    The Brownstone Institute reviews the

  • SitRep 2025


    Here is one view of our situation as 2025 commences.

    Whilst much of this summary is true, it obviously doesn't cover everything that is going on.

    The truth is that no human being has a monopoly on the truth - we have to accept that, and work together to do what must be done.

    "... they need us on our knees, they need us begging... hopeless... powerless... completely dependent on them, and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen "

    It does appear so. "They" also need us isolated from each other, to prevent communication. If you are reading this, how well is that working?

    "... you need to do what you can with what you have where you are, to not just become the best possible version of yourself but to create a life that you are in charge of... "

    When push comes to shove, after we have made

  • Who Would Have Thought It?


    Well, it turns out that British weather in British winters can be quite varied. Some years the thermometer hardly dips to zero, let alone below it, and other years the weather gods send us glacial temperatures for days, even weeks on end, amidst flat calm wind conditions such as have been prevalent this winter.

    And strange to say, the sun also is at its lowest ebb, the winter days are short and the nights long, and moonlight and starlight fire up no solar panels just as wind turbines hang listless for want of a gust. Naturally this comes as a surprise to many in government, who despite being told of these realities until the tellers are blue in the face (and not just from cold), they have had their attention fixed inexorably on the UN-WEF/IPCC models which perhaps have not actually modelled the variability of the British climate in particular, with sufficient precision.

    After Professor Ferguson's models (of Covid pandemic infamy) one is tempted to say that we are surprised at the level of blind faith

  • The Climate and Nature Bill


    Shortly to get its second reading in Parliament, this is another Bill to usurp the power of legislation to drive the Climate Change project, removing our essential freedoms, and forcing our obedience to WEF-UN inspired NGOs and assorted other busy-bodies who would compel our compliance "for our safety" - all whilst bypassing the need for further legislation. 

    Welcome to the New World Climate Emergency Dictatorship.

    It's yet another way to tell us that it's all totally democratic because we voted these numskulls into office, so now we must do as they say.

    The fact that whichever main party we voted for at summer 2024 General Election we were going to get a government dominated (by whatever means) by the UN-WEF global bureaucracy is neither here nor there - in practical terms we didn't get the choice.

    We had to have a referendum before we could leave the clammy embrace of the EU - I submit that the measures

  • Words Matter, or Word Matters


    Words matter:

    "In the beginning was the word..." 

    Well, that was in the beginning, before the politicians involved themselves.

    Now, in their desperation to confuse us all into compliance with their never-ending absurdities, they have refined and redefined and counter-defined words to such an extent that even when we have the meaning explained to us, we cannot follow the logic (because it isn't logical) or we continue to misunderstand the meaning (because it's neither constant nor consistent).

    I have read this attempt to explain the latest ineluctable word game (don't panic, it's a German word) a couple of times and am still none the wiser. 

    Do you have better

  • Covert Weapons for Civil Wars


    As far as I know there is no suggestion that the these weapons were used in LA, but they do seem to be available should the authorities (or anyone else with access) decide that they might use them.

    Nor is there a suggestion that anybody has specific plans to use them on the civil population.

    Still, forewarned is forearmed...

    (18 minutes)


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  • Fulford Report - Monday 13 January 2025 - War in LA?


    Of course the prime focus this week is on the fires in LA - the similarities with the fires in Maui at Lahaina being noted.

    The difference of course is that the victims in Maui were not from the affluent classes, so maybe the motivations were more complex...

    An informative article this week, as usual covering multiple topics.

    (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • The Covid Jabs Evidence of Harms Explained in Comprehensible Bites


    This site has maintained that the Covid "pandemic" was a hoax from beginning to end.

    Why? Because "they" went to absurd lengths to fix the statistics to make it appear so. If there was a real pandemic, why the need?

    Dr Yeadon even believes that the whole "science" of virology is unproven, which would set the cat amongst the pigeons big time. I don't go as far as to assert that, since I don't have the evidence, but I suspect that he's right...

    There is so much apparently wrong with the Covid jabs that we might feel non-plussed about where to start.

    Dr Mike Yeadon (whom I have followed since 2020) has done a lot of good work in this area, and you can find his substack here.

    PTSD Man


    Today's offering from Martin Geddes relates some of his day-to-day coping mechanisms following on from his post-pandemic learning journey.

    The pandemic probably isn't over in so far as the medical juggernaut is still pushing its mendacious wares on those who despite everything remain unawares, thinking that all that is in the past and not coming back.

    Martin more than most has done his best to unravel the circumstances that gave rise to it, and to take on some of the concomitant peripheral challenges, giving us valuable insights and acquiring not a few mental scars in the process.

    Today he reviews where he stands in these left-over days trailing behind 2024, when progress seems slow to most of us in Blighty (not so slow in California) and still downhill in both direction and aspiration.


  • Dr Roger Hodkinson Speaks to Anna Brees about Covid


    This article comes with a large trigger warning.

    The implications that arise out of this discussion are likely devastating to our prospects as a population, and Dr Hodkinson doesn't shirk them. Anyone who believes that Covid and all its works are behind us may well be in for a most unwelcome awakening over time, as more effects of the jabs emerge.

    This is Part 2 of the interview, and features a lively exchange between Roger and Anna, in many ways quite lively enough to cause the discussion to miss / skip over a number of pertinent points, all in Roger's favour in my view (I have noted them below the video).

    Take a deep breath, keep calm, and carry on...

    (39 minutes)



  • As Net Zero is Now on Track for NetZero NetZero, Whence Will Come Power?


    Nick Hubble discusses the power sources of the future, and whether the grid will still be providing our power in the future.

    Net Zero CO2 has come to mean net zero power, which would mean a far smaller population able to subsist off its own land. That isn't what we have become accustomed to, nor is it acceptable to the population at large.

    So failing the elusive zero-point energy, or the nuclear fusion that we are still being assured is "just around the corner" (as it, like the cure for cancer, has been for around the last 50 years - just bung us a few squillions more dosh and we'll be wheeling it out in no time), how is our power sourcing likely to evolve from here?

  • What is Cognitive Freedom & Do we Need it?


    Laura Dodsworth suggests that "we need a cognitive freedom movement".

    She is (rightly in my view) concerned about the manipulative techniques that governments use to persuade us to buy into their favoured narratives, even to persuade us to take on board total tosh, such as man-made climate change and 'we're all going to die!'. 

    OK, what exactly does "cognitive" mean?

    Even the dictionaries seem a bit confused:

    "an adjective that means connected with thinking or conscious mental processes"

    "relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity"

    "a term used in psychology to describe anything related to thinking, learning, and understanding"

    "relating to

  • The Republic Restored


    "We have not had a Republic since at least 1871.. "

    "We the people have been brainwashed, programmed, tricked... "

    "... NO! We are the government, 'We the People'... "

    " How do you have a Territory get a Statehood? Here's the checklist... "

    " They were able by November 2010 to get the Republic restored "

    "... he was on President Biden's clemency list... "  

    (57 minutes)



  • Trudeau's Prorogation Hands Power to the Blob?


    Wait - didn't he just resign?

    Well, it's one way to bypass Parliament.

    And how does the dodgy legal history of Canada affect matters?

    Lisa Miron explains... (42 minutes)

    "... he doesn't think he needs to get elected... "


  • California Burns, Brownstone Reviews the March of the Technocrats


    The fires of Maui have come to California. Published pictures allegedly (one can never be sure these days) show extensive areas burned-out.

    There are reports that fires were set deliberately, starting up in several locations simultaneously.

    Bur fire hydrants are dry - the fires cannot be fought. Unlucky? Or deliberate?

    The similarities with Maui, whilst not exact, are clear, and no doubt as time passes we will see more clarity. One other thing is clear: in normal circumstances, a population burned out of house and home is effectively dispossessed and cannot fight back.

    The recent report from Maui illustrates the point. When authorities remain tight-lipped and inaction rules, we are forced to ask what is going on.


  • Zuckerberg Speaks


    Well, it's true, "Meta"-phorically speaking... (groan)... Mark has made what seems like a 180o screeching hand-brake turn on "fact-checking" - a turn not lost on the erstwhile "fact-checkers", who have (reportedly) "fact-checked" his statement...

    As I have chosen to exist on the Net largely outside the Zuckerverse I don't feel qualified to comment of this turn of events, but happily, I know of a man who does.

    (Strange though, I don't remember the blue-eyed curly-redhead look previously... )