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  • Stand Together - What are the UK Authorities Up To?


    The UK Dictatorship has been under construction for many years, and the Covid "pandemic" may be merely the start of the final phase that will establish total control from the centre.

    Alongside the much forecast financial collapse, lockdowns have shown us how we can be impoverished by eliminating independent businesses through bankruptcy, leaving the field clear for the big global corporations to supply the market unimpeded by competition.

    UK Column in their article The UK New Normal Dictatorship takes us through the restructurings of power that have occurred over the years, unnoticed by those of us with lives to lead.

    Largely these changes took place whilst our attention was distracted elsewhere, by the "big issues" such as devolution that didn't really

  • Stand Together - The Authorities Have no Power!


    "the average person does not believe that a crime of this magnitude is possible in the modern age"

    "they fail to realise that by accepting incremental violations of the Nuremberg Code, they are creating the precise conditions that gave rise to that Tribunal"

    "and in much the same way, their participation makes them complicit"

    "judges and lawyers were brought to account, in the same way that media professionals were, bankers were - it wasn't just the soldiers who were held accountable  - anybody in society who had a position in which they could have exercised their power and their duty to stop ... what was happening was held accountable"

    "anybody in any profession who knows what's going on and is staying silent - unfortunately, military tribunals' international case lore goes against them"

    This video takes us through the

  • UKMFA Open Letter to Scottish Health Minister


    Alert readers will know that we reported last month on the excess deaths that have been occurring in Scotland (not that they are alone in this) following the vaccination drive early this year.

     It seems that the UK Medical Freedom Alliance also joined the fray, to little effect if the lack of response is anything to go by. 

    Today they publish their follow-up letter, in an attempt to ensure that the authorities are paying attention to the mortality data and investigating the untoward variation from expectation.

    "we have written again to the Scottish Government to highlight our grave concerns about the continuing and rising significant excess all-cause mortality"

  • Gas in Europe Costs 14 Times the Cost in America?


    It's always tricky to do price comparisons across different countries - there are so many confounding factors to consider. Still, the recent samizdat from Net Zero Watch assembles a case from many different press articles which all point in the same direction - governmental policy based on pursuing the phantasmagorical "net zero" destination is both doomed to fail and costing us all a great deal of prosperity in the process.

    "lack of wind leaves EU on the brink in energy crisis"

    Worry yourself silly here.

    Those of nervous disposition should probably wait until after the holiday / lockdown, whichever materialises.

  • Winter Solstice in UK - Summer Solstice Down Under - Happy Christmas?


    OK - I'm a day ahead of myself, but the Solstice will be upon us by the time most of you read this.

    Once again it's Monday and Benjamin Fulford has filed his report.

    And what a report!

    The first section is free to read, the second is paywalled - his modest subscription is worthwhile in my view, if only because he doesn't take prisoners.

    "This is some of the evidence that will hang them!"

    There, that should pique your interest!

  • All You Never Wanted to Know about Gain of Function Bat Virus Research


    I was in two minds about this because it's quite technical, very long at 2 hrs, covers ground available elsewhere and may not be everybody's cup of tea, but it's presented very well and brings out the cloak&dagger nature of the whole dodgy enterprise to perfection.

    Anybody who seriously thinks "they couldn't do anything so awful" may find this disturbing.

    For my own part I think it horrifying that this blatantly irresponsible activity was deliberately conducted at the highest levels of government administration without any interest shown by professional journalists.

    Whether it is even possible to produce a highly infectious virus capable of decimating the world population is I believe yet to be proven. In the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, nobody managed to transfer the disease from person to person via bodily fluids (book: the Invisible Rainbow

  • Remember, Remember, 21st December - The Vaxx Connections


    Following on from our article Remember Remember 21st December, and in recognition of the imminence of that solstice date, we can highlight more information provided by the Bernician concerning the links between the defendants to his legal action and the world vaccine industry, plus associated philanthropic organisations.

    The Defendants & their Gates Connections - 1

    The Defendants & their Gates Connections - 2


  • End of Hostilities in Korea - Conditional Peace Agreement!


    We have waited nearly 50 years since the Korean Armistice Agreement that brought the fighting to a close was signed in 1953, so this should have been big news.

    It's conditional on the US ending its "hostile attitude" - but Trump already did that in 2019, before the 2020 November elections that led to the Joe Biden inauguration in January 2021. 

    Given the parlous state of US politics one might be forgiven for thinking that this condition may not in practice be long in the fulfilment, although you wouldn't notice from the press reports and the BBC article.

    My guess though is that if Kim Jong Un

  • BMJ Ponders the End of the Pandemic


    David Robertson and Peter Doshi discuss how we will know that the pandemic has ended.

    Should we wait for the WHO to declare it gone?

    Will it be once the Omega variant has been defeated?

    Or will it eventually fade away unnoticed and unlamented (except perhaps by the vaccine manufacturers, should any survive the exposure of their lamentable business ethics)?

    This is a vexing question, for which we may all postulate our own answers.

    My own viewpoint is that is will disappear as soon as we stop testing the asymptomatic population for it. The

  • The Pfizer Covid Trial and Safety - Deconstructed


    The Canadian Covid Care Alliance has published an analysis of the original Pfizer vaccine trial in a format that we mere mortals can actually understand (and download).

    They also cover the Pfizer analysis of the first 6 months of the vaccination roll-out. Shockingly it demonstrates a significant increase in illness and death (adverse events) in the inoculated group.

    They pick apart all the many errors in the Pfizer trial and analyses, and finish up with their own analysis of how things are playing out in the real world.

    Pfizer's own post-marketing pharmacovigilance reports also come in for criticism, as they reveal  levels of significant adverse events that in previous years for any other vaccine would have caused the

  • Absolutely Covid-Shattering Essential Video



  • Out with Boris, In with the EU?



    Whilst many in politics and the civil service undoubtedly would welcome a return to the warm and cuddle enfolding arms of the EU, I suspect that the British public would have something to say about that.

    How it would unfold I don't know, but Joe Public has been well and truly stirred of late into considerable distrust of our politicians, and rejoining in the absence of another referendum must be a step too far.

    Of course they could maybe manipulate the vote...   but this is still the United Kingdom for all the efforts of the civil service, Tone Blair, the EU, the political parties, Nicola Mark and Sadiq. 

    The Salisbury Review raises the spectre.

    Bring it on!


    Memo to Cressida ...



  • Fate - or Free Will?


    There are two conflicting viewpoints about whether the future is pre-ordained or malleable.

    Those who think "it's too hard, whatever I do it won't make any difference", and those who take the view that "if we all act together, we can change the course of history".

    The huge demonstrations in London (I know, I was there) and elsewhere around the country and around the globe earlier this year are testament to what we can achieve when we all come out of our comfort-zones and come together to make a difference. At that first demo nobody knew how many would turn up, but we turned up anyway and gave ourselves (and the world!) a huge surprise.

    What does it take? Faith in our fellow men and women (and anyone else who feels excluded by those classifications - forgive me for not keeping up).

    The Brownstone Institute offers us much the same message this morning,

  • David Noakes Freed from Prison by French!


    Readers who have been following UK Column will have heard of the cases of Lyn Thyer and David Noakes, who were prosecuted by the MHRA in the UK for having the temerity to offer GcMAF as a potential cure for cancer, found guilty and served time for this heinous crime of curing people who preferred to take their chances with GcMAF rather than chemo.

    The French then got into the act by serving European Arrest Warrants on them and prosecuting them in France for the same offence, since when he has been languishing in a French gaol awaiting his fate. Lyn Thyer was released as she had already served half her sentence awaiting trial.

    The recent hearing about whether David should be released pending conclusion of his trial resulted in him being released, on condition that he will attend court to receive the final verdict on his case.

  • The Media, Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, and Sharyl Attkisson


    Astroturfing: "The disguising of an orchestrated campaign as a "grass-roots" event – i.e., a spontaneous upwelling of public opinion" - Wiktionary.

    Yes, I had to look it up - so I figured I would save you the bother.

    Effectively the creation of a fake grass-roots movement. It seems to me that there could be a great many candidates for this "accolade".

    "The art of it is to try to make it look as though there are ordinary people pulling the strings... the whole goal is to make you feel like you're an outlier on some topic when you're not ... feel as though you're the only one that thinks a certain thing which actually may be a majority feeling or opinion or conclusion... "

    "... we know... that this is a multi-billion dollar industry... "

    This is about the art of manipulation of public opinion, an art which has really come to

  • Energy Charter Treaty - Ungreen & Unwanted but Unfazed


    What Energy Charter treaty? Never heard of it

    Investigate Europe draws the veil aside...

    "After two years of dialogue, no deadline has emerged to reform and modernise this pact, which allows big emitters to sue states for enacting green reforms"

    To me, that sounds like a ball and chain around the ankle of the green agenda. 

    So it's no further surprise to know that many states are seeking to renegotiate the treaty to permit more "clean green" energy and less "unclean" energy, and still less of a surprise to learn that the "big emitters" are dragging their feet.

    "Just in Europe, the treaty protects

  • Trends in Polar Sea Ice Not Compliant with Predictions


    Another reminder that the great global warming narrative is cooling by the day arrives from the GWPF this morning. It seems that fears for the imminent drowning of polar bears due to lack of sea ice may have been overdone.

    Professor Bates (Adjunct Professor of Meteorology at University College Dublin) pours some cold water (so to speak) on modelling that predicted ever more reductions in sea ice around the poles.

    Could it be that climate models are no more accurate than Covid models? 

    Now it is true that the professor is a meteorologist as opposed to a climatologist, so he may not know what he is talking about, but I'll leave the reader to decide how much importance that factor should be accorded.

    The GWPF has the story.


  • Another Crony, another Legal Challenge


    In Tony Blair's day they would have been called Tony's Cronies, today perhaps we might christen them Boris' Buddies, but whatever you call them the Good Law Project is on their tail.

    "Our application represents a challenge to the UK Government’s appointment of senior public officials without due process, neither equitable, transparent, nor competitive – a proclivity that has meant top jobs repeatedly going to friends and associates of the governing elite"

    "it is high time that this practice ends and the best qualified people are appointed to the highest functional offices in the land"

    Quite so.

    But will the High Court agree?

    We wish this case

  • New Complaint to ICC re: UK Crimes Against Humanity


    A previous request to the International Criminal Court in the Hague as far as I know has not been progressed, although they were sent a reminder.

    Now we hear of another approach "alleging crimes committed by UK government officials and international world leaders of various violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression perpetrated against the peoples of the UK".

    I would expect that these separate requests would be rolled together prior to being heard, but what do I know?

    The point is that the
