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Great Reset

  • Might the Great Reset Have a Silver Lining?


    I make no apology for featuring Clif High again - he has been working on what has turned out to be the "great reset" for years and his knowledge of this topic and his unrivalled ability to explain it in terms that most can readily understand is exemplary.

    In this video he and David Morgan (expert in precious metals markets) team up with interviewer Jean-Claude to explain how they think the future may unfold in these related areas.

    Fascinating stuff:

    (100 minutes)

  • "Man of God" - Megacities on the Way


    I'm going to be very careful here and provide no comment whatsoever.

    Make your own judgement.

    44 pages with pictures.

  • The Pandemic as Viewed by An IT and Telecoms Expert


    Martin Geddes is a British IT and telecoms expert who isn't afraid to tell it as he sees it.

    We have featured some of his work before.

    This is how he sees Covid:

    "a letter by 93 Israeli doctors who wrote in April that “not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease that is not dangerous to them

    "1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code"

    “... This, in turn, led us to where we are now, allowing the State to administer an experimental vaccine to our children, and soon even to babies"

    Plus a great deal more and more links than you can shake a

  • Following "The Gauntlet" - The Litany of Offences


    The "Man of God" has issued (via Charlie Ward / Simon Parkes) a new document which establishes a litany of the complaints of the American People against their governments.

    Many of these complaints are relevant to other nations as well, although some are couched in terms specific to the American way of government.

    There are more document releases to follow.


  • Is an Asian Secret Society Planning to Take Down the Rockefeller-Rothschild Empire?


    This is of course all "conspiracy theory" as it's difficult to corroborate, but I think that Mr Fulford has a story to tell of which we should be mindful - it may or may not turn out to be true (or we may never know) but it is another interpretation of what may be coming toward us.

    Benjamin introduces himself as a Canadian journalist who has lived in Japan for some time - and he here he presents some of his extraordinary tale:

  • AustraliaOne Throws Down the Gauntlet!


    There's a lot of provocation going on around the world and Australia is not being left out of the action!

    Here is Riccardo Bosi giving his message to the Australian people - it's worth your time, as he is equally issuing a call for peaceful resistance to all the western world:

  • Special Counsel John Durham - Grand Jury Indicts Lawyer Whose Firm Represented Democrats in 2016


    Special Counsel Durham has been much talked about but has been secluded in obscurity more or less ever since his appointment.

    Now we have reports that the first indictment is forthcoming:

    We have the same report from Epoch Times. Good to know that he didn't disappear in vain.

  • Dr Sucharit Bhakdi Throws Down the Gauntlet at Boris' Feet


    It has come to something when a German doctor (retired) throws down the gauntlet to the British prime minister in public.

    This is nothing to do with disrespect, it has nothing to do with politics, it has everything to do with speaking the plain truth.

    I salute him.


  • All Aboard the Happy Education Train - Toot Toot!


    Many would suggest that state education never recovered after Crossland's abolition of the grammar schools. But he was a politician, so what did we expect?

    But is there any fundamental reason why a Comprehensive shouldn't produce excellent results? Apart from that age old aphorism "Jack of all trades, master of none" of course.

    There are clearly many attributes that a good school must possess, and specialisation may be only one among the many. So what attribute should we value most highly? 

    I would suggest that "a good teacher" must rank very highly indeed - but what makes for a good teacher? One of the best teachers I ever had was teaching outside his subject-matter but used to keep one lesson ahead of the class! So subject-matter competence need not always rank very highly. 


  • Great Reset - Down Under Style?


    The UK as we have previously remarked has been getting off lightly with the pandemic when compared with many other countries, and certainly when compared with 'down under' where troops have been supporting the police in their Covid enforcement duties.

    By all accounts quarantine camps have been pressed into service and vaccines have been mandated.

    But how will the government respond if the police decide that they don't want the vaccines and break ranks?

    Independence Daily explores the possibilities.


  • The Human Hive - Deep Woo Progress Dissected


    This is a deep dive into one person's view of the current state of the world.

    Beware strong language - if you don't like strong language (and the occasional slurping of coffee) you will almost certainly be offended by the concepts presented.

    The parallel between an insect hive and the way the world works (and has worked for many years, possibly centuries) is striking, and I think it provides quite a clear model for what we are going through at the moment.

    Still with us? Plenty of woo below, so - dive in!

    "... over these next few months, we will see the degradation and collapse of the Federal Reserve Central Bank system"


    See also:

  • Vaccine Certificates - Passport to Digital Enslavement?


    All the (well-justified) fuss over the issue of vaccination of teenagers should not be allowed to distract us from the other undeclared battle in the war on our freedoms - government control of our activities and finances through a digital passport allied to a government crypto-currency account maintained at a central bank.

    The vaccination pass is just the first step along that route. It would enable each citizen to be given a digital identity which could then be linked to our financial identity at the central bank, and used to permit or deny our purchase of tickets - travel tickets, theatre tickets, event tickets, whatever tickets.

    Once shops and supermarkets are equipped with entry turnstiles (already pioneered on the London Underground) we could be denied all shopping rights. In fact, you wouldn't even need the turnstiles once cash has been outlawed, you could just be denied purchase rights at the till (although the shop might prefer to deny you entry in the first place).


  • What Might the Greater Reset Look Like?


    It has been apparent to many that the current world is heading for a reset of some kind.

    Our erstwhile carefree post-war existence looks set to be ending soon, either in a world-wide tyrannical technocratic clampdown of progressively less freedom and more compliance, culminating in outright loss of all meaningful freedoms, or there will be a counter-revolution to reverse this downward spiral and restore individual freedom to its full-flowering potential.

    The choice is pretty stark.

    We have on this site posted several interpretations of how the downward spiral may be unfolding under the "Great Reset" menu. We have also posted a few articles under the "Greater Reset" menu that attempt to illuminate how a greater reset may unfold, but I think it fair to say that much less is currently known about how

  • All About Doing Away with Everything we Once Knew


    We haven't featured any contribution from Dana Ashlie for a long time - as it turns out, that's because she hasn't been so productive of late.

    But she's back, and talking to the most knowledgeable man on the planet on the topic of Technocracy (drum roll please!): Patrick Wood.

    Talking about the end of humanity as we know it.

    About the perversion of science to serve the global dictatorship in controlling humanity.

    About the perversion of medicine to keep the masses docile and obedient.

    About the replacement of money, economics, politics, and free thinking individualism by a global centralised pseudo-scientific technocratic control grid.

    About the dissolution of the family, the historic bedrock of the upbringing of the next generation, taking this regenerative function into the laboratory as a "scientific" process to

  • So What Exactly is the New World Order?


    The Glastonbury Symposium came up trumps (no, not that Trump) this year with a highly topical presentation which delves into what exactly the UN's Agenda 21 / 2030 means.

    Sandi Adams was a last-minute substitute for the originally slated speaker but she delivered in spades, revealing a very great deal about what the dry verbiage of the official publications actually means, for those of us who have no inclination to plough through the formal documentation for ourselves.

    Her web-site is a veritable cornucopia of relevant information - highly recommended.

    It's not until you understand the enormity of these schemes that you realise just what a vital service people like Sandi perform for the rest of us. We cannot repay that debt, but we can give her work the recognition that is clearly

  • The Global Financial System - Is the Fog Clearing?


    There have been rumours galore of a new "Quantum Financial System" for some time now, mostly built upon a somewhat simplistic narrative involving "black hats" and "white hats". Meanwhile the world's current financial system seems to lurch from one crisis to another until it now must surely be running on empty.

    So what is going on in the world of high finance?

    This video is refreshing in so far as it does present a more complex and nuanced picture than we have seen before. I don't know the lady concerned and can't corroborate any of this, but this does seem to be more grounded than many such conversations.

    I present it for your interest - it's your judgement that counts:

  • Another Viewpoint on the Global Crisis according to Benjamin Fulford


    This week Mr Fulford has provided an audio report which covers a lot of ground.

    You can find the original article here (but to read it all you need a subscription) and audio here.

    He certainly provides a plausible narrative, but as I have noted earlier, it isn't possible to cross-check with other sources...   so you will need to trust your own judgement on this one.


  • Was the "Pandemic" Driven by the Prospect of Imminent Financial Armageddon?


    Whilst (inexplicably, since we acknowledge the need to re-elect them every now and then precisely because we don't trust them) many retain trust in our government and its associated national institutions, many others are now aware of the growing chasm between what the government says and what it does. Vaccine passports? We don't do that sort of thing in this country. They will now be introduced for large venues (and if we can get away with that then no doubt small venues too as soon as possible).

    We are guided by the science. In the light of the JCVI's recommendations on the vaccination of 12 -15 year-olds

  • 1961 or 2021? Hard to Tell ...


    Address "The President and the Press" Before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, New York City

    April 27, 1961
  • The Destruction of Western Civilisation Proceeds


    Alex Story writes short piece for Brexit Watch which nails exactly what is going on in the western pseudo-democratic world.

    "In an interesting turn, they affirm that meteorology, one of the most complex areas of scientific endeavour known to man, is 'settled' whilst simultaneously asserting that sex, hitherto the most settled field of biology, is 'fluid' and, therefore unsettled"

    For "meteorology" we could equally well substitute "climate change".

    I think it sums up exactly how the subversion process is being slowly but assiduously rolled out across the western nations by their own institutions, backed up by the one hundredth of one percent who effectively own all the earth's money and resources.

    The primary battleground is for our schoolchildren - and not just for their mental and
