In 2016 against all published expectations and in the teeth of "advice" from the massed ranks of the Great and the Good globally, the UK voted to leave the EU.
Quelle Horreur!
How could we possibly succeed without being subject to the wise instruction of the EU Commission?
Outside the infinite wisdom of the ECJ?
And above all, without the doughty rhetoric of Nigel Farage in the EU Parliament to entertain us?
What then unfolded was perhaps the most extraordinarily illuminating Parliament of political and legal contortionist thearter of modern times, which tried everything possible to appear to be leaving the EU whilst determined to remain within its control.
Ultimately, the Great and the Good decided that the only way they could achieve that aim was to allow Boris Johnson to "take us out" in legal terms whilst taking advantage of the new "sovereignty of Parliament" to remain as closely aligned as possible with, and to concede as much as possible to, the EU - whilst maintaining an appearance of independence.
Hence the glacially slow progress toward any real improvement in our fishing quotas and beneficial global trading arrangements, and continuing regression away from military independence and actual immigration control.
There is of course much more to be said, but happily the CIB have published an excellent summary.
And yet - events since that 2019 election have brought to the fore a far greater danger than that posed by the EU, in the shape of the WEF-UN-WHO-IPCC-Big-Corporate-Big-Philanthropist axis of putative Global Government based on media propaganda, censorship of dissent, take-over / elimination of independent businesses, and unquestioning obedience to "the science" (as promulgated by the authorities). In other words, a Fascist World Government.
Through "international treaties" such as the proposed WHO "pandemic preparedness" Treaty, which when signed will give the UN agency (in this case the WHO) authority to (a) declare a pandemic and (b) control the "public health response" of every signatory nation.
In other words, plenipotentiary power to do anything it likes under the pretence of acting for our own good.
And yes, the UN is now in effect the political arm of the self-appointed WEF, so it will be the WEF that will be pulling the strings and the WEF's Scientific Adviser Yuval Noah Harari who will in all likelihood be dictating the science.
Don't you feel better already?