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  • The Dictatorship Goes Digital


    We have all been aware of the so-called digital currencies that  seemingly only tech-heads can hope to understand - a revolution that Bitcoin set of with panache and that has spawned an unimaginable number of digital blockchains that all seem to suffer from the same problems - they depend 100% on (a) the internet staying operable and (b) the punter remembering his access codes... both real killers if you are out of internet range or occasionally forgetful.

    Undaunted, the bankers recognise a control mechanism when they see one and they are all lining up to ensure that we transition (at whatever speed we can manage) to their favoured system. Of course it will initially operate alongside cash as a convenient alternative to cash and cards, but for how long, and will there be limits (yes there will)?

    Here's a quick summary of the primary protagonists:

  • Our World - An Historical Aberation?


    If the cure for top-down control is bottom-up freedom, then we the bottom-up people must start taking a controlling interest in politics - it's as simple as that.

    A major element of bottom-up must be creating a polity that can speak for the nation without maintaining dictatorial control over the nation.

    We are a world of nations for better or for worse.

    After recent events, I don't believe the majority of people will look kindly on giving the UN plenipotentiary powers over all nations, or on abolishing national borders with immediate unlimited effect, but we wouldn't wish to abolish the central UN talking-shop as it provides a useful function where independent nations can agree to cooperate in good faith on matters of common interest.

    So it is within the nation state - if we were to simply abolish Monarch Parliament and Judiciary overnight and all national institutions that make the nation work, I would

  • Down the Rabbit Hole 10 - Whither Humanity Now?


    (Readers are advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole 1, before continuing)

    "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only" - A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

    OK, so we've been here before!

    Council Tax Wars


    Martin Geddes' continuing battle to expose the alleged illegality of council tax demands continues...

    A somewhat testy response from the anonymous council servant is reported - yes, it's a war of attrition that most of us (myself included) simply don't have time for, but hey - someone has to do it!

    Indeed, everybody can do something, however small or apparently insignificant, to reclaim our right to individual free thought, free speech, and free action within the law.

    "Many hands make light work"!


  • Fulford Report - Monday 24 April 2023


    The Deep State continues to twist and turn...  but seemingly to little avail except to create chaos and further harm.

    Modest subscription required to read the full article.


  • "Down Under" No Longer!


    He Wakaputanga emerges in International media

    (4 minutes)



  • John Mappin Speaks his Mind


    John Mappin speaks to Flyover Conservatives - but I guess many of us are flyover conservatives now.

    Very interesting.

    The tide is turning in the UK and Europe.

    (34 minutes)



  • The Origins of World Control


    This is a long and convoluted story, so make of it what you will. 

    Whilst it necessarily skips over vast tracts of history, much of the history of recent centuries is widely recognised. Now may be a good time to review it.

    This is the type of new world order that I can support:

    "America was the greatest nation in history, because our people have always believed... that tomorrow can be better than today, and every one of us has a personal moral responsibility to make it so"

    But maybe that isn't the type that our leaders and manipulators have in mind for us:


    Mazzini Autofizza Furti Incendi Avvelengmeni
    (Mazzini authorises thefts fires and

  • How the Hell Do we Get to NetZero - And if we Can't?


    Some logical analysis of the evidence, from the redoubtable Nick Hubble (for whom I have the greatest respect) of Fortune and Freedom.

    It's not just the green/not green argument - it's how we do it, and the truly silly thing is that nobody seems to have come up with a feasible plan.

    Sadly, being silly has never been a bar to political promotion (some might even think that being both gullible and plausible is a primary qualification for an ambitious politician), so we can't just say that we won't believe it because it's too preposterous.

    We choose what we believe for better or for worse, and what we think and what we believe influences others, so it behoves each of us individually to choose very carefully when the stakes are as high as this. Going with the flow is no safeguard against the idiocy of our politicians.

    Policy comes into it, so does civil unrest, so does consent, so does timing, so does economics,

  • German Press and Perseus Group Take up the Story of Vaccine Injury


    In what seems likely to mark the start of full public recognition of the harms caused by the C jabs, the German press now find themselves competing to make sure they are not left behind the curve. 

    After all, the job of the press is to report the truth and hold the powerful to account - and they have a lot of lost time to make up.

    Now that a major European country is piercing the veil of press censorship, can the others be far behind?

    The Daily Sceptic has the story.

    Also the UK story that the Perseus Group ("a

  • A Happy Earth is a Prosperous Green Earth!


    As ever, those who would rule the world, together with their dupes and accomplices, have it exactly backwards - the way to green the Earth is through more CO2 not less!

    We know this from satellite photos, and the totally dismal record of failure of the predicted climate apocalypses that somehow never materialised.

    NetZero Watch celebrates 52 years of never getting it right, both for our entertainment, and for the necessary instruction of those who haven't been around that long but have suffered the indoctrination offered by our out-of-control education system.

    Was learning ever this much fun?


  • US Election 2024 - RFK Jnr - Arctic Geopolitics


    Robert F Kennedy Jr has declared his candidacy to contest the 2024 US presidential Election on a Democratic ticket. 

    Redacted dives into his stated policy platform and finds it an extraordinary break from past custom and practice that would absolutely turn American foreign and domestic policy on its head.

    Then they move on to discuss the current political ructions at the Arctic Council - where the current membership is seeking to exclude Russia ("50% of the Arctic coastline") from cooperation. A recipe for orderly peace and tranquillity, or something else?

    (1 hr 18 mins)



  • Andrew Bridgen Speaks to Brian Gerrish


    Reluctant rebel and ex-Tory MP Andrew Bridgen tells UK Column his story.

    It's well worth watching, although it remains unclear exactly why virtually all other MPs meekly parroted the government line, despite the evidence that almost nothing about this pandemic was routine, logical, or even valid. Astonishing.

    Drawing comparison with the thalidomide debacle:

    "I don't have a word for that level of Evil, Brian"

    "... that sovereignty belongs to my constituents... "

    (62 minutes)

    Watch the report here.


  • Programmed to Obey (2)


    Richard Vobes talks to Mark Lawrence, a counter-terror surveillance operator with experience from the Middle East.

    "In modern history I'd say this is one of the biggest cons I've ever seen... "

    "Government overreach on a massive scale... "

    Lets' hope that Rumble is less pernickety than YT.

    (63 minutes)



  • The US, Ukraine, China, Taiwan - Col Tony Shaffer


    Another update, this time from Tony Shaffer, regarding the war in Ukraine, Pentagon "leak", and general geopolitics. 

    There's a lot of discussion of how the leak occurred and who did what with various bits of paper, but the first casualty of war is the truth...

    (40 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • NATO in Deep Doodoo?


    Redacted report here on the Russian strike near Kiev which allegedly recently destroyed a 400 ft deep bunker full of top military, including top NATO military.

    Does NATO have any answer to Russia's weaponry?

    Or is the war now over, bar the final negotiation of "not surrendering"?

    (17 minutes, plus additional reports)


    Like/Dislike this video here.


  • The Ten Rules of Commerce


    Since just about everything somehow seems to be reduced to "commerce" these days, these rules could be important!

    I am no lawyer so I cannot and will not offer legal advice, but I found this presentation interesting, as it offers a number of principles that seem to make sense of how the legal systems work.

    Make of it what you will...

    (2 hours!)


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  • "A Directed, Targeted Bioweapon" ?


    As more and more information is released by Pfizer by court order, additional facts are coming to light.

    We have reported on Pascal Najadi's activities before - you may wish to refresh your memory.

    Especially note the judgement of the US Supreme Court and the subsequent cancellation by President Biden of the Emergency Use Authorisation for these jabs.

    (46 minutes)



  • A Telling Question ...


    This is a quicky - you only need to take in the first few minutes to get he drift (and it's only six minutes in all!).

    (6 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Programmed to Obey


    Richard Vobes talks to Mark Lawrence, a counter-terror surveillance operator with experience from the Middle East.

    "In modern history I'd say this is one of the biggest cons I've ever seen... "

    "Government overreach on a massive scale... "

    (63 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.