Whilst many in politics and the civil service undoubtedly would welcome a return to the warm and cuddle enfolding arms of the EU, I suspect that the British public would have something to say about that.
How it would unfold I don't know, but Joe Public has been well and truly stirred of late into considerable distrust of our politicians, and rejoining in the absence of another referendum must be a step too far.
Of course they could maybe manipulate the vote ... but this is still the United Kingdom for all the efforts of the civil service, Tone Blair, the EU, the political parties, Nicola Mark and Sadiq.
The Salisbury Review raises the spectre.
Bring it on!
Well, the metaphorical ink was hardly dry on this article than another little explosive has detonated within the Bojo administration of chaos - Mahyar Tousi has the scoop:
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