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Lucky Dip
The End of Climate Change, or the End of the World - or All Three?
So the Trial has ended in Washington DC, and justice has been served... or rather, Mark Steyn has been served with hefty punitive damages for daring to point up the unlikely "science" behind the by now age-old hockey-stick graph.
The Daily Sceptic has a useful report, noting the disparity between the $1 million punitive damages awarded and the actual damages award (think of the same amount but minus the "million" qualification). We may all come to our own viewpoint on whether or not this represents actual justice as we would recognise it.
Mark Steyn's own website makes some excellent points, including that he (like Julian Assange?) might as a journalist have been thought to be protected by the First Amendment.
Once WW3 is Over
Once WW3 is Declared Over... what then?
I don't know, but if we really have no "authorities" to turn to... then it really will be government of the people by the people and for the people, because there won't be anybody else!
Are we the people prepared?
Richard Vobes begins to put us into the frame of mind.
(10 minutes)
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Traffic Penalty Tribunal Lacks Due Process?
Further to Martin's project to expose the lack of legitimacy of the Traffic Penalty Tribunals, he has summarised the state of play as he sees it in a handy reference document.
"The hearing was unfair as it demonstrated the TPT does not have a duty to uphold the law, or act as a court of law, but instead to bows to the opinion of the DVLA"
"The omission of this crucial information constitutes a form of fraud, leading to entrapment"
"The hearing was unfair as the TPT knowingly acted to aid NCC in committing a conversion tort against MG"
The conclusion that I draw is that these tribunals have neither lawful nor legal standing and are simply...
Is Putin a Conspiracy Theory?
Tucker Carlson is perhaps the biggest name in town right now. Over the years he has made himself a household name simply by being authentic, staying true to his good sense, and "telling it like it is".
So Fox fired him.
Now he has dared to travel across the world into the lion's den itself to interview possibly the most important man on Earth right now - in the teeth of official opprobrium from all the vested interests of the West (especially those with Zionist connections - or am I just paranoid?).
I don't expect this interview to be revealing any great new unsuspected truth (of course I could be wrong) but it would be the first by a prominent (and importantly: trusted) western journalist who has enough reach to sway western public opinion.
And there have been enough snippets somehow leaked in advance to whet our appetite and big up our interest 😎. Yes, this is going to be important, and it has seemingly been
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Is the Age of Aquarius finally Dawning?
... or is this merely another absurd conspiracy theory from Ridiculous Richard with no basis whatsoever in fact?
(7 minutes)
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Farming in Dystopia, with Natalie and Ivor
Yes, today our cup runneth over, with Natalie from Redacted interviewing the ever-reliable Ivor Cummins about the state of farming in the Irish Republic, as well as in the UK. What a pleasure to hear two sane and competent people speaking of the unspeakable in a sane and competent, even rather light-hearted, manner.
Of course, the farmers of the EU also get a mention... as do all the usual suspects...
"... The only thing that can push back against that now is ... "
(18 minutes)
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"War Is the Goal"
Neil Oliver:
"War is the goal of the governments of the west"
(11 minutes)
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Down the Rabbit Hole to ... Tartary!
Readers unfamiliar with our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series may like to view some of the earlier articles here, starting with nbr 1. Many may consider these propositions extreme, but the question is, can they be disproved? Could they be possible, and if so, what would be the implications?
If the implications would be trivial, then who cares? But if they would be earth-shaking, perhaps we should take note.
That said, today we take the plunge into an area that we have probably all heard about, but never seriously considered. Yet if we have heard about it already, from whence did that notion arise? And why are we so unclear about the substantive details?
And could this topic just maybe have relevance to our current situation vis à
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Move Over Theatreland - We Get Our Entertainment Green Now
As the label on Waitrose-reduced items says, this is "too good to waste".
A veritable compendium of modern madness gets the Nick Hubble treatment today.
"The whole net zero pitch is looking so implausible that I increasingly expect it to simply fade away altogether"
and to be honest, I am with him. "Transition" will simply transition imperceptibly into a new meaning - we will be for ever transitioning, burning fossil fuels in the interminable and ultimately hopeless quest for "green", simply because the green mirage will, like all mirages, simply fade further away before ultimately disappearing before we get there
Another Dissenting Viewpoint
There are so many issues to dissent about these days that it's ridiculous to expect that every dissenting voice is going to agree on all of them.
So to those conspiracy theorists out there who call out other dissenters because they disagree on a specific issue (however important that issue), I suggest that we all bring a level of truth (and awakening) to the specific audience that is most attuned to our own viewpoints, and the audience which is not prepared to listen to our dissent to their particular belief will be catered for by others.
The enemy of progress is indeed the quest for perfection (especially our own idea of perfection!).
So I'm happy to tip the nod to Lawrence Fox for this video, even if we may not agree on all the issues that face us. We do agree on probably the majority, and the rest will come in God's good time as everybody
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The State of European Railways
For the avoidance for confusion, not "state" as in nation, but "state" as in condition.
For those of us who prefer to travel by rail rather than to fly, rail offers an intriguing vista of unfamiliar scenery flashing by our window seat to keep us entertained, not to mention stops at unfamiliar places, and relaxed conversations with unfamiliar people, possibly over unfamiliar food.
Sadly it also offers the familiar problems: delays cancellations strikes and missed connections...
So if you're planning your continental rail holiday for 2024, this report may well be for you.
(3 minutes trailer)
Review of "the Science"
"The Science" has been much in the news in recent years, with certain people and indeed some institutionsapparently announcing ownership of their domains.
Yet "science" (derivation: Latin - scio = I know) is by definition merely knowledge that can be acquired by anybody who cares to investigate it. So to differentiate science (which anybody can check out) from the official science (as espoused by various "authorities"), I will for this article refer to the latter as "the science".
Nobody owns science itself, nobody controls it, it cannot be patented as it describes the universe / cosmos / nature etc that pre-dates humanity, and as such it is not an invention of man (even though the theories that purport to describe "the science" are inventions of
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Laughter - the Best Medicine - Unless You are On the EV Bus
London is attracting attention from the Canadians, who have noted a new way for UK citizens to keep warm this winter.
Our governments' serial inability to manifest anything without prodigious and ever-rising expenditure always (unless Big Pharma stand to make the biggest "killing" of all time) delivered after ever more delays and cost extensions, doesn't imply that that which they manifest will actually work.
Indeed, the green revolution could have been designed not to work, and is now being shown all across Europe not to work as coal plants are being fired up across the continent (a humiliation the UK only avoided by demolishing most of them ahead of time) in a rearguard action to avoid widespread deaths from freezing.
Still, we in the UK are preserved by the Gulf Stream, which usually ensures that temperatures don't fall very much below freezing - unlike Canada where 30 degrees below is the winter norm.
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Davos in 15 Minutes
I doubt that any visitor to this site is willing to sit through all the speeches at WEF Davos, boring as they deliberately are, so here, courtesy of the ever-reliable Sky News Australia, is a brief rundown of the highlights.
(15 minutes)
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A Note on the Politics of Our Times
This article by Dr James Alexander has got to be the must-read piece for making sense (or should that be nonsense?) of the politics of our ruling classes in 2024 (not to mention previous years).
So without further ado, read up on Politics 101.
Then ponder what to make of it all, including where we go from here... because that is our mission impossible (should we choose to accept it) in 2024.
Martin Geddes Takes on the Traffic Penalty Tribunal
I guess this is a topic in which a large number of motorists will have an interest - if not today, then tomorrow!
With "Low Emission" zones proliferating like the proverbial rabbits, there cannot be many who will never run foul of some restriction or other - even when well signed, it can be well-nigh impossible to scan all the street furniture, identify all the signs, then read and understand them, whilst simultaneously taking care to avoid rear-ending the vehicle in front.
So Martin, having been picked out for driving his (not commercial) van in an area where only private cars are permitted free passage, has decided to contest the claimed infraction on the basis that his van is a private conveyance in all significant respects and is therefore permitted free passage.
Of course, as he digs deeper he uncovers more issues... which seem as if they may have parallels with the Council Tax situation. Quelle surprise!
Ever Wondered How Much CO2 is Released by War?
Lots of course. But how much is "lots"?
S & P Global Commodity Insights has crunched to numbers for us, at least in so far as current wars are concerned.
Our governments are apparently always perfectly able to accommodate several contradictory notions at the same time, so they will unhesitatingly act to "keep us safe" by going to war (not bothering about democratic mandates of course - no time for that) on behalf of their favourite protagonist(s), whilst at the same time telling us that we must achieve NetZero CO2(however they might eventually decide to define that in measurable terms)so out with the gas and in with the heat pumps frozen windmills and darkened solar panels.
So far, two months of conflict in Gaza have generated "the equivalent of 75 coal power plants operating for a
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Get Those "Little Grey Cells" Working
In compliance with our policy of encouraging our readers to do their own thinking, we turn our attention today to Tartaria, a region encompassed today by modern-day Russia.
Who were the Tartarians, did they migrate all around the world, constructing magnificent buildings that worked in ways unimaginable to us today? What happened to them?
I don't know the answers, but we do know that much of Tsarist Russia was destroyed by the Bolsheviks, with considerable loss of life.
Much within this video seems plausible to me, but I have no firm opinion. Certainly it may be thought far-fetched, but after the last few years I have learned not to discount on that criterion alone...
Make of it what you will.
(44 minutes)
Introduction to "Systems Science" as it Rules the World
Dr Shiva isn't everybody's friend or go-to theorist but he does do his own thinking - and finds that he is up against the Blob as a result.
"... this engineering systems principle is what is being used to manipulate and control large masses of people... "
In what cause are they using this systems theory? - "Relentless deception". Get used to it.
(67 minutes)
Links: Truth Freedom Health ...
Farmers Blockades could come to Britain?
GB News interviews Welsh farmer Gareth Wyn Jones about the growing unrest in Europe over the authorities' seemingly coordinated push to subject the farming movement to WEF-inspired restrictions and increased costs.
“Farmers don’t protest unless there is a real reason because they want to be at home producing food affordably for everybody"
(6 minutes)
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