Humanity is at the cross-roads - and on board a bus being driven as hard and fast as possible into a future that nobody has tested for safety - despite "our safety" being the go-to excuse of our elites to lock us down, jab us with who-knows what, feed us with who-knows what, confine us to quarters, and generally ride roughshod over all our traditional time-honoured freedoms.
Have we noticed yet?
Or are we still too busy playing ever more responsive silly games on our phones?
Do we the people have to separately investigate, conduct our own safety trials, determine any effects detrimental to the environment, document and prove the harm that any and each of these novel technological marvels may do to us and/or the environment, to the satisfaction of a legal system that takes forever, charges exorbitant fees, and may not even be fair and even-handed?
If so, then what are our regulatory authorities for?
Or do those who wish to deploy and profit from these incoming technologies have to prove at their own cost to the regulatory authorities and to the public at large that adequate safety and environmental tests have been conducted, and that these show beyond reasonable doubt that these proposed technologies are harmless when used safely (and define document publish and publicise the meaning of "safely" in each case)?
If so, then who will audit the activities of our regulatory authorities to ensure that they are doing their job?
I only ask because I think we need to know.
Did you spot the word that isn't there?