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  • Zuckerberg Speaks


    Well, it's true, "Meta"-phorically speaking... (groan)... Mark has made what seems like a 180o screeching hand-brake turn on "fact-checking" - a turn not lost on the erstwhile "fact-checkers", who have (reportedly) "fact-checked" his statement...

    As I have chosen to exist on the Net largely outside the Zuckerverse I don't feel qualified to comment of this turn of events, but happily, I know of a man who does.

    (Strange though, I don't remember the blue-eyed curly-redhead look previously... )


  • EU's Foundations Crumbling?


    The start of the new year has gone badly for the EU, but can anybody really maintain that this was unforeseen?

    The gas supplies from Russia to Germany and by extension to the EU via the Ukraine has been turned off. It doesn't matter whom you blame for this, what matters is that this has turned off the EU's ability to maintain its (ever declining) standard of living.

    Energy is the lifeblood of industry, and Germany's seemingly unstoppable post war industrialisation has suddenly - well, truly not so suddenly - ground to a deathly silence of shuttered factories and closed shops.

    To say that this could not have been foreseen is risible - the war in the Ukraine (with Germany's largest supplier of low-cost energy!) was not

  • "Deliberate and Calculated"


    Neil Oliver, with his usual eloquent and well-thought-out analysis of a previously very unusual subject, a subject that has now been accorded the prominence due and required by its seriousness.

    This is not party-political (it has likely been going on under all governments of my life-time), it is pro-life and pro-justice.

    (13 minutes)


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  • A Useful Review of the Transition to Trump


    This is from the usually terminally tedious group now known as Promethean Action (you remember Prometheus of course?), who for some unaccountable reason now produce a video (or two!) that is not only useful, but tolerable for viewing by normal people.

    (There's also a pre-Christmas video that is useful viewing).

    And if you are wondering quite where Team Trump is going to take us, this is as good a place as any to start, as it highlights Britain, featuring as well Greenland and Canada, maybe also Panama and even Mexico... the crumbling EU... usw.

    (17 minutes)


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  • Who Is Trump?


    So you think you know your Trump?

    Are you sure? 

    You may not be so certain after watching this...

    This is a very hard-headed video that will almost certainly challenge anybody's understanding of world events of the past century or so. If you are not prepared for such a challenge, feel free to skip this one.

    Bear in mind that many now believe that "everything we were told is a lie". You may or may not accept such a concept, but if you believe in the accepted version of history, the ending sequence of this video may not be for you.

    For myself, I am prepared to accept any proposition that is supported by evidence and logic - this attitude does not preclude changing my mind about history, but does mean that I file away a great deal in the "too difficult to know" box, for possible re-evaluation should more information come to light.


  • Canada, Canada, Wherefore Art Thou Canada?


    A tale of incompetence, or of deliberate obfuscation?

    We may never know, but it's a salutary story that leaves Canada...  well, apparently in some sort of legal limbo (don't quote me, I'm not a constitutional lawyer!).

    If this could happen to Canada, what other prior colonies might be similarly affected?

    And how might this affect the coming changes that 2025/6 may or may not bring forth?

    Not to mention anybody with a "Canadian passport"?

    (49 minutes)



  • We Need a New Paradigm that Implements People Power


    Since time immemorial, humanity has been organised into groups - some cooperating, some fighting, some dispersed, some concentrated geographically, but in general all under some form of leadership.

    If we believe the history books, then these leaders eventually developed into hereditary leadership families known as "Royalty".

    Naturally, individual leaders cannot be everywhere at once giving people instruction and judging aberrant behaviours, so the concept of Royal Courts that administered each locality on behalf of the monarch was instituted.

    Likewise the monarch could not know everything that perhaps he needed to know, so the concept of the advisory council (Witan in Old England) was born where the monarch could pick the finest brains in the land before determining on any particular course of action. From these beginnings arose our current "Parliamentary

  • What to Make of the Musk Maniac?


    Elon Musk, a fabulously rich entrepreneur, who supposedly made his money creating new and very popular services such as PayPal, innovations such as Tesla self-driving autonomous vehicles, and who is also a defence contractor (well, a man must make his living where he can), boasts a close relationship with "the Donald" (and did I mention "X"?), is now seemingly entertaining himself by adopting a new role: the scourge of malfunctioning governments!

    A tweet or two from Musk and the snowflakes in said malfunctioning governments clutch their pearls, grab for their smelling salts, and between hyper-ventilations write all kinds of opinion pieces declaring that he must be controlled, preferably silenced, lest he inflame their easily-deceived moronic voters into believing that changes may be desirable at the next elections! And (Shock! Horror!) he isn't even a politician, so what on earth does he think he's doing?!

    He's setting an excellent example to the rest of us - he's doing his own thinking, coming to

  • Fulford Report - Monday 6 Jan 2025 - War Incoming?


    The recent multiple false flag attacks get some analysis, Congress is supposed to ratify the Trump presidency today 6th Jan (but will there be Congressmen available to do this?), the fog of war has literally descended across the US and elsewhere (fog in winter? Who'd a thought it?), and China is up to no good (just for a change).

    Yes, apparently things are happening, but to what ends remains as impenetrable as ever.

    Have matters reached peak pandemonium yet?

    I fear not quite, but what do you think?  (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • The Race to Preempt Trump - Let's Get the War with Iran Going?


    With Trump due to be inaugurated on 20th inst, those who would provoke WW3 are apparently working overtime to trap Trump into war with Iran, China, Russia, well, anybody really... 

    Redacted reports... (feel free to check out when the "word from our sponsor" begins)

    (14 minutes)


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  • Northern and Southern Dystopiae


    A tale of two cities .. well, one city and a town I suppose would be more accurate.

    Whilst by no means typical oftowns and cities across the nation, perhaps these may be thought to become so if we simply extrapolate current rates of deterioration for a few more decades. Of course there will always be better places to dwell (where else would the well-to-do live?), but as pointers to the typical urban homescapes ofthe future, perhaps these vignettes serve a purpose, a reminder that local civilisation involves purpose as well as, perhaps more than, comforts.

    When one purpose fades, how to find a new purpose? This seems to be a relevant question that somehow doesn't get much asked, yet surely it needs to be the first question for which any aspiring politician hopeful of election

  • Update from Prof Marandi in Iran


    The situation in the Middle East has changed dramatically with the fall of Syria, so to whose advantage does the new reality (in so far as we understand it) actually work?

    One might suspect that it may fall to Turkey, since they took the trouble to send in their army, something that they have not previously done.

    (36 minutes)


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  • Be Afraid, Be VERY Afraid!


    There are times when I wish that the would-be authorities in this world would get their story straight.

    One moment it's bird flu (beware of the chickens!), the next it's bird flu (again) (beware of the cows!), the next it's animal flatulence (beware of the cows - again - lest we die in a self-immolating world catastrophe).

    Hens teeth! It's enough to make us all jittery about the incoming epidemic of mad cow disease now very obviously affecting the judgement of the Great and the Good who continue to push these absurd notions.

    Will nobody vaccinate them against this new peril?

    Or was this one somehow inadvertently omitted from the UN Agenda 2030 / 2050 plans for global domination? Where is Bill Gates when they need him? 

  • Dr Shiva Speaks About his Movement


    Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, "inventor of email", candidate for US Presidency, opponent of the Deep State, and uncompromising champion of a global grass-roots movement to make the Deep State obsolete, explains his movement at a weekly "town hall" Zoom meeting.

    (2 hrs 25 mins - less if you start at the 27 minute mark,  thus skipping the individual introductions at the beginning)


    Find our previous articles on Dr Shiva here.

    I know of no other campaigner who impresses me with such logical analysis and effective organisation - worth paying attention.

    https://vashiva.com/    ...

  • Lahaina Revisited


    (23 minutes)


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  • Syria - It's Complicated


    Scott Ritter brings us up to date with his thinking on Syria.

    In the immediate aftermath of the Syrian collapse, Scott seemed uncharacteristically a bit less than surefooted in his analysis, but he has plainly been working to fill in the gaps in his knowledge.

    Today he updates us on the historical complexities of a region to which power rivalries dating back beyond WW1 have not been kind.

    (16 minutes)


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  • The First Monologue of 2025


    Neil Oliver starts the New Year by speaking directly for us, for the British now compelled to recognise that our leaders are no longer ours (if they ever were), who despair of Parliament and all its malignant works, and who now seek and recognise our kith and kin where'er they may be found - and whilst they remain still plentiful (though depleted) within these sceptred isles, they are no longer to be found amongst its politicians, power-brokers, official media, and national institutions.

    Yet, indeed, 

    When the Old Order Falls, What will Arise?


    It's a good question. Times and tides wait for no man. The tide of perfidious intent of our passing World Order is ebbing, and a tide of new consciousness will - must - replace it on the rebound.

    Whose consciousness will determine the nature and thrust of this new incoming?

    If you aren't part of the solution, then you are part of the problem!

    Martin Geddes looks forward to the remainder of 2025...

    (8 minutes of visual effects - get in the mood here!)

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  • Happy New Year of Financial Delinquency


    "The popping of this everything bubble will be written about in history books, like the South Sea BubbleTulip Mania Bubble, The Mississippi Bubble1920s Stock Market Bubble, and Dotcom Bubble" - only quite possibly worse...

    "While the controllers continue to pump the stock and crypto markets, luring more suckers in at all-time highs, in the real-world average Americans are in deep trouble, as the fake pandemic savings have evaporated and trying to sustain themselves, amidst Biden’s 20% to 40% inflation, on credit cards has run its course, with default rates now at fourteen-year highs

    The Fall of the Cabal - the Conclusion


    Cyntha Koete and the late Janet Ossebard spent years documenting the Fall of the Cabal series of presentations, the Sequel series to the Fall of the Cabal, and now, the first of a new series: Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal.

    We have followed their remarkable effort previously, an effort that culminated for Janet when she took her own life.

    We hope that you too will find their work invaluable.

    This is their latest presentation:

    Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal - Part 1: The Pyramid of Power.

    "A brand new series about the identity of the Cabal"

    (27 minutes)