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  • Confused? You Will Be ...


    Sometimes, in trying to make sense of this weird world, we do well to step back, and just let our thoughts wander.

    Let Ole Dammegard be your guide...

    Long, but fascinating.

    Not for the temporally challenged!

    (91 minutes)



  • Climate Catastrophe Unchained


    Dane Wiggington has been pointing up the assertions of the so-called "Chem-trails" being sprayed in our skies for years, the assumption being that this is associated with the climate change nonsense so beloved of the UN agencies and WEF.

    Maria Zeee now unearths some documentation relating to some of this madness - from an official website of a US Government agency, the NOAA.

    "As part of Public Law 92-205 (1972), all non-Federal weather modification activities must be reported to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, via the NOAA Weather Program Office"

    ... from which we may infer that additional unreported federal weather modification activities will also in all likelihood exist...

    Apparently all in the name of solar radiation management - for the next 200 years. Assuming we last that long.

    "No Environmental Impact Statements

  • The Light on the Beeb


    There's no such thing as bad publicity - or so the saying goes, in which case the BBC has done the Light free newspaper a favour by running their disinformation correspondent Marianna Springover not only their output, but also over their editor Darren Nesbit.

    Before I go any further - full disclosure - Free Citizen UK advertises in the Light. Not because they or we are "far right" (in the BBC's favoured vernacular), but because we are both motivated to cover similar ground, namely, freedom of speech, and those topics and viewpoints that the mainstream (including the BBC) somehow have entirely failed to cover.

    That there is no shortage of such opportunity should provide pause for thought.

    We are by no means the only people stepping forward to fill that vacuum, as the vast

  • Good Scouting Project


    The Good Law Project highlights that the world can be an unsafe place for children.

    It stands to reason that predatory people will know where to look for their prey, so it isn't really surprising that the Scouts (no doubt alongside other institutions) may feature on the list for paedophiles.

    So a reminder that it's everybody's responsibility to be aware of the possibilities and to take appropriate safeguards, is useful.

    The GLP also highlight the assertion that the Scout Association "did their best to downplay what had happened" - which is understandable from the marketing viewpoint of course.

    So the idea of a central point that may be contacted by those who wish to put forward their own experiences is perhaps a useful contribution to greater transparency and safety, and may

  • Political Realignment - Straws in the Wind?


    Mahyar Tousi reports.

    (15 minutes)


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    Whilst the coming together of the (very) fragmented opposition parties may be applauded, it's worth bearing in mind that defeating the main parties in a bye-election, whilst a positive move, will have little impact upon our controlled political system.

    It's plain now for all to see that whatever party gets into "power", true power lies behind the scenes with the party funders and controllers, and politics is just the show that they hope will convince the voters that we have some sort of influence. It's "

  • Is Britain a Lawless Kingdom?


    Retired copper Mark Sexton, ably supported by some honest lawyers, is well on the way to proving the point, although he isn't quite there yet.

    Of course, the opportunities afforded by our justice system for procrastination delay (and the heaping of massive costs upon the unwary) being legendary, this may yet take some time...  but (up to a point) "patience is a virtue". 

    "... a long line of cases shows that it is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done" -Lord Chief Justice Hewart 1924

    In a case as huge as this, "justice must be seen to be done".

    It is surely no exaggeration to suppose that the future of our country is at stake here.


  • The State of the Nation Report - June 2023


    Succinctly put by our inimitable Richard Vobes.

    (9 minutes)




  • UK Column News Monday 12th June - Don't Miss!


    UK Column News reports from the front lines of journalism.

    Bad case law coming to the whole of the UK - The Government is pushing its "unethical" RSE education, and Child Protection Wales is on a roll.

    And much more, as they say.

    An edition to remember.

    (72 minutes)

    Watch on UK Column.


  • The Appeal of Apeel


    CHD TV interviews Christof Plothe D.O. who explains where Apeel came from, how a tiny start-up became an instant hit, the links to the WHO (how did you guess?) and other notable "usual suspects".

    It is applied (in separate forms) both before harvest and after harvest...

    Can be used on organic produce, (despite its pesti-/fungi-cide content?).

    Won't wash off.

    Oh, and it's "carbon friendly"...

    There's no full list of ingredients to bother our pretty little heads with, but all the regulators think it's absolutely fine so there's no cause to worry, right?

    "... you don't see any of these substances on the website of Apeel, but the patent itself ... in order to produce these substances even several heavy metals are being used... "

    "... we are left to a

  • Fulford Report Monday 12th June 2023


    In contrast to last week, Ben's report this week is upbeat.

    Plenty to get our teeth into.

    "Flaming June" may be more this year than just an artistic depiction of summer's heat.

    Once trade collapses and supplies dry up, the end must be brought on to prevent widespread famine and associated disruptions. Once America turns this corner, the world will follow in short order.

    Modest subscription recommended


  • Redacted Brings us Up to Date


    Redacted cover a number of matters that I have not, for all sorts of reasons - but I'm happy to feature this episode as it updates us on several issues:

    Ukraine attacks Belgorod in Russia (to what purpose we have to ask - how does shelling a civilian area further their war objectives?  Do they have ammunition to waste on civilians?),

    Tucker Carlson rides again,

    Oxfam (whom we all thought was for relieving famine) strays decidedly off-message,

    and Mel Gibson is up to some $34 billion thing.

    (100 minutes)



  • An Academic Experience of Propaganda


    An American academic taking a dispassionate view of propaganda?

    Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog) may not be our idea of a dispassionate interviewer, but his interviewee today is a very cool dispassionate and level-headed and indeed persuasive academic who (in my view) talks a great deal of good sense.

    You couldn't make it up, but he didn't have to...

    Of course, it could all be a gross inversion of the truth - it's your judgement that counts.

    (67 minutes) 


  • British Health Dodgy, World Health Take-Over


    It is now well past abundantly clear that our government is uninterested in our health, but very interested in making as much money for its cronies as may be possible by a pretence of interest.

    Whilst deaths from heart failure surge ever higher, nobody seems to want to take any notice - a bit like nobody wants to take any notice of Andrew Bridgen MP when he speaks of the aftermath of the jabs on many. The jabs are the sacred juice that can do no harm, despite everybody knowing that "adverse events" are an acknowledged and indeed inevitable feature of their operation.

    A severe case of Logic Dysphoria?

    Do we have a cure for that?


  • Net Zero Shambles


    Like the Ukraine War, the Net Zero "plans" simply fall apart when put to the test.

    Why is this?

    The Net Zero cult, like any cult, is long on emotional dependency and very very lacking in rational analysis.

    Its end is inevitable.

    And approaches ever faster.

    Hopefully as does the end of the war in the

  • Final Proof - Tedros is an Automaton?


    OK - the title is speculation on my part - but would you bet against it?

    The world has moved on from Covid but the WHO is determined to build the global security apparatus that will protect us from all the future "pandemics" that it has miraculously prophesied, and which will undoubtedly make us eternally grateful for their wisdom and forethought.

    Not to mention laying the groundwork for the global freedom security and support grid - oh wait, that's a baseless conspiracy theory which I shouldn't have mentioned.

    Full story here.

    (14 minutes)



  • Breaking All Records ...


    ... for maladministration?

    But perhaps as it was a "pandemic" there was neither time nor need for the bureaucrats to follow their own bureaucratic procedures for the protection of the public?

    A year after ICAN asked the question, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) responded with the time-honoured report:

    "A search of our records did not locate any documents responsive to your request"

    Read the ICAN Legal Update.

    I wonder if the MHRA falls similarly short? Would you bet that they don't?


  • Marking America's 250th Anniversary in 2026


    Reminding us of how the American Centenary was celebrate by a great exposition in 1876, LaRouchPAC waxes eloquent about what was done then - and what may be done now "starting on Memorial Day 2025 and continuing through July 4th, 2026".

    It makes a refreshing change from the gloom and doom that infests our news today, but 2025 is only 2 years away, so somebody would need to get cracking and I'm not sure that Uncle Joe is up for it.


  • Fulford on Friday 9th June 2023


    Benjamin is on full form today - but it's a video so not free-to-view until next Friday.

    Nevertheless I summarise the essential message - Get On With It, the time for action is well overdue! 

    And so say all of us.


  • The Fulford Review - Wednesday


    Benjamin reviews the current state of the world for Patriot Underground on Bitchute.

    "The US is under attack, there's no doubt about it"

    Is anything what it seems?

    As always, make up your own mind.

    (50 minutes)



  • A View from the "Basement"


    An independent-thinking American comments on current world events in his own idiosyncratic style... make of it what you will.

    (25 minutes)


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