"Sustainable" is the watchword of the United Nations and its coterie of panels, organisations, partners, hangers-on, philanthropaths, bought-and-paid-for "scientists", multinational QUANGOS, and other dubiously-minded oligarchs and think-tanks.
They are legion, they are diplomatically immune, they are as one with the "beautiful people" of the entertainment industries, and likewise as one with the global media moguls. Astonishingly, they are as one with the world leaders of nearly every nation, with one Klaus Schwab openly boasting of "penetrating the cabinet" of far-flung "democracies". Shouldn't democracies be choosing their own leaders?
But one mountain remains to be climbed - they are not yet as one with the people.
The people for whom they profess the expertise to micromanage us to the nth degree, to modify planet and people to make both "sustainable", to direct the future as they see fit. The evidence is above us in the artificial jet-trails that are supposed to reflect the sunlight away, in the pharmaceutical industry that tried to inject us with untried medications whether we wanted or not on a pretext that didn't stand up to scrutiny, in the insistence that fluoridated water is good for our teeth, in the ludicrous proposition that farming must cease because of climate change and that we should eat insects and artificial food, in the insistence that we should abandon fossil fuels for electric transport technology for which the resources aren't available, in the totally bonkers idea that our kids can identify (even transition) as any gender known or to-be-discovered, and in the totally fatuous claim that CO2 is bad for a green world.
Plants need CO2 like animals of all kinds need oxygen - we won't get a greener world without more CO2!
There is no shortage of turgid announcements, partnerships, position papers, progress reports, conferences and convocations - and no real person takes a blind bit of notice because deep down in our innermost being we understand that it's all a façade, a jumbly of high-sounding phraseology and importunate soundbites that might as well have been written by Humpty Dumpty.
It's never-ending and never changing, despite a consistent track record of never achieving.
It plainly isn't working.
We can all see that it's unsustainable without reading any of it, and anyway, life is too short.
Still, if you're inclined, someone has gone to the bother of reading (some of) it for us. You can access their explanations here. Bon voyage ...