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  • Meanwhile, Back in Israel, Lebanon, and Gaza ...


    Two war pundits for the price of one - Col Lawrence Wilkerson and Scott Ritter differ only in their presentation styles, but the message remains substantially and tragically the same.

    Israel will die by a thousand cuts if it doesn't die by war first.

    It's already down the track...  but God's chosen people neither negotiate nor surrender. So will the Almighty, or even President-elect Trump, ride to their rescue? The precedents are not obvious.

    (32 minutes)


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  • Trump Lays it Out - Freedom Means Free Speech


    (7 minutes)

    Trump on a roll - the world has been put on notice.


  • UFOs Meet The Trump Phenomenon


    If you don't believe all the talk of aliens and UFOs / UAPs, or perhaps if you do...  then this short 1999 video may be for you.

    William Cooperpresents a good case based upon recent history. His interpretation, whilst perfectly reasonable, may not actually disprove that which he denies. That's not to say he is wrong, there is plenty of evidence for UFOs as he acknowledges, but we can't know for sure who is flying/controlling them.

    A well-presented case in two parts - the original video, and a second part from a later interview, that may be related to Trump and unfolding events in the USA!

    It's your view that counts.

    (12 minutes)



  • Down the Biblical Rabbit Hole with Billy Carson


    (Readers are advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole 1, before continuing)

    Yes, OK, this article is primed to upset just about everybody, but the key here is to separate two distinct issues:

    (a) your faith in your understanding of the Jesus of the Bible - which when all is said and done does portray a pretty decent kind of fellow who was humble, knowledgeable, powerful, generous, logical, and saintly to die for others; all in all a good model to emulate, and

    (b) our understanding of history that suggests that somewhere along the way, the name and indeed the whole story line somehow evolved from a merger of two quite different concepts of the nature of "God". In some ways the "old" and the "new" testaments may be thought to separate these two concepts, but

  • "My Name is Legion, for We are Many" - Mark 5:9


    This is new subject matter for me, but Jerry and Mark come across as two very well-balanced gentlemen who simply follow the evidence to find their truth, so what's not to like?

    If you have any dealings with those who may have mental health challenges, then this may be relevant for you. Having had some occasion to check out NHS mental health services myself in the past (read the comments beneath the official web pages!), I find myself unsurprised by this content.

    "BBC? ABC? NBC? CBS? These Guys Are Demonically Possessed: Jerry Marzinsky by Mark Attwood"

    "Jerry Marzinsky worked for multiple decades as a psychotherapist and discovered the truth behind the voices in our heads: they are not ours

    Make of it what you will.


  • "Trump is Going to Destroy the Establishment"


    Wilmer Leon invites Scott Ritter to review the world post the election, and he paints a picture of far-reaching broad-brush change incoming under Trump.

    Trump isn't going to take prisoners - "he's going to take them out... he's going to kill the Establishment...  they are incapable of change... "

    (92 minutes)


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  • Black Belt Barrister on What the US and UK Elections Tell Us


    OK, he's a barrister, so he majors in on the facts that may be logically deduced, as opposed to the heightened emotional reactions.

    Quite interesting if you can pass over the mandatory overdone visuals...

    (14 minutes)

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  • "The World Has Not Changed - It's Only Been Revealed"


    Neil Oliver reflects upon the Trump victory, yes, but more than that, upon the way in which his world-view has changed in recent years.

    As always, he speaks for many, and let us hope, a growing number in the coming weeks and months...

    (17 minutes)

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  • Ben Fulford - Special Election Update


    (2 minutes)

    Watch on Rumble (no restrictions)

    See also:

    Beyond Bluebeam


  • The Antidote to Anarchic Chaos


    The 5th November is famous for the alleged plot to blow up the then Houses of Parliament.

    I say "alleged" because as we constantly learn these days, similar events have a habit of turning out to be the opposite of the way they were presented.

    Pearl Harbour was engineered to mould US public opinion to accept US involvement in the second world war, 9/11 was engineered to drag the US into the "war on terror", and so on.

    So is it beyond the bounds of possibility that Guy Fawkes was the patsy who took the rap for an engineered plot to cement the Pope as the enemy of England in the minds of the English people? As far back as Queen Elizabeth I, the monarch was known to have a capable spymaster whose job, much like the spy agencies of today, was to collect information and spread disinformation. 

    The dark arts have a very long

  • FulFord Report - Monday 4th Nov - Guy Fawkes Eve


    I'm being inevitably pushed into using the S word that for so long has been (deliberately?) pushed beyond the fringes of polite discourse and well into the land of cranks nutters and fruitcakes - but what's new about that?

    It's all a question of degree - the cranks and nutters of UKIP seem pretty mild stuff now that the whole world of politics media and education has been overrun by the demented who boldly assert that sex is something that we can change / assert / proliferate regardless of the evidence that there is no evidence to support their demands to which they believe we must submit.

    Not only do we not comply -  if we value our sanity and our integrity,we cannot comply.

    That doesn't mean that we impose our views on others, it simply means that we assert our own right to believe that which we choose to believe, and to allow others to

  • This is Not Party Politics (2)


    More along the same track as This is Not Party Politics, this time concerned with the treatment / raiding of our pensions.

    It isn't party politics because either wing of the UniParty would be doing much the same stuff - it's just Labour's turn to take the blame.

    Check it out.



  • It's Always About Control


    No sooner have we reported assertions of GBNews' rift with Neil Oliver, than - well, see for yourself! If I were you I'd go back to watching the BBC...

    "... it's like playing Whack-a-mole with con-men and snake-oil salesmen... "

    (16 minutes)


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  • Down the Rabbit Hole - into the Post-Election World!


    (Let me start with the customary suggestion - readers are advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole - 1 2 3 and 4. before continuing)

    Our regulars may already be familiar with Clif High, a man of remarkable talent, stupendous memory, and somewhat off-the-cuff presentation, and here he is gives us the latest on the topic of the incoming post-election world.

    If you

  • GB News Leaves Neil Oliver?


    Regular readers will be familiar with Neil Oliver and his cogent rhetoric - he is utterly authentic, always on point, and never wastes a word. He presents a model of perfection to strive for, no matter how inexperienced a budding journalist may be.

    We lament the pause in / passing of his relationship with GB News, but we are confident that Neil will now be free to move on to ever greater heights of journalism. More power to his elbow seems to be pre-ordained and inevitable (although I'm guessing that he may see things slightly differently!).

    We salute him.

    (22 minutes)


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    The BRICS have met in Kazan.

    This short piece by Bill Bonner highlights some of the major differences between their modus operandi and the G7.

    As the BRICS seems to be in the ascendant these days, maybe we should pay attention?


  • COP16 Dead on Arrival?


    Interest of Justice reports:

    "COP16'came to an end' on Saturday November 2, 2024 after more than ten hours of intricate negotiations over funding for a roadmap to save nature, summit president Susana Muhamad told AFP. a link to COP 16"

    "... she had announced the suspension of the summit due to lack of quorum"

    No agreement.

    (Note - according to their link, COP16 is scheduled for December, so maybe this was a preliminary meeting)

    Never mind, you can read all about the upcoming "Nuremberg hearing" scheduled for Armistice

  • How the New World Order Was Thwarted?


    It' been a few years now since 2020 hit us between the eyes with Social Distancing, Lockdowns, Mask Mandates, business closures, and general suspension of normal societal operation - time enough I suspect for many of us to forget about those dismal days and set about getting on with our own lives once more.

    Many of us however, myself included, have not been able to disregard what happened and get back to normal, since we understood that the whole exercise was indeed focused on destroying the "normal" and enforcing the "New World Order". Once we had seen the true face of our elites, we could not ignore it. 

    Whilst the aftermath of this drama has yet to complete its play-out, and perhaps many of us as yet still have not dared to openly contemplate the full truth about the damage wrought by the quaxxines, and the intentions of those who deliberately brought them to us, questions still arise about the intentions of the then President Donald Trump, who brought them in at "warp speed" to "save the day" -

  • A Piece for Our Times


    This article gets to the heart of exactly where our world seems to be today.

    "After disputing the classification of occupations into essential and non-essential in 2020, they now seem to apply these very terms to humanity itself"

    Perhaps we should remind ourselves:-

    “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one”  - Charles Mackay

    Perhaps it is now time for some serious introspection.


  • American Politics on Election Eve


    Withe the US Election on a knife-edge (according to some) or about to be stolen (according to others) or about to deliver a Trump landslide of epic proportions (according to yet others), and not to mention the evidence of attendee numbers at the respective Trump and Harris campaign events, I think we in the UK could be forgiven for being totally at sea on this one. Or are we?

    So today I offer a viewpoint which may or may not reflect the overall reality - which essentially is that, whatever you think of the candidates standing before the electorate, there are only the two with any realistic chance of election, and one of them will be elected (barring any fantastical hiccup that stymies the whole event - I rule nothing out!).

    So as with UK elections, you either do not vote, or you vote for the least worst option, all things considered.
