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  • Ukraine - The Game Has Changed


    After the recent bombardment that left Ukraine with much reduced power and water supplies, and much additional damage to infrastructure and command-and-control targets, Colonel Douglas MacGregor briefs Redacted on the likely future events.

    "Mr Zelenskyy is in a panic"

    (24 minutes)


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  • So How is WW3 Getting Along?


    Redacted reveals what Vladimir Putin tells us he is now up to, and how it is going.

    There is some very interesting footage which puts a big question mark over how the Crimean bridge was destroyed.

    Draw your own conclusions:

    (36 minutes)


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  • UK Military Now Signed Up to the EU


    PESCO is part of the EU Defence Union, and Liz Truss has reportedly just signed us into it.

    "This is massive, because... you are unifying our military with the rest of Europe, to come under EU Command and Control"

    "Nobody has consulted the public... "

    "... it's going to change, and it's going to change rapidly"

    (37 minutes)


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  • Russian Defence Ministry Update on Latest Clashes


    Russian Defence Ministry Update on Latest Clashes:

    (5 minutes)



  • Chinese Police in Canada and Elsewhere?


    Hold on to your credulousness ...

    "China has opened dozens of overseas police service stations in about 30 nations around the globe in order to 'monitor' its citizens living abroad"

    Rebel News reports from Toronto:

    (8 minutes)


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    Read the report.

  • Drill Baby, Drill!


    Net Zero Watch tells it like it is, but will anybody listen?

    Relying for energy on those whom you regard (rightly or wrongly) as enemies doesn't seem like a good idea.

    Exploiting your own domestic energy supplies is therefore the key to prosperity.

    It's a testament to the relentless brainwashing of past decades that this needs to be said at all, but it's also a truism that we don't appreciate what we have until it's taken away from us.

    Download the report.


  • When Will the Real Ukraine War Start?


    Clayton Morris of Redacted floats the ridiculous (?) idea that Russia hasn't started its war yet. After all, according to Mr Putin the events so far were simply a limited military intervention which has pushed back the Ukrainian forces that were shelling the Donbass for the last eight years, and cleaned out a number of biolabs.

    Now however, following the inclusion of the rebel areas back within Mother Russia where by all accounts they much prefer to be, any attempt by the Ukraine to regain these territories by force will be regarded as an attack on Mother Russia and thus an act of war.

    The game has changed dramatically.

    (27 minutes)


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  • Navy Secures the UK


    Operation Joint Warrior!

    "The biggest military exercise in the UK... [has begun] as more than 11,000 sailors, soldiers and aircrew wage a 12-day ‘war’ around the British Isles"

    Will they have enough assets to intercept and deter the fleets of migrant inflatables currently invading our south coast?

    Did they recommission HMS Warrior from her duty as tourist attraction in Portsmouth harbour to lead this massive exercise? 

    "They are joined by vessels from the US, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, France and Latvia"

    Perhaps HMS Warrior was considered too outdated after all.

    Shame really - one can only imagine the looks on those migrant faces as that umpteen-cannon steam and sail leviathon chuffs down on their insolent inflatable... and the order wafts across the placid

  • LaRouchePAC - Trump Should End the War Now


    "if you can’t figure out how to not blow up the world, how can you possibly be deemed competent to hold public office?"

    That's a sentiment that is admirably concisely expressed, and it's amazing just how few of our western politicians pass the test.

    We who think so are apparently not alone.

    "We are currently witnessing widespread and escalating opposition to NATO’s war taking place throughout Europe.  Demonstrations against the war and its accompanying green genocide policy for Europe’s coming winter have broken out throughout the continent, numbering in the hundreds of thousands of participants"

    "Ukraine, despite massive propaganda to the contrary, is losing this war, and it could never win based on the actual correlation of

  • Call for a Referendum!


    The Covid screws may have been loosened but the same censorship is evident on the Ukraine issue - no viewpoint other than the mainstream Russia Bad / Ukraine Heroic is permitted to be shared around.

    Our government has no mandate from the people to sideline negotiations and to continue their proxy war against the Russians.

    A referendum to decide the frontier issue was good enough for Scotland and there is no reason that the same is not good enough for the Eastern regions of the Ukraine. We had the chance to cooperate with Russia to negotiate a peace deal on that basis and to act as peacemakers, but Boris chose not to - Putin has now held his own referenda with predictable results.

    "... the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all. This

  • If You Are in a Hole - Stop Digging!


    Unless of course you are a politician - as we all know, the normal rules of life on Earth never apply to them.

    At the start of the "military intervention" in Ukraine, peace talks were held and seemed to offer reasonable hope of a negotiated solution - until western politicians (reportedly not least Boris Johnson) leaned on Zelenskyy to scupper the process. 

    Boris could have joined forces with Putin to support a referendum along the lines of the Scottish referendum on self-determination (if it was good enough for the UK then why not for the Ukraine?) but chose not to for reasons that seemed to amount to little more than "Putin Bad - Zelenskyy Good".

    The Ukraine-Russia spat is on the face of it nothing to do with the UK. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. The UK is not a neighbouring territory with "interests". For the UK to intervene to facilitate a negotiated and peaceful resolution would be reasonable ("blessed are the peacemakers"), but to intervene to

  • Lazy Crazy Days ... and Gas Pipelines


    Sabotage? Earthquake? Happenstance? Search for the Guilty? Punishment of the Innocent? Praise and honour for the non-participants?

    Neil McCoy-Ward sorts the facts from the fancies...

    (20 minutes)


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    One point he doesn't mention is the Great Reset as promoted by the WEF. If multiple huge corporates which depend upon energy and fossil fuel all suddenly find themselves with impossible business models, then bankruptcies beckon, and bankruptcies mean banks and ultimately central banks. 

    We watch how this plays out in calm trepidation

  • War Means Business - Even for European Shipping


    You could read this two ways:

    - European shipping companies are disgracefully profiting from the Ukraine war sanctions...   or

    - European shipping companies are doing their damnedest to keep the populations warm(ish) and employed despite the idiotic sanctions imposed by their rulers.

    Either way, it does highlight the total stupidity (and almost certainly worse) of our ruling classes.

    Investigate Europe has the story.


  • Ukraine - the Smothering of Bodies, Hearts, Minds, and Souls


    Celia Farber of the Truth Barrier is someone that expresses those feelings of unease and concern that many of us feel but rarely articulate - and then goes and does something about them.

    Her recent contribution on Substack reflects much that many think about the situation in the Ukraine, and then goes on to address the points raised.

    "... the hawks are literally in every inch of mind and air-space, making sure you can’t even think about wanting to understand “both sides” of the conflict, never mind the shocking, twisted history of Ukraine and the US"

    Unmissable reading.


  • Graham Phillips Reports from the DonBass 16 Sep 2022


    There has been much news in the western media concerning the success of the latest Ukrainian moves to regain territory from the Russians, so this report is welcome in so far as it provides some confirmation from the front lines.

    It's a snapshot from a specific place rather than an objective overview, but it's more than nothing.

    (4 minutes)


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  • Ukraine Update & WW3 - 15 Sep 2022


    News from Ukraine seems to be a bit thin currently - is anything happening?

    Yes, things are happening, but maybe they are not making the news.

    Maybe they should.

    Clayton Morris of Redacted reviews the latest news and scuttlebutt...

    (17 minutes)


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    It's not just about matters military - it's also about matters monetary.

    (NB: I have ended this clip at 8 minutes 30 seconds because the remainder is a sales

  • Transatlantic Geopolitics Targets EU through Germany?


    Leaked Rand Corporation document confirms (corporate) US sees the sanctions on Russian gas as a means to retain American influence (ie: control) over Europe....

    Makes sense, no? No?

    So who is manipulating whom?

    "NATO was there the whole time... "

    The "fog of war" is swirling.

    (21 minutes)


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  • The View from Israel 5 Sep 2022


    Amir Tsarfati updates us on recent happenings around the world.

    "People don't trust governments any more"

    You may or may not share his Christian beliefs but he does present an independent view of current events.

    "All over the world assassination attempts... civil unrest, military coups, it's unbelievable"

    "We are witnessing amazing things"

    (13 minutes)


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  • Who is Q? What is the Plan for the Vaccinated?


    This is a measured and calm review of the deep state and its ambitions to rule a depopulated world.

    Also the push-back from the antidote to the deep state: the Q team (whoever they may be) and what has been happening since the assassination of President Kennedy.

    This has been a clandestine war from the very beginning -  a beginning that goes back millennia at least to biblical times.

    This war is coming to a head as we live and breathe - a war to end all wars, and to end the influence of institutional evil that has been festering within the halls of power from earliest known times.  

    We indeed live in the most "interesting" of times.

    In only 30 minutes much is left unsaid, but the primary message concerns the fate of the jabbed - how will the negative effects of the injections be countered?

    Operation "warp speed" was

  • The Power Behind the Boris?


    I do recall that soon after the start of the Ukraine war, peace negotiations were held which I thought at the time showed great promise.

    Soon afterwards the negotiations were broken off seemingly for no clear reason and the fighting has been unbroken ever since.

    Now Raheem Kassam has put the clues together and suggested a likely culprit that may surprise many and few in equal measure.

    This site has remarked before that the war in the Ukraine is no business of the UK and not in any way in our interests (unless we are all suffering from the delusion that Russia is run by a power-crazed dictator who is hell bent on world domination - whilst Russia has in truth taken several limited military interventions to protect her interests, it is NATO that has invaded and bombed multiple middle eastern and Balkan
