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Free Citizen

  • UK Column News Monday 12th June - Don't Miss!


    UK Column News reports from the front lines of journalism.

    Bad case law coming to the whole of the UK - The Government is pushing its "unethical" RSE education, and Child Protection Wales is on a roll.

    And much more, as they say.

    An edition to remember.

    (72 minutes)

    Watch on UK Column.


  • The Appeal of Apeel


    CHD TV interviews Christof Plothe D.O. who explains where Apeel came from, how a tiny start-up became an instant hit, the links to the WHO (how did you guess?) and other notable "usual suspects".

    It is applied (in separate forms) both before harvest and after harvest...

    Can be used on organic produce, (despite its pesti-/fungi-cide content?).

    Won't wash off.

    Oh, and it's "carbon friendly"...

    There's no full list of ingredients to bother our pretty little heads with, but all the regulators think it's absolutely fine so there's no cause to worry, right?

    "... you don't see any of these substances on the website of Apeel, but the patent itself ... in order to produce these substances even several heavy metals are being used... "

    "... we are left to a

  • Fulford Report Monday 12th June 2023


    In contrast to last week, Ben's report this week is upbeat.

    Plenty to get our teeth into.

    "Flaming June" may be more this year than just an artistic depiction of summer's heat.

    Once trade collapses and supplies dry up, the end must be brought on to prevent widespread famine and associated disruptions. Once America turns this corner, the world will follow in short order.

    Modest subscription recommended


  • Redacted Brings us Up to Date


    Redacted cover a number of matters that I have not, for all sorts of reasons - but I'm happy to feature this episode as it updates us on several issues:

    Ukraine attacks Belgorod in Russia (to what purpose we have to ask - how does shelling a civilian area further their war objectives?  Do they have ammunition to waste on civilians?),

    Tucker Carlson rides again,

    Oxfam (whom we all thought was for relieving famine) strays decidedly off-message,

    and Mel Gibson is up to some $34 billion thing.

    (100 minutes)



  • An Academic Experience of Propaganda


    An American academic taking a dispassionate view of propaganda?

    Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog) may not be our idea of a dispassionate interviewer, but his interviewee today is a very cool dispassionate and level-headed and indeed persuasive academic who (in my view) talks a great deal of good sense.

    You couldn't make it up, but he didn't have to...

    Of course, it could all be a gross inversion of the truth - it's your judgement that counts.

    (67 minutes) 


  • British Health Dodgy, World Health Take-Over


    It is now well past abundantly clear that our government is uninterested in our health, but very interested in making as much money for its cronies as may be possible by a pretence of interest.

    Whilst deaths from heart failure surge ever higher, nobody seems to want to take any notice - a bit like nobody wants to take any notice of Andrew Bridgen MP when he speaks of the aftermath of the jabs on many. The jabs are the sacred juice that can do no harm, despite everybody knowing that "adverse events" are an acknowledged and indeed inevitable feature of their operation.

    A severe case of Logic Dysphoria?

    Do we have a cure for that?


  • Net Zero Shambles


    Like the Ukraine War, the Net Zero "plans" simply fall apart when put to the test.

    Why is this?

    The Net Zero cult, like any cult, is long on emotional dependency and very very lacking in rational analysis.

    Its end is inevitable.

    And approaches ever faster.

    Hopefully as does the end of the war in the

  • Final Proof - Tedros is an Automaton?


    OK - the title is speculation on my part - but would you bet against it?

    The world has moved on from Covid but the WHO is determined to build the global security apparatus that will protect us from all the future "pandemics" that it has miraculously prophesied, and which will undoubtedly make us eternally grateful for their wisdom and forethought.

    Not to mention laying the groundwork for the global freedom security and support grid - oh wait, that's a baseless conspiracy theory which I shouldn't have mentioned.

    Full story here.

    (14 minutes)



  • Breaking All Records ...


    ... for maladministration?

    But perhaps as it was a "pandemic" there was neither time nor need for the bureaucrats to follow their own bureaucratic procedures for the protection of the public?

    A year after ICAN asked the question, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) responded with the time-honoured report:

    "A search of our records did not locate any documents responsive to your request"

    Read the ICAN Legal Update.

    I wonder if the MHRA falls similarly short? Would you bet that they don't?


  • Fulford on Friday 9th June 2023


    Benjamin is on full form today - but it's a video so not free-to-view until next Friday.

    Nevertheless I summarise the essential message - Get On With It, the time for action is well overdue! 

    And so say all of us.


  • A View from the "Basement"


    An independent-thinking American comments on current world events in his own idiosyncratic style... make of it what you will.

    (25 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Who Blew the Kakhovka Dam?


    Speculation is rife, arguments and counter arguments are traded, but for informed analysis we turn to Scott Ritter, a man whose life has been immersed in geo-politics and the military - if he doesn't have an informed opinion, I don't know who has.

    (32 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Forensic Analysis of Vaccine Regulatory Failure in The USA


    It's been a long time in the making, but it's a hum-dinger, a triumph of logic and evidence over blah-speak.

    Aaron Siri runs us briskly through the long and sorry story.

    We are left wondering how any government could have come to the decisions that Congress came to with respect to the problems that the vaccine industry was facing over three decades ago.

    We in the UK might ask why the UK followed a similar route?

    It's very simple - but how could it happen?


    1 hr 57 minutes.


  • Satanism Means The Inversion of Everything


    Satanic or not, our institutions of State are increasingly being seen as working in the interests of somebody else other than the people.

    Even in Parliament, "our" MPs have almost to a man refused to listen to Andrew Bridgen when he sought to highlight the plight of those injured by the mRNA jabs. That by itself is quite extraordinary.

    Even though it has always been acknowledged (and still is in words) that vaccines can have adverse effects, the MHRA has made no discernible effort to monitor and report on the extent and nature of these adverse effects, even though these vaccines implement previously untried technology and did not undergo the extended safety trials that were required of all previous vaccines. 

    The opportunity for error was at once obvious, also apparently discounted for no reason. These facts are indisputable.

    If Parliament is broken, then so is our country.


  • Why are the Wheels on the Green Bus not Turning?


    It seems that it it isn't just in the UK where the promises of alternative warmth from non-fossil-fuel sources are lacking in the actual delivery.

    All around the world the actualité is coming home to roost and even the politicians, try as they might, are finding that they can't spout sufficient hot air to keep their constituents warm and cosy.

    It's a sad story, but obviously it can't be their fault, since being politicians they can surely find someone else to take the blame?

    "There’s a lot of talk of a “transition”, and a lot of enthusiasm for it. There’s just no transition"

    "... atmospheric CO2 continued to rise, indeed rose faster than at any point since 1850 yet the increase in temperature stopped"

    Ukraine War Just Escalated - Nova Kakhovka dam Destroyed


    Crimea now reportedly without a fresh water source.

    Not to mention flooding, and water used for cooling a nuclear power plant.

    This will not end well.

    (21 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Motivational Globalist Socialist Video


    It was never about our health, it was about training us into unthinking compliance.

    Literally unthinkable compliance.

    Absolutely real.

    Only we the people of humanity stand in their way, but humanity has no place in their globalist future.

    It's not just about America, it's about the world.

    Whether or not we agree with all the ideas expressed herein, I suspect that we can agree with the notion that the world faces a fork in the road. A choice ultimately between the route toward top-down control by the self-appointed few, and the route toward bottom-up control by and for the many.

    "What does it mean to master the future?"

    (101 minutes)


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  • For the Highest Good


    This may not be for you...

    But for those whose minds are not quite locked shut, this may well be of interest.

    "There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

    I have no such experience, so I offer offer no comment, but it's your view that matters.

    (60 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.