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Great Reset

  • Economic Dominoes in the Firing Line, Collapse Coming?


    Clif High speaks again - the knock-on effect of the Chinese Evergrande collapse and how that will impact the world markets - not just the stock and financial markets but also the food automobile and appliance markets that we all rely upon to maintain our living standards.

    "Shocking the number of people that were reported dead in the UK by the delivery drivers"

    The good news? This economic collapse (unlike the jab results) may be delayed until January . . .  after that, buckle up!


  • The Fall of Empire - Needs Must as the Devil Drives


    Clif High offers some pertinent thoughts on the decline of empire, the dawn of the next, and what may happen when the realisation dawns that that next empire isn't up to the job...

    It might indeed seem that the dawning of the Chinese empire could be associated with that dual-purpose Chinese 'blessing': "may you live in interesting times":



  • British Police Have Transformed Into a Tool for Enforcing the State's Will


    For those of us who have watched the slow transformation of police forces over recent years, this discussion with Peter Hitchens is an interesting commentary.

    "Parliament had seen European police forces become tools of oppression. They were armed & uniformed state police whose job was to enforce the will of the state -- and it was not felt that such a body should exist in Britain"

    Many of us still feel the same way but are disturbed by the approach taken by modern policing, which can sometimes seem to be more about enforcing government "mandates" than impartially enforcing the law.

    See what you think:

    (52 mins)


    Problems with Banking Regulation - Could we Learn from History?


    The notion of learning from history is much supported in the word, but far less in the deed (especially if Climate Change predictions are anything to go by).

    How many times following some government-inspired "learning opportunity" do we hear the mantra that "lessons will be learned" and how much confidence does this incantation instil within us?

    The AIER (American Institute for Economic Research) publishes a note with regard to learning from the history of banking regulation in the states of America, which may be pertinent given the presumed likelihood that we will soon be on the receiving end of another global monetary reset and probably a much-revamped banking system.

    The EU and its much-touted Basel II (or is it Basel III now? I've lost count) has promised that under these (ever more

  • The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’


    "The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the vaccination campaign by the Holy See, represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer"

    So says Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in a letter addressed to all the Catholic Bishops of the United States.


    That such a senior cleric is openly criticising the Holy See in such terms tells us all we need to know about his view of the Covid vaccination programmes. 

    He addresses two separate issues in detail:

    1. the moral aspects of the use of the vaccines against Covid-19 that have been developed from cell lines derived from tissues obtained from two fetuses that were not spontaneously
  • Agile Governance - What's Not to Like?


    The WEF (World Economic Forum) has published a paper entitled

    Here's how agile governance could help manage global uncertainty

    As always with the WEF it's long on fine-sounding phrases and short on anything that it perceives may be in any way disadvantageous to businesses, especially big businesses.

    "Almost a year after signing the 'Agile Nations Charter', a group of nations have adopted a new method of policy making, known as agile governance"

    "The question for governments is: how can policy-making become faster, more effective, and more agile?"


  • The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth


    Patrick Wood of Technocracy News exposes the intent of the global biotech industry to take over and control all the world's bio-genetic resources for its own profit and global control.

    "The major concern at the 1992 Convention on Biodiversity was 'protecting the pharmaceutical and emerging biotechnology industries' "

    "The United Nations defined Biodiversity as 'genetic resources' "

    "The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework calls for digital genetic sequencing of all species, including humans, to be stored as a global common asset and made available for licensing by the biotechnology industry"

    Patrick Wood has been on the trail of the Technocracy movement for many years and has mapped the tortuous relationships between the Trilateral Commission, the UN and its agencies, and other

  • The Greater the Sweep of the Title, the Less the Incumbent is in Charge


    We rely on our government ministers to know what they are talking about.

    After all, if they are not properly advised then who is?

    So when they openly tell the most extraordinary fibs we really ought to be worried. And when they fib about the costs of the national energy supply upon which our economy depends and upon which we depend in order to meet our basic needs for cooking, keeping warm, and travelling, then we really ought to be extremely concerned.

    It really isn't good enough to say that "Oh, well, it's all about going green and we know that they have been spinning the yarn of all yarns about the need for change and the benefits of windmills and the need to subsidise the initial investment in order to kick-start the market and the world will end in six months if we don't JUST DO AS GRETA TELLS US"... 

    This has been going on for so long now that we are well past our brow-beat-by date.


  • Europe - Flash-point for World War? or Covid Passports?


    Was war declared on the Polish Border with Belarus?

    Is Russia on course to overwhelm Europe (or at least take back the Ukraine?)?

    I'm far from being convinced but it seems that some  shots (maybe blanks) were fired - and the EU's puppet Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi is imposing Vaccine Passports on all workers from 15th Oct. As distractions go it's probably pretty good.

    The ratchet is being tightened, and the UK is also pushing the vaccine passport idea by ensuring that Wales imposes them first, and England introduces them later as a

  • If I Ruled the World ...


    Well, who does rule the world?

    Maybe we should start by asking  -  who owns the world?

    This video is a few months old, but none the less relevant for that:

    (45 minutes)

  • Is the Writing on the Wall for Retail Banking?


    The power of computing being now vastly in excess of what it was just a few years ago (I well remember when a hard disc would hold around 10 megabytes - now even I can easily afford a massively more reliable, physically comparatively tiny, storage device capable of handling a million times more data) it is technically perfectly feasible to give everyone an account at the central bank and do away with all the costs and complexity of the network of individual independent banks which currently serve our banking needs.

    Think how much money that would save!

    But would I benefit?

    Currently I don't overall pay any net charges to my bank (although some do, and the extent of free banking seems to be shrinking rather than growing these days). So any benefit would likely accrue to the service provider rather than the customer.

    Putting all the nation's banking eggs into one state/oligarchical monopolistic basket doesn't

  • A Turning Point in World History


    Benjamin Fulford brings us up to date with his Friday video (free of charge!).

    And with the latest sabre-rattling, China vs Australia ...   I don't remember seeing that on the BBC!

    Perhaps they can't afford his access fees.


  • Cummins and Goings


    Dominic Cummins has been quiet recently, and now we find out why.

    He once famously indicated that the Civil Service would need some hard rain post Brexit, but he left the government before this could come about.

    Now he has come out with his proposals, we find that some of his analysis is not too contentious

    "America needs a government that controls the government, as it did under FDR and Lincoln, and shatters the party structure which is a plague

    Who would have thought it?

    His solution (probably rightly in my jaundiced view) rests on the proposition that when

  • Shortages in the Shops in Perspective


    "CIB chairman Edward Spalton reflects on the current supply-side shortages from a historical perspective"

    Those too young (or too old and forgetful!) to remember the 1970s may be interested in his recollections of the impact on the UK when we joined what was then known as the "Common Market".

    Food prices rocketed and supply chains were severed and rebuilt, and meanwhile there was a certain amount of chaos as over time people discovered the ramifications of joining the EEC.

    We are in such a period now, but on a much larger, indeed global, scale.

    Once again, this has been precipitated by our politicians pursuing pet projects -

  • Clif High and Greg Hunter - Red October - Collapse of Financial System, Big Health etc


    1932/33 on steroids? Not only Big Finance but also Big Health / Big Pharma?

    Breakdown of civilisation as at the end of the Bronze Age? 

    "... the disease itself is not causing that but the vax is..."

    "... we are already seeing an outrageous level of increase in death..."

    "... they're giving it[ivermectin] out in hospitals to people that have been vaxxed - they're not telling anybody, but they're doing it"

    "... there is a... level of vitamin D that you can have circulating in your blood that guarantees that you will not get the disease... they are saying that it's 50 nanograms per millilitre..."

    "... even if you've been injected... vitamin D... will... close the A2 receptor down... so the spike protein can't... attach..." 


  • Covid Crisis - Part of a Plan?


    TCW (formerly The Conservative Woman) recently published a "translated transcript* of a presentation entitled ‘Uncovering the Corona Narrative’ by the German author and journalist Ernst Wolff, which he delivered in late August".

    It's a far-reaching and incisive analysis of why the crisis appears to have unfolded as it has, makes sense of the inconsistent and self-contradictory pronouncements and instructions issued by those in positions of authority, and relates the whole to the financial end-game about to play out as many years of (deliberate) financial mismanagement come inevitably home to roost.

    Whether his analysis represents the whole truth (see below) is another question, but certainly he nails a considerable part of it.

    It's not all doom and gloom.

    "The plan of the elites, the visions of Klaus Schwab, are condemned to fail, and this is for several reasons"


  • A Gold-Bug's View of the Financial Future


    Matterhorn Asset Management are in the gold business - and that (a) means they know a lot about it and (b) it would be surprising if their interests did not colour their opinion of where the financial world is bound this autumn and henceforth.

    That said, it's hard to fault their logic, and equally, it's hard to know if there are any truly different options that are being left out of the discussion. We need to check out the assumptions underlying the argument.

    The primary assumption is that the system of fiat money (not backed by any asset) will continue.

    Is there reason to suppose that it won't? Well, yes - the petrodollar system that underpins it is breaking down since Russia China and others started offering to trade oil in other currencies - so the US dollar is losing a primary support. What if (as some

  • Compendium of Corona Conspiracy


    Things are coming together. All the various strands that have been painstakingly deconstructed and reverse engineered are now being reconstructed and reintegrated by diligent independent researchers so that we may finally view the whole, with all its terrible import.

    The Covid-19 virus was the scare, the vaccines are the bio-weapon, the peoples of the world are the sheep whose lives health and freedoms are being destroyed, and the survivors reprogrammed to the New World Order's liking using 5G 6G etc - or so the story goes. 

    Is it true? Will anybody believe it?

    Readers of this site will find previous articles that corroborate some of the content, and there are more references within the document.

    Could we do anything to stop it?

    Now may not be the time to blindly and blithely assume that this is all a storm in a teacup that will be forgotten by next year and we can

  • Biden Implosion Ahead? Heralding a New World, or new Chaos?


    Readers will know that I try to feature content by journalist Benjamin Fulford because he presents a totally different world-view from almost everyone else (I would leave out the "almost" but maybe I just haven't run across the others yet).

    He charges a modest fee for his wisdom - we must all make a living somehow - but you can read the introductory section for free. Sadly it gets pay-walled before reaching the interesting bits!

    Is he reliable? I have no idea, but he sure is interesting!

  • Nigel Talks Hot Air?


    Nigel returns to the politico-financial fray to talk green and financial - of course the two topics are inextricable, each one feeding off the other in a symbiotic dance of wealth-transfer from the 99% to the 1%.

    Nigel being Nigel, he does not beat about the bush:

    "The biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich that we've ever seen"

    Welcome back Nigel, we have missed you.


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