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Free Citizen

  • Tom Renz - "GMO Food ... WILL ... Alter your Genetic Code"


    House testimony in the state of Missouri is yielding admissions that may not make it into mainstream media.

    "Redfield has admitted that, not only was SARS-COV-2 created in a lab using gain of Function research but also that this research is going on and WILL be the cause of the next great pandemic"

    "The biotech lobbyists admitted that GMO food like the type Bill Gates wants to manufacture in factories WILL actually alter your genetic code!"

    "Naturally, big Pharma and their associates oppose disclosure and informed consent"

    "They actually opposed the bill on the basis that this law would require them to admit that all of their GMO products ARE in fact impacting people’s genetic code"

    "If a GMO food is being designed with the intent to modify or knowledge that it will facilitate a

  • A Convoluted Tale of Broken Trust and High Corruption


    This is a story that may be central to the world's current predicament and "the Donald" 's campaign to restore a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" in accordance with the historic Constitution of the United States.

    Ever since the foundation of that nation following the war of independence, external forces are believed to have plotted and conspired to regain control by fair means and foul.

    The establishment of the Federal Reserve following the sinking of the Titanic is thought by some to be merely the latest event contrived to lay the foundation for a plundering of that nation for its wealth, its military, its workers, and its resources, all of which were used to create the propitious conditions for a world global government (AKA New World Order). 

    This article from American Media Group lays out in considerable detail a long trail of financial conflicts that lead from disputed farm repossessions in 1978 all the way to the 2001

  • A Book for Easter?


    Another offering from Richard which demands attention, not because of any particular truths exposed but because it points up a book that may put events recent and current into a great deal of context.

    I did sit through the whole thing last night, but sad to say I fell asleep part-way through and don't remember all of it...  but Richard did say that he had read it cover to cover and I'm happy to rely on his judgement ("couldn't put it down" etc).

    We may be hearing a lot more of Mr Greenwood.

    (69 minutes)


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  • The Face of Modern Warfare


    WW3 has been fought for - well - who knows how many recent years? Whilst this war has featured real kinetic warfare in various hotspots, currently culminating in Ukraine, it has been fought primarily  by psychological operations - psy-ops - everywhere.

    Psy-ops on a previously unimaginable scale.

    Not everybody can accept such a statement, but think back now to the Covid days when the government took out full page advertisements trying to frighten us all into taking a jab. An untested experimental jab at that, with no long-term safety history and precious little short-term history. In defiance of the previously sacrosanct Nuremberg Codes. Whether one believes it justified or not, it was a clear psy-op.

    This is not a little local difficulty in the UK.

    It is world-wide.

    Whatever you think, this war has provoked a huge response, also world-wide.


  • Completely Outrageous


    "I've started so I'll continue" MP Andrew Bridgen continues to cause indigestion in the Commons:

    (2 minutes)


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    "... outrageous conspiracy theories... "

    Quite so, impossible to disagree.

    Unhappily, as history attests, being outrageous has never been any bar to being true.


  • $ Billions In Economic Damage, Millions Injured Or Disabled


    Ed Dowd, formerly of Black Rock, and his associates have investigated the likely damage in the USA from the Covid vaccines roll-out.

    Don't panic, it's the USA not the UK, but bearing in mind that the UK has approximately 20% of the population of the US, as a first very rough approximation the UK may have suffered in the region of  20% of these figures, even if no UK officials want to depart from the now facile but uninformative "safe and effective" narrative.

    There is still work to do, and perhaps Andrew Bridgen MP has started it.

    Zero Hedge reports.


  • Opt-Out from Dystopian Democracy - Final Round


    Read Round Two here.

    Getting one's name removed from the electoral register may seem a trivial, even pointless exercise, but not a bit of it.

    The system doesn't want you to go.

    So why not? Is it really so difficult?

    And if they really won't do as requested, is it practicable to force them?

    Martin hasn't quite completely resolved that point, but he has achieved his purpose, albeit in compliance with the regulations in dispute. Still, when you gotta move, you gotta move.


  • Probing the Depths of Parliamentary "Sovereignty"


    Martin Geddes seems to have uncovered what may turn out to be a rich mine of obfuscation and denial.

    In asking a seemingly innocuous question of the House of Commons with regard to who might bear the responsibility for an apparently incorrect statement on the Parliamentary website, he has uncovered the tip of what may turn out to be a sizeable deposit of evasion which, whilst difficult to mine, could be very rewarding. In consequence, he is undertaking further exploratory drilling to see how far the seams of obfuscation may extend, to clarify the grades of ore that may be present and at what depth they are located.

    Whilst early indications are quite promising, and the location of the deposit looks very favourable, we would caution potential investors that at this very preliminary stage, it would be unwise to commit any funds that you cannot afford to lose, since obfuscation (although common enough) can be notoriously difficult to mine. The obfuscation itself may turn out to be not amenable to either

  • The Dutch Farmers Problem Explored


    Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Dutch legal philosopher, writer and political activist, interviewed here for the Spectator, explains the background to the farmers' protests against the Dutch government.

    One hour well-spent if you want to know more detail about where this argument came from, and how it is going.

    (58 minutes)


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  • The Law of the Land from First Principles


    There are days when I think I might as well give up this site and just direct everyone to Richard Vobes' YouTube channel, but he does interview such excellent people that I can't just pass over what he does simply because he's taking my site over! Maybe in due course I may get the opportunity to walk away, but that time is not quite here yet.

    Here he is talking to Marc Horn from Peace Keepers, and his discussion on the basic origins of the Coronation Oath, our constitution, the Bill of Rights, principles of equity, the common law, and Parliamentary legislation makes a great deal of sense to me. We really do need to choose our authorities carefully and understand the basic constructs, from first principles. The principles may be quite simple, but because they are unfamiliar, and some seem to prefer to misrepresent them, reorienting our understanding requires some re-working of our assumptions, both explicit and implicit.

    Net Zero Subsidies? Don't be Silly!


    Given that the windmills and solar panels have been supported by subsidies for many years whilst they got established, one might be forgiven for thinking that if they still need subsidies to be competitive then matters are not working out as expected, and it is now time for a serious "drains up" review of where it all went wrong.

    But governments time and again have demonstrated that there is no limit to which they will not stretch the actualité in pursuit of their favoured projects, no matter how much money they have to extract from our pockets in order to do so. The green delusion is no different. 

    NetZero Watch is on the case as always, speaking truth unto deaf power, and pointing out that the reformed power pricing and tax mechanisms devised by "our" government to keep the whole tottering power supply functioning - despite the manifest destabilisation inherent in the chosen "green" methods of generation - will hit the poorest the hardest (whilst doing nothing to reduce the fundamental need for gas

  • Sir Christopher Chope Excoriates the Government


    In a very parliamentary performance before a packed almost empty chamber, Sir Christopher addresses perhaps the most significant, most divisive and potentially devastating (for politicians) and sadly only too devastating (for the victims) topic that parliament as a whole clearly prefers not to face - almost matching the level of non-attendance that Andrew Bridgen inspired when he recently drew attention to statistics indicating the true nature of the "protection" afforded by the latest booster jabs. 

    Sir Christopher was highlighting the need to overhaul and make functional the compensation scheme for the vaccine-damaged. 

    That most of these victims have suffered from the Covid jabs is unsurprising given (a) the high numbers of the jabbed (b) the numbers who have received multiple jabs and (c) the novel nature of the

  • When is GMO not GMO? When it's a "Precision Bred Organism"


    The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act 2023 is now law in the UK.

    Following a public consultation from 7 January to 17 March 2021 (Covid notwithstanding), the government has published its response, plus a summary of the responses received (download).

    "Defra’s view is that organisms produced by GE or by other genetic technologies should not be regulated as GMOs if they could have been produced by traditional breeding methods"


    But who is to answer this significant "if"

  • The Geopolitics of Societal Collapse


    The end of the cycle, the "4th turning". The world is changing, but it has changed before.

    "... there's not really a way out of this trap... "

    Demoralisation, Destabilisation, Crisis, Normalisation

    (33 minutes)



  • What's Up with the Central Banks?


    Neil McCoy Ward takes us through the machinations of the Central Banks to "save" Credit Suisse - not to mention the global banking system - a week ago...

    This is not financial advice!

    They may have "saved" Credit Suisse, but what have they done to UBS?

    For "bonds" read "pension funds"...

    Oh, and "customers are causing these problems by withdrawing their own money... "

    (19 minutes)'


  • The Great Corporate Food-Grab?


    Will Bill Gates rule the world?

    The UN-WEF partnership with elected governments around the world has reached an unprecedented level of disconnect from the people who supposedly elect their government (if we ignore all previous precedents such as enforced collective farming under the communists).

    In a competitive market the people can decide with whom they want to do business, so they have a powerful economic weapon at their disposal - they can give their custom to whomsoever they judge worthy of it. Of course that assumes a diverse market with many independent suppliers in healthy and friendly competition, as at one time was the norm. Compared with casting a vote every five years for a politician that will then vote as directed by the party (and its donors) rather than in the interests of their constituents, that gives the people a truly powerful influence.

    Or it used to, before the age of the mega-corporations, who seem to have by one means or another

  • The Fulford Report Monday 27 March 2023


    "The collapse of the Western financial system is a mathematical certainty because recent rate hikes created at least an $8 trillion loss for financial institutions. Governments have been trying to foist this on the people. Revolution will be the result. This is why unprecedented unrest is overtaking France, Germany, Pakistan, Israel and many other places"

    The pace of change is clearly escalating, so we may expect the collapse to keep pace.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Bird Flu - Exterminate, or Rebuild on the Survivors?


    One hears many rumblings in the media about bird flu and poultry shortages, but of course there's never a problem that government intervention cannot make immeasurably worse "for our safety".

    Even if government did nothing, poultry farms would individually try differing approaches and those that hit upon the right methodology would subsequently prosper, whilst the remainder would be asking them "what did you do right?". Before long everyone would be doing right.

    Government stepping in simply ensures that everyone does it wrong, and cannot subsequently learn from those that did it right.

    (So it is with all top-down centralised control, whether we are talking chickens, beef, motorised transport, film making, pandemics, news media, religion, or monetary madness. The host of individuals operating collectively by their own individual free association, free speech, and free will and judgement is inherently superior to central diktat, since it enables all sorts

  • "Who Watches the Watchers? Who Guards the Guards?"


    Neil Oliver needs no introduction from me. Here he speaks to our times and he speaks for the growing army of citizens all over the world who don't outsource their thinking to anybody.

    Does he speak for you also?

    (12 minutes)


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  • "The American Empire is Dead - We're Just Waiting for the Body to Fall"


    A wide-ranging review of world geopolitics and how the West is shaping up with two of the most informed and experienced commentators - Scott Ritter, and Ray McGovern.

    It's not really about Ukraine, it's about America and at one hour and fifty minutes it's a deep dive, so schedule a gap in your "copious free time" and settle down with a cup of tea.

    You may feel the need for something a little stronger if you make it to the end...   but making it to the very end is highly recommended.

    (1 hr 50 mins)


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