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Conspiracy Corner

  • The Struggle for Survival of the Oligarchs


    In counterpoint to Ivor's "Wars of the Bankers", LaRouchePAC runs us through the history of the oligarchy from Plato/Socrates through to America and Lyndon LaRouche.

    Do you think that rule by filthy-rich oligarchs is a modern phenomenon? Think again...

    "Through Plato’s writing, Socrates details all of the inherent flaws of oligarchical rule and all of the practices which will lead to its downfall"

    "The American Revolution changed human society in the most profound ways possible. It proclaimed a culture based on human freedom, equality, economic development, and ongoing upward human progress"

    The above isn't strictly accurate - it didn't change the existing societies, it set up a new beta test version of how we as free men would best govern ourselves. Like all beta tests, it

  • The Wars of the Bankers?


    Once again Ivor Cummins brings us a lucid and compelling theory - this time not by himself, but introduced by himself - behind the wars of the past centuries, and the theme underlying them all.

    It's as short and succinct as can be expected, but a bit of a roller-coaster given the extent of the timescale covered. Don't blink, or you'll miss one .

    (46 minutes)


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  • The Shape of Wars to Come?


    This site has remarked upon this topic before, but it hasn't really gained much mainstream coverage. Still, we now have some reporting that work by "German, Swedish, Finnish and UK Defence specialists" is being used by the UK military and the German Bundeswehr working together to "to understand how human augmentation emerging technologies could affect the future of society, security and Defence".

    Given the state of the war in Ukraine, how likely do we think it is that that benighted country is going to be used, or is already being used, as a testing-ground for such technology?

    If they are, however hesitantly, now floating the idea across the general public, then it's a reasonable bet that this is already happening, "for our safety" of course.

    And if the trials in theatre prove successful, then roll-out will commence in earnest.

    Should we be worried? Forces personnel have no choice when medical preventative measures are required of

  • Fulford Monday Report - 9/11 2023


    With the stakes for Global Control being pushed ever higher each week now, this report is a must-read (even if you have to subscribe).

    With earthquakes, fires, floods, sometimes simultaneously, being reported all around the world, I'm beginning to feel that the UK is uniquely tranquil. I pray that it lasts.

    Modest subscription required.


  • "Energy Bill", or "Energy - Dictatorial Powers - Bill"?


    Another critique of the Bill - this time from the Daily Sceptic. As you might expect, it's sceptical.

    The war is not between Left and Right, the war is between centralisation (empowerment of the few) and freedom (empowerment of the many).

    The Bill wants to impose the elite's favoured "solutions" upon the many, and it will as always end in disaster, because they never choose their "solutions" either wisely or appropriately. Despite having all the best advisers at their beck and call ready to advise them, their solutions are invariably political and one-size-fits-all because without that - well, I guess we have no need of them!

    They are behaving like zombies that cannot see or hear any conflicting evidence. Maybe we really do have no need of them.

    If we find our own solutions then we will quickly pick up on those whose solutions work best, and these solutions will be copied because they work

  • Harbingers of the End of the World as We Know It


    Nothing is as it seems, and nothing is accidental.

    Max Igan reviews the horrific recent events around the world.

    Nothing particularly new here, but pulling it all together creates an arresting narrative.

    At least Max is (mostly) cool calm and collected, as always.

    "There're going to bring these fires back in Australia"

    "Don't give these corporate parasites the opportunity to modify our Constitution"

    (77 minutes)



  • Neil Tells It Like It Is


    Another pin-point polemic that skewers "our" government and "our" national leaders.

    And all those that still think that we live in a democracy.

    Listen carefully, or you will miss something important.

    "Tell them they can stick the whole joyless totalitarian hypocritical anti-human lot of it where the sun don't shine"

    Amen to that.

    (12 minutes)


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  • Fulford Report Monday 4 Sep 2023


    Ben's report this week indicates incoming turbulence among those who would still be the movers and shakers of this world - but who are beginning to resemble a cartoon character in the Wile E Coyote tradition. Please don't laugh - this is serious after all.

    "Many deep state people were expecting money from the Rockefellers today [September 1st] but NOBODY got a penny-they went all around the world to various banks and found out their accounts were either not there or drained of funds % of the money the IRS collects is supposed to go to Rocky’s banks but not anymore"

    Is there any light at the end of this cartoon tunnel? (Modest subscription required)


  • The Delingpod - Featuring Brian Gerrish


    The story of Brian Gerrish, his time in the Navy, his time as a journalist at UK Column, and his viewpoint on how our UK government really operates.

    "... you're talking about a multi-billion pound industry... children as a commodity are worth a fortune"

    And that's not the half of it.

    If you want to know how our governing classes operate, watch to the end.


    (2 hrs 1 min)



  • "We Are ... Still a Member of the European Project"


    Just in case anybody is still unaware, Mahyar Tousi spells out the effectual truth for us:

    "We are apparently still a member of the European Project"

    (except of course our "membership" doesn't extend to allowing Nigel Farage or any other UK MEPs back into the European Parliament - it's an "à la carte" unofficial membership with all the costs and responsibilities - such as open borders - and none of the benefits)

    Quelle Surprise.

    (7 minutes)


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  • Motivations Driving the Ukraine War


    Thrive was founded by independent researcher Foster Gamble many years ago to investigate what really goes on in the world.(Watch the resulting documentaries here)

    As part of his personal Free to Thrive blog, he has published what he considers to be the top ten reasons behind the Ukraine war.

    No big surprises here, but laid out with exceptional clarity and leaving little room for doubt.


  • From Inside the Belly of he Beast


    Former London banker Alexander Pohl explains his journey of awakening - from wide-eyed ingenu to old hand who knows how the system is worked to the benefit of the unscrupulous.

    "... there's a lot of dark stuff in these companies' supply chains... it's all about money... "

    He tried to escape - but found that the system was following him...

    "... then I was left with Sweden"

    (92 minutes)

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  • They Always Plan Events in Advance


    Event 201, where the "great and the good" got together in 2019 to plan how a new pandemic should be handled, effectively heralded the Covid "pandemic".

    The shaping of public opinion is a trademark of the secret services - that is clear from Operation Mockingbird, where the CIA took control of the American media. Why do that unless you want to manipulate public opinion?

    Of course, the British are alleged to have helped the Americans to set up the CIA after the end of WW2. So have the British secret services been up to the same kind of tricks as their counterparts in the USA?

    Tricks that may go well beyond the mere manipulation of public

  • What is Going on in Syria?


    Vanessa Beeley bring Redacted up to date with deep state activities to destabilise Syria, and Russia's response to these provocations.

    (17 minutes)


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    Time to audit where all the money and weapons that were "sent to the Ukraine" really end up.

  • Lahaina Maui Destruction Revisited


    Sasha Latypova (of Pfizer investigatory fame) turns her attention to the strange selectivity of the destructionon the island of Maui.

    "What’s unique about this is the infrastructure of this town is intact. The gov buildings are fine, all roadways are fine and usable. Bridges are intact. The water treatment plant on top of the hill adjacent to school (east end of Lahaina) is fine. School is intact. The substation and solar farm next to school are intact"

    In fact, all the local authority infrastructure seems to have somehow escaped the unstoppable inferno that totally destroyed all the private property.

  • Tavistock - the Master Manipulators


    Mass psychosis - Mind control - Media manipulation - Cultural programming - Brainwashing - Social psychiatry - Psychological warfare - Behaviour modification - and no doubt more ways of saying the same thing - controlling the thinking of humanity for their own ends.

    "Who are they"?



    Exactly. They are largely unknown because they keep themselves out of the limelight, out of the news, operating behind the scenes through front groups, especially the "secret" services, the global bankers, corporations, media, charitable foundations, and unelected NGOs the world over, not to mention the WEF and their placemen in national and local governments the world over.

    Today though they are getting an unaccustomed volume of publicity, just not in the increasingly lame-stream media.

  • Virology - True or False?


    Regular readers will know that this site is highly dubious about the claims of a coronavirus rampant causing a recent pandemic. This doubt is fuelled by the obviously inadequate nature of the "test" by which the "infection" was "confirmed". The fact that "the science" never condescended to even consider this evidence indicated that this was an argument they would not willingly address, and we must assume that in all likelihood this was because they knew it was an argument that they could not win.

    This line of thought alone is sufficient to debunk the reality of the pandemic - especially as (prior to vaccinations being applied) the overall death rate remained largely within normal bounds - some pandemic!


  • Let Me Count the Ways - in Which the US Constitution Has Been Violated


    This is pretty much a reverse chronological ("latest first") account of the subversion of the US Constitutional principles.

    How was it done?

    The only way it could be done - by corrupting all those in positions of power, both appointed and elected, together with the main opinion-formers - over decades.

    A most revealing read.


  • Mark the Dates!


    Courtesy of Martin Geddes, we have some projected dates for which the said happenings may or may not arrive on schedule.

    No events, no pack drill!

    Obviously this is for those who deny (or merely query) most of the government's narratives - you know who you are.

    I have no information currently (other than arcane stuff about site upgrades), so I'm happy to pass on what others have gleaned. 

    Stay cool.

  • CBDCs by Stealth?


    Iain Davis reminds us that the Central Banks want us all on a central controllable currency (CCC?) and that they are likely prepared to do it under layers of obfuscation that look just like the current system where no central control over our individual spending is feasible.

    In Part 1 The Synthetic Hegemonic Currency is described. It's the death of the dollar and how the dollar, the hegemonic currency of years past, can be replaced as a basis for international trade.

    In Part 2 A Synthetic Hegemonic Currency For a Multipolar Global Economy he updates us on how the Central Banks will likely try to foist a CCC on us in disguise by replication of current central and retail banking structures (albeit linked one-to-one beneath
