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  • More Medicos are Slowly Coming Out


    Good if belated news - more medicos are accepting that the vaccines are more dangerous than the disease, and calling for them to be stopped.

    Dr John Campbell, who strikes me as an honest man trapped for years within our brainwashing system of NHS big pharma big government collusion, has caught up with the facts as we knew them many months ago.

    Yet yes, there is truly more joy in Heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety and nine just men - welcome to the club John Campbell, your example will encourage others to reconsider, until the truth becomes generally accepted.

    At that point the understanding of the causes of the absurd demonisation of the unvaxxed can begin.

    (4 minutes)




  • Conspiracy Theory on Steroids? Or Cause for Concern?


    Stop World Control posits an amazing theory - but does he prove it?

    And if so, what on earth is going on?

    "Biological knowledge, multiplied by Computing power, multiplied by Data, gives us the ability to hack humans"

    "Now we are gaining the power to create life, just like God, and in a way, we even go beyond the Biblical God"

    "It sounds like the plot of a cheap science-fiction movie, but... it's... the official agenda, published and promoted, all over the world by the World Economic Forum and by their puppets in government... "

    Nothing really new here, but in today's world of smoke and mirrors, it's a fascinating and useful, scary, even essential, reminder (where is James Bond when we need him?!).

    I suggest however that it's as succinct presentable and informative a summary of the state of

  • Trump Caught in Vax Quicksand?


    Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog waxes eloquent on the state of the US political classes as 2022 comes to a close.

    It's not a calm performance, but it's certainly heartfelt and grounded in evidence and logic.

    Some may think that poor old Greg has flipped and lost it - but whether you think talk of bio-weapons is unconscionable or not, it is now extremely clear that the jabs are not proven either safe or effective.

    And most countries around the world are treating Covid as actually now no more deadly than the flu (and it may never have been more deadly than flu - "lies, damned lies, and statistics").

    So there is no justification for the Covid jabs, and quite probably no justification for any mRNA jab.

    The weight of independent

  • The Floodgates Are Open and The Human Tide is Incoming


    "2022 has been a momentous year of broken records. In the year ending September 2022, immigration was in excess of one million, with net migration of over half a million" -Migration Watch UK

    It isn't alarmist to draw attention to the truth, even if the truth might be considered alarming.

    And the truth probably is considered alarming to the majority, but mysteriously it seems to excite no response from anybody in government circles, and very little response from those guardians of our independence, the journalists (with honourable exceptions) of the media.

    We could hardly have a nation without the concept of borders, but borders need to be controlled if they are in practice to exist at all - and if they don't exist, then how long can our nation, and all it stands for, survive?

    Under our system of government we are testing that very question, apparently to destruction.


  • Don't be Left Behind in 2023 - iPhones are So Last Year!


    Order your Brain Implant now - whilst stocks last!

    This will be such a boon - think of the money that will be saved by not having to install surveillance equipment everywhere! With everyone linked up the authorities will be able to track us all without cameras and the like, estimate our speed, check up on who we are talking with, and in general know  what we are thinking at all times so that we will be well protected.

    What could possibly go wrong?


  • Conspiracy Theory No Longer - We Are Being Sprayed


    No no - those are contrails, not chemtrails. The water vapour product of jet fuel combustion condenses, leaving a trail.

    Well, this last year has been interesting to say the least, as it has become quite common to see two aircraft in the same sky, one with a contrail that evaporates as it should, leaving a nice short trail disappearing behind it, and another leaving a long and spreading trail that does not disappear. Well, that's my observation anyway.

    But that argument is so last year...

    "It was reported this month that the top climate change scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has received $4 million in funding from Congress along with permission to study two highly controversial geoengineering methods in an attempt to cool the Earth"


  • A Sham and a Deceit?


    The CIB (Campaign for an Independent Britain) publishes their view on why the Northern Ireland Protocol is no more than "a sham and a deceit".

    Harsh words, but apparently warranted none the less.

    Surely our friends and partners across the Channel would never indulge in such measures?

    Well, of course not Minister. 


  • The Donald, the Uncomfortable Truths, The Great Reset that Nobody Expected


    Charlie Freak made the first video relating the Donald's world tour of 2018-19, where he "forced the capitulation of every major country, corporation, and major Cabal entity".

    If Charlie says that this is the better (and shorter!) video, then so be it:

    (46 minutes)


    The video below provides perhaps a higher perspective...   make of it what you will, but whatever you think of the presenter, I suggest that it's the message that needs our attention.

    (35 minutes)



  • The WHO has Utterly Lost It!


    The unflappable Ivor Cummins lays it out.

    Their end must be nigh soon now.

    (14 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • The 15 Minute City - The Right Way and the Wrong Way


    As often happens, I receive serendipitous communications which neatly mesh into an article!

    First up is a contribution from David Kurten (Heritage Party) warning about the WEF planning for 15 minute cities to get us all walking and cycling. Pogo sticks may also be permitted I dare say, but not cars as they "destroy the planet".

    There are many ways in which the planet is being destroyed and rare earth mining must be high on the list, along with polluting coal being burned to power electric cars, but I cavil. Anybody who is used to living in London knows that the traffic is absurd and the parking spaces rare as hens' teeth, so "something must be done"!

    (11 minutes)

    Like / Dislike this

  • Premeditated Genocide? Really?


    The evidence does seem to be mounting that the true intent and origin behind the Covid mRNA "vaccines" is quite different than we have been led to believe.

    I have no direct information but here are three reports which all seem to point in a similar direction.

    First up: State of the Nation bases its analysis on the American VAERS dataset, whereon anybody can report a vaccine adverse event (but maybe only < 10% do).

    "It’s of paramount importance to understand that every single physician and scientist in America has access to the official government data and information posted on the VAERS website"

    including "every department throughout the U.S. Federal Government, the U.S. Armed Forces and all affiliated NGOs", "every public corporation and private company, every medical center and hospital, every healthcare insurance company and risk

  • Recap on Vaccine Effectiveness According to UKHSA


    Nothing especially new but a useful reminder of how we got here.

    "The real-world data on incidence presented in that Vaccine Surveillance Report were highly suggestive of a problem that should have been prioritised for rigorous investigation, not explained away with the flick of a pen"

    "UKHSA had resorted to including a stern warning in bold in its section on real-world data:

         ... These raw data should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness"

    "they preferred to believe that it was the real world that was wrong and that their cleverly constructed experimental studies that were right"

    "We’re now nine months from that last table of real world data on Covid infection by vaccination status, and in the meantime studies from from around the world continue to suggest that the vaccines

  • Is it Better to Travel in Hope than to Arrive?


    As another year draws to a close one cannot help but reminisce about our life journey so far.

    I look back over a happy childhood, teenage confusion, transition to a productive employment, kids, later years and finally, "independence" in retirement...  except that retirement turned out to hold just a few unexpected twists and turns that now look as though they were merely a prelude to a world turning inside out, a process that still unfolds day by day with increasing speed - and yes, I'm loving it!

    It's true that I wasn't happy about the way things were unfolding, but knowledge brings confidence and I was never in much doubt that the Covid had to be a scam - then the jabs roll-out confirmed it in spades. So yes, I was well equipped to understand what was going on and my dabblings in politics in support of Brexit had given me enough basic political and web hosting experience to enable me to set up this site. Sheer luck or divine guidance? Who is to say? But it's certainly worked out and it's

  • The Fulford Monday Report 26 Dec 2022


    An upbeat report indeed to end 2022 on - let us all be hopeful that Ben is not "controlled opposition".

    I have to say that I put more store by his earthly reporting than his insight into off-world phenomena, fascinating those these undoubtedly are.

    But it still may be true (as far as I know) that the two may turn out to be - shall we say - not independent of each other.

    As for the COP15 Biodiversity Agreement, we all know by now how the UN and its agencies are skilled manipulators of ambiguous language that can be interpreted in multiple ways according to the reader's preferences. If these last years have taught us anything at all, it is that no communication from the "Great and the Good" can be taken at face value.

    Still, the report that the US and the Vatican voted against it may be encouraging.

  • New World Order Incoming - Reminder


    This is a gentle reminder - this site covered the topic earlier in December, but another reminder is appropriate in the light of the severity of the threat.

    Serious threats certainly abound (war with Russia, unrest in the Middle East, expiring power supplies courtesy of sanctions on Russia that mostly hurt Europe, ever-growing uncontrolled illegal immigration (at our considerable expense), striking unions, freezing weather ...  )

    But just below the surface presented by the global news media, the World Stealth Organisation is moving laboriously on, expressing their intentions in verbiage of stultifying bureaucratic ambiguity which nobody wants to read, let alone attempt to decipher.

    Yup - I'm definitely a conspiracy theorist - but remind me - who abolished conspiracies and when did that

  • A New Birth for a New Year?


    This is a video you would not believe.
    Dr Brian Ardis tells it like it is (in America!).

    If this doesn't get you fired up, then nothing will!

    (54 minutes)



  • Christmas World Review from UK Column


    Friday 23rd December UK Column News covers a lot of territory, and effectively brings us up to date on many fronts.

    A review of 2022, predictions for 2023, review of the UK's Online Safety Act, of course a review of the situation in the Ukraine, and perhaps a less familiar arena - the ongoing attempts to crush the Syrian people through sanctions and direct action.

    Oh yes, and CBDCs and the digitisation of everything.

    And those are just the highlights.

    "Where are those funds going? Where are the weapons going?"

    To the laundry...?

    The disruption will intensify.

    Very pertinent (123 minutes).


  • Fulford on Friday 23 Dec 2022


    A useful update this week.

    Modest subscription required.


  • I Took my Mum for her Covid Jab


    It seems that there are none so deaf as government in denial.

    Still, some stories do show that there are still some in authority who (when pushed) will do their job.

    This is one of them

    But where are the newshounds on whom we rely to hold the powerful to account?

    AWOL doesn't reflect the enormity of their dereliction of duty - so stop buying their miserable rags, turn off the TV, and tune in to alternative media - it's the only place to find the truth these days.


  • The State Pushes the Boundaries on Sex Education


    "The High Court has ruled today that the Welsh Government’s controversial plans to force LGBTQ+ teaching on all children from the age of 3 upwards is lawful and does not conflict with parental rights"

    What part of this statement do we not understand?

    What are the implications?

    Parents in the UK have always been free to bring up our children as we see fit.

    The presumption of English (and now therefore Welsh) freedom is that the State on behalf of the Crown will not interfere with the conduct of its subjects except (a) in exceptional circumstances and (b) with due authorisation, as for instance: under a court order.

    Children are too young to be treated as adults, and so children are subject to the care of their parents (or failing that, of their guardians). So in the case of children it is the parent (or guardian) who carries the responsibility under the law
