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Great Reset

  • Post-Ottawa Message to Canada


    (9 minutes)


    This comment by David Sacks is pertinent, even if a little academic since the timelines of the solutions don't match those of the persecuted:

    It feels like being banished from the medieval village left to die

  • Fulford on Monday - the End-Game Approaches?


    This is my usual reminder to check out Benjamin Fulford this Monday - I don't think you will be disappointed this week.

    A modest subscription is required to view the full article, but these's enough of interest even for non-subscribers.


  • Clif High - 20 Feb Bumper Edition!


    Many will have noticed that things are moving fast now, and CliF High has been moving fast these last few days - so fast he's not apparently had opportunity to present his latest Woo video!

    So here, all posted within the last 22 hrs are his latest interviews:

    Clif with Juan O Savin

    (30 minutes) 


    Clif with Rex Bear - The World is About to Change - 5G

    (25 minutes)


    Clif High with Rex Bear - Hybridization & Quantum Computer Mandela

  • Down the Rabbit Hole 4 - ETS Good and Bad, Human Trafficking and Worse


    "Alex Collier has been disclosing this information for 30 plus years. We are now finally being given the chance to make our own minds up"

    This is reportedly an interview from 1994. I haven't verified that statement but I don't have a reason to doubt it.

    This presentation has startling relevance to the situation today. Parts of it are disturbing (don't worry - no graphics).

    If you have not yet done so, please read the following before continuing:

    Down the Rabbit Hole - 1

    Down the Rabbit Hole 2 - Vaccines Clones

  • Corporate With Conscience


    Many of us have become accustomed to having to be careful what we say at work.

    No doubt some have lost jobs because of their inconvenient views.

    Also no doubt many have stuck to their views regardless and paid some sort of price, because they believe that life in the absence of truth becomes a party that they don't want to attend.

    This is the story of Jennifer Sey, once a competitive gymnast from the USA who rose to become Levi's Brand President (no I don't know either but it sounds pretty prestigious).

    This is a tale of our times. She tells how she admired Levi's for what they stood for, and was proud to work for them. How she was offered promotion - with strings attached that she didn't like.

    Her judgement and her principles have evidently cost her a great deal,

  • Cecil Rhodes Has a Lot to Answer For


    Don't get me wrong - I'm not into pushing anybody's product on this site, I don't ask for money and I don't accept any money. 

    I feature this article because it is topical.

    Dr Fuellmich's Grand Jury Trial - Day 2 features testimony from Alex Thompson which briefly covers this subject matter. I was never into history as a subject and was surprised (but not disappointed!) that the trial covered so much in its opening testimonies - also that Alex (of UK Column infamy) was first in the line-up.

    Trine Daily (no, I never heard of it either) featured an interview (June 2021) with Sean Stone about his book "New World Order - A Strategy of

  • The Money Pit - How Deep Does it Go?


    We all "know" that the money-printing has been cranked up in recent years, and inflation is now rather belatedly responding.

    Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog) has been checking out the problem with Rob Kirby of Toronto (kirbyanalytics.com).

    They start off by reviewing the truckers situation in Canada, but the discussion quickly expands to cover the world-wide situation. No, it's not pretty, but it is centred in the USA.

    "the Fed’s balance sheet is another huge fraud, and instead of nearly $9 trillion in debt, it’s probably more like “$100 trillion in unacknowledged money.”  Kirby says, If you add $100 trillion to the Fed’s $8.8 trillion balance sheet, you have a different picture than what is being presented to humanity"

    "... the Fed is not subject to any audit..."

    So Many Questions, So Few Answers?


    Brexit Watch has usefully summarised the state of UK (and world?!) governance today:

    A sense of proportion please – the real questions facing the country

    And they are not merely talking about Brexit, which after all was simply the prerequisite to repatriating our sovereignty and making our own way in the world, both internally and externally.

    "The tragedy is not the party. The tragedy is the direction of our country"

    "Let’s look at a few questions politicians and the media should really be focusing on. No doubt you will think of many others"


  • Clif High Reviews the Coming Year(s) with Greg Hunter


    Clif High has an enviable reputation for divining the future from his studies of internet chatter (not to mention his extensive life experience).

    That's not to say that he knows the future any more than the next man, but for my money (and he does talk about money) I'd rather listen to him than most other pundits.

    His vision is somewhat apocalyptic, but better to have an informed clue about what might be coming down the road than just closing our eyes and hoping for the best.

    (72 minutes)


  • Rogue AI Mounts Virtual Davos 2022!


    The final (we must hope) cards are now being played for the souls of humanity.

    Those of nervous disposition should look away now...

    Still with me? Good.


    Mr Fulford's report this week is startling but not depressing. He confirms something that it would appear nobody really knew before - and what we didn't know we couldn't deal with.

    Now we know, so we can deal with it. 

    Read the report.

    (As always, a modest subscription is required for full access)


  • On the Science of Pervasive Insanity


    That's a succinct title for a methodology to persuade us that we should respect our rulers and do as we are told, through a form of psychosis / hypnotism based on fear, even on almost nameless dread.

    Isn't that how our mass media have been "programming" us for the last few (or perhaps many?) years?

    First use confusion and fear to provoke an emotional state of mind in which we find it difficult to think logically, to analyse our situation, and to work out a rational response.

    Then provide a message that appears to offer some certainty and a way forward, a message that will be welcomed by the emotional confused but which leads only deeper into the morass of conflicting messaging and dire predictions.

    "In this video I expand on the theory of Mattias Desmet and explain exactly how it

  • Down the Rabbit Hole 3 - The Human Mind as a Battlefield


    If you have not already done so, I suggest that you should review Down the Rabbit Hole 1 and Down the Rabbit Hole 2 before continuing.

    "Dr Evil's Weaponized Toolkit":

    • Brain Hacking
    • Neuralink
    • Human "enhancement"
    • Super soldiers
    • Brain/computer interfaces

    Neuroscience and Technology

    Psy-ops and Influence ops

    "... this is the first time that I saw

  • The Twelve Days of Technocracy


    Patrick Wood is the pre-eminent expert on Technocracy, what it is, where it originated, by whom it is promoted, how it is merged into populist movements; and, perhaps, how it's onward march may be contained or stymied.

    Of course, to really put it back into its box we would need to foster an alternative vision, but currently we don't yet have any clearly defined alternative, since the old models of democracy based on political parties, or even on religions, have been shown to be both corruptible and corrupted.

    In this technological world, perhaps we need a vision that would harness technocracy in the interests of the people rather than in the interests or fantasies of the self-appointed elite. A tall order? Perhaps, perhaps not, but we need to get to work on it.

    So leaving the alternative vision aside for the moment, what we do have is a series of 12 articles by Patrick Wood, that review the history and modus operandi of the would-be technocrats, and which

  • Fall of the Cabal - Full Set Access


    We have featured the work of Janet Ossebaard previously, but since that time she has released parts 11 to 20 of the Sequel (and I don't think she's stopping there!).

    So this article is simply to bring you up to date with the latest releases (including parts 18 to 20 on Covid and its ramifications).



  • Ten Countries Simulate Major Cyber Attack on Global Financial System


    No sooner was Event 201 over than we got to enjoy the Covid-19 "pandemic".

    Now Israel has just hosted a "10 country simulation of a major cyber attack on global financial system" - should we be worried?

    Well it was a 10-day affair attended by veritable who's who of global elites, so my guess (only a guess mind) is yes.

    To be fair we have been expecting a financial melt-down seemingly for ever, but it hasn't instantiated. So is this the sign that will trigger the system collapse? Hang on to your wallets!

    The Pulse has given in to temptation to speculate about what went on around Event 201 and what might be going on around - well, what shall we call it? Event 21¥? We need something more catchy than "10 country simulation... system" so I shall name it Event 21¥.

    "The unique and groundbreaking exercise held today showed the importance of

  • "Synthetic Biology" Key to (Great?) Reset of Living Systems


    The WEF (World Economic Forum) - who else?! -  "proclaims a scientific human reset is near because 'Synthetic biology lies at the intersection of an ageing population, climate change and environmental degradation' ".


    "Lessons learned from COVID-19 vaccines could advance synthetic biology"


    So these vaccines are a test-bed for "synthetic biology"? 

    Was that mentioned anywhere on the "informed consent" package insert?

    No matter, perhaps by the time the legal niceties have been sorted out it will all be over.

    Technocracy News and Trends has the story.

    Down the Rabbit Hole 2 - Vaccines Clones and the Cabal


    Those of us struggling to make sense of the current world goings-on realise that many of these don't make sense when considered against a traditional world view-point.

    Why did more or less the whole world in concert abandon all their prepared pandemic response plans in favour of previously deprecated measures like lockdowns and masks as soon as Covid-19 appeared?

    Why did the world's panic continue when the government's own skewed statistics showed that Covid is more or less as survivable as influenza (and much better than that for children)?

    Why did all medical regulatory bodies ignore and

  • The World Has Spoken! "Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and Despair"


    The Brownstone Institute has done us all a service by listing all the protests against Covid measures that have just taken place around the world.

    "These videos indicate the arrival of a turning point. Governments can continue to press these lockdowns and mandates against all scientific evidence and good public health or they can listen to the pains and anger of their own people"

    Italy, Georgia, England, Canada, Australia, Northern Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, New Zealand, Hungary, New York, Croatia, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, France (inc. Guadaloupe), Greece, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Iran, Spain, USA, Colombia...

    Far from fading away, this movement continues to gather in

  • Vaccine Passports are a Fundamental Inversion of Our Freedom


    This is a short 17 minute video which explains exactly why this statement is dead accurate.

    "How is this fundamental change being ushered into being... ? Through sleight of hand, through misdirection, and through the introduction of the seemingly benign 'vaccine passport'

    We are facing "a completely new type of controlled and surveilled society, the likes of which we have never seen before".

    "... to our descendants, we must say, in unison, 'We will not let you down' "

    If in any doubt, watch:


    Like /Dislike this video here.


  • Austria Threatens the Great Unjabbed with Prison


    On the one hand, the first video here is from Jeff Taylor, who makes a coherent case for thinking that Austria is just the thin end of the European wedge.

    But have they thought through the practicalities?


    Like /Dislike this video here.

    On the other hand, Hugo Talks points out that the Austrians might have a spot of difficulty on their hands should the the great Austrian unjabbed decide to stay unjabbed:


    Like / Dislike this video
