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Wasn't the January Davos get-together cancelled this year due to you-know-what?

Well, yes and no. The Get-together was off-limits but the Davos Agenda virtual event took its place.

So what did they talk about?

Well, it being a five-day event with multiple streams, lots.

Carl Teichrib reports in Technocracy News:

"What was front-and-center of this online meeting? The Great Reset"

"To give you an idea of the schedule, the first day – Monday, January 25 – had a total of 29 individual sessions. It was information overload"

Klaus Schwab introduced Xi Jin Ping of China, who made a speech, but I will spare you the platitudes as they inevitably mean different things to different people.

"Another star performance was from Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission. It only took a few minutes before she slapped the former Trump administration, saying, 'democracy itself might have been permanently damaged in the last four years'

I wonder if she had in mind the outrageous rigging of the November elections, now coming into focus in several states? Or perhaps she didn't like the fact that so many voted for the wrong candidate that the counting had to be paused in the middle of the night ...

"And like others throughout the week, she linked Covid with climate change. Ursula was clear; 'We must learn from this crisis. We have to change the way we live and do business'"

"At the end of her prepared talk, she affirmed to Schwab that new alliances will be necessary: 'This is what we will work for – and I know I can count on you and the World Economic Forum to help us build it'"

The only other speaker to mention democracy that Carl noted was "Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araujo, who publicly encouraged the United States to stay the course as the 'superpower of freedom.' Araujo went on to say that Brazil desired an open economy based on liberty, noting that this would challenge the global emergence of a rising 'techno-totalitarianism' ...

'I’m not a great fan of the concept of the Great Reset,' Araujo stated, explaining that while he generally supported ideas like sustainable development, there was a problem. The Great Reset was missing 'freedom and democracy'

I think he nailed it, but Carl doesn't mention his approval rating.

As you might expect there is a great deal more and Carl has (hopefully) brought the main issues to our attention, for the most part confirming my somewhat jaundiced expectations. The overall impression he leaves us with is of a rambling hodge-podge of all the latest buzz-words and modish word-plays, together forming a picture of an unworkable world government obsessed with vaccinations, net zero, all manner of incomprehensible social justice nostrums past present and yet to come, where common sense and traditional values have no place and investments will be guided by politically correct stakeholders (leaving actual investors with no say at the end of the day - I guess it won't matter because there probably won't be any).

Recommended reading.