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The Unelected

  • "A Minority in Their Own Country"


    What's this? A Parliamentarian speaking the truth about migration immigration?

    Lord Green of Deddington spells it out.

    How soon with they move to "reform" the House of Lords?

    (4 minutes)


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  • Why the Bank of England Overrides the Government's Policies


    "If the Labour government does something that the Bank of England doesn't like... "

    (This is not investment advice - you take any advice from South Bank Investment Research, and anybody else, at your own risk!) 

    (17 minutes)


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  • Scott Ritter on Israel's Isolation And America's Political Corruption


    "We are not supposed to be a nation that promotes genocide"

    Scott isn't noted for his restraint when discussing the fundamentals, and the fundamentals here are stark. He doesn't tip-toe around the issues here, nor should we.

    America has a great deal to do before the world comes out on the other side of its current troubles, and I don't doubt that Scott will be kept busy telling his truth for some time yet.

    (32 minutes)


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  • One Hundred Years of Advancement Lost to Secrecy


    Dr Steven Greer has been around for so long that he almost seems like part of the standard conspiracy theorist's wallpaper.

    As a consistent advocate of the unmasking of the "unacknowledged black projects" of the military industrial complex, and the harnessing of the associated zero-point energy technologies for the global good of the planet, others have fallen aside over time but he has stayed the course.

    We may not necessarily agree on everything that he says (I don't), but today it's hard to deny his central thrust...

     ... that much of the technology (currently hidden within the so-called unacknowledged black projects) that would transform our planet and put humanity on a new path to a truly sustainable future of freedom of choice and abundance (as opposed to "sustainable" as used by the self-appointed luminaries of the WEF to lead us toward sustainable slavery to the elites) must be declared revealed and unpacked to full transparency and global

  • A Financial History Lesson from Ben Fulford


    Ben is on busman's  holiday in Japan - but he penned this outstanding article before he went, to enlighten most of us whose education somehow didn't cover the important details...

    ... and don't miss the news round-up that is appended to the above article!

    The Secret History of 20th Century World Finance

    (Modest subscription required)

  • Covid Enquiry Learns All the Wrong Lessons?


    Well, if you took advice from all the people who got it wrong in the first place, what would you expect?

    Any future strategy for whole-system civil emergencies, including for pandemics, will need to be based upon the establishment of large-scale digital platforms

    "... despite England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland being at risk of the same health emergency, the data and health systems were so different that they were a barrier to effective preparedness"

    So we can look forward to more centralised top-down one-size-fits-all no-contrarian-opinions-tolerated crisis management from the same team that brought us the Covid no-pandemic-excess-deaths-until-the-jabs-rolled-out scam.

    And while the exact nature of the "whole system civil emergency" remains unspecified, the government and its multiplicitous agencies will need carte blanche to spy on every aspect of our lives "just in

  • Geddes on Bridgen ... and Job

    To comment on this would be superfluous - Martin as always speaks eloquently for us all.

    Andrew Bridgen: a modern-day Job?


  • Fulford Report - Monday 22 July 2024


    As may be expected, Ben's report this week majors on the fall-out from the Trump non-assassination last week.

    Whilst things are clearly careening along a new and unexpected trajectory, it's not over until it's over.

    Modest subscription required.

    More than ever, discerning the truth from the reportage is an endeavour undertaken more in hope and faith than in confidence these days.


  • Not a Health Service


    "Our" NHS has become such a byword for IPE (inefficiency, perversity, and evil) that I hesitate to publish anything any more about this great national organ of waste and dashed hopes, but it does seem necessary to remind people occasionally that any trust beyond the fixing of minor emergencies may be misplaced, and even most minor emergencies may be better fixed at home with a little forethought.

    That's not to say that there are no good people left in the service, but like all bureaucracies it is run by rules regulations and protocols dictated by "managers" who have no clinical expertise, or by remote expert groups who may display affinities for funding from pharmaceutical producers that may not be aligned with clinical best outcomes.

    It has now become so big, so removed from the patient, and so devoted to inappropriate funding that the advent of a new government

  • The Shot Heard Around the World - and the Aftermath Incoming


    A very American presentation by military veterans and patriots, two hours of analysis of events and informed speculation on the future.

    Not to mention a hefty dollop of spiritual awakening for those still labouring under the delusion that our governments work for us...

    "... there's some things I can tell you, and there's some things that you have to experience for yourself... "

    Maybe, just maybe... did Trump get his retribution in first?

    (2 hours)



  • The Neil and Ivor Show


    Neil Oliver and Ivor Cummins - what could be better?

    (59 minutes)


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  • Down the Rabbit Hole - To Our Incoming Future


    This is one of those videos that you are either ready for, or not.

    I strongly suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 2 3 and 4.

    Yes, it's a crash course in conspiracy theories... or as some would have it, conspiracy truths. I never planned it that way, but there it is.

    You may then be advised to take a breather, and come back to

  • Fulford Report - Monday 8 July 2024 - Populists Deliver Left-Wing Governments?


    Ben's report this week reviews recent geopolitical events, indicating that this is likely to be an eventful summer.

    After Macron and Starmer, who will be next to be installed in place of the Biden?

    All this and more in today's report - modest subscription required for full access.


  • The Covid Twist that Nobody Talks About


    As conspiracy theories come, this is a very good one. Or a very bad one, depending on your point of attention.

    We have reported before on the basic premise here, that the Department of Defense was driving the Covid "pandemic" response and not the HHS/CDC/FDA civilian health regulators in the USA.

    So too did UK Column.

    But was the same or similar true in the UK and elsewhere in the world? 

    If so, why was it hushed up?

    And who are the JBC anyway?

    The Daily Sceptic

  • The Undead WHO Pandemic Treaty Still On Course


    Interest of Justice warns that the WHO-Big-Pharma-Big-Government complex is still set on entrapping the world within its unending schemes to fake new scamdemics and inject us all with experimental products:

    "... the “Pandemic Agreement” is structured to be a framework convention, much like the Framework Convention On Climate Change... such a framework convention would set up an ongoing Conference of the Parties that would meet on a yearly basis to adopt protocols... largely without public input and outside of public scrutiny"

    This "would force countries to fund novel experiments and censorship in WHO declared emergencies", not to mention opening the way to rolling out more fake vaccines on gullible publics.

    No surprise there then, just more of the same unwanted and unnecessary top-down global experimental medical interventions paid for by the governments around the world from taxation on their unsuspecting

  • Fulford Report - Monday 1st July 2024


    Mainly concerned with the extensive fall-out from the Trump - Biden match, this week Ben runs us through the aftermath, including the speculation about who might inherit the poisoned chalice once "Joe Biden steps down".

    The war of attrition continues...  (modest subscription required)


  • Legal Mumbo-Jumbo Explained ... Do Try to Keep Up!


    We have featured a few articles recently by : POSTMASTER-GENERAL: Russell-Jay: Gould and no doubt many will be doubtful that his activities could actually be central to our legal existence.

    So here we have another explanation (inevitably from the American point of view, but we are talking here of a global system so it doesn't only affect Americans).

    The Quantum Grammar so-called is key here because it supersedes / overrides the original way of writing contracts, since it is unambiguous. No doubt we will all get used to it in time...

    (81 minutes)


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  • The "Climate Change" Scam Exposed


    "Those contracts must be interesting, not that anyone can see them. The first thing they do is act as whacking big first-time tax deductions. The second thing they do is act as an annual tax deduction because those trees are eating CO2. Very clever. International interests buy our land (and yours) and use it to not pay taxes. While banking some of the most valuable assets on the planet"

    This is what happens when big government cosy up to big corporations to rig the cash flows.

    "imagine these people embedded in every single industry. Because they are"

    "All that activist does is strategize on how to destroy that business. And they are paid, through environmental organizations funded by BlackRock"

    Climate Change is Big Business, but it's rigged business, not free

  • We Already Know the Result of the Election


    Does anybody have that nagging feeling that it doesn't matter which Party we elect to manipulate the fabled "levers of power", the result will be the same?

    Or let me put it another way - does anybody not have that nagging feeling that it doesn't matter which Party we elect, the result will be the same?

    So what kind of democracy is this?

    Well, there are some folk who claim to know exactly why the election result won't matter, and that's because they know exactly who will be in the driving seat whatever election result we deliver on 4th July.

    Sadly, it's a story that seems to be as old as the hills, and a story that should be discussed all around the world, and yet somehow we never noticed it before? Or if we did, perhaps our attention was distracted...

  • Julian Assange Freed - What Now?


    The dull presentation shouldn't detract from the information presented in this video.

    Promethean Action (formerly LaRouchePAC) have been following US politics for ever, and if they don't know what's going on then nobody does.

    These are murky waters, being directed mostly by various global secret services, including the Mossad and MI6 as well as the CIA (makes you wonder whether these are actually separate organisations!).

    Much food for thought here...

    (14 minutes)