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The Unelected

  • Dominic Dishes the Dirt


    Dominic Cummings issues a commentary on current and recent politics, and doesn't hold back (or does he?).

    He has some interesting propositions for you if you have the odd few grand laying around with nothing better to do, some of which may well turn out to be worthwhile (though I would want a bit more detail if I were to get involved... ).

    Whilst he fires plenty of arrows at the Covid scenario it is noteworthy that he never mentions the "v" word or the WHO or the global and completely novel nature of the Covid response - so nul points for totally missing the point. Maybe he was too close to the Covid action to notice the elephants in the Covid countermeasures corner? Or perhaps he just doesn't think bigly enough to escape the political assumptions upon which the system is built?

    He does recognise that it's the political system that's broken, but sadly he doesn't draw

  • Clash of the Cultures of Tomorrow


    In the Blue Corner - the MAGA movement, and populists the world over, whilst in the Red Corner, the WEF-UN allied with both the EU + western governments, plus corporate oligarchs led by Black Rock, State Street, and Vanguard.

    You could say that the irresistible force is squaring up against the immovable object. 

    Meanwhile outside the stockade, Russia China and the BRICS conduct manoeuvres... and may yet tip the balance decisively.

    To discuss the current situation, LaRouchePAC's Harley Schlanger talks to SGT Report.

    In a world where nobody seems to work for their ostensible masters, there's lots to discuss!

    (37 minutes)



  • Fulford Weekly report Monday 15 Jan 2024


    Ben reviews the current state of the war with the Khazarian Mafia, a war that is centred primarily around the management of information available to the public.

    "The exposure of... sa****ice facilities in the basement of Chabad world headquarters in New York has made the whole world aware of what we are dealing with"

    "European truck drivers, farmers and train conductors have shut down EU commerce in a move to remove KM slave governments"

    "... the KM leadership gathering in Davos Switzerland this week says their theme is 'Rebuilding Trust' "

    As we know, trust is notoriously hard to regain once lost. If even Davos is admitting loss of trust, then we know it's serious.

    Also we in the UK have not been seeing much by way of reports on the European demonstrations, but it does seem that they are both more serious and more widespread than we

  • Madness ... or Badness?


    Neil Oliver tells it like it is - regardless.

    He raises so many elephants in the room that we aren't supposed to notice that I lost count.

    Madness, or badness? Does it even matter? The time for us to deal with all these is fast running out...

    (12 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    Once again, Neil speaks for us all.


  • Another Kennedy Conspiracy Theory


    It's been a while since I decided that nothing would faze me any more, but this is maybe a worthwhile use of your time, since we have no real idea how things are going to turn out - except that events in America may determine events around the world. Who knows how the Joe Biden pretendency is going ultimately to pan out?

    Yes it's a conspiracy theory, but well presented by somebody who has clearly spent a great deal of time on researching it.

    And yes, the truth can be stranger than fiction...

    (90 minutes)



  • UK and World Economic Forum to Lead Regulation Revolution


    Doesn't it give us a nice warm feeling to know that our government is right up there with the undisputed global leaders at the WEF to plan the regulation that our world now desperately needs in order to take us into the future, safe and secure (or kicking and screaming)?

    Where is James Bond when we need him?

    This will " ensure innovators have the environment needed to create and support the industries, products and services of the future".

    Kay Firth-Butterfield of the WEF said: "... I look forward to working with them on the AI Team’s ‘Reimagining the regulator‘ project, where their work on regulatory models will be very valuable"

    ("Models Q?"

    "from Imperial, Bond, the very latest, couldn't survive without them")


  • Fasten Your Seatbelts and Adopt the Brace Position


    Benjamin Fulford reports - Black Swan event incoming. US (+?) Financial crash rumoured...

    "... many signs we are headed for some sort of massive black swan event or set of events, that is likely to involve both a white hat mass arrest operation and a Khazarian Mafia response that will dwarf 911..."

    Lloyd Austin (US Secretary of Defence - Biden Administration) reportedly AWOL without backup.

    Whereas Ben indicates this week, other sources indicate mid-February...  you pays your money and takes your choice... of course, we may get a double-dip!

    Modest subscription required (or read it next week... not

  • I Wasn't Going to Put This Up, But ...


    ... the entertainment value is just too great to ignore!

    We all need a bit of levity in these dark days, so we must take it where we find it, and as so often, Richard Vobes and his guest don't disappoint.

    As sometimes happens, there is an enormous amount of good sense in what this gentleman stands for, and part of his attraction is undoubtedly the subtle mix of pantomime, preposterous assertion, Biblical lineage, and sheer outrageous chutzpah, all leavened with a great dollop of sorely needed sanity and good sense. He sounds like just the sort of fellow to whom the whole British Commonwealth might relate and accord him a gigantic acclamation, were he somehow to be given half a chance... failing that, someone should make him into the next "Carry On!" film.

    Only problem is, he already has a rival for the throne...


  • Hoaxology?


    This article is kind-of surplus to requirement, since even if it didn't exist there is to my mind ample proof that Covid was never a real thing - otherwise why would they need to bend all the rules you could think of (and several that you couldn't) worldwide,to ensure that everyone that had any kind of positive PCR test (a test that was never proven accurate by any measure!) would be counted as a Covid case?

    But for good measure, here is an article by "dpl" who points up the embarrassing alleged truth that in addition to no virus at any time having actually been isolated, many studies over the years have shown no contagion due to viral transmission (of multiple varieties) although they obviously tried very hard, and none seem to have actually demonstrated contagion.

    So if a virus has never been isolated nor been shown to be contagious, where does

  • What is "Informed Consent"?


    In the aftermath of the Covid imbroglio (not to mention the Nuremberg trials) we are now aware I think that our medical profession (egged on by sundry "experts" government officials and other agencies) fell very short of advising everybody of the real risks of the "emergency use authorisation" "vaccines", with consequences that they seem very keen not to explore.

    So it is indeed (as it always was) up to "we the patients" to ask the right questions when we are offered a treatment by "our" NHS, or by any other health practitioner.

    But - what are the right questions?

    Inevitably perhaps, it's not as clear-cut as we might like, and I doubt very much if anybody is taught about this in school these days (nor were we in my schooldays either). But not asking the right questions (and not recognising unsatisfactory answers!) can have severe life-changing consequences - and it won't be much consolation to be told that that consequence is "very

  • Zombieland


    This is a sober but heart-stopping review of the state of America (but not limited to America) induced, laid bare, by the Covid pseudo-pandemic.

    (If you think it was a real pandemic, then you're maybe on the wrong web-site)

    How could so many fall for such a huge hoax, a hoax that really didn't require very much investigation to detect the anomalies and downright falsities upon which it depended?

    If I knew it, why didn't you? To ask that is neither to score a point nor to criticise, but it's a question that needs an answer if we are not to fall for the future hoaxes that are almost certainly being lined up for us.

    "I just want to take a moment to note how profoundly strange and unprecedented this all is"

    "Fertility has collapsed in this country as the clot shots impact fertility, change menstrual cycles, and cause miscarriages. Yet the National

  • Water Take-Over


    Primary water, the Great Man-Made River project, and more.

    This is a topic that needs a lot more exposure. There are a lot of allegations here:

    "... it was actually a huge monetary investment into controlling... and reducing the people's right to access this free resource... "

    "...  this document was found out of the United Kingdom and it talks about how corporate agencies would be used to take over the public water system in the cities throughout the United States, and who would be appointed to do that... "

    "... the infrastructure for both water and gas would be left unrepaired so that we would be easy pickings for public-private partnerships... "

    "... fracking is a new way to poison the groundwater aquifers... "

    "... what's extremely important to understand is the slow

  • The Fulford New Year Report 2024


    Ben's New Years Day report makes for sobering reading.

    "The British Commonwealth, Asian secret societies, the Russians, the Pentagon and other power centers say they support a white hat proposal for a new planetary arrangement"

    As always, the devil is in the detail...

    The world being carved up by the "Great Powers" to suit their own ends is what got us into this mess in the first place, one might think, so one may wish to tread carefully. Still, it's hard to see how we can put "we the people" in charge overnight - there will have to be a very carefully crafted transition plan.

    Will war be abolished overnight? It's hard to see how just at present, but 2024 has only just begun...  (modest subscription required).


  • The Road to Perdition, Or to a Brighter Future?


    With a New Year comes new opportunity, or so we all hope, but there are as many ways of viewing such opportunities as there are individuals in the population.

    By its very nature a parliamentary democracy encourages divergent opinion, and the battle of ideas rages incessantly, to and fro, back and forth, left to right, right to left.

    But what is the major conflict that never (in recent times anyway) dares speak its name in the hallowed halls of Parliament? Certainly it is the conflict between individual freedom and centralised authority, between diversity of approach and top-down control, between an abundance of choice and a standardised result that is imposed as effectively the only option on offer (so much for "diversity" and "inclusion"). Yes, they speak the words, but by their actions shall you know them.

    Still, there are limits are there not? 

    Anarchy must be held at bay or chaos will rule the land, and

  • The Lair of the Beast


    This site has noted the extent of the modern British Empire before... but that concentrated mainly on the financial empire, and that didn't go nearly far enough.

    A bit later (mid 2021) we reported speculation about what the future might bring post-Covid, and that wasn't far out either, but nonetheless still painted an incomplete picture.

    30 months on and we now have LaRouchePAC setting out the globalist control mechanism, centred on the UK, the City of London, from whence post WW2 the state of Israel was manipulated into being. This in association with the UK-US "special relationship" set up the foundation for US Wars on Terror, the Zionist conspiracy that now faces a major, possibly final, crunch as the world rejects the thrusts to (a) eliminate Gaza, and (b)

  • This Should Upset the Apple Cart


    In the holiday spirit we continue with another article that a great many may find absurd, offensive, unnecessary, and so on.

    I'm not going to make any comment on any of that, but I do believe that there are many references in ancient literature (yes, including the Bible) that support Clif High's thesis here. It's not the proverbial "rocket science", but it does conflict squarely with the notion that the King James Bible is the unadulterated "Word of God". If you are firmly wedded to that notion and firmly resolved to treat any conflicting idea as the "work of the Devil", then I suggest that you skip this article. 

    If I am guided by evidence and logic, rather than the dogma of the "KJV immaculate", then logic says that between the original Bible texts being written and the KJV translation being completed, there was ample opportunity for the Devil to work his mischief (and/or for humanity

  • The Great Game Continues


    Putting much of the seemingly senseless activity of recent years into an overarching context, this article from Zero Hedge paints an admittedly complex picture that does knit a large number of seemingly disparate threads together.

    It's about power, and who controls that power.

    This level of global politicking is above my pay grade, but there does seem to be great deal going on these days that could well herald a marked shift in the global order of things.

    Luongo: No One Has Really Grokked How Big The Suez/Houthi Gambit Is


  • The Untouchables


    A bank with a long, long history, going well back into the tangled days of empire, dating right back to the early days of Hong Kong as a British colony. The story of the bank in many ways reflects the story of the empire.

    This exposé may not be entirely accurate, it's up to you to form your own view.

    (58 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Fulford Report Monday 18 Dec 2023


    This week's report is no doubt eagerly awaited, yet whilst it does yield numerous nuggets of news it is still obvious that the war continues.

    Clearly it cannot end until the US and other major KM-controlled western governments are removed... but there is good news on this front:- it does appear that at least one major nation has bitten (is biting?) this bullet!

    Can the remainder be far behind?

    Modest subscription required


  • Rolling Thunder of Propaganda


    Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog) interviews New York University (NYU) Professor Mark Crispin Miller, an expert in propaganda, who reviews recent US history from that viewpoint.

    "To say the press has failed abysmally is actually giving them too much credit. They have been instrumental throughout this nightmare, whose aim is radical depopulation and destruction of democracy"

    Not much compromise on sugaring the pill here then.

    (1 hour)