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Putin's Syria Stratagem?
The sudden collapse of Syria took nearly everybody by surprise, changing the dynamic of geopolitics in the Middle East almost overnight.
In fact, the events were so fast so unexpected and so dramatic that "conspiracy theorists" are naturally looking behind the reported events, to see whether the motivations of both the participants and non-participants might indicate explanations other than the "collapse due to internal endemic corruption" narrative so far put forward.
Danny Haiphong / Brian Berletic discuss.
(1 hr 50 mins)
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Predictions for 2025 (How can you go wrong?!)
Friday 13th may not be the most auspicious of times to present predictions, but hey, they aren't mine!
Perceptions, as always, are key.
And no, this is not financial advice(!)
If I do have any advice to offer. it would be to ask:
"what possible changes might be in the works in 2025 that might turn the (possibly unstated) underlying assumptions upside down?"
2025 may be the year in which our thought processes will be required to break "outside the box".
(52 minutes)
They are Here? So What?
If you have not already, read "They are Here" before going further.
So - it's likely to be not only a meeting of civilisations (if our current status can be so described) but also a meeting of advanced technologies, very different cultural and societal norms (will the Germans still be able to bag the best poolside/beach seats?), not to mention communication norms enabling multiplicitous methods of generating misunderstandings.
What could possibly go wrong?!
"Huge, species level, existential challenges are just ahead. Right over there. Go look over that hill, you’ll see it coming ... Look inward, to see your way out"
(NB: speaking of problematic
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The Abomination of Domination
Has he gone and joined the "born-again crowd"?
Well, I guess that to answer that question we would have to define "born-again crowd".
But then the nit-picking would begin as the various nuances of the expression would need to be picked over, discussed, theological books consulted and if found wanting, rewritten, all of which would likely generate far more acres of controversy that may or may not be related to the original question.
It could become a costly and ultimately pointless never-ending exercise.
But what is the alternative?
Indeed,Is there an alternative?
Scott Ritter on the Destruction of Syria, the Fate of Palestine, & the Resurgence of Israel
Two videos from Scott Ritter on one subject on one day may seem excessive, but it's hard to overstate the changes that have been wrought in the Middle East by the Syrian collapse.
It's no exaggeration to say that the politics of the region have been reversed, thrown into turmoil. The situation will take time to settle into some semblance of clarity.
Syria overthrown, Hezbollah cut off from Iran's supplies, pressure on Israel's Netanyahu massively eased, and the Israelis losing no time in taking ground in Syria and bombing military installations apparently almost unopposed.
Not to mention the pressure now being turned on Iran.
This video explores the political fall-out from the recent events, the roles played by Russia and Turkey, and not least by President Assad.
What future now for the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank?
"They Are Here"
Some think that there is reason to believe that humanity stands upon the edge of a new age, a new cosmic age, when we will be introduced to the inhabitants of the Cosmos that have been taking an interest in our progress for millennia.
Of course many will scoff, but go out on a starry night and review the wonders of the visible night sky - can you seriously justify an outright denial of the existence of life in that unfathomable infinity of elsewhere? Are we really the only place in the heavens that harbours intelligent life? And if here, why not there?
It makes no sense that we should be alone.
But Einstein determined that nothing and nobody can travel faster than light, so how could they in practice get here?
Well, Einsteinian physics displaced Newtonian physics as a model for understanding our universe, so who's to say that another genius might not supplant Einsteinian physics with a yet newer model of
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Met Office Modelling the Message?
Modelling was in recent times given a bad name by Prof Ferguson of Imperial College, who produced estimates for the impact of Covid so wide of the actualité that they even made mainstream media.
Mind you, he was only following in the footsteps of the Climate Change zealots of the IPCC, whose predictions were all produced by modelling whatever their climate scientists wanted, resulting in a wide variety of predictions that were usually over and above the climate temperatures / sea levels that actually ensued.
Has the Met Office also caught the modelling bug?
Yes - they have been modelling the weather for a long time.
Are their models accurate? I don't know.
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The Tucker-Lavrov Interview
Another must-watch exchange that should shed some light upon the present (but pre Syrian collapse) state of the conflict in Ukraine, now extended into attacks on Russia herself.
"... we started the operation in order to end the war, which Kiev regime was conducting against its own people in parts of Donbas"
(81 minutes)
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The Collapse of Syria
Scott Ritter explains the many ins and outs of the lightning insurgency that toppled the Assad government.
"Nobody anticipated this happening"
(37 minutes)
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ZeroHedge comments on how order might eventually be restored... if not already too late.
Fulford Report - Monday 9 Dec 2024 - Fall of Damascus
In one of the most illuminating posts for a long time, Ben reveals his viewpoint that the world is undergoing a seismic political realignment, of which the fall of Damascus is but the first and most obvious major element.
That Russia should have supported it speaks volumes, and may perhaps give the lie to the notion that Israel was behind it.
The next weeks and months will see huge changes.
(Modest subscription required for full access)
"Damascus Has Fallen"
"... contacts in Damascus strongly suggest a transition of power deal has already been made"
A deal that would seem to be primarily to Israel's advantage.
"... a US-designated terrorist has emerged as the current de facto ruler of Damascus and of Syria"
Vanessa Beeley, long-time independent journalist, comments (Telegram).
"Hamas celebrated the 'freedom of Syria'
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Ontological "Physics"
Ontological Physics: A Beginning. by Clif High
Warning: Math involved.
High risk of brain-fade.
Enter at your own risk...
Read on Substack
Electricity in the Ontological Model -
Time to Chop Wood ...
Another whimsical piece, this time from Bill Bonner of Fortune and Freedom.
God, Climate Change, kids, and the arrival of a Family Get-Together make for an unlikely but thought-provoking mix.
So step back from the daily grind and relax...
(This is not financial advice)
A Brief Excursion to Old Salem
Offering a welcome step away from the constant news of "wars and rumours of wars", and back to a time nearer to America's foundation, Martin Geddes treats us to a pertinent comparison between Old Salem as it was founded, and modern "Old Salem" which seems to dwell in a different spiritual country.
It shouldn't take an Hercule Poirot to spot the incongruencies, but in this case it perhaps does take a visitor from Old Blighty. I wonder what someone from old Moravia would make of it today.
“We identify with the New Moravians”
I am also mindful of the notion that perhaps "God" or "the Universe" often reflects back to us the spirituality that
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Fulford: Turkey Makes Its Move!
The Middle East / West Asia is being recast...
Turkey has invaded Syria and it seems Russia gave the green light
A Pariah in the Global Community of Nations
A hard-headed look at the economic policies of the US following the Trump election.
Another Yank who can't seem to stop himself from shouting, but don't let that distract from his message.
Does the Trump victory herald a new beginning, and if so, of what nature?
Or will the US economy simply revert to more of the same old same old?
"I believe the Israeli military has full control of Hamas"
Yup, these days nothing, but nothing, is unthinkable. Many believe that Israel financed Hamas from the beginning specifically in order to prevent development of unified leadership of the Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza. So it's maybe not such a great leap of the imagination to assume that Israeli control of Hamas continues to this day.
Oh, and: "Clone technology is real - these guys keep coming
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Move Along, Nothing to See Here
This is a video from around a week ago, but as far as I know it raised far more questions than answers have yet been available...
(18 minutes)
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Update on Syria
Scott Ritter and Andrei Martyanov find themselves in much agreement on what has been going on, and where it is likely to go.
"I'm pretty sure that everything is all coordinated now..."
(104 minutes)
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The Truth About Vaccines - Settle Down Del!
Del Bigtree, scourge of vaccine providers, arrow in the heel of Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Propaganda (AKA sorcery), brings to light "a meeting of the world’s top health officials, and their shocking admissions about vaccine safety" all "caught on camera".
Del isn't every Brit's cup of tea as (being a Yank) he tends to shout rather a lot for our taste, but hey, he's been absolutely right about vaccine safety, he has probably done as much as any man alive to bring these issues to public attention, even where practical to take them to court, and he's more than entitled to his moment of I-told-you-so.
(1 hour)
Watch The Highwire Episode 400.
Buy your own ear-muffs...
Miliband's Land of Climate Myths and Legends
The Daily Sceptic reviews the tall tales spread by the ever-expanding network of philanthropist-funded NGOs and other assorted "non-profit" (and certainly non-democratic) agencies and special interest groupings 'of the people'.
The UK is steadily being hollowed out to house a subservient population that believes everything they are told, eats what their lords and betters give them, travels only by self-propulsion, and visits only approved destinations such as vaccination centres, abortion clinics, euthanasia parlours, and (if you are lucky enough to have a job) workplaces.
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