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  • How Green is my Valley?


    Well...   it depends. 

    How many data centres can it accommodate?

    And how many "renewable" wind turbines can be installed in order to power these centres day in, day out, with a vast uninterruptible electricity supply?

    Or are our governments encouraging us to rely on unreliable intermittent "renewables" for our own needs whilst burning fossil fuels to power their spyware centres?

    If Mother Earth is going to hell in a handcart because of all the CO2 emissions, then how can we afford all the data centres required to monitor all the messages on the internet? Who needs them, and what for?

    "This growth has accelerated in orders of magnitude, driven by one, the number of data centers requesting to be connected to our system, two, the size of

  • The Green Dream Radiation Machine?


    This is an interesting Substack which makes the case that "renewable" power sources may in practice release just as much or even more radiation into the environment as nuclear reactors, when assessed over their working lifespan.

    Whoa! How does that work?

    As so often with "renewables", we encounter the hidden hypocrisies of "outsourcing" the dirty secrets overseas. This time it's not about child slave labour in the Congo, but pollution in China (and possibly elsewhere).

    Nothing surprises me any more... until next week...

    Time to shut the world down and take stock?


  • The Green Dream Fantasia Machine


    Last night I attended a local town renewable energy "workshop", billed as an exploration of how our local area might develop its potential for local power generation. No actual planning, no actual commitments, just getting local people "involved".

    So being quite interested in the possibility of local power generation for local power needs (devolution of control of power provision may well be a step in the right direction), I decided to pay a call and attend.

    Not wishing to come empty-handed, I printed off afew leaflets summarising some of the more obvious points of relevance to power generation on the scale to which we have all become accustomed, and as I was one of the early arrivals I spread them around the available tables, subsequently chatting to a few of the attendees and volunteer staff to explain my offering. This was noted with politeness and subsequently

  • How Dangerous is Nuclear (2) ?


    This is a follow-on from our recent article How Dangerous Is Nuclear? which was about the dangers of normal operation of nuclear plants.

    This article examines the dangers from accidents and disasters associated with nuclear power plants.

    Missing is any real discussion of small modular reactors whose use has hitherto been mostly confined to military purposes, which are not exactly subject to in-depth reporting when things go wrong.

    Whilst in-depth reporting on any major event (nuclear or not) often seems to be coloured by vested interests which might prefer their own failings to remain hidden, some might think that this article may be based upon an unreliable dataset. However, we are where we are, and maybe there is a useful case to

  • No Way to Run a Chip Shop, Let Alone a Country


    Have we reached "peak insanity" yet? Part of me believes that we reached it long ago, but that other irritating yet maddeningly always correct part of me avers that if that were true, things would by now be getting better, rather than worse. 

    So I must concede - no, we have not reached peak insanity just yet.

    How long will it take?

    Oh please - I gave up making such predictions long ago. You will just have to make up your own answers on this one.

    But before you do, I recommend recalibrating your expectations by reading the latest report in the Daily Sceptic about the current eye-wateringly expensive completely madcap stupidity that is certain (yes, I can confidently predict this one!) to make many more well-connected people extremely rich before it bankrupts the rest of us and fails laughably on

  • How Dangerous is Nuclear?


    Given that the green transition seems to be in deep trouble for lack of resources (amongst much else), why the reluctance to develop nuclear?

    Because it's dangerous.

    But given that so much of what we have been taught (climate change, pandemics, quaxxines) isnow being challenged and indeed found wanting by many, should we not be reviewing the supposed dangers of nuclear radiation from nuclear plants seriously? Is this danger really as great as we suppose?

    Well, I don't know, but it does seem that governments around the world are taking different views on this, given the panicked rush to renewables isn't working out too well, and that France seems to have made an adequate job of running its electricity supply on nuclear, to the point where it can export this power to other countries.

    And alongside

  • It Won't Happen Because It Can't Happen


    What won't?

    The Green Energy Transition to Net Zero Happening within the official timescale dictated by what passes for our Government.

    Who says so?

    An independent financial publication whose team represents both the pro renewables and anti renewables viewpoints (both being relevant to the purpose of investing our private savings).

    Why won't it?

    Nobody did the due diligence on the planning.

    To be brutally honest, has any large scale government sponsored project ever come in anywhere near on time within living memory? Can anybody think of a bigger UK national project than our transition to Net Zero?

    So why the surprise?

    And, given that this target date is enshrined in law, who will go to gaol?


  • The Sunk Capital Conundrum


    OK, strictly we are talking here about cities on a seashore, but I couldn't resist the headline 😎.

    Yes, it's time to divert down the climate change rabbit hole of the always expanding body of predictions that they would rather we forget... this time about the "rising sea level".

    Please pay attention, this is serious.

    (10 minutes)


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  • Another Year, Another Global Hoax Revealed?


    Another hoax?

    Covid and Climate Change not enough? 

    Actually, this one is way way old...  as old as the nuclear industry.

    Is what he says really true? 

    I don't know, but nothing these days would surprise me... make of it what you will.

    Video of Mr Galen Windsor, of the Manhattan Project and various civilian/governmental nuclear facilities since the end of WW2. One can see how old the film is as it has obviously been digitised from an original photographic master... 

    (91 minutes)


    The Other Biggest Fraud in the World ...


    Climate Change, together with its ugly offspring Transition, are certainly pretty big phantasms, right up there with Big Pharma's products and their carefully cultivated but mostly undeserved (and, purists might quibble, wholly ambiguous) reputation as "safe and effective". 

    Safe for whom? Effective at what? Governments certainly made them safe for Big Pharma by preventing them from being sued for harms caused, and equally certainly made them effective for Big Pharma's bottom line by making the buying decision on behalf of their populations entirely without asking those populations whether they actually wanted those products on the terms offered.

    Step forward Jacob Nordangård PhD to unravel the plethora of commissions, politicians, councillors, dubious corporate personalities with "non-profit" foundations, and other institutions not excluding the US

  • "Millions Will Die!"


    Personally I'm getting very bored with this dialogue of the deaf, where one camp shouts at the other and the other shouts back, heedless of the requirement to acknowledge the doubts and difficulties and yes, even the evidence and the logical arguments.

    This site sets a good deal of store by evidence and logic (I can't help it, it's a working life-time of training), so shouting interminably across the fence isn't my cup of tea.

    "Climate change" is a wonderful propaganda weapon in so far as the workings of the climate is probably the most complex topic known to man, so unfounded assertions based upon dubious modelling are notoriously difficult to prove or disprove in the absolute. So the onus falls upon the deniers to disprove the assertions of remote global authorities, whereas the onus of proof should be falling on those who would demonise the past decades of advancement of healthy civilisation and consign our future prospects of health and global sufficiency to the scrap-heap.


  • Neil Lays it Out


    Neil Oliver with another hard to hear monologue, asking many questions that will never be answered by any of the usual suspects.

    Pfizer, Cass, NHS... to name just a few.

    Have they no shame? 

    (19 minutes)


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  • Global Scares in Perspective


    Covid or Climate Change? Which is/was the greater menace?

    If either?

    And what of the future?

    (62 minutes)


    Download the Slides here.

  • The Perils of Nuclear


    No, not bombs - base load!

    The sleuths at Fortune and Freedom have been sorting through the entrails of what passes for government energy policy, and have doubts that more nuclear power plants is the answer to the intermittency of renewables.

    This one is a bit technical, but one can see their point. Well, points actually. Flexible response of power generation is necessary when the wind stops blowing and hail destroys the solar panels (or night-time occurs).

    Can nuclear solve the intermittency conundrum? Even if the government could miraculously change its record of failure in delivering major projects, with immediate

  • Is Organic Still Organic?


    Sir Julian Rose, long-time supporter and practitioner of organic farming on the Hardwick Estate, reviews how he became involved in organc, through to today's organic scene - and and how to transition from conventional to organic... 

    And what exactly is the government's "Green New Deal"?

    "... subsidy does create slaves... "

    Original article on UK Column.

    (64 minutes)



  • The Fight Against Climate Change Moves Up a Notch


    Safety Warning: Please don your tin-foil hat to protect your sanity before reading on.

    In order to protect the world from "Global Warming" (that according to the "overwhelming consensus of climate scientists" is certainly caused by us releasing CO2 into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels), it turns out that spraying chemtrails into the atmosphere is being done in order to reduce global warming by blocking the sunlight...

    And what the heck has Bill Gates got to do with any of this anyway? Perhaps he's working on a new quaxxine to protect against the cold once we can't see the sun anymore and we are not allowed to burn anything that creates CO2?

    (20 minutes)



  • The Big Green Sausage Machine


    Another country, another council bemused, befuddled, and brainwashed by the green blob.

    What is the defence? We must insist upon due diligence and democratic accountability.

    Due diligence - check out what we are told and importantly, check out the counter-narratives. Which is plausible, which is actually proven? Or are neither proven? If not proven, then is the the proposed change of status quo justified on balance?

    Assess both the upside scale of the opportunity and the downside of getting it wrong.

    Democratic accountability - explain our recommendation, the counter-recommendation, the consequences of both, and put it to a vote of our constituents.

    Now if we are just installing traffic lights, the downside of getting it wrong is probably relatively trivial, but if our constituents lives are going to be seriously changed then give them both barrels (both sides of

  • Another Reason Why Renewables are just So Much Hot Air


    Has the onward march to our Net Zero future got  bogged down in the quicksand of government "incompetence"?

    Every passing day it seems that more reasons emerge to indicate that Net Zero is the impossible dream.

    The latest dive behind the scenes into what is actually going on (or not going on) comes courtesy of Fortune and Freedom.

    "Renewable energy projects are taking decades to connect to the electricity grid. High voltage lines are proving as popular as wind farms"

    You could say that it's gridlock.


  • Oregon Redefines the War on Farmers


    Rule 1 - heap up the regulations

    Rule 2 - make them as complex as possible

    Rule 3 - wage lawfare

    Something similar coming to the UK soon I don't doubt.

    (21 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    Go figure.


  • Has Reform Just Let the Fox Loose in the Hen House?


    We don't do party politics on this site, because we believe that the party political system (a) acts as gatekeeper to prevent people of "unsound" views from getting elected and (b) if any do by some mischance get through this filter, they will be controlled by the whip system to vote as the party desires rather than in the interests of their constituents. 

    Those who control the political party leadership (by whatever means) have Parliament sewn up.

    If the leadership of the very few major parties are all controlled (by whatever means) by a single controlling entity (UN-WEF partnership anybody?) then we live in a dictatorship.

    That said, the Reform Party has just chucked a googly onto the playing field perfectly timed to warm up the next general election and to remind the population (warning - words are insufficient to do this justice but I'll try) of the extraordinary parliamentary and legal contortions that followed the last National Referendum, when they
