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Great Reset

  • Fake Virus, Trojan Vaccine, The End is Nigh


    Whoever created this video has done a sterling job on assembling the evidence, although the depressing background "muzak" is a turn-off.

    Nevertheless it's a compelling compilation on a very serious theme that I have not seen so much elsewhere, let alone so well sequenced - although you may choose to mute the sound for much of it (but don't miss Yuri Bezmenov's clips at 25 minutes onward!).

    How much of it is true? It's certainly hard to fault, and I suspect that you will all find something here to challenge your current viewpoint. 

    As always, you must make up your own mind.

    I recommend watching right through to the end (48 mins):

  • Piers Corbyn - In His Own Words


    Piers is an unlikely combination - a man who has involved himself in both politics and climate, as a long range weather forecaster, and lately as a persistent voice popping up to criticise the official narratives put out by the government and their media companies.

    So he has been well-placed to assess the "science" behind the climate change scenario and to relate it to the political situation.

    This is fifty minutes of practical good sense.

    "there's not a single scientific paper in the world that's using real measured data... shows that CO2 levels control temperatures in any way - all the data shows the other way round"

    "world temperatures have been going down for the last five years"

    "fake science requires an end of democracy to succeed"

    "Goebbels would be proud of Boris

  • Rule by the EU is Dead, Long Live the United Nations!


    It's like cycling in the hills - you crest one brow only to find another one looming right ahead. 

    The UK has (we trust finally) won the formal battle to leave the EU. The almost terminal political indigestion this caused to our ruling elites of all stripes will not be forgotten.

    Now we have a clear view of the medical technocracy mountain right ahead in the shape of the UN/WHO/IPCC seemingly bent on world domination, and we are to be vaccinated with ever decreasingly effective pharmaceutical inventions until either we, or the multitudinous Covid variants, die of old age or worse.

    And we have multiple versions of passport control in preparation internationally to ensure our compliance.

    The Campaign for an Independent Britain

  • Only Overwhelming Resistance Can Stop Technocracy’s Demonic Assault On Humanity


    Technocracy News and Trends publishes a stark and direct message to each one of us. The globalist technocrats (the WEF, the bankers, the major financial institutions, and those who pull the strings behind the scenes) have gone too far now to turn back, so they will double down on their efforts to control us.

    Only the opposition of all the population acting in concert as individuals can turn the tide, by simply refusing to comply, and refusing to discipline others who do not comply. Only the exercise of the individual will on a grand scale will defeat their plans. 

    This is the ultimate test of the power of the individual against the power of those who falsely claim to speak on behalf of the collective, and who thereby seek to impose their will on the collective.

    The forces have been marshalled, the

  • IPCC Report Confirms that "Climate Policies have Failed"


    The Global Warming Policy Forum press release puts the case, and restates the reason:

    "despite yearly UN climate conferences it is now beyond doubt that renewable energy policies have failed to halt or slow the relentless rise in global CO2 emissions"

    "these policies have only destroyed industry in the West and exported production and their CO2 emissions to areas still using low cost fossil fuels, such as China. The conclusion is obvious. Climate policies are failing not because of a lack of political will, but because the technologies selected are extortionately expensive and ineffective"

    In fact, these policies were designed to fail, and fail they have in

  • The Great Reset - Follow the Money


    (Video from 7 April 2021)

    "The video shows the modern global systems, and focusses on the situation in the Netherlands. We believe though, that people from all over the world will recognise this situation"

    Prepare to be surprised...   or amazed.  Or flabbergasted.


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • It's not Over Yet - The World Government will Regroup


    Whilst restrictions in the UK have been reduced recently, the story in other countries is less rosy. 

    Dave Cullen of Computing Forever tells it how he sees it, from the Irish / EU perspective.

    Whilst SAGE has been making back-peddling noises in recent weeks, elsewhere the Covid passports are being ramped up.

    "Now all you have to do is throw on a 'climate change' carbon score, mandatory 'vaccination', and a digital currency system, and you have the version of the 'social credit' score that is being built for the western world"

    "... I predict a much more serious lockdown this winter, which of course will be blamed on the unvaccinated... "

    Is Big Brother lurking around the corner?

  • World View from a Financial Technical Analyst


    Clive Maund is a financial adviser who charges for his services, but he also make some articles available on a free-of-charge basis as a public service.

    His views are, we may suppose, well-formed from his in-depth understanding of the financial universe, and as the financial aspects of the "pandemic" are not inconsiderable (to say the least) we should perhaps take note of what he has to say.

    However, don't imagine that this is a dry analysis of the financial implications only - Clive regards the financials as only one aspect of the overall situation, an aspect which can only be properly understood within the context of the whole, warts and all.

    So today I offer you his latest reflections on where the world is going (and what that may mean for our finances, families, health faith and freedom).

    This is not to say that I

  • Making Sense of the Medico-Political Pandemic - Irish Perspective


    "Social Welfare could also be used as a tool to encourage vaccination"

    OK, this is relevant to Ireland, but it is now obvious that the plan is the similar global plan everywhere.

    Dave Cullen of Computing Forever discusses the Irish perspective with Grand Torino:


  • Plus ça Climate Change, Plus c'est la Même Chose


    Climate Discussion Nexus picks up on an article in Market Watch which appears to be another out-of-place polemic explaining to us benighted slow-coaches how we must change the world to avert the imminent catastrophe.

    "Evict short-termism from human thinking and all will be splendid. Except if you want to look before you leap, don’t, because we must act in the short term and without sober second thought: 'The window for launching a climate revolution—and achieving an inclusive recovery from COVID-19 in the process—is rapidly closing.' And if it doesn’t, the government will slam it shut with you inside just in case"

    There is more of

  • The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé


    Dr Steven Greer has devoted himself for many years to the investigation of UFOs and the associated paranormal phenomena.

    His investigations include the potential overlap of such matters with the activities of the "deep state" military-industrial complex which some believe to have swallowed untold billions of US taxpayer dollars, never to be accounted for. Other nations including the UK may not be entirely innocent either.

    The convergence of global politics, false flag attacks, "pandemics", and global societal breakdown seemingly driven by deliberate action globally suggests that we would be wise to educate ourselves about all these matters, and Dr Greer's contribution to this need is his new feature film which is being distributed free of charge via free-to-watch sites such as ours.


  • Do we Live in a Stakeholder-ish Corporatist Fascist State?


    I think it was in the days of Tony Blair that I first heard the term "stakeholder" applied to corporate / political affairs. I didn't properly understand it then because it was not an obvious fit with the standard shareholder - employer - employee - customer - lender paradigm, and it wasn't until later that I came to assume that that was the point - it permitted the elites to waffle on about various things political and financial(ie: our future) without most of us having the understanding to challenge their "argument".

    Together with the acquiescence (or worse) of the journalists of the time, this helped them get on and do whatever they wanted without the associated inconvenient popular outcry.

    Now that the idea of a greedy-minded elite is gaining ground (certain large banking organisations being openly known as "giant vampire squid"

    Globalism - Modern Day Imperialism with the World as Empire?


    Susan Kokinda introduces a session with Michael Steger (LaRouchePAC) in which he discusses the historical and geopolitical aspects behind the current global situation.

    Whilst much of this is old news, and presented in a rather dry academic manner to boot, it does place much of what is going on today in context - dissolution of the nation states,subversion of science with scientists as infallible dictators,world "over-population" and what to do about it?

    Not to mention the surprising sources of funding that it now appears went into "gain of function" research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology...


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  • WW3 - or Something Else?


    Never before have the world's governments contrived - with the aid of global institutions such as the UN, the WHO, global NGOs such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and global corporate interests such as the big pharmaceutical companies - to destroy the existing economic and political order on a global scale through the apparent use of lies, misinformation, double-speak, fear, confusion, and outright in-your-face censorship.

    It is perfectly clear that we are no longer living in ordinary times.

    New concepts of nebulous clarity (such as "hate speech") have been proposed and indeed  written into law.

    New legislation is proposed to counter "on-line harms", to enable censorship to be applied to on-line publishing of hitherto perfectly legal material.

    An alleged pandemic (that nobody would recognise without the now infamous test) has been used to strip citizens across the globe of their historic rights

  • Net Zero (Carbon or Population?)


    LarouchePAC publish an interesting viewpoint, pointing out that the current drive for "zero carbon" will probably have serious consequences for the population (should the Covid menace spare any of us).

    As always it's the poor and needy who will bear the brunt, but the zero carbon push seems to fail before it's even got going due to the impossibility of mining enough of the prerequisite key minerals (required by current technology).

    the world doesn’t have the capacity to meet such demand

    In addition:

    "they require far higher physical inputs (capital goods, labor) to produce a given amount of energy for the economy (when compared with coal, natural gas, or nuclear)"

    Inefficiency (equals

  • The Future of the Dollar Bill?


    If the dollar is the world's reserve currency then the Federal Reserve Bank is the primary currency issuing bank in the world.

    Contrary to public supposition, "the Fed" is not any part of the US Government (or wasn't, although under President Trump it was supposedly brought under the control of the US Treasury). The Fed is a privately owned bank whose books are not open to scrutiny.

    Given that there does seem to be a global financial reset in the offing very shorty, this video raises some very interesting questions about the future nature of the dollar, and thus of the world's financial system.

    The minutes of the FOMC committee meeting of June 2009 (referenced in the video) are linked above this article.


  • Is There a Climate Crisis? The Science Says Not Now and Not in the Future


    I reported this lecture by Dr Happer back in March, in the form of a transcript.

    I am happy to present this very accessible and informative presentation as a video, which perhaps removes some of the dryness of reading a transcript:


     Why not watch your cake and read it?

    Read the original transcript (with accompanying illustrations) here.


    Why the "Crimes against Humanity" heading? This video has been mirrored by

  • Piers Corbyn speaks to Sarah Westall


    Piers is standing for Mayor of London in opposition to Sadiq Khan.

    In the wake of last Saturday's protest in London, Piers is interviewed by Sarah Westall.

    More power to his elbow.


  • The Davos Agenda for a New World Order


    Wasn't the January Davos get-together cancelled this year due to you-know-what?

    Well, yes and no. The Get-together was off-limits but the Davos Agenda virtual event took its place.

    So what did they talk about?

    Well, it being a five-day event with multiple streams,lots.

    Carl Teichrib reports in Technocracy News:

    "What was front-and-center of this online meeting? The Great Reset"

    "To give you an idea of the schedule, the first day – Monday, January 25 – had a total of 29 individual sessions. It was information overload"

    Klaus Schwab introduced Xi Jin Ping of China, who made a speech, but I will spare you the platitudes as they
