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Legal Repeal
Reclaiming Self-Governance
Martin Geddes again, this time with a presentation on the topic, as rehashed by AI (is that wise? - we have been warned!).
"Freedom is not merely about overthrowing external control but demonstrating that we can responsibly govern ourselves"
"Many live in a state of 'low consciousness' succumbing to conformity and programmed behavior, never realizing their true potential"
"... the jury serves as the “court of conscience,” where ordinary people are tasked with interpreting not just the facts of a case but also its moral dimensions"
"... if we cannot manage our thoughts and actions, we cannot expect to live in a truly free society"
The Case Against the UK Government
An excellent exposition of the governing classes of the UK, also of the current government of the UK and whither they are leading us.
It is also an appeal to the people.
It's your view that counts.
(12 minutes)
Into Deeper Waters on Skye
Martin Geddes is no stranger to entanglements with the law.
It being summer and relatively benign up there (I'm guessing here - it could have been tipping it down, but he doesn't mention that) he has taken a short retreat from the hurly-burly confusion of life in general, in order to sort out the next stage of his spiritual journey, upon which he (I suspect unintentionally) found himself when analysing the logic of his brushes with the judicial system.
Spirituality is not an optional extra in life, it is just that we have to find it for ourselves, and having found it, take our spiritual understanding and advancement upon ourselves.
But what does it have to do with the law?
Who Assesses my Benefits Claim?
Well, according to Big Brother Watch, maybe nobody. It might all be handled by machines. If not now, then soon.
Does anybody know how the AI works? Nobody accessible to the public.
"Black box algorithms and secretive AI tools sit at the heart of the UK's welfare system - with little accountability. Our investigation offers a glimpse into life inside the UK’s poverty panopticon"
So here's a simple enough question:
If the tools of the process are opaque and protected by commercial confidentiality, how can the process be accountable to the public that it is meant to serve? And if not accountable, how is a realistic challenge possible?
I have postulated before that government is simply a
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"Two Tier" Plod?
Many now seem to believe that Britain's policing may sometimes be less than fair impartial and objective.
So here is a "former police officer" who claims to be expert in dealing with unwanted attention from the plod.
It's your judgement that counts.
(33 minutes)
Like / Dislike this video here.
"The South Africa "Vaccine" Injury Medico-Legal Study-Group (SAVIMS) does NOT support the Africa CDC and WHO declaration of a global health emergency for monkeypox"
I think that says it all, but if you need to know their reasoning (and it seems to make very good sense), then read on.
No doubt when the roll-out reaches your country, this will be useful information...
Durham Crown Court AWOL
Perhaps justice is not to be seen to be done these days.
The Family Courts were the first to routinely exclude the public from their proceedings on whatever flimsy excuse the parliamentarians of the day accepted as overriding the ancient maxim that justice must be seen to be done in order for the people to maintain their confidence in the judiciary.
Not to mention in order to protect the innocent from miscarriages of justice that may tear families apart on inadequate grounds unchallenged within the courtroom.
Is public confidence through open justice and protection of the innocent from unjust family dismemberment really less important than the possibility ofhurt feelings and public embarrassment?
Crown Courts are of course not Family Courts, nevertheless Durham Crown Court seem to be peculiarly
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Crimes Against Humanity vs Genocide?
Interest of Justice are nothing if not ambitious - and maybe they have an appropriate jurisdiction in Costa Rica in which to pursue their ambitions.
Taking the United Nations (World Health Organisation) to court is not without its problems - they probably have more money than any possible challenger on earth. They are also well-practised in the dark arts of propaganda, obfuscation, and psychological manipulation over many years, as Climate Change attests.
Still, if somebody is to take on this task, then a maverick outfit like Interest of Justice may be as good as any.
How would it be done?
Google Loses In Court - Appeal Likely
This case in Federal Court held that Google's contracts with Apple and Android phones for provision of search facility amounted to a monopoly, and broke antitrust legislation.
Stand by for a protracted legal appeals process...
PCR Tests Useless - Depending on Your Objective
Yes this is a hoary old topic that still hasn't seen the light of day in the mainstream media - but the legal processes in Portugal are not necessarily any faster than elsewhere.
We did report on this some time ago I feel sure, but the appeals process had to be exhausted before the original verdict was upheld.
Yes, the PCR test as applied in Portugal (and nearly everywhere else) is effectively useless. Its use is therefore criminally negligent at best.
Of course, if your objective is to convince everybody that they may be suffering from a deadly pathogen and we all need to be injected with an untested experimental novel "vaccine" then maybe things start to make
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No Placebo-Controlled Long Term Clinical Vaccine Trials
Aaron Siri, lawyer for vaccine truth, tells us definitively what we already knew intuitively - vaccine safety is a myth founded on nothing except propaganda censorship and cover-up.
How could that happen?
Only by suppression of genuine journalism and control of the "free" press and media.
How are we hearing about this now?
Control over the free internet proved too difficult, the cat is now out of the bag.
Thanks to Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree of the Highwire, his lawyer Aaron Siri, also latterly Andrew Bridgen, the many others who refused to give up, and the countless individual others who were prepared to fund them in whatever way they could.
"Not a single childhood vaccine on the CDC's schedule was licensed based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Not
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Cestui Que Vie Act 1666
Yet another contribution to untangling the knotty legal principles surrounding the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666.
Useful as it is, it does seem to stop short of fully relating the principle to the modern use of birth certificates to create a trust in so far as he doesn't explain how (or indeed whether) such a trust is funded (or did I miss something?!).
Nevertheless a useful exposition of the legal principles involved, why the modern you is a beneficiary of your birth certificate trust, and how that can (allegedly - this is not "legal advice"!) work to your advantage in a court of law...
(19 minutes)
Beneficial Ownership - Beneficial to Whom?
Dr Mike Yeadon is a thorn in the side of the perpetrators of the "pandemic".
He is (in my estimation) an honest man thrust into the limelight because he could not with integrity stay silent.
There are many like him, sung and unsung.
Here Mike takes on new ground. There's only so much one can say about the quaxxines after all, and there are other scams afoot... such as the global scam to "legally" take all our savings in whatever form they may be - bank balances, stocks and shares, retirement plans, ISAs, ETFs... the list is long.
But the common thread in all of these savings schemes is the idea of "beneficial ownership" - the idea that some institution actually takes care of these investments and holds them on our behalf.
It's very convenient, very effective, and so far has worked pretty well, so
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Aaron Siri Testifies in New Hampshire on Covid Response Efficacy
Lawyer Aaron Siri testifies before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy.
Part 1:
(87 minutes)
Part 2:
(75 minutes)
Covid "Vaccines" Trials in Context
"... my written testimony submitted to Congress explaining why it was sheer folly to think that the Covid-19 vaccines were going to be properly safety tested before or after licensure"
Many acres of internet pages have by now been written by many and various authors devoted to all manner of theories about how the Covid jabs were developed, approved, marketed and distributed. This is but the latest in a long line, but it takes as its baseline the traditional notion that the usual regulatory bodies, that normally regulate vaccines and pharmaceutical products, were similarly responsible for the Covid products (other authors may disagree).
Even so, it is still damning.
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Chemtrails Banned in Tennessee
Well, it may be on the other side of the Atlantic but a precedent is a precedent.
If they are doing it in the States then they are doing it here, as we can all see should we be inclined to lift up our eyes and look at what is going on above our heads.
Now it is true that making something illegal doesn't necessarily mean that enforcing that ban will be easy, or even possible (as our own government may in due course find out when its legally mandated "Net Zero" targets come due but unfulfilled), but it is the first step.
Interest of Justice has the story.
Legal Mumbo-Jumbo Explained ... Do Try to Keep Up!
We have featured a few articles recently by : POSTMASTER-GENERAL: Russell-Jay: Gould and no doubt many will be doubtful that his activities could actually be central to our legal existence.
So here we have another explanation (inevitably from the American point of view, but we are talking here of a global system so it doesn't only affect Americans).
The Quantum Grammar so-called is key here because it supersedes / overrides the original way of writing contracts, since it is unambiguous. No doubt we will all get used to it in time...
(81 minutes)
The UK - A Central Banker's Dictatorship
Democracy? Forget it.
When push comes to shove, the Bank of England always wins.
The terms of its Royal Charter make it invulnerable in law to any change to its terms of reference or constitution with which it may not agree. It is a law unto itself.
Baron Hannan of Kingsclere (AKA Dan Hannan) succinctly reviews the situation for the House of Lords below, and...
Nick Hubble preps us for options incoming...
(5 minutes)
Postmaster General Lays it Out for the Military - Endless Wars Ended?
This outlines the legal reasons why those who have taken the "Jesuit Oath" are effectively released from it.
This is deep legalese, which will not be to the taste of many (and may be understood by even fewer!) but the implication is that oaths previously taken to the occult powers are null and void.
My interpretation - this is the final warning to those in the military hierarchy who do not protect the Republic of the United States of America, and the peoples of the world in other theatres of military operation.
If you think this is all incomprehensible mumbo-jumbo, do watch the second video below to the end!
It's a fantastic story of investigation, planning, and daring execution which may be told for ever more to our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren...
Pfizer in the Dock?
The law takes its time, but it grinds small.
A case to keep an eye on.
Read the original report here.
(29 minutes)
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