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  • Net Zero Chance of Net Zero


    It seems reasonable to assume from their name that the Good Law Project is all about good law.

    It isn't therefore necessarily about good climate science, but the Government in its all-knowing wisdom has enshrined its binding net zero targets in law, I suppose because that's the only thing they know how to do.

    Of course, that doesn't mean to say that the targets will actually be met, but there's a good chance that it won't be this government that's in place when the targets fall due and the lawsuits begin to fly.

    Anyway, the Good Law project, mindful no doubt of the sometimes lengthy nature of legal proceedings, has shrewdly got its retribution in first and compelled the government to disclose its assessments of the risks that may bedevil these now legally binding

  • Powering Beyond 2025


    The cynical might say that beyond 2030 our wonderful "decarbonised" grid as promised by a certain political party not noted for its mathematical prowess (so take your pick of a wide range) will provide a wholly rosy future of CO2-less power on tap - provided that we don't need it when it doesn't happen to be there.

    Not so, cries the Head of Energy at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (an oxymoron if ever there was one), who it appears may be similarly afflicted in the maths prowess department.

    So what is the truth of it, as far as the available evidence suggests (the future being an inherently uncertain field where predictions are concerned)?

    David Turver reports for the Daily Sceptic (warning - numbers and graphs incoming! Those of a non-numerate persuasion should bolt for their "safe space" now. The rest might be well advised to

  • Colchester Council - Starring on YouTube


    A Colchester activist explains how to attend council meetings and support them in taking decisions that are well-informed and in tune with their public.

    Don't start from where you want them to get to, start from where they are and guide them. It's a process, not a sprint.

    Rachel Matthews explains how they developed the art of working with their council for better outcomes, by making sure that they understand the issues and do the due diligence before committing to expensive action that may be unpopular.

    (28 minutes)


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  • No Cattle, No Beef, NOCA Your Rights


    With the European (plus British and Irish) farmers on the march against government overreach, now is perhaps a good time to review the kind of steps that can be taken legally to discourage heavy-handed government measures based upon pretexts that may not actually stand up to scrutiny in depth.

    For example, take Bovine Tuberculosis, the cause of which is/was said to be the "reservoir" of the disease in wild badgers, which prompted the extensive culling of badgers in recent years. 

    Being not a farmer myself, I haven't heard of any particular widespread situation related to Bovine TB, and as far as I know the WEF has not yet mandated the destruction of our cattle for any reason other than excessive flatulence.

    But in case I am behind the curve here, I draw attention to the Bernician's

  • The End of Climate Change, or the End of the World - or All Three?


    So the Trial has ended in Washington DC, and justice has been served... or rather, Mark Steyn has been served with hefty punitive damages for daring to point up the unlikely "science" behind the by now age-old hockey-stick graph. 

    The Daily Sceptic has a useful report, noting the disparity between the $1 million punitive damages awarded and the actual damages award (think of the same amount but minus the "million" qualification). We may all come to our own viewpoint on whether or not this represents actual justice as we would recognise it.

    Mark Steyn's own website makes some excellent points, including that he (like Julian Assange?) might as a journalist have been thought to be protected by the First Amendment.


  • The Shape of C40 London to Come?


    Whilst we are on the mundane topic of traffic tribunals...

    ... we rise up to take a birds-eye view of the likely course of future city interventions, courtesy of Laura Dodsworth.

    It's not a vista conducive to wanting to move into the great metropolis of tomorrow in the same way that people moved into the metropolis of my youth - attracted by the bright lights, good times, funky clothing (yes, I did have a pair of flared trousers... though never drainpipes), and the sense of "happening". It was mostly myth of course and it didn't take me long to move away, housing becoming insanely expensive and traffic ridiculous. 

    Although that last bit is still true today, the dull compliance with all things rules-and-regulations that is required these days probably doesn't compete with the "happenings" of yesteryear. It is all going in the wrong direction, from bottom-up freedom to top-down one-size-fits-all coercion. Don't enter the hatched area, drive the right

  • How Can "Peak Net Zero" Even be a Thing?


    Have the farmers won?

    Has the EU Commission finally met its match?

    Where would that leave the UK?

    And what is the "Next Big Thing"?

    (15 minutes)


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  • Urban Gardening in Dystopia


    "A new University of Michigan-led international study finds that fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens have a carbon footprint that is, on average, six times greater than conventionally grown produce"

    They're coming for our cabbage patch!

    Patrick Wood (Technocracy News and Trends) reports...

    The totally irrational war on carbon is already destroying farmers all over the world because, they say, “the food system generates about 35 percent of total global man-made greenhouse gas emissions.” Now they are claiming that your urban garden is SIX TIMES WORSE! Brace for an all-out effort to ban or limit urban gardens for personal food production. I can already hear the climate crazies chanting, “Eat ze bugs!”

    Univ. of Michigan spun this study out of

  • The Pact for the Future!


    Yes you've guessed it - this is another UN initiative to bring more levers of power within its grasp.

    Duck dive or weave, there will be no escape if you live on planet Earth.

    All for our safety and enjoyment of course.

    "... this year’s Summit of the Future... will be held September 22–23 at the United Nations headquarters in New York"

    To "take action to safeguard the future for present and coming generations"

    "We are at a moment of acute global peril" etc - you get the drift.

    Jacob Nordangård comments.


  • Why Should We British Worry About German Politics?


    Our newspapers and media stations don't report on what they don't see as relevant, but German politics, like seemingly all nations' politics these days, is apparently controlled by the WEF-UN "partnership". It is very similar to British politics, in as much as the political classes are all parroting the Climate Change propaganda as though they unquestioningly believe it. Diversity is good, except for diversity of opinion, and especially diversity of politics.

    It's a religion, or perhaps more accurately the biggest cult we have ever encountered, whereby the cult leaders brainwash everybody to believe (and obey) their leadership unquestioningly, and heretics (those who do ask awkward questions) are not tolerated. They have the cheek to call this new form of politics "democracy". "Autocracy" might be closer to the truth.

    Germany is the stand-out example of a leadership that brooks no opposition and ...

  • The Green Revolution Exposed as Not Even Hot Air


    "The racket at the heart of wind power is even worse than we thought"

    The Nick and Nigel Show delves into the latest revelation from Bloomberg - we pay when the wind blows, we pay for base load power for when it doesn't, we pay when they turn them off because the wind blows too hard or the demand is too low. We assume all the risk, the wind farms assume all the money.

    How much? Well, it depends on the assumptions... and guess which party the assumptions turn out to benefit?

    (17 minutes)


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  • Fight the Climate or Fight Putin?


    The penny is dropping, so to speak.

    We can fight the climate (and lose!) or fight Mr Putin (and lose). Or of course we can pretend to fight both, but everybody would see through that...  wouldn't they?

    War requires energy and in quantity, but "green" doesn't deliver.

    And it isn't merely about steel, although that comes into it depending upon whether Mr Putin would allow us time to prepare. 

    But why would he? He wouldn't. He strikes me as being very rational, particularly about defending Russia and the Russian Federation. So unless we believe that he is only bluffing about defence (which flies in the face of his track record so far) we would be well advised to negotiate a proper defence understanding with him - you stay out of our back yard (which doesn't include the Ukraine) and we will (for a change) stay out of yours. And allow "mutual" inspection...


  • Move Over Theatreland - We Get Our Entertainment Green Now


    As the label on Waitrose-reduced items says, this is "too good to waste".

    A veritable compendium of modern madness gets the Nick Hubble treatment today.

    "The whole net zero pitch is looking so implausible that I increasingly expect it to simply fade away altogether"

    and to be honest, I am with him. "Transition" will simply transition imperceptibly into a new meaning - we will be for ever transitioning, burning fossil fuels in the interminable and ultimately hopeless quest for "green", simply because the green mirage will, like all mirages, simply fade further away before ultimately disappearing before we get there

    No Such Thing as Green Steel?


    The closure of the blast furnaces at Port Talbot has caused the usual ruckus from those who value home-based steel-making. They make good points, but steel-making doesn't exist in a vacuum, it exists in an energy market.

    Our energy market has been (rightly or wrongly) severely skewed over many years by the closure of coal mines and what is euphemistically but inaccurately (in my view) termed the Green Energy agenda.

    (Call me old-fashioned, but any agenda that seeks to restrict the (currently tiny) amount of the primary plant-growing gas in the atmosphere cannot be regarded as "green")

    Now coal has well-known undesirable features and I doubt that anybody seriously wants to go down the mines again to hack it, so it's not as straightforward as reverting to coal-fired power plants, but nuclear is certainly an option, as is gas (if we could abandon our obsession with the Russians being the devil incarnate and rebuild/build a pipeline). Windmills are simply

  • Another Dissenting Viewpoint


    There are so many issues to dissent about these days that it's ridiculous to expect that every dissenting voice is going to agree on all of them.

    So to those conspiracy theorists out there who call out other dissenters because they disagree on a specific issue (however important that issue), I suggest that we all bring a level of truth (and awakening) to the specific audience that is most attuned to our own viewpoints, and the audience which is not prepared to listen to our dissent to their particular belief will be catered for by others.

    The enemy of progress is indeed the quest for perfection (especially our own idea of perfection!).

    So I'm happy to tip the nod to Lawrence Fox for this video, even if we may not agree on all the issues that face us. We do agree on probably the majority, and the rest will come in God's good time as everybody

  • Laughter - the Best Medicine - Unless You are On the EV Bus


    London is attracting attention from the Canadians, who have noted a new way for UK citizens to keep warm this winter.

    Our governments' serial inability to manifest anything without prodigious and ever-rising expenditure always (unless Big Pharma stand to make the biggest "killing" of all time) delivered after ever more delays and cost extensions, doesn't imply that that which they manifest will actually work. 

    Indeed, the green revolution could have been designed not to work, and is now being shown all across Europe not to work as coal plants are being fired up across the continent (a humiliation the UK only avoided by demolishing most of them ahead of time) in a rearguard action to avoid widespread deaths from freezing.

    Still, we in the UK are preserved by the Gulf Stream, which usually ensures that temperatures don't fall very much below freezing - unlike Canada where 30 degrees below is the winter norm.

  • If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them


    In response to the farmers' protests and the success of the AfD, the German government has mobilised their own response - counter-protests!

    As an an example of double-think it surely takes the biscuit, amounting as it does to "let's take to the streets to defend our democracy against the opposition party that has too much support and will wreck our democracy".

    "Failure to support ruinous government policies is thus by definition contrary to democracy and ought to be illegal"

    So only the governing party is to be considered democratic? The rest are all wreckers and populist upstarts? If nothing else it should enable savings on the costs of running elections...

    Just to make sure the press are also playing their part:


  • Davos in 15 Minutes


    I doubt that any visitor to this site is willing to sit through all the speeches at WEF Davos, boring as they deliberately are, so here, courtesy of the ever-reliable Sky News Australia, is a brief rundown of the highlights.


    (15 minutes)


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  • Martin Geddes Takes on the Traffic Penalty Tribunal


    I guess this is a topic in which a large number of motorists will have an interest - if not today, then tomorrow!

    With "Low Emission" zones proliferating like the proverbial rabbits, there cannot be many who will never run foul of some restriction or other - even when well signed, it can be well-nigh impossible to scan all the street furniture, identify all the signs, then read and understand them, whilst simultaneously taking care to avoid rear-ending the vehicle in front.

    So Martin, having been picked out for driving his (not commercial) van in an area where only private cars are permitted free passage, has decided to contest the claimed infraction on the basis that his van is a private conveyance in all significant respects and is therefore permitted free passage.

    Of course, as he digs deeper he uncovers more issues... which seem as if they may have parallels with the Council Tax situation. Quelle surprise!

    Ever Wondered How Much CO2 is Released by War?


    Lots of course. But how much is "lots"?

    S & P Global Commodity Insights has crunched to numbers for us, at least in so far as current wars are concerned.

    Our governments are apparently always perfectly able to accommodate several contradictory notions at the same time, so they will unhesitatingly act to "keep us safe" by going to war (not bothering about democratic mandates of course - no time for that) on behalf of their favourite protagonist(s), whilst at the same time telling us that we must achieve NetZero CO2(however they might eventually decide to define that in measurable terms)so out with the gas and in with the heat pumps frozen windmills and darkened solar panels.

    So far, two months of conflict in Gaza have generated "the equivalent of 75 coal power plants operating for a
