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  • Climate Change - Distraction for the Masses?


    Dr John Robson does a splendid job of entertaining us all with perfectly simple, logical expositions illustrating just how idiotic the climate change policies are.

    He's been doing it for years and yes, it's an easy target... perhaps too easy if you ask me.

    You don't have to think very hard to understand the inconsistencies, and we've all had many years to get to grips with the obvious flaws in the logic. Yes, I know that some people will never "get it", but eventually the majority will "get it".

    So what was the purpose behind it? Why bother to foist such a vast scam on the public for so many years that we've all become inured to it?

    Is it simply to drive us all bonkers by the unrelenting idiocy being so capably presented by our politicians, to the point where maybe we feel obliged to riot in

  • "Up to $41 billion in World Bank climate finance ... is unaccounted for"


    One might believe that the World Bank would have enough bean counters to keep track of its expenditures...

    ... but maybe one might be wrong about the involvement of bean-counters.

    Given that climate finance has been a largely political hot potato seemingly since time immemorial, perhaps after all it's no surprise that politicians have taken their eye off the ball, but is the World Bank controlled by politicians or by bankers?

    Bankers one might suppose to be well-versed in the ways of auditing, so it's a bit of a surprise to note this Oxfam report  that uncovers such a gaping hole in the World Bank's climate disbursements.

    (But are Oxfam not supposed to be countering famine rather than counting expenditure designed to reduce CO2 emissions? Are they yet another outfit that has been somehow distracted from their founding purpose?).

    Clearly there is

  • Politician Says the Unthinkable!


    A mainstream UK politician in the running for party leader:

    "... legally binding carbon budgets would have to be done away with"

    Oh my! How long have we waited for this statement of the obvious?

    To be frank, it's never been clear who would be sent to jail when inevitably the legal targets are not met, so the whole business of legally enforceable  targets always was a theatrical pantomime - but then parliament has been a pantomime for a long time now, and especially since the infamous Brexit referendum.

    Welcome this straw of good sense whilst it lasts.


  • A Calm Assessment of Climate Panic


    Dr John Robson of Climate Discussion Nexus interviews Dr Judith Curry, providing a reasonably wide-ranging discussion which inevitably focuses on the complete lack of common sense in our political circles, both national and global.

    Yet still the unanswered question remains - at what point do we stop attributing the global insanity to mere incompetence, and start to seriously consider whether other factors may be a better fit to the observed situation? 

    (60 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    See also The

  • Will We All be Suffocated by a Green Blob?


    Well, maybe it's not such a daft question after all... some have already suffered such a fate, although in that particular instance the problem was reportedly caused by natural causes rather than human activity. I doubt that was of much consolation to the people affected.

    The Daily Sceptic reports.



  • SMRs for Ever?


    A dollop of long overdue logic from Nick Hubble of Fortune and Freedom to blow the clouds of obfuscation away from our "green" but flaky energy future.

    What are the practicable solutions for our seemingly intractable national electricity supply problems?

    Well, local electricity generation, obviously.

    Take it out of the hands of national government and free ourselves of their ridiculous dogma, their oft-demonstrated ability to screw up large scale infrastructure projects, and their total disconnection from real-world engineering reality.

    Read all about it.

    (NB We neither support nor approve nor suggest any investment advice from anybody)

  • Define "Word Salad"


    "Word Salad" in general means a collection of imposing-sounding words which communicate no sensible message.

    Certainly no precise coherent message.

    The art of the word salad has been refined over many years by that putative global fascist dictatorship known as the New World Order.

    It's a long and carefully executed attempt to bamboozle the world population into accepting their pronouncements without argument, because... well, how do you argue with an interminable pile of nonsense?

    The people pushing it always have more labyrinths of nonsense to send you around!

    The pile simply has to be rejected in toto.

    Happily I am spared the need to dive in and demonstrate the meaninglessness of the pile of garbage because the inimitable Ivor Cummins has done the demolition job already.

    Net Zero Unaffordable? Not to Government ...


    After all, government can simply up the tax rates and freeze the thresholds (not to mention the pensioners - so I won't. After all, with the new assisted dying rules coming down the track, they will likely take care of themselves, if they can get an NHS appointment. And if they can't, the government can fast-track them).

    So when will public realisation explode into action?

    Nick Hubble has a theory.


  • Will Renewables Clean Up?


    Well, some think that the much-hyped "renewables" will never be clean enough - and it's not just the natural environment that will suffer either, but also a problem of potentially "pandemic" proportions... well, I'll let Nick Hubble explain:

    (15 minutes) (this is not financial advice!)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Cold Comfort - The Truth Will Reset Your Interglacials


    Another blast of reality to disperse the miasma of fear uncertainty and doubt about Climate Change, from the ever evidence-based John Robson.

    Full report here.

    (21 minutes) 


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Politicians Turn to National Grid for Net Zero Advice


    May the Lord be praised, the government is reported to be asking National Grid for advice on how they can support the Net Zero religious cult's objectives.

    With not long to go before the 2030 deadline, will they ensure that the "Fourth Turning" becomes an extinction event, or will they listen to the advice proffered and adjust Net Zero expectations accordingly? (No prizes for guessing the correct answer) 

    Go on, you know you want to!

    (NB: this is not a party political article taking aim at the current governing party. We regard all the parties as equivalently compromised in their support for "Net

  • How "Sustainable" is my "Green" Hydrogen?


    "Green" hydrogen? Hydrogen is hydrogen isn't it? "Green" simply indicates the method of production, usually by electrolysis, the splitting of water into its constituents hydrogen and oxygen.

    So wind farms can be used to generate electricity when the wind blows (but not too hard!) and the power can be stored as hydrogen gas. Sounds pretty simple really, so where is all this additional CO2 supposed to come from?

    Well, perhaps it's not actually CO2 that's the problem here...

    And lest we forget, even if we in the UK do miraculously achieve "Net Zero" (whatever that is and by whatever astronomical cost in economic and human survival terms it might be achieved) by 2050, it won't make a measurable difference to global temperatures even on the IPCC's highly dubious

  • How "Sustainable" is my "Biomass"?


    "Biomass" (or "wood" to you and me) Is essentially the product of chopping down trees, and drying and pulping and pelleting them (using energy in the process).

    The resulting nuggets / pellets / however you want to describe them are then shipped across oceans (using more energy) and burned in power stations such as Drax in Yorkshire (creating as much CO2 as from fossil fuel).

    How is this more sustainable than just burning coal (or better yet gas or oil since these can be transported by pipeline whereas coal needs to be shipped like wood pellets)?

    We might as well have created the same amount of CO2 from burning fossil fuels and left the trees alone to remove it, saving everybody much expense! 

    And are we really replanting and regrowing the "biomass" sufficiently fast to replace the "biomass" that we are burning away? Is anybody checking, or are the loggers just coining it? And if

  • Jacob Nordangård on the Path to Global Technocratic Slavery


    Jacob in Q&A mode reviews the history of the global elite's scheme to rule the world.

    A useful and accessible discourse that shows how their obsession with world control has been advanced at the highest levels in the most boring way possible, probably in order to evade the scrutiny of the rest of humanity. Well, that's my interpretation anyway.

    There can't be too many people by now who haven't heard of the Rockefellers, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Atlantic Council, the Committee of 300, the Bilderberg Group, the World Economic Forum etc etc...  the list is intentionally extensive and irrelevantly but portentously named in order to discourage casual investigation.

    Nevertheless there exist heroic sleuths who have penetrated the turgid prose of their never-ending reports to unearth their true agenda, now with us in the form of the equally uninformatively-named UN Agendas 2050 / 2030.

  • Living the Farming Dream


    Or tales of a small farmer?

    Dr David Bell reviews the state of farming in the UK (and elsewhere) for the Daily Sceptic.

    We get few articles about farming anywhere these days, so a good one like this is very welcome. Still, farming being very varied by nature, we need more if the public is to get a better understanding of the primary occupation on which we all rely.

    No farms, no food.

  • Global Planetary Emergency Scheduled for September?


    But maybe only if enough of us can stay awake through all the turgid hyper-prose that our would-be global rulers have been extruding in ever-increasing ever-confusing and ever-brain-stifling quantities through their self-multiplying self-appointed authority-imitating plethora of brainwashing agencies committees action-groupings climate panels and catastrophe-planning events.

    Should we be worried?

  • New Climate Peril - World's Deserts may be Shrinking!


    The Daily Sceptic reports that due to an excess of CO2, previously arid areas of the planet may be lost to vegetation.

    So in addition to all the other perils of CO2, we must now consider the shrinkage of arid areas of our landscape due to the unwanted encroachment of green vegetation.

    Clearly there is no time to be lost - these deserts must be covered in solar farms immediately in order to prevent further loss of habitat for desert-dwelling fauna and stop further combustion of carbon-based fuels.

    Read about the new Global Greening Peril.


  • It Won't Work Because it Can't Work


    The "Green New Deal" doesn't exist. Even after 50 years of righteous and determined green zealotry in pursuit of the decarbonisation agenda, the world is still burning more fossil fuel every year! 

    It's all hype and obfuscation for the "benefit" of the corporate giants that are creaming off the ever-rising subsidies necessary to make the GND look as though it's doing something other than ruining us all.

    Will the new Labour Government be any better at camouflaging this pig in a poke than the Tories? I'd say that the omens are not auspicious - because although reality does have the disturbing bad habit of impinging on us eventually (no matter how much nonsense is spewed forth in Parliament), humanity's determination to cherry-pick its figures to suit the narrative - rather than to assess the whole problem in the round - is why we still obsess over installing an inconsequentially small number of windmills in the UK whilst ignoring the many new coal and gas plants being constructed by other much larger

  • The Future According to Larry Fink?


    Whitney Webb runs through the Davos plan for their take-over of the world - including us.

    Everything and everyone will be tokenised, traded, and finally r*ped and pillaged,  including mother earth herself, for the benefit of the global elite for whom these systems are set up. Universal ids, CBDCs, and ESG monitoring systems will run the world by  permitting or denying purchases at point of sale.

    All will be tracked, monitored, and controlled through AI algorithms that will be "all-knowing and infallible" (even, and especially, when they are not - for how could a remote AI somewhere in the bowels of the web be challenged? Such systems don't have to work as advertised - they just have to be in control!).

    (15 minutes)