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If the cure for top-down control is bottom-up freedom, then we the bottom-up people must start taking a controlling interest in politics - it's as simple as that.

A major element of bottom-up must be creating a polity that can speak for the nation without maintaining dictatorial control over the nation.

We are a world of nations for better or for worse.

After recent events, I don't believe the majority of people will look kindly on giving the UN plenipotentiary powers over all nations, or on abolishing national borders with immediate unlimited effect, but we wouldn't wish to abolish the central UN talking-shop as it provides a useful function where independent nations can agree to cooperate in good faith on matters of common interest.

So it is within the nation state - if we were to simply abolish Monarch Parliament and Judiciary overnight and all national institutions that make the nation work, I would confidently expect chaos, and probably violence.

So we will have to take the softly softly approach of keeping the current structures until they outlive their usefulness, yet reforming their ethos to become the servants and not the masters of the people. No doubt that will be a tall order, but it must be faced.

An obvious place to start would be to reverse the centralisation of decades, and devolve responsibilities to the lowest practicable level. Our national government meddles far too much in matters that could and should be handled locally - we get one-size-fits-all and potentially nobody is happy.

Examples abound - fluoridation of water supplies, mass medication of bread and flour, supply of electricity gas oil and water via a national grid, financial support of MPs, regulation of all kinds (elections, planning, building, licensing, health and safety, education, news media, social media etc) and policing. 

A plurality of local schemes would allow for local innovation, which if successful would in their own time be voluntarily copied by other localities.

Obviously there are some items which should remain under national regulation - main line railways, main roads, armed forces (bring back local regiments?), foreign affairs / global politics.

No doubt many will disagree with some of my suggestions here but the principle stands - responsibility should be devolved to the lowest practicable level, and the higher levels should be responsible to (and paid for by) the lower levels, not vice versa. If you want an MP, you should fund your MP - in principle it should be your business and only yours how you appoint support and replace your MP!

Oh and the political party system, a fraud which pretends that MPs work for their constituents when they actually work for those who control the political parties, requires abolition. Likewise the judiciary should revert to supporting the lawful constitution, including trial by a jury of our peers, and the use of plain English as understood by the people. No legislation that cannot be readily comprehended by the common people should be enforceable, nor should anyone be above the law of the land. 

Lastly, all the above would be for nought if the global corporates are not broken up and reformed along similar lines. For example, Tesco branches could be autonomous, responsible for their own profits, and should appoint the management of the central functions which would be funded ultimately by the branches. The branches should own and control the hierarchy, not vice versa, and should be free to buy locally should they so wish.

All the existing hierarchies - political, judicial, executive, political, and corporate, need to be inverted, otherwise controlling power will simply be assumed by the hierarchies that remain.

And finally, transparency must be de rigeur. Secret societies / secret services cannot again be allowed to undermine the decentralised nature of the new world. The corollary is that privacy will need to be limited to non-financial matters, so that everyone can see who has the conflicts of interest.

That is a cultural and spiritual sea change which is going to take time, but the change of ethos, if properly managed, should be feasible.

Impossible you say? Would you prefer global dictatorship?

(15 minutes)


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