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We've reported on this topic before, but it bears repetition - the UK urgently needs to stave off the worst costs of "green" energy levies on our bills.

Net Zero Watch points out that Germany is ahead of us in this.

In support they provide a couple of download documents that make helpful suggestions regarding the short and medium term options that remain available to the UK, should any part of the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy still have ears to hear, eyes to read, and the will to serve the people rather than the businesses with the most persuasive lobbyists.

Meanwhile that most independent of journalist-politicians - Nigel Farage - is stirring the green political pot with calls for a referendum on the UK's Net Zero policies.

Opportunism? Democratic Zeal? Who knows? What we do know is that the major political parties have never offered us any real choice but have gone ahead with Net Zero regardless, with the total backing of unelected luminaries such as Mark Carney.

If the UK claim to be democratic is to mean anything in the future, we must have a democratic national debate on Net Zero.

(10 Minutes)


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