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Free Citizen

  • A Message from the Past on How we Got Here


    Mrs Thatcher is primarily remembered for privatisations (which made some people a great deal of money and was therefore a source of popularity, also enabling rich oligarchs to make a killing and take control of industries hitherto mismanaged by the state).

    Also for her unbroken succession of wins at the ballot box (ended only by a coup from within the Tory party, some say to pave the way for consolidation into the EU), for her facing down of the miners and Arthur Scargill, for her ill-fated "poll tax" which put a severe dent in her popularity, and for her somewhat tearful departure from office.

    She became something of a hate figure for the left, and a hero for the right, thus cementing the left/right divide in British politics.

    Looking back, her privatisations didn't necessarily improve the management of the privatised industries, since most were monopolistic in nature (at least locally), and competition for customers was therefore not a huge factor in

  • Why Was the Army Deployed Against British Citizens?


    77th Brigade - Oh what a tangled web the government has woven.

    "Countering Covid misinformation" was evidently a pastime endemic across media, social media, and government, none of which seems to have had a robust lawful basis in the traditional British sense of supporting our freedom of speech; nevertheless the government seems to have deemed that none of that was enough to suppress contrary opinions so they would have to utilise the army - despite that being explicitly a forbidden tactic absent the consent of Parliament.

    Nevertheless questions were it seems asked in Parliament - so if Parliament was aware and yet did nothing, does that constitute implied consent?

    Perhaps nobody knew what the appropriate constitutional provisions were and how a correct challenge should be made? Or were they all too busy working from home?

    Nor was this solely an exercise in support of the pandemic in any case - "77th

  • If You Live Life to Excess, Is This What You Get?


    Maybe it is.

    Certainly something is going on here, although living life to excess in the wake of the Covid pandemic doesn't immediately strike one as likely.

    Richard Vobes treads the line between perception, interpretation, reasonableness, and platform guidelines:

    (9 minutes)


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  • 5G - The Case for the Judicial Review


    As previously reported, The Court of Appeal was to hear the case for a judicial review of the Govenment's bland but allegedly baseless assurances that the 5G roll-out poses no threats to human health on 6/7th February.

    That hearing did take place and an account of the hearing by the barrister for the claimants has been published, outlining the submissions to the Court.

    "On 6 and 7 February 2023 the Administrative Court heard the judicial review of the Secretary of State’s alleged failure to address the evidence of risks to human health posed by 5G technology"

    "At the hearing the government argued that there is no duty to inform the public of any risks at all, because it essentially denies that there are any risks from the increased exposures or new form of radiation frequency to be used in 5G

  • An Explosive Green Reminiscence with Justin Walker


    Another excellent interview by Richard Vobes, with Justin Walker from the Hardwick Alliance, who spills the inside beans on how the original Ecology Party was transformed by the global elite into today's (some would say bogus) Green movement so beloved of the UN-WEF partnership (not to mention the bankers).

    "I thought people in government were benign benevolent decent people doing their best for the people"

    An interview which touches on almost everything that seems to be wrong with our world today.


    (55 minutes)



  • Class Action Lawsuit - For Those Harmed by the UK Government's Covid Measures


    "If you’ve suffered loss or injury because of Covid Measures in the UK, you may have a claim against the UK Government for causing these harms" (cacuk.uk)

    Mina Dew explains the legal case to UNN's Anthony Webber.

    "Their case is different from other Covid cases. First, they challenge the pretext of a pandemic, based on available mortality data. They also highlight that the government's "response" always assumed vaccination was the answer. They challenge that assumption too!

    "As well as seeking compensation and declaratory relief, they want to use this case to effect positive changes in our laws and in society, specifically:

    "To prove that vaccines must never be mandatory (they are “unavoidably unsafe” according to US

  • Old Bill Gates he Had a Farm - A.I. A.I. Oh!


    OK, the headline is contrived (aren't they all?) but there is a connection - the AI chatbot ChatGPT is a product of Bill's erstwhile company, Microsoft - and Old Bill is reputed to own the greatest acreage of farmland in the USA.

    And a very accomplished product ChatGPT appears by most accounts to be (so does Google at last have a real competitor?).

    But what is the difference between artificial intelligence and human intelligence? Will AI ever rival the human intellect? It appears to have passed the Turing test (to be indistinguishable from a human being) over the internet, although it remains to be seen whether specific lines of questioning may yet be devised to cause it to fail that test.

    And is it a truly impartial intelligence, or does it seek to influence our collective consciousness in specific directions?

    Martin Geddes, IT networking expert turned student of

  • Another Shackle Around the Ankle of Free Speech?


    We have become accustomed of late to the to-and-fro between Parliament and the Free Speech lobby, with scarcely a week going by without some development or other making the news.

    So it is this week too:

    (a) "these malicious powers to electronically monitor protestors were defeated in the House of Lords" (Big Brother Watch newsletter 09/02/2023) re: the provision for ankle-tagging protesters contained in the government's Public Order Bill

    (b) The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill as approved by the Commons will make employers "liable for harassment of their employees by members of the public that they come into contact with while doing their jobs" in addition to "harassment by other employees". What could possibly go wrong?

    Of course, nobody but nobody will say the truth - that all these provisions and bills are in their entirety unnecessary, unwanted

  • Nordstream 2 - The Miscreants Identified? - 2


    Ian Rons writing for the Daily Sceptic has some serious issues with the Seymour Hersch revelations reported recently.

    All good information no doubt, and well beyond my powers to unravel, so (as always) readers must come to their own conclusions.

    One thing seems certain - there will be more argument over the "who dunnit" aspects of this caper that seem sure to keep the pundits buzzing a while longer.


  • What is the UK Constitution?


    This is a follow-on presentation from the original interview, but extended to review differences between the various nations of the United Kingdom. And other matters...

    "... the second part of the millenium was all about replacing, obfuscating, and confusing all of that with a new system of governance through elected parties... "

    "... there's a lot of mischaracterisation of medieval England that's been going on here... "

    "... they are meant to be refusing Royal Assent to any Bills of Parliament... that would be repugnant to the constitution and the liberties of the people"

    "... the very fact that we now know this is empowering in itself... "



  • Nordstream 2 - The Miscreants Identified?


    Independent longstanding journalist Seymour Hersch claims the laurels for the first definitive description of how the culprits took down the Nordstream 2 pipeline...  and who they were.

    Also the incoming war with China, events in Haiti, and - boosting Australia!

    Redacted reports:

    (1 hr 20 minutes)



  • State of the Covid Nation / World


    Del Bigtree of the Highwire summarises the state of America in the wake of the Covid experience, all in less than 15 minutes! Don't blink or you'll miss something.

    In so doing he speaks for many around the world, and readers will note that the UK experience has paralleled the US more or less in lockstep, in certain areas less rigorously applied, but to substantially the same effect.

    (16 minutes)



  • Fake Diseases, Fake Medicine?


    John Rappaport is a journalist of very longstanding.

    (For those new to the topic, Technocracy News and Views is at the forefront in reporting on transhumanism)

    John doesn't take prisoners (which is why no "reputable" mainstream media will publish his work).

    The greek text of Revelation 18/23 uses the greek word φαρμακεία (pharmakeia) to indicate "sorcery".

    Sorcery isn't merely a magical art - it is also the art of deception (as any stage magician will testify).

    Speaking of "Babylon, the mighty city", Revelation 18/23 prophesies her destruction, listing all the inhabitants who will be extinguished, finishing with:

    Fake Powers, Fake Courts, Fake Sovereignty


    How far has our system of government, including separation of powers (download), fallen?

    Some would say a considerable distance further than most of us realise.

    That is for most circumstances understandable - few people in the UK make a study of constitutional law and not very many overall get dragged through the courts to find out the hard way.

    However, with our executive branch getting ever more overbearing in nature, as exemplified by the coercion attempted in the name of "Covid", it's certainly time to take stock and work out whether they really have the powers to order us around that they claim, Covid or no Covid.

    "The corruption has become so systemic and normalised that it is quite a shock to realise how far we have fallen"


  • Fulford Monday Report 06 Feb 2023


    Another positive report from Benjamin this week, although as the earthquakes in Turkey and Kazakhstan indicate, the road to global liberation is still not secured free of major hazard.

    Whether we believe that earthquakes can be instigated by man or whether they remain uncontrollable acts of Nature, there is certainly a suspicion that Ben may be onto something here.

    As always, be aware that in war, no source of information can be considered to be 100% trustworthy - truth is always the first casualty.

    Modest subscription required to view the complete article.


  • Canterbury - Segmentation City


    The WEF has extended its tentacles into many local councils it seems.

    Now Canterbury is busy consulting on its scheme to save the planet by restricting its citizens from driving around (although forcing people in adjacent zones to drive around a bypass doesn't immediately suggest shorter routes and lower pollution?).

    Rebel News reports:

    (12 minutes)


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  • A Voice from Iran


    We in the UK don't hear anything much from within Syria, and even less from within Iran, so this interview on Redacted may go a little way to redress the balance.

    Whether it's accurate or not I have no way of knowing.

    (20 minutes)


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  • Uncovering and Experiencing our Hidden Constitution


    "Constitutional law aligns the spiritual with the temporal"

    So asserts Martin Geddes, who via his substack pages shares with us his journey to independence - independence of spirit, of mind, and of body, via the Constitution.

    Those who have not yet done so are recommended to view Richard Vobes' interview of William Keyte, where these matters are discussed in some pertinence.

    For instance, I note the lawful maxim "ignorance of the law is no defence", but I also note that legislation (ie: Statute Law, A.K.A. Acts of Parliament, of which there is a quite massive over-abundance that nobody could hope to master) is not the same as, but is inferior to, constitutional law and common law.

    Wales Awakes?


    Sovereign Wales - a political party that tells the uncensored truth as it sees it.

    And it isn't messing around - its fundamental analysis of the Kalergi Plan and the ongoing crises of migration in both Europe and the UK are extensive and in many ways persuasive - whether they are 100% accurate may be open to question as always, but they have evidently done a great deal of homework.

    Whether it is worth reading is a decision for each of us, but it is undeniable that they bring some hard truths and the results of some hard graft to the debate.

    Being fundamentally Welsh they take a slightly parochial view in terms of wanting full independence from Westminster. I would change the emphasis here - we English (also Scots and Irish) share exactly the same problems and we would be stronger working together than seeking separation - whilst I acknowledge that that may be easier said than done, we need all the territories of the United Kingdom liberated, and

  • Climate Change Flooding UK Schools


    It's no secret that our schools are not teaching our kids how to think - they are teaching them what they want them to think.

    This was brought home to me in 2019 when I attended a General election hustings at a local school - there was no dissent, climate change was an emergency and what were we going to do about it?

    "Give me the child until seven, and I will give you the man, said Aristotle, a phrase understood down the ages"

    "... there are few ideas in today’s climate political agenda that require more faith than the forecasts of climate models"

    Succinctly put.

    "The school briefing notes suggest that climate models 'have been used to make accurate projections for the past 50 years, and have advanced significantly during this time' "

    "In fact, it would more accurate to say that they have
