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  • Fulford Report Monday 30 Dec 2024 - New Year, New World?


    It looks as though Biden really was a Chinese-controlled plant. Which would mean that the 2020 election was an act of war by the Chinese (and no doubt others).

    Which in turn would mean that the transition of power from the 47th President Donald J. Trump to the US Military under Continuity of Government (COG) laws and regulations would be the entirely logical response of the United States Republic (whose Constitution the Military is sworn to uphold, rather than THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC corporate entity which is/was owned by the British Crown, City of London, and the Vatican, and was set up after the Civil War to administer the government of the Republic as subcontractors to the Republic. However, in practice the British Crown administered the USA as a colony, the prior legal governing institutions of the Republic having lapsed. In recent times it seems that these republican legal institutions have probably been restored as the American States Assemblies,

  • Germany - Basket-Case of Europe?


    Elon Musk - Truth Warrior or Misguided Nerd?

    And why would German readers care to be protected from his opinions?

    Well, I guess they wouldn't - like most they would be quite capable of ignoring opinions with which they disagree - but it seems that there are those who would protect the normal German reader from Elon's opinions, particularly if these would-be protectors also happen to be in power office, or closely aligned with those in office, and may feel threatened by the AfD.

    Perhaps it's a measure of how shaky they believe their tenures in office to be... but in a democratic society, those voted out would of course be happy to be so discarded provided it was done democratically, would they not?

    Which raises an

  • Will the 'Trump Experience' Reverse the Tide of Financial Incontinence?


    What difference will the indicated appointments of Elon and Vivek to the new shiny Department of Government Efficiency (now there's a oxymoron for you!) make to America, and by extension, to the world?

    In short, will the DOGE be any more effective than the infamous Department of Administrative Affairs of "Yes Minister" fame? 

    The inimitable, highly experienced, but just possibly terminally jaundiced-of-outlook Bill Bonner sets out his reasoning.

    But as is always the case, we must critically examine the core assumptions (often also unstated) upon which his reasoning is based. It's always the lazy assumptions that catch us out when

  • The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth


    We should be so lucky!

    These days there are so many versions of the truth available from a multiplicity of sources that it's become an adventure to merely establish what we think might be the truth of only one of the many stories that are daily offered to us.

    At least in times bygone, most of the few media outlets tended to offer much the same story (albeit with left/right leanings as befitted the particular outlet) so we felt that if a number of independent sources told much the same story. then it was likely substantially correct. 

    In fact, it now seems that far from being independent, they all got their headline stories from the Deep State's Ministry of Truth, and the conjecture is that this may have been going on ever since Zionism became an international thing; valid or not, the mainstream compulsion to support Israel's version of events in Gaza and elsewhere does little to dispel the idea.

    Some even go

  • Where Does the King's Speech Leave the State of the Nation?


    The King has delivered his Christmas Message to the nation - so where are we now?

    Just as this site doesn't do party politics, we don't do religious division, which stands a high chance of immediate degeneration into arguments over religious dogma. We prefer arguments over evidence and logic, and whilst we recognise that hard undisputed evidence may sometimes be in short supply, logic suffers no such shortfall.

    This little video was created by a Christian of the Catholic denomination (I assume Roman Catholic). In our historically Protestant country, Catholics, like anybody else of any faith or none, may yet speak the truth!

    Here we find

  • Straight Advice on Ukraine for "the Donald", from Scott Ritter


    Scott Ritter reviews the prospect for the war in Ukraine when Donald Trump takes the reins in the US.

    Moving on, he comments on the latest options for the Middle East, then a tail-piece on North Korea.

    (82 minutes) 

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  • AI May be Useful, but It Needs Training!


    Can AI be useful in challenging the iniquities of the current allegedly fake legal system?

    The Law is a monstrous edifice of common law accepted principles, parliamentary statutes, regulations, judges, barristers, regulators, codes of conduct which may or may not be legally binding, all given force by case law (a statute does not become law until the courts have ruled on relevant cases).

    Oh, and ignorance of the law is no excuse!

    So the man or woman on the Clapham omnibus may feel that the odds in court are stacked against him/her. How to understand it all? How to identify the weak points in a case? How to present those points in the best way to achieve a just and successful outcome?How to devise tactics appropriate to the circumstances? How to find the time to understand it all, or even find a competent and trustworthy lawyer (should such be affordable)?


  • Welcome to the Evolving Multi-Cult-de-Sac


    OK, with Christmas done and dusted, now is the time to return to the hard realities... well, certainly hard as opposed to easy, but maybe not hard as in 'we can physically hit it and we hurt'.

    So set aside all that left-over Christmas pudding that we couldn't face down on top of all the previous courses (not to mention glasses) that we faced down pre-yesterday (there, I gave us a day already to recover), we have serious, and yes, difficult, concepts to bend our minds around going forward. And best to get our poor heads around it whilst still feeling at least slightly mellow, so we may approach it in relaxed fashion and regard it without the usual 'that's way too hard for me just now' feeling that means that we never get started.

    This is, fairly exceptionally, one for the dyed-in-the wool conspiracy theorists, so listen up. The rest us can sit back, relax, and continue in mellow tranquillity with whatever we were going to do today - this is way too deep for us.

    "We Have More in Common Than Divides Us"


    Neil Oliver interviews Jimmy Dore on sundry recent news stories.

    You will be shocked! 

    Or after the last few years, maybe not... 

    "... it doesn't matter whom you vote for..."

    (24 minutes)


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  • In Case You Didn't Know ... Dominic Cummins Spells it Out


    Dominic Cummins, "enfant terrible" of the Boris government, explains the workings by which the UK government is run.

    What does this tell us about the current "government"?

    Does it amount to institutionalised fraud, protected by plausible deniability?

    Or worse?

    (3 minutes)




  • All You Never Wanted to Know About Covid and Were Afraid to Ask


    Covid is the topic that divides the world.

    Actually, the world divides itself into two camps - those who don't want to know regardless of the arguments, and those who are prepared to think the unthinkable, or perhaps merely just to look at it to check how unthinkable the unthinkable may actually be. I'm sure that there cannot be a single person alive who doesn't know people close to them in both camps.

    It's not a race thing, it's not a left/right thing, it's not a religious thing, but it is possibly a maturity thing in so far as a child when faced with an unfamiliar intrusion (such as a less than familiar Nana and Grandad arriving on a too infrequent visit!) will cling to the familiar comfort of Mum or Dad to save them from the unfamiliar threat, whilst an adult would face the intrusion, try to understand it, and decide accordingly how to react.

    The adult is responsible, the child is still neither responsible nor competent.


  • Mind the Gap!


    After the climax of Christmas Day, how to fill the gap between the Christmas holiday and the return to normal life?

    For some the gap may not exist, for others it may be no more than Boxing Day, for still others it may extend through the New Year celebrations. But however long this gap is for us, it's an interregnum that permits a opportunity for the curious to investigate matters puzzling yet inessential, quixotic yet not entirely irrelevant, or perhaps of potential import if only we could quiet ourselves for long enough to actually apply our minds to teasing out the hidden nuances.

    So in this morning's welcome calm following the storm unleashed last night by the latest Wallace and Gromit escapade (actually, "escapade" is far too insignificant a word for this cataclysm...

  • A Message for Christmas


    Put aside for now the notion of goodwill toward all men. This may be Christmas but the quotation actually reads "Glory to God in highest realms, and peace on Earth; goodwill among men" (Luke 2,14 - Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible).

    We don't yet have "peace on Earth", so "goodwill among men" is not yet universal.

    There is yet the small matter of justice to be served for those whose deaths and disabilities were received at the hands of those who fraudulently persuaded them to take a "medical intervention". Until then, the war continues.

    General Washington's audacious victory at Trenton on Boxing Day 1776 reminds us that though the odds may seem stacked against us, victory is not impossible.

    Roll on

  • Behold 2025!


    Those well known storytellers of future events give us their views on the incoming year - so settle down, pay attention, pin back your ears, and prepare yourselves for a year like no other...

    (Disclosing use of altered or synthetic content)

    (33 minutes)

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    (This article is purely for entertainment purposes)

    See also another

  • Fulford Report - Monday 23 December 2024


    Turkey (no, not the Christmas dinner fowl) is much in focus this week as President Erdoğan is reported to be seen as "encircling" Israel...   so it's the battle of the Zionists against the Islamists that's taking shape. Not that the "Christian" religions are faring any better - it seems that bankruptcies hold no religious preferences.

    So how will Turkey fare in taking advantage of current Middle-Eastern geopolitics to rekindle some of the old Ottoman Empire?

    And just what is Elon Musk the maverick mogul up to just now? (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • "Don't Just Sit There, Undo Something"!


    This could be an exhortation for that post-prandial moment - Christmas Dinner has been consumed, the family is gathered around the hearth (well, those that still have one), mellow feelings of satisfaction and togetherness suffuse the atmosphere, and everyone makes due allowance for everyone else's faults and foibles.

    In many families this will be a traditional time to hand out and undo the Christmas presents, wanted and unwanted, appreciated and unappreciated, but nevertheless welcomed with gratitude for their generosity - not necessarily in terms of price paid, but in time thoughtfully taken, for time is the ultimate arbiter of value in this world.

    It's rare, but sometimes someone has the opportunity to give something of such vast value to so many that the mind recoils in surprise - indeed marvels in amazement that not only were they able to accomplish it with such deceptive ease, but that nobody actually had to pay anything for it!

    Perhaps all it needed

  • Mistakes Were Not Made?


    "Mistake" is an ambiguous word. On the one hand it can reflect a happenstance where the effect is unwanted but was not intended, on the other hand it may indicate that the action was intended but that the result was unwanted. Unhappily, some events such as "yes I thought that hitting the cricket ball out of the field was a good idea, but I hadn't reckoned with it smashing a window or hitting a passer-by on the head" might be considered a "mistake" on both counts.

    However, deliberately throwing the cricket ball out of the ground at the head of a passer-by would not normally be regarded as a mistake, as the result would be clearly intended.

    So we could recognise an intermediate state where hitting the ball out of the ground may avoid damage to windows and heads most of the time, but not all the time, so may be considered deliberately reckless, and thus culpable.

    So we may transpose the argument to a different situation, and ask whether recommending a novel

  • Will We Be Saved by a Crisis?


    With governments around the world in crisis, how will the clashes between countries / power blocks evolve?

    The aspects to this are economic, and political/military. Now that money-printing nears exhaustion, what will transpire?

    Will governments go to war to impose a command economy, feeding the war in place of the aspirations of their people? How that would turn out is best not tested, but may be inevitable.

    The Middle East is pivotal, and showing no signs of settling down.

    (49 minutes)


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  • Our Horrible Historical Origins


    Ivor Cummins and Dr Jacob Nordangard discuss the ideologies that have shaped our history since good Queen Beth and her spymaster John Dee.

    Are today's events not but continuation of a centuries old movement?

    Religions, rituals, dogma, secret societies, freemasons... it's not what you believe that matters, it's what they believed that counts.

    Some hold similar beliefs today, and who is to say they are wrong, in the dawning age of ontology where physics is based upon consciousness?

    (56 minutes) ...

  • Solstice Update - Scott Ritter & Pepe Escobar


    Ukraine / Syria centre stage, and President Putin setting out his analysis.

    There's much power-play going on behind closed doors, largely unknowable. The only thing obvious is that there is no going back to the status quo ante.

    And what exactly is "Greater Turkey"?

    First up: Pepe Escobar

    Then Scott Ritter at 61 minutes.

    (187 minutes)


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