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The Unelected

  • Andrew Bridgen on the Current State of the World


    Andrew Bridgen interviewed by Paul "Voice of the People" Thorpe.

    Quite a wide-ranging interview covering most of the major news topics of interest, also exploring the current state of UK parliamentary politics. As Andrew points out, not very parliamentary at all if you look beyond the formal procedures at what a parliamentarian is supposed to do - to speak for their constituents.

    (45 minutes)


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  • Define "Word Salad"


    "Word Salad" in general means a collection of imposing-sounding words which communicate no sensible message.

    Certainly no precise coherent message.

    The art of the word salad has been refined over many years by that putative global fascist dictatorship known as the New World Order.

    It's a long and carefully executed attempt to bamboozle the world population into accepting their pronouncements without argument, because... well, how do you argue with an interminable pile of nonsense?

    The people pushing it always have more labyrinths of nonsense to send you around!

    The pile simply has to be rejected in toto.

    Happily I am spared the need to dive in and demonstrate the meaninglessness of the pile of garbage because the inimitable Ivor Cummins has done the demolition job already.

    Are We to be Mugged by a Word Salad?


    Well, time is fast running out... before the United Nations agrees its new "Pact For the Future"!

    Of course one might argue (many would and do) that the world is in a parlous state exactly because the UN hasn't managed to sufficiently control things in the period leading up to this moment, but don't worry, it's nothing that handing ever more powers to the good folk at the UN wouldn't resolve, as they would then be able to be properly bossy and everyone would have have to tow their line, whereas up until now their powers have been too easy to circumvent.

    It's the usual storyline: It's not our leadership that's at fault, it's all because these countries simply won't do as they are told! So "countries" are outdated and must be abolished and we, as the New World Order, must be given plenipotentiary powers... or something like that.

    You can find out (if you have a spare lifetime to investigate, decipher the blurb, and wade through

  • Are We at the Precipice of Destruction? Fulford Report 16 Sep 2024


    Nuclear War seems to hold a number of western politicians in thrall - judging by the number who want the Ukraine to fire the missiles that they sent them deep into Russia.

    We know from past events that Ukraine's attacks are less for military purposes than for terrorism on the civilian populations. To rational people that seems to be self-destructive and pointless, but maybe we simply misunderstand their motivation... not to win, but to inflame and escalate the conflict.

    Once the first missile is despatched, only days will likely remain before Russia determines that their response too must be to escalate.

    "Please refrain from all engagements until such time as we can establish meaningful diplomatic engagement. We have actionable intelligence of fifth columns. Stand down all nuclear capability

  • Whither will AI Take Us? Or Whither will We Take AI?


    Much has been written about AI and much no doubt still has to be written (possibly also by AI), so what is our future - will humanity slip the ring over AI's (virtual) digit and embark on a mutually supportive and happy life together, spawning Yuval Noah Harari's happy brood of Davos-style hybrid transhumans, or will it all end in tears and an acrimonious parting of the ways, with humanity desperately trying to pull the plug on the AI's power supplies before the latter's drone swarms can intercept us?

    Well, as we have remarked in these (virtual) pages before, there's AI and then there's all the other varieties of AI.

    Clearly Google knows a great deal about AI, its uses and misuses, and Google whistle-blower Zach Vorhies has been closer to the AI scene, for good or ill, than most of us.

    Here he is interviewed by Andy Steele of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and a wide-ranging interview it is (although 9/11 does get a mention in passing). As with

  • The Hidden Hands Behind the Ukraine Story?


    This guy explains the Atlantic Council interests, and much else besides, that led up to the coup in the Ukraine that was designed to impoverish Russian interests, lead to the take-over of Ukraine, and perhaps then of Russia herself.

    The Atlantic Council being the New World Order branch concerned with marshalling Corporate interests, NATO, western governments and secret services to further the NWO's geopolitical ambitions.

    If you thought that the Hunter Biden interest in Burisma was innocent, then this will open your eyes.

    Take your time, this connects a lot of dots...

    (49 minutes)



  • Just Where Is the A-Team When We Need Them?


    It has been a summer of discontent, a summer of downward spiral on many fronts - Ukraine, Middle East, UK & US Politics, UK and global economics, the list goes on.

    Neil Oliver lays out the situation as only he can - fearlessly truthfully and eloquently:

    (10 minutes)


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    It seems to me (as a long-time fan of the TV series in which a loyal team of bickering ex-US Army misfits come together from the "wrong side of the tracks" to right the wrongs of a situation by bravado, deception, cunning and rank ingenuity) that now is the time for the

  • The Fourth Turning is Upon Us?


    "Fourth Turnings NEVER de-intensify. There will be blood, death, and war on an enormous scale before this Crisis is resolved"

    "I believe the next six months will determine the course of humanity for the next century and beyond"

    "Most people are unwilling or unable to confront the brutal facts of our current reality"

    "Last week they quietly reported that 818,000 jobs they reported as existing were entirely fake. They knew they were fake when they reported them, but you gotta do what you gotta do to maintain your wealth, control and power"

    "Events have been happening at a breakneck pace and it is difficult to determine which incidents are being engineered and which are occurring naturally"


  • Big Pharma on the Ropes?


    Now that Trump has teamed up with RFK Jr, it looks like the gloves are finally coming off - and in public.

    This goes back a long way.

    How long? Probably as long as the 1918 flu pandemic in which (a) nobody could demonstrate transmission of the disease via "bodily fluids" (but boy, did they try!) and (b) more (US) soldiers reputedly died of the vaccine (the term warp speed hadn't been invented then but I don't doubt there was an equivalent) than died of battle.

    More recently, the tetanus vaccine produced under the aegis of the WHO would seem to have something very "unfortunate" to hide - but as Mike Yeadon tends to say these days, maybe "mistakes were not made"?

    I haven't any information about the tetanus vaccines used outside Africa, but Big Pharma's reputation being what it is... why

  • Who Assesses my Benefits Claim?


    Well, according to Big Brother Watch, maybe nobody. It might all be handled by machines. If not now, then soon.

    Does anybody know how the AI works? Nobody accessible to the public.

    "Black box algorithms and secretive AI tools sit at the heart of the UK's welfare system - with little accountability. Our investigation offers a glimpse into life inside the UK’s poverty panopticon"

    So here's a simple enough question:

    If the tools of the process are opaque and protected by commercial confidentiality, how can the process be accountable to the public that it is meant to serve? And if not accountable, how is a realistic challenge possible?

    I have postulated before that government is simply a

  • Fulford Report - Monday 26 Aug 2024


    The war of the hats is hotting up as Summer fades in the northern hemisphere and the traditional financial collapse season approaches in early autumn.

    An interesting report this week with news about YouTube & Telegram (modest subscription required for full access).


  • Twas Ever Thus ...


    Yes, it's back to Plato's "Republic", and how the elites have conspired to rule over the plebs of humanity since maybe the very dawn of time...

    It's a little slow, but at a speed that hopefully allows those unfamiliar with the concepts to keep up.

    No need to fear going to sleep either - there is a rather annoying and otherwise unnecessarily loud drum beat now and then, just to ensure your wakefulness...

    So sit back, relax, ignore the annoying uncoordinated visuals (whilst they last - you can pay attention later when they become more informative), and follow the Guardians...

    (31 minutes)



  • The Wrecking of the Bayesian


    This article appeals to me on a subliminal level - I'm not exactly sure why but it's up to you to decide what you may think of it.

    Mike Lynch, as many may remember, was the man at the centre of a major lawsuit brought by HP over their purchase of software company Autonomy (Mike and his co-defendant Stephen Chamberlain were acquitted in June this year).

    Apparently the yacht was the victim of a sudden squall or waterspout or some other very localised nautical event that put it on the bottom. So far so unlucky one might suppose.

    "There is something of a miniature Titanic about the story"

    Except that the other defendant in the HP-Mike Lynch lawsuit also died suddenly but more or less contemporaneously in a motoring incident in the UK.

  • Down the Rabbit Hole, into the Crop Circles!


    This is one of those videos that you are either ready for, or not.

    I suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 2 3 and 4.

    But this is a DTRH with a twist - it isn't my work, but it is (as far as I know) a completely new twist on who (or what) is behind the phenomenon of crop circles - and yes, the picture above really is a genuine (if highly unusual) crop

  • Kursk - The Aftermath


    Danny Haiphong interviews Andrei Martyanov to review the results of the incursion by Ukraine into Kursk.

    Obviously, this is from a pro-Russian perspective, but it makes a change from Scott Ritter, even if the general thrust of the argument is not too different. 

    (26 minutes)


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  • "Two Tier" Plod?


    Many now seem to believe that Britain's policing may sometimes be less than fair impartial and objective.

    So here is a "former police officer" who claims to be expert in dealing with unwanted attention from the plod.

    It's your judgement that counts.

    (33 minutes)

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  • Jacob Nordangård on the Path to Global Technocratic Slavery


    Jacob in Q&A mode reviews the history of the global elite's scheme to rule the world.

    A useful and accessible discourse that shows how their obsession with world control has been advanced at the highest levels in the most boring way possible, probably in order to evade the scrutiny of the rest of humanity. Well, that's my interpretation anyway.

    There can't be too many people by now who haven't heard of the Rockefellers, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Atlantic Council, the Committee of 300, the Bilderberg Group, the World Economic Forum etc etc...  the list is intentionally extensive and irrelevantly but portentously named in order to discourage casual investigation.

    Nevertheless there exist heroic sleuths who have penetrated the turgid prose of their never-ending reports to unearth their true agenda, now with us in the form of the equally uninformatively-named UN Agendas 2050 / 2030.

  • Fulford Report MPOX Edition - 19 Aug 2024


    The war of attrition continues in the Ukraine with threats against the regional nuclear power installations, whilst the DNC (Democratic National Convention) kicks off in the US. Still no overt action by Iran against Israel...   after all, with Israel desperate for more war, why play their game?

    So this week it's more of the same.  (Modest subscription required for full access)

  • The Fight to Fail


    Dominic Cummings isn't everybody's cup of tea, but he does (probably) do his own thinking - which may explain why he didn't last long in government.

    In his latest substack offering, he digs deep into history to illustrate his points (I am no historian so I won't comment on this section).

    He goes on to describe how he feels that the Cabinet Office and PM's Office and indeed the whole edifice of the Civil Service and 'Parliament by political party' are doomed by their own mentality to fail, and will indeed fight off all comers in order to continue that failure (after all, who is to hold them accountable?).

    "... they don’t win because they are not actually trying to win, they are just trying to be players in the rancid SW1 game and don’t want that game disrupted by attempts to change its basic rules and agreed goals"

    I don't agree with Dominic's conclusions (he is too narrow in his thinking - for

  • Is Ivermectin All It's Cracked up to Be?


    It would seem so - but does it have a nasty sting in the tail?

    Interest of Justice (with a little help from Dr Mike Yeadon and Sage Hanna) examine the psychology, and find it... interesting.

    "Coincidences are genuinely rare. When they happen like this, you would be a mug to assume they’re innocent"

    This is deep enough to make one seriously inclined to suggest that this is a rabbit-hole too far, that nobody would be that devious. Sadly, whilst this train of thought may have appeared reasonable only a few years ago, today we should perhaps have learned better.

    Any project that appears to have invested heavily in fake "gain-of-function research" over multiple countries in a bid to cover the tracks of a fake pandemic caused by a fake virus (yes this sounds preposterous but it fits the
