In the holiday spirit we continue with another article that a great many may find absurd, offensive, unnecessary, and so on.
I'm not going to make any comment on any of that, but I do believe that there are many references in ancient literature (yes, including the Bible) that support Clif High's thesis here. It's not the proverbial "rocket science", but it does conflict squarely with the notion that the King James Bible is the unadulterated "Word of God". If you are firmly wedded to that notion and firmly resolved to treat any conflicting idea as the "work of the Devil", then I suggest that you skip this article.
If I am guided by evidence and logic, rather than the dogma of the "KJV immaculate", then logic says that between the original Bible texts being written and the KJV translation being completed, there was ample opportunity for the Devil to work his mischief (and/or for humanity to make its customary crop of errors).
Therefore to challenge the KJV on the basis of evidence is acceptable, nay, even necessary. Especially the notion that the word "Elohim" should be translated as "God" (define "God"!). Yes, it's that bad (but it doesn't shake my faith in a "prime creator" God consciousness).
So if you are still with me, I doubt you will find a more informed guide through this quagmire currently than Clif High, but be warned that this is a steep learning curve if you are unfamiliar with these arguments. And I don't suggest you accept it all as truth - that would I feel be a tad reckless when so much speculation is inevitably involved in Clif's researches of such ancient history.
However, it may be best to be informed, if Clif is correct that the Elohim may still be around ...
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known" - 1 Corinthians 13:12
(70 minutes)
For more about prehistory, in indirectly supportive vein, see also Handbags of the Gods.