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Martin Geddes Takes on the Traffic Penalty Tribunal
I guess this is a topic in which a large number of motorists will have an interest - if not today, then tomorrow!
With "Low Emission" zones proliferating like the proverbial rabbits, there cannot be many who will never run foul of some restriction or other - even when well signed, it can be well-nigh impossible to scan all the street furniture, identify all the signs, then read and understand them, whilst simultaneously taking care to avoid rear-ending the vehicle in front.
So Martin, having been picked out for driving his (not commercial) van in an area where only private cars are permitted free passage, has decided to contest the claimed infraction on the basis that his van is a private conveyance in all significant respects and is therefore permitted free passage.
Of course, as he digs deeper he uncovers more issues... which seem as if they may have parallels with the Council Tax situation. Quelle surprise!
Ever Wondered How Much CO2 is Released by War?
Lots of course. But how much is "lots"?
S & P Global Commodity Insights has crunched to numbers for us, at least in so far as current wars are concerned.
Our governments are apparently always perfectly able to accommodate several contradictory notions at the same time, so they will unhesitatingly act to "keep us safe" by going to war (not bothering about democratic mandates of course - no time for that) on behalf of their favourite protagonist(s), whilst at the same time telling us that we must achieve NetZero CO2(however they might eventually decide to define that in measurable terms)so out with the gas and in with the heat pumps frozen windmills and darkened solar panels.
So far, two months of conflict in Gaza have generated "the equivalent of 75 coal power plants operating for a
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Get Those "Little Grey Cells" Working
In compliance with our policy of encouraging our readers to do their own thinking, we turn our attention today to Tartaria, a region encompassed today by modern-day Russia.
Who were the Tartarians, did they migrate all around the world, constructing magnificent buildings that worked in ways unimaginable to us today? What happened to them?
I don't know the answers, but we do know that much of Tsarist Russia was destroyed by the Bolsheviks, with considerable loss of life.
Much within this video seems plausible to me, but I have no firm opinion. Certainly it may be thought far-fetched, but after the last few years I have learned not to discount on that criterion alone...
Make of it what you will.
(44 minutes)
Nigel on Nuclear, Politics, and More
Nigel Farage reviews the rapidly developing energy scene, starting with the UK's remarkable conversion to emphasising the development of nuclear power.
Power is the one product that inevitably underpins our modern civilisation, without which that civilisation as we know it would collapse like a wind turbine in a gale.
Of course power cannot be divorced from politics, which is becoming increasingly fractious in Europe, where the populations are becoming unthinkably more "populist", and elsewhere.
(22 minutes)
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Agricultural Transition Plan 2024
From the Ministerial Foreword by the Rt Hon Steve Barclay:
"I have learnt that farming is fundamental to the UK’s rural economy, the environment and of course our food security"
"... I am setting out the biggest upgrade to farming schemes since the UK has had the freedom to design our own schemes"
We voted "Leave" in 2016.
The original Agricultural Transition Plan was published in 2020.
By comparison, Covid struck in January-ish 2020, the Coronavirus Act 2020 (348 pages) had received the Royal Assent by July 2020.
"... we need to see universal adoption of farming regulatory standards and at least 70% of farmers
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Bypassing Democracy
The UK 100 aims to co-opt local councils into the WEF's Climate Agenda, and has much success in so doing - even councils that didn't officially sign up do seem to be besotted with the green agenda.
However, not all of these councils have been scrupulously open about this involvement, and I doubt that any of them actually campaigned for election on how this membership would drive them to change the lives of their constituents.
UK Column discuss these goings on with Ben Pile, with particular reference to the effective bypass of our democratic system.
(68 minutes)
Death of the EV?
And it may be best if you make sure you aren't driving it when it dies...
Zerohedge reports on a winter driving experience that the author probably wished he hadn't had, but it highlights the quite simple primary reasons why EVs as currently powered by battery simply aren't a very workable idea, unless you just want to use it as a local runabout. Even then, can you afford a new battery when the original battery dies?
There was much talk originally of swapping batteries in and out at service stations, which would solve some of these problems at a stroke and seems to be being adopted in China's EV market (although I don't remember just now where I read that). But western manufacturers never adopted that solution, which seems somewhat perverse, although the problems of swapping multiple physical battery sizes at service stations would quickly become impracticable should more than one size be involved.
Maybe EVs are a solution in search of a problem? It
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2023 Ends, 2024 Beckons
I doubt that I am the only person to have noticed the steadily falling numbers of a variety of common garden birds over recent years. Time was when driving across country in summer months we would need to scrape the dead flies off our windscreens - there were even special cleaning products available that claimed to assist in this task.
No longer - the insect population is severely reduced these days, but nobody seems to take any note.
No doubt there is linkage here with the falling avian population - fewer insects means less food for birds. Not that they don't eat seeds and berries as well, but every little helps as they say, and many blooms (of insects and flowers) are seasonal. A seasonal gap in the food supply isn't something that any life form can benefit from.
I'm not saying that I understand all of these intricacies, but it is clear that something amiss is ongoing, and it could be the birds and insects are the canaries in the coal mine, a warning
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Smart Meter Update
The House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts reports on the smart meter roll-out (October 20th).
"The Government’s original target was to effectively complete the rollout by 2019. However, it has adjusted its deadlines three times and reduced its target installation levels for smart meters from “all homes and small businesses” in 2019, to its current target of 74.5% of homes and nearly 69% of small businesses to have smart meters by the end of 2025"
"At the end of March 2023, more than a decade after the rollout started, only 57% of all electricity and gas meters were smart"
"The extent of smart meter installation varies across Great Britain, from 5% in the Isles of Scilly to 69% in Chesterfield as at March 2023"
"... the responsibility for consumer engagement rests primarily with Smart Energy GB (a not-for-profit organisation funded by
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Struck by the Law of Unintended(?) Consequences
Get your new gas boiler installed before 31st December, or it may cost you!
Why? Well, government meddling of course.
Gas is "BAD" so must be phased out - but the government doesn't want to look bad to the voters (you could have fooled me) so instead of demanding a tax on gas boilers, it's going to tax fine the manufacturers for not installing enough heat pumps.
Since the manufacturers must still make a profit...
The COP28 Ritual Explained
Dr Benny Peiser reflects on the realities underlying the COP28 pronouncements.
As the good Dr remarks:
"... for the first time that I can remember, this COP has given the rubber stamp to fossil fuels"
I guess what it comes down to is - what's in a word? As Humpty Dumpty remarked:
"When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less"
Pragmatism, or revolt (by any other name) because too many populations simply cannot survive without effective and reliable power supply?
(26 minutes)
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It's a COP Out
With COP28 rattling along in the UAE, there are three stories to entertain you today.
As with all things "Climate", none of them reflect anything new, it's the same culprits playing the interminably same old same old that we always hear from these gatherings, that we have come to accept as inevitable, that being relatively sane people we have come to ignore and filter out of our attention-space as deluded and irrelevant to real life.
Unfortunately for that response, the fact that we don't take any interest in climate catastrophisers doesn't mean that they don't take any interest in us.
Unsurprisingly their messages prompt much the same sort of "heard-it-all-before" rebuttals from those "climate-deniers" that can still be bothered to keep up, although this year the COP28 President, no less, did chuck in an attention-grabbing assertion that there is no science behind their relentless push to reduce the use of fossil fuels before our world
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You Couldn't Make it Up
The Fulford report this Monday is amazing - "behind the scenes" information dropped on multiple fronts that make you laugh and cry, or make you exclaim "I didn't know that!".
Is it all the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I've no idea, but it's good entertainment, and you won't find any of it on the Beeb.
"The world is undergoing the biggest changes in centuries if not millennia"
"We will have to wait and see if all this comes to pass but, in my decades of reporting, I have never heard so many aggressive statements from so many different and senior sources"
Modest subscription required - free to access after 7 days.
COP28 in Turmoil?
Many may view COP28 as a sideshow, taking place as it does in the UAE which many of us may struggle to pinpoint on a map of the Middle East.
Nevertheless as a sideshow it must rank right up there with the main shows, boasting as has been variously reported either 70 thousand perhaps 97 thousand "delegates" and possibly an influx of around 140 thousand persons altogether. And no, they didn't come by bicycle.
The COPs are, as my learned readers will know, charged to work out the practical steps necessary to achieve the Net Zero objectives as set by the luminaries at the UN-WEF "partnership" and their many "stakeholders". Nevertheless, the politicians being much in evidence, the primary discussions reported seem to be centring around the language to be used in that awkward final communiqué - should they talk of phasing fossil fuels "out" or phasing them
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Eat Less Meat - Save the World?
One of the many puzzles that beset those who would wish to understand the basis for the campaign to stop us eating meat is - to put it as simply as possible - Why?
The alleged requirement to stop producing CO2 from power plants is at least clear enough a proposition to understand, even if it doesn't appear to be based on any actual supportable science, ie: evidence truth and logic.
But if bovine emanations are truly a likely cause of global catastrophe (given that we are of course already on course to achieve Net Zero power production by whenever) then how come the world in centuries past didn't succumb to the emanations of the vast bison herds that used to roam freely across North America prior to the advent of the Pilgrim Fathers? Not to mention the European bison that used to roam Europe in earlier times. And while we are on such topics, what about the Indian elephants, African elephants, antelope, wildebeests, hippos, rhinos, giraffes and like herds of wild herbivores that used to
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When Will Net Zero Transport Lead to Net Zero Government?
The answer to this question is of course "not whilst there is a single MP left in Parliament who believes he knows better than his constituents... ".
To which observation we should add "... and controls the education system that so clearly brainwashes our children to believe the authorities rather than training them to learn to think for themselves".
Harsh words? Well, Net Zero Watch helpfully publish "The War on the Car" by James Rupert, a paper that reviews the history of personal motoring and the government's incessant (and usually misguided) meddling with it.
The motorist was indeed originally cemented as a product of the government's own intervention in transport policy in the 1960s, when Dr Beeching was brought in to put an end to local railways, and motorways were constructed (at vast government expense that could have been used to modernise the railways) so that the private motor car could compete with even the main lines for intercity
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Together Takes the Argument Into Parliament
" 'Clean' Air, Dirty Money, Filthy Politics is the second joint report produced by Climate Debate and Together and reveals how a small number of the world’s billionaires are shaping UK air pollution policies by funding partisan groups to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds"
Andrea Jenkins MP introduces Ben Pile's report to MPs.
How did that happen?
"... they're not running these pledges past the voters... "
I wonder why not ...
I looked for their membership list but found the FAQs, however, I
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All You Didn't Want to Know About Sustainable Development, but Need to Ask
The UN, WEF, WHO, and all their tireless workings for the future of their planet (keep your global-speak phrasebook to hand):
(38 minutes)
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Climate Chuckles of the Week
The ever reliable Climate Discussion Nexus pokes much-deserved ridicule at the latest climate scare news peddlers, currently finding their beloved narrative crumbling beneath their feet and threatening to dump them into a whole ocean of the patiently waiting cold water of truth.
And closer to home, even the Royal Society feels safe now to have pop at some of the more ludicrous climate predictions...
In these fractious times we must take our entertainment where we can find it 😎.
While You Were Distracted ...
Whilst we were looking to national government for national policy direction, maybe we failed to notice that in fact local councils have been implementing national, even global policy for some time.
Glaring examples are "Climate Emergency", and "15 minute cities", but there is more, a lot more.
I guess we have all noted the vast building programmes for identikit new housing estates on land peripheral to existing conurbations, even to small villages, that seem to have sprung up overnight, to the point where conurbations are now merging into megurbations across large tracts of what was formerly countryside.
Did we ask for this?
No, it's not accidental coincidence, it's national policy facilitated by national government, dictated globally but implemented locally.
This video from Glastonbury three years ago:
(1 hr 26
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