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The Unelected
The Infinite Expansion of the Aberrant State
Javier Milei addresses Davos, 2025 style.
And as if that wasn't enough, a free extra bonus appearance by the new Boss, Donald J. Trump at 27 minutes.
(70 minutes)
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SitRep 2025
Here is one view of our situation as 2025 commences.
Whilst much of this summary is true, it obviously doesn't cover everything that is going on.
The truth is that no human being has a monopoly on the truth - we have to accept that, and work together to do what must be done.
"... they need us on our knees, they need us begging... hopeless... powerless... completely dependent on them, and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen "
It does appear so. "They" also need us isolated from each other, to prevent communication. If you are reading this, how well is that working?
"... you need to do what you can with what you have where you are, to not just become the best possible version of yourself but to create a life that you are in charge of... "
When push comes to shove, after we have made
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Who Would Have Thought It?
Well, it turns out that British weather in British winters can be quite varied. Some years the thermometer hardly dips to zero, let alone below it, and other years the weather gods send us glacial temperatures for days, even weeks on end, amidst flat calm wind conditions such as have been prevalent this winter.
And strange to say, the sun also is at its lowest ebb, the winter days are short and the nights long, and moonlight and starlight fire up no solar panels just as wind turbines hang listless for want of a gust. Naturally this comes as a surprise to many in government, who despite being told of these realities until the tellers are blue in the face (and not just from cold), they have had their attention fixed inexorably on the UN-WEF/IPCC models which perhaps have not actually modelled the variability of the British climate in particular, with sufficient precision.
After Professor Ferguson's models (of Covid pandemic infamy) one is tempted to say that we are surprised at the level of blind faith
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The Climate and Nature Bill
Shortly to get its second reading in Parliament, this is another Bill to usurp the power of legislation to drive the Climate Change project, removing our essential freedoms, and forcing our obedience to WEF-UN inspired NGOs and assorted other busy-bodies who would compel our compliance "for our safety" - all whilst bypassing the need for further legislation.
Welcome to the New World Climate Emergency Dictatorship.
It's yet another way to tell us that it's all totally democratic because we voted these numskulls into office, so now we must do as they say.
The fact that whichever main party we voted for at summer 2024 General Election we were going to get a government dominated (by whatever means) by the UN-WEF global bureaucracy is neither here nor there - in practical terms we didn't get the choice.
We had to have a referendum before we could leave the clammy embrace of the EU - I submit that the measures
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We Need a New Paradigm that Implements People Power
Since time immemorial, humanity has been organised into groups - some cooperating, some fighting, some dispersed, some concentrated geographically, but in general all under some form of leadership.
If we believe the history books, then these leaders eventually developed into hereditary leadership families known as "Royalty".
Naturally, individual leaders cannot be everywhere at once giving people instruction and judging aberrant behaviours, so the concept of Royal Courts that administered each locality on behalf of the monarch was instituted.
Likewise the monarch could not know everything that perhaps he needed to know, so the concept of the advisory council (Witan in Old England) was born where the monarch could pick the finest brains in the land before determining on any particular course of action. From these beginnings arose our current "Parliamentary
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What to Make of the Musk Maniac?
Elon Musk, a fabulously rich entrepreneur, who supposedly made his money creating new and very popular services such as PayPal, innovations such as Tesla self-driving autonomous vehicles, and who is also a defence contractor (well, a man must make his living where he can), boasts a close relationship with "the Donald" (and did I mention "X"?), is now seemingly entertaining himself by adopting a new role: the scourge of malfunctioning governments!
A tweet or two from Musk and the snowflakes in said malfunctioning governments clutch their pearls, grab for their smelling salts, and between hyper-ventilations write all kinds of opinion pieces declaring that he must be controlled, preferably silenced, lest he inflame their easily-deceived moronic voters into believing that changes may be desirable at the next elections! And (Shock! Horror!) he isn't even a politician, so what on earth does he think he's doing?!
He's setting an excellent example to the rest of us - he's doing his own thinking, coming to
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Fulford Report - Monday 6 Jan 2025 - War Incoming?
The recent multiple false flag attacks get some analysis, Congress is supposed to ratify the Trump presidency today 6th Jan (but will there be Congressmen available to do this?), the fog of war has literally descended across the US and elsewhere (fog in winter? Who'd a thought it?), and China is up to no good (just for a change).
Yes, apparently things are happening, but to what ends remains as impenetrable as ever.
Have matters reached peak pandemonium yet?
I fear not quite, but what do you think? (Modest subscription required for full access)
The Race to Preempt Trump - Let's Get the War with Iran Going?
With Trump due to be inaugurated on 20th inst, those who would provoke WW3 are apparently working overtime to trap Trump into war with Iran, China, Russia, well, anybody really...
Redacted reports... (feel free to check out when the "word from our sponsor" begins)
(14 minutes)
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Northern and Southern Dystopiae
A tale of two cities .. well, one city and a town I suppose would be more accurate.
Whilst by no means typical oftowns and cities across the nation, perhaps these may be thought to become so if we simply extrapolate current rates of deterioration for a few more decades. Of course there will always be better places to dwell (where else would the well-to-do live?), but as pointers to the typical urban homescapes ofthe future, perhaps these vignettes serve a purpose, a reminder that local civilisation involves purpose as well as, perhaps more than, comforts.
When one purpose fades, how to find a new purpose? This seems to be a relevant question that somehow doesn't get much asked, yet surely it needs to be the first question for which any aspiring politician hopeful of election
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Will the 'Trump Experience' Reverse the Tide of Financial Incontinence?
What difference will the indicated appointments of Elon and Vivek to the new shiny Department of Government Efficiency (now there's a oxymoron for you!) make to America, and by extension, to the world?
In short, will the DOGE be any more effective than the infamous Department of Administrative Affairs of "Yes Minister" fame?
The inimitable, highly experienced, but just possibly terminally jaundiced-of-outlook Bill Bonner sets out his reasoning.
But as is always the case, we must critically examine the core assumptions (often also unstated) upon which his reasoning is based. It's always the lazy assumptions that catch us out when
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The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth
We should be so lucky!
These days there are so many versions of the truth available from a multiplicity of sources that it's become an adventure to merely establish what we think might be the truth of only one of the many stories that are daily offered to us.
At least in times bygone, most of the few media outlets tended to offer much the same story (albeit with left/right leanings as befitted the particular outlet) so we felt that if a number of independent sources told much the same story. then it was likely substantially correct.
In fact, it now seems that far from being independent, they all got their headline stories from the Deep State's Ministry of Truth, and the conjecture is that this may have been going on ever since Zionism became an international thing; valid or not, the mainstream compulsion to support Israel's version of events in Gaza and elsewhere does little to dispel the idea.
Some even go
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Where Does the King's Speech Leave the State of the Nation?
The King has delivered his Christmas Message to the nation - so where are we now?
Just as this site doesn't do party politics, we don't do religious division, which stands a high chance of immediate degeneration into arguments over religious dogma. We prefer arguments over evidence and logic, and whilst we recognise that hard undisputed evidence may sometimes be in short supply, logic suffers no such shortfall.
This little video was created by a Christian of the Catholic denomination (I assume Roman Catholic). In our historically Protestant country, Catholics, like anybody else of any faith or none, may yet speak the truth!
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"We Have More in Common Than Divides Us"
Neil Oliver interviews Jimmy Dore on sundry recent news stories.
You will be shocked!
Or after the last few years, maybe not...
"... it doesn't matter whom you vote for..."
(24 minutes)
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In Case You Didn't Know ... Dominic Cummins Spells it Out
Dominic Cummins, "enfant terrible" of the Boris government, explains the workings by which the UK government is run.
What does this tell us about the current "government"?
Does it amount to institutionalised fraud, protected by plausible deniability?
Or worse?
(3 minutes)
Behold 2025!
Those well known storytellers of future events give us their views on the incoming year - so settle down, pay attention, pin back your ears, and prepare yourselves for a year like no other...
(Disclosing use of altered or synthetic content)
(33 minutes)
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(This article is purely for entertainment purposes)
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"Don't Just Sit There, Undo Something"!
This could be an exhortation for that post-prandial moment - Christmas Dinner has been consumed, the family is gathered around the hearth (well, those that still have one), mellow feelings of satisfaction and togetherness suffuse the atmosphere, and everyone makes due allowance for everyone else's faults and foibles.
In many families this will be a traditional time to hand out and undo the Christmas presents, wanted and unwanted, appreciated and unappreciated, but nevertheless welcomed with gratitude for their generosity - not necessarily in terms of price paid, but in time thoughtfully taken, for time is the ultimate arbiter of value in this world.
It's rare, but sometimes someone has the opportunity to give something of such vast value to so many that the mind recoils in surprise - indeed marvels in amazement that not only were they able to accomplish it with such deceptive ease, but that nobody actually had to pay anything for it!
Perhaps all it needed
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Our Horrible Historical Origins
Ivor Cummins and Dr Jacob Nordangard discuss the ideologies that have shaped our history since good Queen Beth and her spymaster John Dee.
Are today's events not but continuation of a centuries old movement?
Religions, rituals, dogma, secret societies, freemasons... it's not what you believe that matters, it's what they believed that counts.
Some hold similar beliefs today, and who is to say they are wrong, in the dawning age of ontology where physics is based upon consciousness?
(56 minutes) ...
Fulford Report - Monday 16 December 2024
A block buster report this week from Ben, naming big names and sharing big goings-on, including (but by no means limited to) his view on the developments in Syria.
These are indeed momentous times. (Modest subscription required for full access)
Don't miss.
Are the Turkeys Now Voting for Christmas?
Minutes of the Vaccine Benefit Risk Expert Working Group for Covid-19 are published on the government website.
"Safe and Effective" might be expected to figure prominently in their deliberations, because that was what we the public were told, in no uncertain terms.
"What’s even more troubling from these minutes, is the intention of the UK health authorities to assess the serious risks raised only after authorisation!"
As ever, expect the truth to be "nuanced".
It doesn't paint a good picture, but why publish these minutes at all if the turkeys are still in
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More Enlightenment
How else can light be used to affect us?
Turns out, it can affect our behaviour.
You'll never look at an LCD screen (TV, smartphone, computer. laptop, tablet) in the same light again...
(12 minutes)
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