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  • Covid! Covid! Wherefore Art Thou Covid?


    The Daily Sceptic reports today on the plight of Kiribati, Covid-free until two weeks ago but now suffering its first outbreak after a flight arrived from Fiji.

    Salient points:

    Passengers on the flight of doom were:

    • quarantined for two weeks prior to flying
    • fully vaccinated (we can discount this as we know that vaccines do not prevent transmission)
    • masked (we can discount this as there is no convincing evidence of effectiveness)
    • tested
  • Boris Should Scrap Green Levies on Energy Bills - and Secure Democratic Backing for Green Agenda


    We've reported on this topic before, but it bears repetition - the UK urgently needs to stave off the worst costs of "green" energy levies on our bills.

    Net Zero Watch points out that Germany is ahead of us in this.

    In support they provide a couple of download documents that make helpful suggestions regarding the short and medium term options that remain available to the UK, should any part of the

  • WW3 Continues ...


    Ben Fulford's Monday report this week is interesting to say the least.

    How much we choose to believe is up to each of us. The best disinformation always comes mixed with good intel...

    Personally I'm inclined to trust him but who knows about his sources?

    Nevertheless things overall do seem to be moving in the right direction, and he does produce interesting copy, so we await the coming "space opera" with anticipation . . .

    Note that to read the full article a modest subscription is required.

    Note also that earlier editions of his Friday interviews are not pay-walled - scroll down at www.benjaminfulford.net to view for free!


  • Dr Reiner Fuellmich Announces a Grand Jury Trial


    "We are adopting this model to prove to the public, with the help of real witnesses, lawyers, a judge and experts from around the world, that we are dealing with crimes against humanity that span the globe"

    "The goal is a coherent presentation of all the facts gathered to date, and thus to convince the populations of all countries that resistance here is not only possible, but required of every individual"

    (5 minutes)



    Here is a more in-depth exploration of this topic:

    "... these are not side-effects, it's happening on purpose... this is genocide..."

    (90 minutes)



    In contrast to the above, this article in Unherd proposes that the

  • Warning - This Affects Your Safety on the Roads!


    If you go out on the roads today, you may get a big surprise,
    If you go out on the roads today, you'd better a plan devise,
    For every clown that's out and about will stop and start for without any doubt,
    Today's the day the bureaucrats changed the - Highway Code.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unless of course you're a government bureaucrat obsessed by "safety" at any cost.

    As a cyclist and motorist and occasionally a pedestrian, these rule changes strike me as being dangerous, if only because many, perhaps most people are unlikely to be aware of them.

    So what happens when the aware meet the unaware and apply differing rules? The result will be near-misses, accidents, altercations, delays.

    Now you could argue that many of these changes represent clarifications rather than real changes, and I accept that completely.

    An Historical Perspective to inform the Ukraine Situation


    Vladimir Pozner, independent international journalist of many years standing, reviews (October 2018) the history of US-Russia relations in the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union.

    There's a great deal of history here, which provides much of the context that our younger (and many older!) readers may not fully appreciate.

    This is history from the conventional perspective based upon the assumption that our leaders work for the good of their populations (an assumption that has taken a severe battering over the last two years in the view of many).

    Nevertheless, there's a great deal of insight here that should inform our thinking about Russia's current attitude to the West, and maybe our own relationship with our national leadership.

    "We are in a new arms race"

    "We are in a new Cold War"


  • The Difference Between the People and the Parliament


    Nigel Farage may be more of a journalist than a politician these days, but he's probably the only man in the UK who might actually command popular support across the board.

    Here he talks more sense in 15 minutes than the whole of parliament has spoken in the last two years.

    He is speaking in his role as a financial journalist (but he is also doing a great job on GB News).

    "Our entire system of government needs a complete radical change - because nobody, but nobody, is ever held accountable for anything"

    He nails it precisely in that one sentence.

    Allegation that the UK Government Killed the Elderly in Care Homes


    This is a very serious allegation, and I have no way to judge its truth, but I think it should be tested in a court of law.

    Read the Daily Exposé article.

    View the interview with lawyer Clare Wills Harrison on the Dr Ardis Show:

    (90 minutes)


  • Is our Society, Are Our Institutions Still Fit for Purpose?


    Neil Oliver asks the pertinent questions.

    But in what forum can these questions be addressed, and who would realistically be able to address them?

    We may need to invent the right forum before we can make progress, but would it even be possible to prevent the usual suspects from gatecrashing the process and setting the agenda to suit themselves?

    (4 minutes)


    Like /Dislike this video here.

  • Janet Ossebaard Calls out Conspiracy in Brussels


    Brussels, 23rd January 2022

    The five stages of a modern protest:

    • Search for the protesters,
    • Filming of the Antifa rioters,
    • Arrests and beatings of innocent bystanders,
    • Water-cannoning of peaceful protesters,
    • News reports exclusively of chaos and violence by "anti-vaxxers".

    (8 minutes)

  • Clif High Reviews the Coming Year(s) with Greg Hunter


    Clif High has an enviable reputation for divining the future from his studies of internet chatter (not to mention his extensive life experience).

    That's not to say that he knows the future any more than the next man, but for my money (and he does talk about money) I'd rather listen to him than most other pundits.

    His vision is somewhat apocalyptic, but better to have an informed clue about what might be coming down the road than just closing our eyes and hoping for the best.

    (72 minutes)


  • Update on a UK Covid Legal case


    PJH Law has written to Commissioner Dick of the Met concerning her investigation into prime-ministerial partying at nbr 10.

    "Re: Crime Reference Number: 6029679/21
    Further to the news that the Metropolitan Police has opened a criminal investigation into the Prime Minister’s partying can I respectfully suggest that that enquiry is added into the above crime reference number as the recorded crimes are linked – serious misconduct in public office"

    Spot on.

    The purported partying was clearly undertaken without regard to any pandemical dangers involved, so what are we to deduce - that they were unbelievably unconcerned by the dangers to which they exposed themselves, or were they aware that these supposed dangers were in fact not all that they had been made out to be?

    Yes, the partying problem is pretty idiotic but the implications are serious.


  • A Short History of Medical Malfeasance


    Dr David Martin delivers (another) history lesson covering HIV Aids and vaccines through to Coronavirus. 

    "... he gave the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill a grant to create a pathogen...  so that we could actually get... the public to accept the need for a pan coronavirus vaccine... we need the media to create the hype...  we need to use that hype to our advantage... investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process "

    "... it was not a lab leak from China, it was not a lab leak from anywhere, it was an intentional weaponization of the spike protein and it is murder and we will call it what it is "

    "... he's the boss of Anthoni Fauci, he's the boss of CDC, he's the boss of NIAID, he's the boss of NIH, he's the boss of the FDA ..."

    " ... the emergency use authorisation cannot stand if the basis of it was a felony"


  • The Covid Policy Response in Retrospect


    It's clear that before Covid burst upon the scene, many governments (including our own) had run pandemic preparedness exercises which purported to ensure that we wouldn't be caught napping should a pandemic strike.

    We now know that the pandemic was hyped out of all reality from quite early on, possibly something to do with totally unfounded reliance on "scientific" modelling (ie: modelling by "scientists" as opposed to scientific modelling where the hypothesis represented by the model is tested against reality and peer-reviewed before being assumed to be accurate).

    Still, there had to be more to it than that because seemingly all countries world-wide decided with one accord to throw all

  • Removing Green Levies from Energy Bills


    With the ever higher costs associated with "green" wind farms and the ever longer cold windless spell that seems to have been cast of over our benighted Isles this winter, the news that ever-rising energy bills are driving ever-rising fuel poverty seems at last to be penetrating the hallowed halls of government.

    Pushing the contractual costs of useless windmills into general taxation will not lighten the overall load on the people but will distribute it away from energy bills and onto everything else - so it's a small gain for some and a general loss all round (unless you happen to own a wind farm or two).

    Is there no bad situation that the government cannot make worse through its pernicious meddling?

    Still. perhaps, just perhaps, this may be the beginning of the end of the green policy delusions that make no economic sense, no political sense (beyond enabling certain political groups to grandstand their green credentials), and no environmental sense

  • E S & T Woo - the Situation in Kazakhstan


    Does Kazakhstan mark the beginning of a hot war against the world elites?

    Intel from Clif High - if you were wondering how things are panning out on the ground in the US.

    "Start establishing your local economy now"

    (25 minutes)


  • Clif High's View of the Approaching Monetary Breakdown


    We feature Clif High not because he is always right (a privilege very few of us are granted!) but because he is a well-thought-out individual who seems in general to be remarkably well informed.

    He is also a pretty good communicator even if he does stumble sometimes over the sequence he wants to use to present his thesis.

    Here he educates us in the meaning of money and what it actually does for us, and how the central banks of the world have been manipulating the market for the benefit of the elites for some hundreds of years. Of course the elites have always manipulated the money supply all the way back to at least ancient Rome - one of the reasons for the fall of Rome was the debasement of the coinage. It makes you wonder just how intelligent the elite are who allow their scams to reach such a pitch that they fall apart of their own contradictions.

    He also deals with some of the stories that are circulating concerning the nature of what may replace the
