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The Unelected

  • Fulford Report - Monday 26 Aug 2024


    The war of the hats is hotting up as Summer fades in the northern hemisphere and the traditional financial collapse season approaches in early autumn.

    An interesting report this week with news about YouTube & Telegram (modest subscription required for full access).


  • Twas Ever Thus ...


    Yes, it's back to Plato's "Republic", and how the elites have conspired to rule over the plebs of humanity since maybe the very dawn of time...

    It's a little slow, but at a speed that hopefully allows those unfamiliar with the concepts to keep up.

    No need to fear going to sleep either - there is a rather annoying and otherwise unnecessarily loud drum beat now and then, just to ensure your wakefulness...

    So sit back, relax, ignore the annoying uncoordinated visuals (whilst they last - you can pay attention later when they become more informative), and follow the Guardians...

    (31 minutes)



  • The Wrecking of the Bayesian


    This article appeals to me on a subliminal level - I'm not exactly sure why but it's up to you to decide what you may think of it.

    Mike Lynch, as many may remember, was the man at the centre of a major lawsuit brought by HP over their purchase of software company Autonomy (Mike and his co-defendant Stephen Chamberlain were acquitted in June this year).

    Apparently the yacht was the victim of a sudden squall or waterspout or some other very localised nautical event that put it on the bottom. So far so unlucky one might suppose.

    "There is something of a miniature Titanic about the story"

    Except that the other defendant in the HP-Mike Lynch lawsuit also died suddenly but more or less contemporaneously in a motoring incident in the UK.

  • Down the Rabbit Hole, into the Crop Circles!


    This is one of those videos that you are either ready for, or not.

    I suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 2 3 and 4.

    But this is a DTRH with a twist - it isn't my work, but it is (as far as I know) a completely new twist on who (or what) is behind the phenomenon of crop circles - and yes, the picture above really is a genuine (if highly unusual) crop

  • Kursk - The Aftermath


    Danny Haiphong interviews Andrei Martyanov to review the results of the incursion by Ukraine into Kursk.

    Obviously, this is from a pro-Russian perspective, but it makes a change from Scott Ritter, even if the general thrust of the argument is not too different. 

    (26 minutes)


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  • "Two Tier" Plod?


    Many now seem to believe that Britain's policing may sometimes be less than fair impartial and objective.

    So here is a "former police officer" who claims to be expert in dealing with unwanted attention from the plod.

    It's your judgement that counts.

    (33 minutes)

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  • Jacob Nordangård on the Path to Global Technocratic Slavery


    Jacob in Q&A mode reviews the history of the global elite's scheme to rule the world.

    A useful and accessible discourse that shows how their obsession with world control has been advanced at the highest levels in the most boring way possible, probably in order to evade the scrutiny of the rest of humanity. Well, that's my interpretation anyway.

    There can't be too many people by now who haven't heard of the Rockefellers, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Atlantic Council, the Committee of 300, the Bilderberg Group, the World Economic Forum etc etc...  the list is intentionally extensive and irrelevantly but portentously named in order to discourage casual investigation.

    Nevertheless there exist heroic sleuths who have penetrated the turgid prose of their never-ending reports to unearth their true agenda, now with us in the form of the equally uninformatively-named UN Agendas 2050 / 2030.

  • Fulford Report MPOX Edition - 19 Aug 2024


    The war of attrition continues in the Ukraine with threats against the regional nuclear power installations, whilst the DNC (Democratic National Convention) kicks off in the US. Still no overt action by Iran against Israel...   after all, with Israel desperate for more war, why play their game?

    So this week it's more of the same.  (Modest subscription required for full access)

  • The Fight to Fail


    Dominic Cummings isn't everybody's cup of tea, but he does (probably) do his own thinking - which may explain why he didn't last long in government.

    In his latest substack offering, he digs deep into history to illustrate his points (I am no historian so I won't comment on this section).

    He goes on to describe how he feels that the Cabinet Office and PM's Office and indeed the whole edifice of the Civil Service and 'Parliament by political party' are doomed by their own mentality to fail, and will indeed fight off all comers in order to continue that failure (after all, who is to hold them accountable?).

    "... they don’t win because they are not actually trying to win, they are just trying to be players in the rancid SW1 game and don’t want that game disrupted by attempts to change its basic rules and agreed goals"

    I don't agree with Dominic's conclusions (he is too narrow in his thinking - for

  • Is Ivermectin All It's Cracked up to Be?


    It would seem so - but does it have a nasty sting in the tail?

    Interest of Justice (with a little help from Dr Mike Yeadon and Sage Hanna) examine the psychology, and find it... interesting.

    "Coincidences are genuinely rare. When they happen like this, you would be a mug to assume they’re innocent"

    This is deep enough to make one seriously inclined to suggest that this is a rabbit-hole too far, that nobody would be that devious. Sadly, whilst this train of thought may have appeared reasonable only a few years ago, today we should perhaps have learned better.

    Any project that appears to have invested heavily in fake "gain-of-function research" over multiple countries in a bid to cover the tracks of a fake pandemic caused by a fake virus (yes this sounds preposterous but it fits the

  • "Our" Government Will Save Us! But Who will Save Us from "our" Government?


    "Government spending and taxation as a share of the economy is so high that the parasite risks killing the host"

    "Lately, there has been a new shift. An entirely new theory of government. It’s now fashionable to claim civil servants are our true unelected leaders. They just ignore and undermine the elected ones to get their preferred policies across the line regardless"

    "What theory of government explains the truly bizarre and erratic nature of our politics and policies today?"

    Read and ponder.

    And no, I'm not buying it. That's not to say that there is no truth in it - but there is plenty of evidence of institutional capture on a global scale - so is it really the size factor

  • Yawn ...


    OK, are you sitting comfortably? Are you having a lie down? Or are you busy getting on with life?

    Well, pay attention, because the WHO has been working tirelessly to defend us from emerging perils, and has now discovered that (wait for it... ) there is a new and dreadful virus that unless we all do exactly as the WHO tells us we will surely die!

    Now look, I know that the last time they pulled this stunt it really did look for a time as though there really might have been an actual threat to world health, but sadly on that occasion it turned out to be a bit of a damp squib that only seemed to kill those at or around average life expectancy with assorted comorbidities. Even though governments around the world did their best to scare us all into compliance with fake tales of asymptomatic transmission, by labelling anybody who died of/with a positive test (which

  • Durham Crown Court AWOL


    Perhaps justice is not to be seen to be done these days.

    The Family Courts were the first to routinely exclude the public from their proceedings on whatever flimsy excuse the parliamentarians of the day accepted as overriding the ancient maxim that justice must be seen to be done in order for the people to maintain their confidence in the judiciary.

    Not to mention in order to protect the innocent from miscarriages of justice that may tear families apart on inadequate grounds unchallenged within the courtroom.

    Is public confidence through open justice and protection of the innocent from unjust family dismemberment really less important than the possibility ofhurt feelings and public embarrassment?

    Crown Courts are of course not Family Courts, nevertheless Durham Crown Court seem to be peculiarly

  • Is Our Money Safe in the Stocks and Bonds Markets?


    One way of ensuring that we "will own nothing and be" well, perhaps not exactly "happy" might be to create a "Great Reset" of all the financial markets.

    All the "too big to fail" banks (that would have failed) get to "bail in" all their customers' account balances. Corporations who can no longer roll over their loans would be bankrupted and their stock values would evaporate.

    Couldn't possibly happen? Well, not one might think within a soundly constructed financial system. But in a fractional reserve system where seemingly everybody relies on never having to meet all of their liabilities simultaneously...

    "... how will our politicians react if China... unleashes its currency and demand evaporates from under Western stocks and bonds while the cost of “Made in China” goes through the roof faster than the price of free renewable energy... ?"


  • Fulford Report - Monday 12 Aug 2024


    Paris Olympics over, financial market flash-crash over, US Democratic Party looking to be swirling the plug-hole...

    It's an ongoing round-up of the ongoing round-up where nobody quite knows who is who any more. Well, except from a few names at the top of the heap that still seem to have some influence.

    Read all about it (modest subscription required for full access).


  • Crimes Against Humanity vs Genocide?


    Interest of Justice are nothing if not ambitious - and maybe they have an appropriate jurisdiction in Costa Rica in which to pursue their ambitions.

    Taking the United Nations (World Health Organisation) to court is not without its problems - they probably have more money than any possible challenger on earth. They are also well-practised in the dark arts of propaganda, obfuscation, and psychological manipulation over many years, as Climate Change attests.

    Still, if somebody is to take on this task, then a maverick outfit like Interest of Justice may be as good as any.

    How would it be done? 

    Watch this space.


  • Ukraine / Israel / Ritter Review


    Scott Ritter being otherwise preoccupied, it falls to Ambassador Freeman to bring us up to date with the latest conflict situations. Whilst his calm and measured demeanour contrasts sharply with Scott's enthusiasm for his subject, it is neither less authoritative nor fundamentally different.

    (30 minutes)


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  • Global Planetary Emergency Scheduled for September?


    But maybe only if enough of us can stay awake through all the turgid hyper-prose that our would-be global rulers have been extruding in ever-increasing ever-confusing and ever-brain-stifling quantities through their self-multiplying self-appointed authority-imitating plethora of brainwashing agencies committees action-groupings climate panels and catastrophe-planning events.

    Should we be worried?

  • If you Thought Covid was Bad ... Can We Dodge Monkeypox?


    Monkeypox? Really?

    Will you accept the WHO narrative that a few odd cases here and there suffIce to declare an Emergency Use Authorisation for an experimental quaxxine that has bypassed all the traditional safety and efficacy trials?

    "They are basically saying it’s OK to experiment on you with potentially unsafe products and you will like it"

    Are Big Pharma finally running out of money? Will our governments oblige them again with vast purchases of unwanted untested and illegal medical interventions to be force-fed to their unwilling/unwitting populations?

    Interests of Justice spill the beans.


  • Fulford: The secret battle for the planet earth part II + Breaking News!


    Ben is again on holiday this week, so the bulk of his report is pre-written - nevertheless a copious account of breaking news is included.

    Both sections are informative reading. 

    Modest subscription required for full access.

    Normal service resumes next week... all other things being equal.