This article from UK Column correspondent Mark Anderson reviews how the ultimate fund manager Black Rock, (and no doubt fund managers State Street and Vanguard), are channelling funding through their ESG goals (Environmental and Social Governance - the acceptable newspeak for Climate Change and other unacceptable WEF-UN partnership proposals) to primarily invest in those corporations which are said to comply with their requirements rather than those that simply make a profit.
In other words they are effectively molding and regulating the corporate economy according to their own preferences and bypassing the "democratically elected" national governments who are supposed to be doing this job in the interests of their electorates.
Attorneys-General of nineteen American states have taken up the cudgels on behalf of the their states' citizens whose pensions are invested by Black Rock.
Since this trio of fund managers effectively control the majority of the corporate world, this issue affects everybody.
However, we might also point out that since most of the "democratic" governments of the world now appear to be fronts for the pharmaceutical industry and their chums in the WEF-WHO-UN, returning regulatory control to these said governments may turn out to be little more than a futile gesture.
A take-down of the whole corporate-crony-government-military-industrial-and-legal complex may be required. Now that would indeed be something!