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This is a story that may be central to the world's current predicament and "the Donald" 's campaign to restore a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" in accordance with the historic Constitution of the United States.

Ever since the foundation of that nation following the war of independence, external forces are believed to have plotted and conspired to regain control by fair means and foul.

The establishment of the Federal Reserve following the sinking of the Titanic is thought by some to be merely the latest event contrived to lay the foundation for a plundering of that nation for its wealth, its military, its workers, and its resources, all of which were used to create the propitious conditions for a world global government (AKA New World Order). 

This article from American Media Group lays out in considerable detail a long trail of financial conflicts that lead from disputed farm repossessions in 1978 all the way to the 2001 9/11 destruction of the World Trade Centre (not to mention the strike on the Pentagon), and onward to Presidential and Judicial shenanigans in recent times that now culminate in "the Donald" and the Biden; and a fascinating read it is too.

It may even determine the future shape of the world.

See also this little legal minefield.

I can't vouch for all its ins and outs, but it's supportive reading.


I don't pretend that I followed all of this presentation, but it certainly ties in to the story.

"I can't tell you who to believe"

(90 minutes)