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Conspiracy Corner
Are We at the Precipice of Destruction? Fulford Report 16 Sep 2024
Nuclear War seems to hold a number of western politicians in thrall - judging by the number who want the Ukraine to fire the missiles that they sent them deep into Russia.
We know from past events that Ukraine's attacks are less for military purposes than for terrorism on the civilian populations. To rational people that seems to be self-destructive and pointless, but maybe we simply misunderstand their motivation... not to win, but to inflame and escalate the conflict.
Once the first missile is despatched, only days will likely remain before Russia determines that their response too must be to escalate.
"Please refrain from all engagements until such time as we can establish meaningful diplomatic engagement. We have actionable intelligence of fifth columns. Stand down all nuclear capability
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Net Zero Unaffordable? Not to Government ...
After all, government can simply up the tax rates and freeze the thresholds (not to mention the pensioners - so I won't. After all, with the new assisted dying rules coming down the track, they will likely take care of themselves, if they can get an NHS appointment. And if they can't, the government can fast-track them).
So when will public realisation explode into action?
Short History of Major Western False Flags since WW2
It's a habit that is hard to break, but there is little doubt that the USA has made much use of false flag attacks both at home and abroad in order to sway public opinion behind their plans for war.
From the assassination of President John F Kennedy (not covered in this video), through Pearl Harbour, through the 2001 attack on the Twin Towers that heralded the "War on Terror", to the present day, there are almost too many to list, and certainly too many to cover in this short video, but there are enough to paint the picture of a number of successive presidencies that were all in on the game, from Pearl Harbour right through to the 2014 Maidan revolution in the Ukraine that heralded the slow-burn War on Russia.
To my mind this narrative brings to the fore the true nature of the much vaunted (but never defined) "Special Relationship" between the UK and the USA, since (with the exception of the Vietnam war in which Harold Wilson declined to participate) the UK has supported all the resulting wars,
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Monkeypox Mania
Yes, the conspiracy theorists are working overtime on this one - and after the last one, who can blame them?
"... now all of a sudden we're looking for the world's basket of pathogens that we can say are out-breaking convenient as we time the fatalities associated with the injection"
"... now we're taking all the symptoms that those people are going to present with, and we now have a convenient narrative that says it's a new pathogen... "
Ridiculous of course... but wait - would you bet against it?
(25 minutes)
Migration Starmered?
Migration Watch bring us up to date on the government's progress in handling migration. Well, maybe "progress" is a directional concept, normally implying improvement rather than failure.
In truth, governments of all stripes are legendary for their incompetence, not to mention perversity and fierce estrangement from matters common-sensical, so this one is probably just continuing on in the same direction as set by their predecessors and no doubt still guiding their civil servants today - government policy is a big ship and turning it is evidently a long and laborious exercise.
But has this exercise been started?
Perhaps we will find out when the government publishes their eagerly and long awaited new periodical from the Ministry of Truth. Shouldn't be long now. After all, with the advances afforded by modern AI, publication should be cinch.
Whither will AI Take Us? Or Whither will We Take AI?
Much has been written about AI and much no doubt still has to be written (possibly also by AI), so what is our future - will humanity slip the ring over AI's (virtual) digit and embark on a mutually supportive and happy life together, spawning Yuval Noah Harari's happy brood of Davos-style hybrid transhumans, or will it all end in tears and an acrimonious parting of the ways, with humanity desperately trying to pull the plug on the AI's power supplies before the latter's drone swarms can intercept us?
Well, as we have remarked in these (virtual) pages before, there's AI and then there's all the other varieties of AI.
Clearly Google knows a great deal about AI, its uses and misuses, and Google whistle-blower Zach Vorhies has been closer to the AI scene, for good or ill, than most of us.
Here he is interviewed by Andy Steele of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and a wide-ranging interview it is (although 9/11 does get a mention in passing). As with
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NATO at War with Russia? I Can't Wait!
Friday 13th may not be the most auspicious time to declare war on Russia, but NATO seems to think that war is what NATO is there for. What was once sold to the public as a purely defensive alliance will shortly likely morph into an offensive grouping, just as soon as Messrs Lammy and Blinken can put the appropriate words together into a formal statement.
"... long-range arms for Kyiv would mean 'NATO countries at war with Russia'
Don't take my word for it, take Mr Putin's.
Of course, if the Russian president really is a demented madman bent on world domination (and it is true that he was once one of Klaus Schwab's "young global leaders") then assisting the Ukraine defend itself from an entirely unprovoked attack might make sense (although we've been "assisting" for so long now to apparently
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The Time Before the Moon ...
There's a whole raft of contentious assertions here, but my purpose is not to say "Believe!" but rather to say: "Question everything!".
Michael Tellinger is no intellectual slouch and has investigated many geographical features found in South Africa, so I respect his opinions - that's not to say that he is invariably right, and I don't think he has been to the moon to check it out at first-hand.
What is the moon anyway? What do we really know about it?
(45 minutes)
Who's Who in the Patriotsphere
The Dark Powers love to play on both sides.
They own the "competing" political parties.
They finance both armies in every war (except the war against them).
So there are likely social media channels that are run by them also, even though in appearance they seem to be run by ... let us call them "patriots".
How to recognise them?
No "patriot" is in this game for self-glorification.
"Patriots" do try to bring relevant knowledge forward via their channels, together with supportive references - they are in the game of spreading enlightenment as best they can.
"Patriots" may promote other "patriots" whose work they consider valuable.
Deep State actors have no such interests, but seek to promote confusion and distrust from beneath a
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Fulford Report - Monday 9 Sep 2024
This week's report reviews the growing unrest around the world, notably in North America, where National Guard Troops are in evidence in a number of cities, and South America, where the Deep State seems to have a fight on its hands in several countries.
Modest subscription required for full access.
9/11 Unchained
The good folk at Archtects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth held their annual conference yesterday Saturday 7 September, to remember the events of the demolition of the twin towers World Trade Centre + WTC7 on 11th September 2001 (I remember watching the event live at work on a colleague's PC monitor).
As allegedly the false flag event to eclipse all false flags, it served its purpose of preparing public opinion for the announcement of the "war on terror". Well, "the war on humanity" doesn't sound so good does it?
SInce that event, many technically competent architects and engineers have mulled the proposition that a flimsy airplane could slice through the many supporting steel pillars which gave the building its structural integrity, and found it preposterous, along with the idea that mere airplane fuel could burn hot enough to collapse the structure.
And how the heck did the not dissimilarly constructed WTC7 collapse (like the twin towers, neatly into its
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Chemtrails - What's Up?
The inimitable Clif High (making a welcome return to his video format!) explains his putative understanding of the nature of chemtrails and the purposes that may lie behind them.
In this video he centres in on the aluminium content (although Strontium Barium and even Caesium do feature to a lesser extent).
(One does wonder whether Big Pharma's addiction to the inclusion of Aluminium adjuvants in their infamous jabs for healthy people might serve a similar motivation, but that is just conjecture on my part - the postulated connection with autism should be more than enough to dissuade any parent from jabbing their healthy child)
(51 minutes)
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Will Renewables Clean Up?
Well, some think that the much-hyped "renewables" will never be clean enough - and it's not just the natural environment that will suffer either, but also a problem of potentially "pandemic" proportions... well, I'll let Nick Hubble explain:
(15 minutes) (this is not financial advice!)
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How Fares the Russo-Ukraine War?
Scott Ritter and Danny Haiphong bring us up to date.
"The collapse is happening as we speak... "
(23 minutes)
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This discourse is all about the possibility of nuclear war - if peace cannot be found.
(33 minutes)
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What Is AI?
AI is a marvellous tool with many uses, but especially perhaps at this time for the high-level scammers in our world - how so?
Almost nobody (yet) understands how it works!
So we are all fodder for the scam-artists who want us to believe that AI will "rule the world", "take over all our jobs", "always win on the battlefield" (except maybe against another AI!), be all-knowing, etc etc.
So "is AI really omnipotent and can it replace human beings" is a potentially existential question for us.
That AI has its uses is incontrovertible - that it could completely replicate the functionality of a human being is unproven as yet. Some
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The Ivor Cummins "Incoming Totalitarian Compact" Report from the UK
Whilst Andy Thomas has been reading the runes from all corners of the global "conspiracy theorists" experience, Ivor has been interpreting the pronouncements of the Great and the Good of the UN and UK - but not necessarily finding it great & good...
"... and what's more, we want your kids to uproot it for us"
(12 minutes)
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The Andy Thomas Report 2024
The keynote speech from Andy Thomas at the 2024 Glastonbury Symposium is a cracker.
Now available on YouTube - if you want to know whither our world is hurtling, do not miss this session!
(62 minutes)
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The Hidden Hands Behind the Ukraine Story?
This guy explains the Atlantic Council interests, and much else besides, that led up to the coup in the Ukraine that was designed to impoverish Russian interests, lead to the take-over of Ukraine, and perhaps then of Russia herself.
The Atlantic Council being the New World Order branch concerned with marshalling Corporate interests, NATO, western governments and secret services to further the NWO's geopolitical ambitions.
If you thought that the Hunter Biden interest in Burisma was innocent, then this will open your eyes.
Take your time, this connects a lot of dots...
(49 minutes)
Fulford Report - Monday 2 Sept 2024
Apparently it isn't true that nothing is happening - behind the scenes the story is very different.
(Modest subscription required for full access)
The Case Against the UK Government
An excellent exposition of the governing classes of the UK, also of the current government of the UK and whither they are leading us.
It is also an appeal to the people.
It's your view that counts.
(12 minutes)
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